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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 20, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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of the this is dw news line from ballot. sweeping migration reforms and the european union member states agree tied to rules following painstaking negotiations. states hope to reduce the numbers arriving illegally. also coming up donald trump. bob from standing of the us presidential primaries in colorado accord rules, the former president's role in the 2021. the talk on the capital make sense. i'm fixing to hold office again and the difficulties facing disciplines who managed to leave north korea. the fiscal family members left behind the harsh realities of
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jail. indeed all through terry and country and shyness. willingness to send those paid things back. sauce highlights over the latest volcano eruption in iceland. sites is told to keep away from the mountain, shooting fountains of lava science with yeah, the, i'm gonna have health as well come to the program. european union countries have agreed on a series of sweeping reforms to the blogs asylum system. after years of negotiation, a majority of mental states which consensus on new rules to come, irregular migration reforms includes speedy. a veteran of migrants and new board of detention centers rejected as autumn. see, it goes will face speed, the port taishan and a new solidarity mechanism should distribute new arrivals
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a more evenly countries that refuse to take in by friends will have to provide funding to those which do of the european parliament's president for that time. it sort of says it's a significant step forward, but today is truly a he started today. i am surrounded by colleagues who have not slept whole days and nights. my colleagues have managed to find the balance between solidarity and responsibility across old files. it was not easy, but his only makes this achievement even more importance. we have defied the arts and proven that you were can deliver on the issue that matches to citizens. i'll process correspondent rosa palatez told me more about what the reforms actually mean for people that seek asylum in the or what we've heard from you. officials here really describing this as historic and as long as i've been covering this year
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in brussels, it has been such a device as topic among e u. member states. so you officials claiming this is a big success. on the other hand, i've had a campaign or is writing to me telling they think this is a big failure. i'm fine because the most controversial part of this reform is about separating migraines when they arrive, according to how likely they are to be granted asylum. so those come haley from countries which have low recognition rates. so countries seem to safer, for example, pakistan or morocco would be sent to a swifter procedure including being detained in detention centers at the border. and that also includes controversially children who are with families, and that is something that competitors are really speaking out against. and i asked the officials of like, based in a press conference and they pointed instead to the options to seek legal advice on the fact that they were caps and the number of people that can be processed through they speak to your message. there's also a big over form going underway,
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which is about how migrants and asylum seekers are distributed across this your opinion. because of course, most people arise to coastal border countries like greece, like a sweet and like spain. but that means that those countries have been asking for more help on what they would call solidarity from other u member states. so under this, the reform there would be a more equitable distribution of migrant. some asylum seekers across the book and those who refuse taking more microbes and asylum seekers would simply have to close up on cash and not something which is also important for germany because although geographically it's not one of the key countries of 1st arrival, it is the country which has the highest number of asylum applications in the home big of a problem is this for the you give us an idea of the scale of illegal migration into the you as well. we know that last year asylum applications reached the highest level since the peaks that were seen in 20152016 arrived. and thanks to the full of the war in syria. no, that means that it's not only been rising numbers of people arriving to in your
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opinion, shores to seek safety in many cases. although of course, not all of those applying here, in fact, are considered to be people that need or granted shelter a refugee spaces. but also means that it's been moving up the political agenda here in europe, and it's something which we know is important to lots of voters and something which is policy makers are trying to prove that they can in fact deliver on. so we're having a scale of a problem in terms of more people arriving. and of course, they're hard. we should not forget. this also means people risking their lives services that people have droned or gone missing in the attempt to reach your source just this year. so this is also something policy makers say they're trying to address. they say you official say this will help us, but of course campaigners on the other hand or say in fact this reform will only serve to make in some ways the situation of the porters worse. and now that you mentioned earlier that there was some disco, the country such as hungry, have always refused to take in migraines, all pay money to other countries. how did they come on board?
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well, they simply didn't come on board. that's because, unlike you some eve policy areas which required you're not mist packing of all e u member states. this area migration, the silent policy only requires what's called a qualified majority. so most in your country is representing the majority of the population. and what that means is that during the road recruiting dc hungry, for example, simply refusing to implement this reform and ending up ending taking the court by the european commission. we have seen that happen in the past. so that's just one idea of the kind of political road books which may late had here of course one that rosie budget and brussels there. thank you very much, rosie. let's have a look now at some of the news headlines in hopes that growing for another ceasefire and gaza presidents as a council says israel is open to another pause to allow for the release of hostages sees to do or if you have moss terror attacks, i'm honestly, there is no honey i met with ron's foreign minister before starting talks in egypt
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. malaysia, a has band is rarely ships from docking audits. ports the band takes immediate effect and response to the conflict with almost muslim majority malaysia as long supports that the palestinians and does not have diplomatic ties, goofy as well. 28, c, u e b, a 6 miss. all of my a sub all has been officially sewn in. the incoming move that has criticized lawmakers and fullness to reduce security. economic and social policy is produced as a guide. after 3 years in colorado, supreme court has disqualified republican frontrunner. donald trump, from running in the states us presidential, find the court rules as trump engaged in insurrection by inciting riots. us who stole the us capital. in january 2021, decided he was been eligible to hold us,
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as again from says we will appeal to supreme court in west dw. and both of within blue cross told us was the routing could mean for donald trump, a for legal hobby, legal or is amateur legal nerds like me this case? regardless of the politics or one's political position is fascinating. it is unprecedented. of course, all of these decisions that we're going to be seeing coming out are unprecedented because the united states has never come this close to prosecuting or in some way banning a former president. and could be president again from running officer, take the officer and for holding them to this level of account. so we've never seen this before. we don't know where it's going in. the united states is very heavily based on precedent on legal decisions from the past. but there aren't any here. so this colorado decision that says donald trump engaged insurrection and therefore, violated the 14th amendment of the us constitution. bars him from holding the
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office of the presidency. again, that will now be decided or could potentially be decided at a national level by the us supreme court. if the us supreme court decides up to take on the case as an appeal from the colorado state. supreme court, willing croft reporting its now voting is on the way in elections in the democratic republic of congo. well, officials are facing logistical and security problem both as in the capital controls of forced one pulling station open after a delay. some public papers went missing even before election. big civil conflict in the east has displaced moves also overshadowing the and the concerns that the electra process will not be transparent w's you want us getting reports. president felix cheese to katie wearing white is running for re election. he won
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the 2018 election, which was marked by violence. and the observer said there was massive fraud even so it was considered condos 1st democratic transition of power cheese acadias, promising his supporters investment in education and jobs. and to stop the war in the east. he's leading in the polls, but some say he's taken advantage of his position locally. i think uh sim only can know the um the practice of hanging up pictures of the presidents on public buildings or installing banners before the official start of the complaint period to go. i think to get to that this shouldn't be praised as an advantage. the soft violations of the law, so that should be denounced as they bring the political game out of balance. and these, it can even this policy, the opposition is divided margin by you as it was the strongest challenger in the
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last election businessmen. i'm always the guy to be as popular in the mining region of good tango where he was once the governor and dennis real quick, a doctor and nobel peace laureate, made international headlines when he declared his candidacy. a human rights activist boston maqueta says he had hoped that civic space would open up under cheese acadia, but he says the current situation is mixed up k no, yeah. but could you describe the n a o c, into the about lots of cases of hate speech and intolerance. but as a partis of southern and political parties, the method to be sure papa was obvious to the idea on the presidential candidates. so travel to certain provinces, but people's, there's stone, set them equal a d a u d there, ma'am. uh,
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not be the only i do think it'd be that way or attempt to prevent that from holding mutation. thought that the members do live on patient continues without meeting with be roads, just organizing the vote is a major logistical challenge. life for most people in the country remains of struggle with restoration and insecurity are running high. so we can go straight to the 10 channels that way through w as postponed into it, as guiding joins as from a polling station. you want us this boat is facing massive logistical issues. why? yeah, i know this comes of the office of price video. see, last week, the awesome the united nations security council, but i can, how would logistical support? and i mean, the country is really big. the country is really huge. fun. yeah. a big problem. so just getting out, connect to them because you to the voting station in the morning when i worked at
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some of those working stations, there wasn't any pets. if we get down to the day it came to just behind us. we can see what stations people are watching right now by the i lots of information that yeah, my best bet. so people won't have a chance to vote today. the, it's such a bend as the electoral commission. those sad, the routing stations will be open the longer this evening. so maybe this will help and now the, how is the conflict in the east of the congo affecting the elections? yeah, this is an issue in terms of the fact that it's very hard to get access to some of those areas around 1500000 people didn't get the chance to register for the voting a procedure. so they con, costs the food and at the same time, even on these days, you can see if it was kinds of problems. for example, today there was
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a voting station and burning out one of those regions where we have lots of conflict where internally displaced people stand, one of those warranty stations on forensic the and these things can be related to the, to the violence. that's, that is from the now the current president of security is predicted to women of it . um, but is this vote likely to be fat? or is he looking back to the yeah, campaign period. he really took advantage of his position as being the president. so we would much more president in all the debates and the national television and the position parties, it's much more difficult to do the contain properly. so this is all, what do you, one of the 1st things 1st really need she is that if you look at the pos collections house that can be reached, at least this is ruby sold off the previous collection. so people are afraid that
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this might happen again. it's just to be, maybe it's different this time and i think you should not only just the president, but it's also about the candidates for the argument. for example, the usually just the brought it's elect to absorb ation emission rest of the catalytic part of the charge. they have an electro emission, so i'm running so all ice on them is getting that reporting from contrast that thank you very much on us. so it's a pleasure you're watching the the news still to call a volcanic eruption has pops of iceland on highlights scientists. i'm not sure how long ago continues purging fountains of long time into the us because north korea, where people try to escape their country is cause they faced severe
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punishments and even if they succeed and reach neighboring china. thousands of s k p's live in constant fear of the port taishan as communist china is north korea's closest allied and has committed to sending them back. schumann writes works house documents as more than 600 such deportations. since august alone dw investigative t now got access to witness accounts and case files. when greece overwhelms, came to leave, she finds comfort and cuddling her duck. she had had a sister, survived the hiring escape from north korea to london. but the deeply worried about the youngest sister total cost. he parted from china, back to north korea and october, after having lived in china for 25 years. to see my sister didn't commit any crime me. her only crime is that she was born in north korea under that as soon as she was arrested, i have constantly had nightmares. who may have repressed and brought back my
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nightmares to every night about our lives in north korea and about people being hanged about how we were chased. to tell them in the home like most north korean refugees bestest to escape to china and lived there without any legal documentation for protection. she was married of to a chinese man. finally, with the support of assist us, we tried to leave china. but the police arrested and placed a hand to, to over to north korea. and also it is at this border bridge. nobody has heard anything from her since she found out if you want to posted you, it means you're going to have. so what will happen? that's how you die always and then nobody knows if you will survive or not. if you will be beaten to death, would starve to death will shot to death as if it would see no screen lead to
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accumulate. when it has made it clear that he can see this, anyone who tries to escape the country, a traitor and criminal who must be punished. human rights organizations have called on china to stop the indiscriminate deportations. there is a very high chance of north korean escapees. when they're sent back to their home country, they will face torture and other serious human eyes violations. so china is violating its obligations under the torture convention, as well as the refugee convention is and protocol china, the nice the accusations, it's foreign ministry didn't respond to the w's request for comment. but in the recently to, to the you and china states that there is, quote, no evidence of torture. also colored mess of human rights violations in north korea
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. but for us, human rights organizations like korea future has been piecing together picture of north korea's in some as prison based on satellite images and hundreds of witness testimonies that have been able to create a model of the grim reality. the detainees have to end your ear, the pride of proper food, and therefore many detainees suffer or die from longer ition and they experience position on torture. physical meetings in the abbreviation of food and sleep back in london came to lee is in constant contact with human rights organizations. she even went to new york to share her sister's story. she's no longer afraid of speaking out of this, i can't hide forever. the only thing if something's bad, you have to name it. if something's bad, you have to stay. it's bad. this just as one to listen.
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they are hoping for an international outcry against deportations from china to north korea. well aware that it might be too late to save. this is to tell me now is the w, as investigative for both of us defend who has spent weeks tracing this north korean family story as to what are the chances of a vanished talk came shut off. they've been freed from north korea's prison system after the protection from china as well. first of all, it's possible uh to know for sure. but uh, definitely all experts we talked to uh agreed that the transits uh for her being release are not great. um defectors are treated as the traders in north korea to lee if they wanted to leave time out to go to a 3rd country. and co op, as
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a matter of fact, was caught on her way to the border as a supposedly. so she will be treated for a political crime which is graver then if she had just set for economic reasons. now, during the cove of 19 pandemic, 7 know deportations from china to north korea. why did this suddenly change in august? well, in august or in the summer or north korea reopened the borders and according to sources on the ground. the chinese detention facilities in the provinces were actually crowded at that time. so to put the plain and simple, china had a practical interest. they wanted to empty themselves, but besides that there has also been a long standing bilateral agreement between china and north korea. getting back to the ninety's, according to which china sends back all north korean citizens who do not have
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a valid id. and they treat them as legal, economic migrants, and tomatoes. so say those uh, north koreans, they do not have any uh, valid papers on them. now since august, more than $600.00 north korean escapees. what depot will do ported back from china who uh who, whether um, well, it's interesting that among the 1st groups of people who are deported in august and september, they are supposed to be persons that the regime and tenure. okay . i think we have lots of the line to as to the as the are you back? okay. uh, i really hear you and i was about to say that among those deported 1st uh were persons that uh, the north korean regime was extremely interested in getting back persons who used
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to work close before the regime and okay, we are having a serious issues that with that line and thank you very much as a low kind of late. iceland continues to image rivers of lava. the area has long been evacuated, but some tourism trying to get up close to their own lives and also the lives of emergency crews at risk. scientists will and the situation could change any time. new options can quickly put people in homes. why? the gosh and fountains of lava this volcano on the rate can, is spinning and so has been erupt. and since late monday, their option is slowly losing steam by the situation. he is still dramatic and potentially dangerous scientist save me 2 days, weeks,
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or even months till it stops. it's slowly getting more quiet. that's the more or less the long time way plus the short time. who knows? but the it's, it's just in time for christmas. and hopefully it will just stay like this or stuff because they screwed the effects of infrastructure. so hopefully it will look through the nearly full thousands residents evacuated from the nearby town of greens of it share those hopes. but some of still excited just in nature puts on a spectacular. so coming today, getting the chance to be unsettling. go ahead to being so close to being able to fly the drone like literally 10 meters away. is amazing. phoenix, the volcano doesn't pose any immediate danger to the population, but scientists, phones that it could change. if the option continues for too long, it could potentially affect air quality, would fuse being able to reach iceland scott the direction is good. also pulls the
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threat to property. if level flows far enough to reach residential areas and go for a sick for song is that john list based in austin's capital right cubic. and earlier he told us about voting systems for the country that's also known as the country of land, a fire and ice. right, well we have of course, a very vault category, a active islands. iceland is basically the result of those kind of corruptions through tens of thousands of years. and that much we have known for quite a while all around the iceland, where we expect these things to happen. there are uh gadgets i thought of measuring anything from gps movements to whatever may be coming out of the years in terms of website gases. we also have more satellites that monitor what is happening down below even. and of course, the teams of the very smart scientists to tell us what to make of that data yet,
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even done in this area, we haven't had the rug some instead of a tennis potential for a 20 years in this particular data. when we have the reduction though, and send you cookies, if you need to, something to try to pronounce that. we haven't had this happen for 2000 years. so we don't have a lot of modern data to work with that could help us. so that is sort of the tricky part really to make to, to, to know what to make of the data when you don't really have president the, don't know what the data is. i'm just telling you to some extent us before we go as things get silly here in the northern hemisphere, people often like to get will are wrong, a on 5 and not just people. monkeys. i chief zoo in japan have been treated to a traditional file to mock the start of the winter solstice, or the longest night of the year. it dates back 60 years and started when so keepers found the prime, it like 2 hobbits together,
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around the flames. functions also receive a special treats of title, and that's it from me and the news team don't go out to the break made in germany. it was reported how the wealth seize this super rich. got office in bell in for me on the news team. thanks the,
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let's talk about 1000000000 this celebrations on one since it depends on where you are in europe. the last event the i'm is most trust in the us and india admiration why our opinion is so different. most exactly. influence is officer to, to, to wants. well, made in germany next on d, w. of an african fishing village.
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turnbow in sierra leone have made their living from fishing for centuries. but no. strollers are threatening the coast. many villagers have been forced to abandon their families because they have no future and need boats empty men in 45 minutes on the w the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me how much can we do simultaneously multitasking these,
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the modern methods. because if we do too much, we did it all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube dw documentary, the how serious is the business world when it comes to sustainability? protecting the climate. it's easy to talk green after all, but walking the walk has proven much more difficult. what about families and households the affluent and the poor? what are their responsibilities when it comes to the environment green economies and a division between re.


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