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tv   New Boats Empty Nets  Deutsche Welle  December 20, 2023 4:15pm-5:01pm CET

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you're watching dw, even c, as a reminder of all the top story. european union countries have agreed a series of sweeping with phone, so it's asylum system is of negotiations. member states reached a deal on new roads to cut illegal immigration. that's it from the end of the scene. so now i'm gonna have an office in maryland. i sold the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and flight us textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube. the so
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the some good idea of the fishing were not a lot just pushing tomo is the biggest fishing community in sierra leone. we've got $632.00 fishing, but we have a $128.00 transport site. and jim gap we've got the fisherman. both are supposed to solve this process is fish, fungus. now 1000 several thousands of people are employed in the fishing industry.
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the like the back to prove that. my name is rudy becky corona. i live in tumble. i'm the fisherman, but i don't fish anymore on got it. i'm doing public relations work for the fisheries association and i'm out of the public relations office. i would use this, you know, going to exist, or i've been in this position for more than 10 years now over 10 years. now. what was the catch can go up in virginia, but it could also go down multiple situation in town, but there's no very encouraging right now. originally, all the fishing boats belong to, i'm operate by local people from sierra leone. 100 unfortunately, unfortunately foreigners came here said they wanted to invest in the fishing sector so that boat was, could sit home loan to move them instead of
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a fishing industry growing. so it's declining, every bless it that we didn't do is to get every bless and the the there's some of that you can shop on know to, to who keeps on. my name is solomon s komrasky fisherman 7. and i live in fish here in color cuz i'm on talking to my conditioning names, and that's the thing to me when i was born to fish. and that's exactly what i'm doing. it's yeah, i started when i was 8 years old. so we got kind of meant to be for me,
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the fishing is like digging for diamonds, a diamond thought to miss my lively advice. to naples, me to feed my family. if my parents and my children. oh gosh, come our survival depends on the going to come to make you give me so right. the guys come from what do supports from ogden? ha. c port camera is my father and he told me how to get my keys. i went to see with him, but i was still just trying if i to my mother is a 7th. like for you,
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i come and i have a lot simply, but of all of us, i am the one who's most serious about special on your, by the obama to support. my name is paul, i'm a do c port coming to us and i'm the oldest fisherman in this country. not to worry . i live in tumble the country's fishing center said i knew i became a fisherman in 1942 and i'm still a fisherman to this very day. this is the
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it's driving me to despair. we never had many chickens or cows here. we only had fish. and that's how we feed the people of this country. what do you know about the fish holes are getting bigger and people are facing problems everywhere. ok. a solution would be to remove chinese and korean boats from our local fishing area, which i would there during the
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or whatever they make sure the tubs empty. don't even think about stealing any use of just checking in whether you do the new data they use tracking that they've pulled behind those are the methods used by the asian boats out to see when the truck then that it's does everything on the worst thing is they do, it is not it, nothing's done. you can stop these phone boats to create such a huge problem in that our own government won't be able to solve it. scott and protect those people who are dependent on the fishing 2nd festival. the . when did you want to get it completed income? is it and see be got a complaint. whenever fishermen submit complaint is never taken seriously. so we organized our own surveillance. that would let me get to
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this is where the chinese industrial poach land. in the evenings they say allowed to fish all night we're not coming on board, so we're not coming on board. come from the local authority. we're seeing special governments observer. he's back on land in the office. both got engine the bar,
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my friend. it's more than that was not just the engine. boot isn't yours. is a wreck. and it will pull to get them to europe in union takes notice to show what you'll do. how can you live and work in these conditions? we've got no choice. come on line assessments and chinese firm to provide you with better boots. listen to me. chinese with best reports this right langley supports and we're fighting your corner stone. tony with these people don't talk you with your situation is no better than mine. we're all in the same boat. i thought we'd go on board and they'd be able to drive us with fish
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the noon on the bottom. you should see earlier, the yellow cards from sewer band from exporting fish from sierra leone. yeah. can you repeat and markets? i'm just on the, we've been suffering under this band for more than 20 to 30 years from this particular, but as a result of poor standards of hygiene and sanitation for high do, most of the illegal aspect on reports is in, on an unregulated fishing activities on the dates of prospective which is confusing to use. the advantage of their countries of taking advantage of this band accomplishing us. they come to fish in the waters of sierra leone, catch our fish, and to clear it as a cat, it's from another country. we've been settled on the european market to
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the 4 to 5 is why the main name of this organization is to introduce an increments to register the conserve as a manual for fishing and hauled them off. was an old pool and it says it was a boat from new york to indigo. built in a similar way to the sierra leone as an accident, or some sort of confrontation with the police. so many of you have to see the register that can help to identify boats from sierra leone. we're not going to know where that will ask us if they're off to show that document. i can prove to that purchase from sierra leone. when these boats de la fish that they fly, the sierra leonean flag is a covered as well. but having the register entry on board, your folks who changed out about with the code. so even the navy won't have any doubts about the origins of puts out to see how
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the, this thing is our livelihood. i'm telling you to like, we need to tell our crew to get ready to sale. that is what we live on. do you have or not? we'll have to go to see more often you know she's got are you talk to my friends, my brothers and the crew members so will not see. we have to fish more. no more with god's help. he will show all the,
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the, the, oh my yeah. now, so the women all live here together. dad from come to they decided to do that
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because the hospitals have gone away to find work, especially moving kimmy. although what's happened like really a good time to about doing math, those tests just tell me to put a tube of gun with the scarcity of fish in this country. is this called the fisherman when to look for better prospect and you can do for maggie. why not? i did that for live festival. give me the you lose. tell me anything i will if you're willing to pay the full price for my fish. 170000 for the lot. i don't know selling somebody knows the name of what the issue is. my name is fatima test to say i'm a fish center. i buy the fish on the key dry is in girl or to sell my house to deny . i have 2 children. he left is 12 years ago and went to guinea. he doesn't send us any money and doesn't even cool. oh, sorry. hey, bring my goods here. the,
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the brother i told you, bring them to me. i know some losing them. hey, i told you. my boss get that. yeah. no, i'm not paying, you know, yes, i told you to bring my boss fits, you know, leave it over there where you put it here. do it properly. excuse me. system. you know, i left my husband left tumble because there was no fish. fishing was difficult. they sailed out and returned with nothing. he told me he wanted to try his luck and guinea. i said, okay, who the fish trade isn't tumble or we'll have the same problem. sometimes we won't get any fish for 2 weeks, so that the boat, se laos and come back empty because of the fish shortages. my husband to move to kidney. i never came back saying that we're fishing. we, we know we got,
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he's the me, why me my mobile. so that's all my life. so this might sound as i've got. my name is, i mean, not tomorrow. i'm an only child. i was married to my husband who left me and all 3 children lives in getting at the moment me and my children lived from the rice spread the tie. so i um between $5.10 a year and he's a day which i save with the money i can feed my children and pay for their education level to this day. i've had nothing and received nothing from my husband . i don't know exactly where he lives me, but apparently he lives in guinea. i've been left defense for myself. dfcs for his them. me about going by life. yeah. i defense let me see if i'm gonna jump in the firewood slowly. i don't want the bread to bug the
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thing off the heavy rain has become more frequent and not convenient. i use in the industry. it wasn't like that before, but the weather has changed and there's regular flooding grants. the
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i have news of a big flood and tumble. people are incomplete term. we're moving from one area to the next. does move to every well. and because there's no profit drainage system here, it con, rental building is flooded and all of the smoking ovens are under was the one second news. hello everyone. nice to see how much you've done the
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ones that this this be in good condition. this oven was in good condition, it's been damaged by the flooding book, so, so i need for, so i have to register the damage what it will make notes of who the of them belongs to. so i need for take been i from make, i go my com the guy with the support is for fun victims who smoke comments with damaged when you're not received any support yet, then you'll get it now like what amazon do you when it gets, if you've already received and that's it. do you understand why the account? no not go to, not get the support is for all the quotes and businesses. those are the 3 categories with the yeah. let me click on the new boat to run into my oven. please don't interrupt me, but they said people who would get compensation to the
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the one screwed up. step aside, the contents of the toner, the machine. wait a minute, give a she's going to go. no, she sent her. give her the emergency a marble top. i'm gonna do called pro, and i'm another car broke. sure broke down if it's not to lose this really shows how people are faring until seeing how people fight for a sec of right. see, we said, is that up with you? it's a challenge for them to feed the family for the next few days would have but we don't have enough for the whole town home that with in front of the zip under the weather
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you know, you know, for example, i'm so tired of it. this is the problem either or do i. so it is a for the, the i don't know. this is my song. i was still young to know you. when i had him. he was full months old when his dad went to get nowhere. when he was about 10, he asked about his dad all the time. so i decide to go with him to guinea so that he could meet his father. it was also just one week times, it was very sad and wanted to go home. when we arrived, the i found out that his father had married again and had to ride. his new wife refused to speak to us. so we left her alone because she didn't give us anything to
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eat. i paid for every fun. my son had severe stomach pains that we don't know what illness he might house. i'm on the post. his grandmother treated him with an additional hub. so i would imagine why not hold off for a long time when he didn't know what it was that we've been struggling with this for months, or it doesn't happen often when he has an attack. i know you serious pain was the one on my life. i really loved my mom. how do you show her that sometimes incognito help or around the house in the we can give them this evening, 7955 to anything to make her happy. heading the
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don 14 years, we had terrible weather news, news, damage, rain, constantly, woods and the goats for damnation. the severe storm they were completely destroyed by the lights of the pieces and salvage these pieces of wood. even are that to me or you boats 9 the, the, even the queue holding the boat together is lying over there or not. is this the window discovered speed? it was difficult on not really dangerous to the last 3 boats. they couldn't be repaired. oh no guns and 3 boat johnson. my father is
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totally crushed. i guess i need a source of income as going as a self confidence, new square feet is the time i know
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the even though i have $57.00 children, all of them born here in tumble. well no, no. i didn't go to school. that's why i wanted my children to learn something. ordered that nobody but they all refused to go to school. i should. i failed as a father and they preferred to become fishermen rather than go to school. i have a number of wives. wherever the oldest one is called the other m a r g and how are still alive? so?
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and then there's a fee to lays mother or that is 7 of them are still alive, but we don't live together. now we're might as well. yes, marie, the frivolous one. i've got one child with her one. they live in free town. and then the
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me, my, my, these, this is my mother. we look very similar to the advisor when you paint has to be sick. because when i add too much, petro boards become chorus and absorb too much of what the, the, the
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to the to the for the,
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the, the,
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the, the,
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it's the,
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you know, for example, today's, our 1st day with a new boat at c o. 2. and we hope to be catching plenty of fish in here, the fishermen singing at the top of their lungs. the songs helped me to work few easier for the fish and some on a lot for the boat folk. the . 6 the, the catch is small. i use the chinese fisherman and taking everything
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away from the the, the jews and do it to them. that's very said, i'm very disappointed moving the idea of what they called just a small fish boom. and how can we earn enough money for fuel with those fish journals is i'm very unhappy. my heart is bleeding and i'm not happy at all.
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but me. if you don't catch enough fish with the boat, then it's your fault because you were there and i was a nurse. i have to rely on, you know, if you can land a big catch, then you and i are going to have serious problems. which is why i'm telling you now i'm very unhappy because we don't have any money. vague, i don't like how my father reacted to the cat leg. that's after all, the weather wasn't good for fishing today. it's not right. how my father takes the whole thing done on the barely angry. i totally the way he spoke to me. that's. that's difficult for me. that's not my fault at home.
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charles, what price it yourself or do i get? paid 200000 blue and this should have pay 2 150000 like baltic pounds. 200 the i barely got to this sites that the quote of virus. this is, closes the lives of the people under the author under the pretense of going to this page or the disease sort out. sort of you don't hear by, by this book technician, i bought this, the public and my just the, just for of the public officer to do that from today's the 24th
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day of my it's a 20 to 12 month the to come see you wanted me to take you to act as an
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intermediary between you and your husband. i am willing to take this risk and go with you because we live in the same community. even if i don't know the whole story and the reasons why they left reminded me glasses. now for tablet, good i which room do you prefer for the trip to get out by sea devil, by loud c o for you. the land is that we will be this or not. now let's go by land . i'm not uses traveling by c, e z a by land. the lady belong. i want to ask him to come home so that we can raise our children. and then because if i can find him because that's my time and i won't talk you with him and there's no reason for that. as a few of them, it's all about, you know, was you guys i'm, i'm pregnant. i want to go, it's a good need to ask him about school fees and medical costs for awesome. yeah. was he left me alone without children in front of me now. the last time i called him about the cost of an operation for our son. but he didn't replied, so i'm pleased to be making the trip anyway. i'm glad you for would. how do you
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think you'll react to your pregnancy? if it was, he's got no right to say anything because he left me a long time ago. he's re married and started a new family in guinea. that's 13 years ago. now let me, how would that to me as a new man. which ma'am, you man, you'll meet him soon, but not now of the because the odd sheet sweetie. i just, you see young more not finishing in sierra leone is very difficult, which is why i've decided to take any, i would just get by there for awhile until i can travel on to 9. i mean, that's my plan. 999, i only want to spend a short time mckinney delivered a bit of money to do so if i do and i will go somewhere else and where they are outside, when they move, you see being a young man,
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i'm still young and strong enough moved onto that? no, no, no, no. i'd like to it's all julia bean are friends being on foot on the move on. i want to go to one of these countries yet not one. i come from a large family and so i will find her always arguing. that's our biggest problem, 90 grand fits, it's you said to students at 327209. i didn't even, i'm always telling my mother she shouldn't worry, extending my mouth because i work so hard. i can fix all over the world news. the reason i is the i you know, so i know do you i you who well, i need to. yeah. yeah. i so friends and get with me, but i don't want to stay the one where do you from?
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we still like to go somewhere else is a police officer. i also have friends here for me is the, the of the the
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nomad and gum disease as a community. and these women have turned to me is that community representative. i know asked if i would take them to beginning so that i can find that husbands for some homework, present the site and make sure that they can take care of themselves and their children. the we're traveling to the border in this call and then and kenny will take a taxi go directly to connect correctly. i'm not sure if you think you'll find them well to show show because we've already called them, found that with if you the that it was at a hotel, we'll find them. it shows you what to do with those that indeed the
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or the co india coast east coast on the account needs to take. ross goes off time on that do association with extinction because they main fixel's is disappearing. environmentalists and fishermen placing the survival of this race, pc eco indian fuzzy minutes of the w vibrant habitat goal listening place of long in
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the mediterranean sea. its waters connects people of many cultures cold as ice in sicily. nfl mazda visits mount aetna, and learns the dramatic history of the island in 90 minutes on dw, the get ready for an exciting auditorium full of surprises. i am shutting down and i am ready to dive into the house of tillman to us the coupon. we have you as a one does not delete this a port, discard we are included in the, on the vehicle. this process and the an expected size supply enjoy
5:00 pm
the, this is the, the news live from ballot sweeping. michael recently phones in the european union member states the green side, the rules to reduce the number of arriving illegally bots, charities and agencies, condemn the changes as dangerous also coming up. okay, i'll take stats to elections in the democratic republic of congo. the president is hoping to secure a 2nd term fuck the pole is overshadowed by civil war and the difficulties invalids . also the difficulties facing this. it is.


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