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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 20, 2023 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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d, w and the this is dw news line from the european union proposes sweeping migration reforms, member states degree types of rules to reduce the numbers arriving illegally, the charities and agencies condemn the changes is dangerous both on the program elections in the democratic republic of congo. is get off to a kalsich stuff as the cousins that hopes to secure a 2nd test. for the pole is overshadowed by civil war and difficulties encroaching tyler to iceland, they just felt kind of give option side say as
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a told to stay away from the mountain, shooting fountains of lava pies. to be the feel good, you're welcome to the program. your pin union has a great sweeping before them. so the blocks asylum system after memphis states finally reached consensus on new rules to come in, regular migration, governments and officials say the changes will cut the growing numbers of arrivals while respecting human rights. but charities and agencies which help migrants have condemned to changes as restrictive and dangerous the past almost a decade of the bait and division. the european union has reached a deal to reform its migration routes. i know exactly how what it means when we say that we have finally delivered on the migration and asylum fact probably
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the most important important legislative deed of this mandates. the planned reform include speedy, a vetting of irregular arrivals, new board of detention centers for migrants less likely to be granted asylum, and sophisticated protection for people whose claims i rejected. the block also plans more even distribution of asylum seekers among member states. countries refusing to take people in we'll have to make a financial contribution. instead. catherine gulard, expert and migration policy called this a doc day for europe. the people say king protection in europe will face face much ha, sure, and restrictive regime. many of them will be in situations that are similar to what we see now on the greek islands, which people in detention or diffract towed detention on, subject to
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a very poor asylum procedures. so maybe with no access to asylum procedures, a told she thinks the peck significantly undermines the ride to asylum. but brussels insist this is a breakthrough. this isn't a very important officer to, to us citizens that have been waiting for this officer. we need to manage migration orderly, and we need to be able to do that. we have to do it together. no member states can do it alone. the u member states in parliament will still have to formally rectify the reforms and they're not going to take effect immediately. a lot brussels correspondent rosie, but jot gave this assessment of those reforms. brussels is hailing this as a break through the european union, as finally agreed to overall is the silent policy after almost a decade of debate on division and certainly for as long as i've been covering this
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migration asylum policy has been a huge source of talk. stacy st between a member states. that's why the says, this is a historic day on the specials are claiming, it's not only a good deal for the but also for mike woods, although that's something which refugee writes campaigners are repeating under the reforms. so migrants and asylum seekers would be more evenly distributed across the block. that's something which member states on the sides of the you were most migrants arrive, for example, a to a spade in greece. something that they really welcome. they also welcome to the fact that you can choose which refuse to take and where my friends would simply have to cough up on some cash if they don't want to take the blame. no, there is another more controversial reform is part of his plan. and under that, migrants would be divided at the border according to how likely it is that their a silent applications would be a granted. that means that those from the country seat of safer would be processed more quickly in special detention centers and refugee rights competitors say that's essentially watering, starting the right to asylum under especially concerns that families with children
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are involved in not club, no overall, these reforms still need final approval from the legislatures and they're not likely to kick in for a couple of years. so this still may be some political roadblocks. ahead of you betcha, here in germany saxon me, i'm house has become the 1st states to require new citizens to recognize israel's right to exist. 17 people from libya and syria have received naturalization certificates. after making the pledge the states into and administer told dw wipers requirements being introduced, escaped at all. i'm guess. the point to stop, we can use the process of naturalization as an occasion to bring this up to about. anyone who wants to become a to a citizen, must submit to our laws must submit to the constitution. but of course, they must also be aware of the special historic responsibility germany has and positive. this special historic responsibility is the fact that this is dominique stats because all to recognize israel's right to exist. that may not be the case
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for other european countries, but it is for germany. we dodge fund. good as well as a political correspondent need a honda told me more about that was sent for me on how the newest german citizens have to sign up to well, for most countries fail, it would be unthinkable to ask for the citizens to put the support of the state of his right in writing, right? but for germany we had, it is the question of history because of the atrocities committed against dues by the nazis in this address. on the 2nd, what will, with some 6000000 jews were killed. so deadman politicians today say they speak of spot because all they say is that the country has a his target responsibility to protect twos and defend the right to safe place to live. a lot safe place to live today is above all the internationally recognized state of israel. well, the german political mainstream has been alarmed lately by anti semitic outbursts, pro palestinian street protests often in areas with large immigrant community. so
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they are making the assumption that new comes to germany these days on clear enough about this historic obligation to choose into israel by germany. and they believe that steps like this one help raise the necessary awareness. and why? section 8 on how to why they the 1st that is this, what is the, the, the problem to which they've been in business a solution. it's on out, but it's actually on how it is just one of 16 states in germany, right? but there is currently a nationwide the base here in daphne about reforming immigration laws and the rules and facts me on how they are majority conservative. they are in the coalition government, but majority conservative. and the conservatives here in this country are in the process of softening that profile again. and so it moves like this. so definitely positive supp plan and the national policy lead to flourish. mats is also cool for these measure it to be implemented nationwide. okay, so that's sounds like the measure of raw that anything substantive i'm germany has
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taken a lot of criticism about what people have seen as a stifling of free speech when it comes to criticizing israel's actions in gaza. how does this new law in that stage play into that whole free speech argument to yeah, exactly, and politicians there in that state, they always hasten to say it's got nothing to do with wanting to bind criticism of the israeli government. on the contrary, the stress that israel is a vibrant democracy with a very vocal opposition at home. so criticism of the israeli government is of course, okay, they say about wanting israel gone a country that is a member of the united nations after will they say that is a red line for this country that needs to be communicated more clearly these days. but it's cause you say the rule is controversial head to so which board is of the state of israel? are you talking about? for example, also some people say rather than implementing those borderline acts of his rules,
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it is more important to make it a condition for would be citizens to accept the rule of law, democracy and human rights. including a condemnation of anti semitism and others are saying that those measures indeed threaten to divide them in society even further. they say that those measures are discriminatory. they put new comes under the general suspicion and they ignore the fact that on to israel attitudes and on to submit the police of very much a problem in society as a whole in germany, including groups that have lived here for generations. ok thanks, but neither neither happy i cannot make. i'm searching. honestly, it's pretty deceptive. died after 3 years in pop to the democratic republic of congo, where elections are under way with more than the 40000000 people expected to take part election pits. the president felix to cicada against 18 the challenges. so when a 2nd to was considered a front runner voting spring disrupted by level delays of some sensors and civil conflict in the 8th,
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have also been logistical setbacks as well as allegations of fraud and violence. congolese voters is you to cause the ballots grow in patient after hours of wasting stimulus seems a sponsored, it's super low of a seem to is across the country. we've been here since 5 am, but so far, nothing has started. we don't understand. we're waiting for them. we're not leaving until they start moses blame the chaos on delays and opening poles while stations reported a lack of balance right before the election day of the say they were surprised to find the names missing from folks unless of a smile. i came very early in the morning because i wanted to know which office i was going to
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vote and i looked for my name, but so far i haven't found it says, you know, fuck aside the election chaos as being compounded by fighting and congress east, which has prevented 1500000 people from registering to vote there. yep. on monday is all they were quite a few people who didn't end up on the list. we the observe is, can see that the organization was not good in this for speak to the people a wondering how they're going to voters if they can't find the way around it. they also have the right to do the jersey and bucked was the official electoral commission, seed polling stations would remain open to vote. and so we're still in line by the 5 pm deadline. meaning via the vote counting will also face delays authorities in iceland, the warning site seems to keep away from i'm erupting volcano. thousands and local
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residents have already been evacuations, but some people are still trying to get up close and putting himself on the emergency crews at risk. gosh, in fountains of lava, this volcano on the rate can, is spinning and so has been erupt. and since late monday, their option is slowly losing steam by the situation. he is still dramatic and potentially dangerous scientist save me 2 days, weeks, or even months till it stops. it's slowly getting more quiet. that's the more or less the long time way plus the short time. who knows? but the it's, it's tested in time for christmas and hopefully it will just stay like this or stuff because this could affect some infrastructure. so hopefully it will look through the nearly full thousands residents select created from the new by town of greenville they share those homes for some, a still excited to see nature puts on
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a spectacular. so coming today are getting the chance to be behind sidney. go ahead to being so close to being able to fly the drone like literally 10 meters away. is amazing. phoenix, the volcano doesn't pose any immediate danger to the population, but scientists, phones that it could change. if the option continues for too long, it could potentially affect air quality with fumes being able to reach iceland scott the direction is good, also pulls the threat to property. if level flows far enough to reach residential areas, it's already got security cameras, high walls, and the gods. now a prison in brazil has based up security and listing the services of some unlikely creatures. a gaggle of case is now petroleum. the premises of this present may of florida for this and the southern states of santa catalina. that trains to hold it, they spelt any jail, but it's trying to scan levels and stuff. say i might make
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a perfect god based on even more vigilant and ducks and i set you up today possible. well, usually the top of the hour of next on the dw, are documentary asking why, why of hunting is still allowed in the family. advocate the advisor and have a time listening place of loan in the mediterranean sea mazda and just following up to coming to us during motor in lodge styles, to amy and admitted to a in jenny this week on dw, the.


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