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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, this is data being use live from building the lead time us health, more talks on halting the funding is rouse, prime minister again, rolls out a safe spot until my mouse is probably midnight and also coming up purchasing argentina as the new president's policy stopped to kick in this type of security to thousands of people, not through the capital one authorities to protest against the maverick finalized economic shocks. and the european union propose a sweeping migration. russell member states
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a great to to i the rules to reduce the numbers arriving illegally, the charities and i, i didn't seem to condemn the changes this time the i'm anthony handbook into the program. the leader of him, us is mal, heavier, has been in egypt for talks on halting the fighting with his route to allow humanitarian item to gaza as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again, rules out of 65 until i'm us is eliminated. and the remaining hostages, afraid, meanwhile, there's been a late help in a tax on the palestinian territory because of some us government says 20000 people . i've now been killed, as there is no. and to seems like the some of the guys, the st. several is really air strike heating, just southern city of rough survivors rushed to barely fonts in the hospitals with
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little hold for safety anywhere in the territory of all of a sudden the 1st rugged land in destroying everything. by the time the 2nd rock had hidden, we weren't able to see anything in the house anymore and we barely made it out. the whole house fell down. we found a woman who had just given birth vices, area and, and were able to drag her out with her baby girl who was choking. she was taking her last breath. there she is over there on the foot of lila. i am over do the, the you an estimate stands nearly 60 percent of old guys. this infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed. in more than 90 percent of the population displaced is the smoke from the latest embodiments filled the sky above. rough uh, some of them shared their desperation. we came from the north and they said, you should head to rough. uh. it's a safe place. they followed us to rock and hit us. where is
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it safe? where should we go? no, i wish for a complete ceasefire, an end to the death and suffering. it's been 75 days. people are still getting killed. there's still people under the rubble that i don't hear from many people, communications, a route on the follow up on for negotiations are taking place that could lead to a new temporary truce. but many differences still need to be overcome. cuts are based, how much leader, a smile, how need to travel to car on wednesday for talks with addiction officials in the group which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries says it only once a permanent sees fire. something real down by israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu say that is impossible until him us is defeated. the
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german government might join the multinational naval task force set out by the us to protect shipping in the red sea operation prosperity guardian. i'm the stuff attacked by who the rebels in the admin on vessels that say i linked to his ro, jim and contain the ship is one of those targeted by the rebels. they say they will keep up the attacks to support i'm us. and as soon as the attack on the red sea fox has hijacking a commercial vessel on one of the world's most important shipping routes. now the us wants to stop attacks like these with its prosperity guardian, mission. the red sea is a vital offrey of a global economy. now, a major source of risk. some companies have started reroofing, the ships around the african continent, slowing down trade and pushing up costs. government officials say that watching closely and may seek to join the us, let admission give them an expense, a right to security and free navigation of international waters. if this comes into
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a threat, the international community is called upon to reduce such threat on. so i think i'm pushing the fits into we now examining this internally. and if we come to the decision that we should participate in this mission, we will communicate the legal basis and the mandate under which we will put it to bomb at allstate. a blog once of this month at the stuff is done that would involve a number of hurdles in germany. decisions on military deployments can be made by the chancellor. all the government alone parliament has to give its approval. the mission would 1st have to come under the auspices of the you and they to all the united nations. but the main opposition party is already indicating its support if it comes to a vote in parliament assignment restrictions for germany. but as far as i see, and we as a possession of support, the is the political will to support the united nations and others. and the
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condition is absolutely that. but they're also logistical questions right now. germany's navy doesn't have a suitable ship available. one forgets is forcing a un mission of the coast of lebanon to prevent smuggling, while another is positive, a native mission in the full succeed. so even is so many says it wants to join the red c mission. it could be some time before german ship actually makes it into acts . and the 1st magic protest against argentina's new president, tapia, and mail i have taken place in one of sideways. thousands of people are attending demonstrations opposing the president's drastic cuts, the public spending, civil groups and tried unions have called on members to protest lies. economic shock. nations include a 50 percent deep valuation of the absence of tycer. and getting rid of some government ministries. authorities are found to crack down on protests and remove
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anyone blocking districts. the correspondent alejandro robust seo is inborn as our as a analyst site. this was the 1st test for president ly, alexandra, how many people turned out and how big with eyes protest as well. now they bless, are they my oh, they may square is empty, but a deal organized as the leaders of the left. this is social moment, expected a around 50000 people here in the square. that's a some, a human rights organization said that they were only $10000.00. and this is, and perhaps because of a many people, there was a read, a all the warnings of the government that says that a each person does a brooks, the street will and lose the social subsidy. and of course they were afraid of
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a i or the police, a repression. so finally they will, it will do is not a we were was not so big a demonstration. yeah, the government, as the site is put forward a new demonstration regulations that prohibit blocking the streets. does this name that malay passed his 1st big test? the part test wasn't side big. was it because of the parents that he a plan to put in place? yes of course a some a open, cecily. there is time me to my right to be the says that these you eh, regulations against demonstrations are against a constitutional part of the constitution. speaks about the free of a the right or, or pretty trying to speak. but also the right or a protest and a free speech. and they say that a one thing is to regulate a blockade on, on other things too, and avoid a oh, the kind of
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a street demonstrations. and that is what they are debating now. of course and, and during this morning it were police controls against the people that were coming to the, the downtown windows site is that for example, they produce house, of course a around 30 people to get off a task because they don't say, where are they going as alejandro my light boned everybody that this day was coming, these measures were coming just a week after he passed these economic shocked measures. was this protest, a direct response to those drastic economic changes? is that the mood imagined to interrupt them on at the feet of those changes? well, a new day was voted by 55 percent of the population by the 44 percent of the police of the population that was against him. and this is part of these opposition, and a many of the most of the people, they move you over that a has
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a that was here in this a square. and they receive a social subsidy dot. and then you government has a pro se and above there is a new place you on of 200 percent that these here and also they, they go many with a rise. the power gas um product runs the transports at dogs. and also if you want to stop the public works, so there's a big, huge, a fiscal adjustment on a huge and be able to reach, you know, sleepy. so a 100 robust sale in bonus are res. thank you so much. thank you very much. all right, from bonus, sorry, sees a look now some of the of the headlines making use around the world floods in india, forcing thousands of people from the house. they do report say at least 10 people have died in the southern state of 10 will not do,
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and hundreds more stranded area was still recovering from the damage caused by a cycling which killed the same people. earlier this month, sylvia has announced plans to hold a partial election rerun after dies have purchased uh the alleged fraud and the advisor will be held in 30 locations on december 30th. this event, alexander voltage claims has potty secured a commanding victory by the international critics denounced a string of irregularities including vogue buying and ballot box stuff will make is from palding's form the government that protested attempts by the new administration to make media more impossible into state media management same has been sacked. they asked of law and justice potty was accused of curbing maybe a freedom. while impala, she writes new and mia, psych, myself, i'm not a sub. has beneficially sworn in in the incoming world has criticize lawmakers and
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promised to review security, economic and social policy excuse probably decisive, died after 3 years. impact on the european union has put forward sweeping reforms to the blocks asylum system. as member states finally reached a consensus on the new rules to could regular migration. governments and officials say the changes will cost the growing numbers of arrivals while respecting human rights. the charities and i didn't seize which helped migrants have condemned the changes as restrictive and diverse the past almost a decade of debate in division. the european union has reached a deal to reform its migration routes. i know exactly what it means when we say that we have finally delivered on the migration. and as i look back, it's probably a the most important important elizabeth of dean of this mandate. the planned
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reform include speedy or vetting or irregular arrivals. new board or detention centers for migrants less likely to be granted asylum, and sophisticated protection for people whose claims i rejected. the block also plans and more even distribution of asylum seekers among member states. countries refusing to take people in we'll have to make a financial contribution. instead. catherine gulard, expert of migration policy called this a doc day for europe. the people say king protection in europe will fit face a much harsher and restrictive regime. many of them will be in situations that are similar to what we see now on the greek islands, which people in detention or to the fact to tension on subject to a very poor asylum procedures. so maybe with no access to asylum procedures, a told she thinks the pac significantly undermines the right to asylum. but
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brussels insists this is a break through. this isn't a very important officer to, to us citizens that have been waiting for this officer. we need to manage migration orderly, and we need to be able to do that. we have to do it together. no member states can do it alone. the u member states in parliament will still have to formally rectify the reforms and they're not going to take effect immediately. right, that is all the news, but i will leave you with pictures of the volcano in iceland that continues to admit rivers area as long thing evacuated, but scientists wanting the new will. the new of options can quickly put people in harm's way. for now, it's simply books to protect the
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level of the system. the way it is simple is how in key more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base in life with a guy successive in cardboard. that's the, that's the issue and find out about baby story info migrant.


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