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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from bill in the leader of how most holds more talks on halting the finding. israel's prime minister again, rules out the ceasefire and coca most eliminate the full set coming i purchased. imagine tina, as the new president's policy stopped to kick in as tight security as thousands of people, not through the capital on fridays to protest against the maverick malays. economic shots. and we look at the difficulties facing the diesel then. so escape from north korea is, is full of the families that leave behind the harsh realities of child in the
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stores here in country. and china is willing us to return escape the math in the how it welcome to the program deleda of how much is mouth, honey. it has been in egypt for tulips and halting the fighting with these ro to allow humanitarian into gaza. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again ruled out a safe spot until em us is eliminated. and the remaining hostages afraid. meanwhile, there's no lit up in attacks on the palestinian territory because of some us government says 20000 people i've now been killed. as there is no and to seems like these and the guys, the st. several is really air strike heating this southern city of rough survivors rushed to barely fonts in the hospitals with little hold for safety anywhere in the
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territory of all of a sudden the 1st directed land in destroying everything. by the time the 2nd rock had hidden, we weren't able to see anything in the house anymore and we barely made it out. the whole house fell down. we found a woman who had just given birth vices area and weren't able to drag her out with her baby girl who was choking. she was taking her last breath. there she is over there. on the lovely la. hey, i'm over to the, the you an estimate stand nearly 60 percent of old guys. this infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed. in more than 90 percent of the population displaced is the smoke from the latest to embodiments filled the sky above rough uh, some of them share their desperation. we came from the north and they said, you should had to rough. uh. it's a safe place. they followed us to rough. uh and hit us. where is
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it safe? where should we go? no, i wish for a complete ceasefire, an end to the death and suffering. it's been 75 days. people are still getting killed. there's still people under the rubble that i don't hear from many people, communications are out on the follow up. one for negotiations are taking place that could lead to a new, temporary truce. but many differences still need to be overcome. cuts her base come us lead. there are a smile, how i need to travel to car on wednesday for talks with addiction officials in the group which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries says it only once a permanent sees fire. something ruled out by israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that is impossible until him us is defeated. the
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1st magic protest against argentine, this new president, how the malay have taken place in both sides. thousands of people attained to demonstrations, of pausing the president's drastic caps, the public spending. civil groups and trade unions have called a members to purchase my life. economic shock measures include a 50 percent deep valuation of the odds and time pay. so and getting rid of a some government ministry. well, they definitely correspondent, a 100 robust seo is in bonus holidays. i spoke to him earlier from o, a president, the heavier to me today has it recently and just announced a you the regulations of the economy. he announced the relation, the liberalization of more than 30 a sectors of a argentina economy. he says that he wants to finish with a 100 years of a, a communism united in tina run to free market and key. so he announced they leave
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it at the station of the rent or market of the sub sector if he wants to allow the a private company to compete against the state. and then you and use the control. they come to the sector, you know, didn't tina. he also announced the privatization in the office state of all of the state companies on a board and labor reform in order to allow the companies to a prior employee's, a without a pain, a pain it it red rather than c payments. if they negotiate with it and with the unions, so the time to escape on coming, they were protest earlier today in the center rep on authorities. but with less participants. then some expected why the small the turn now? why it's because the government a has announced you a demonstration, a regulations, and then the government says that the one that it blew up the street,
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it will lose the social subsidy, and they are more $1200000.00 for a people that receive the social subsidy so in many of them and do not want to lose it and also their where a fred, off a bodies in repression. and so that's why is the most recent ones? well, if it were around a $10000.00 people in the plaza, they might go in, they may a square don't, on a windows situs. and from the w correspondent of a 100 robust c o. in bonus aries, let's take a look now at some of the other headlines making use around the world. venezuelan president nicholas my due to a has welcome to his ally, alex saw it was free by the united states in a prison, a deal. but columbia and businessman was arrested in 2020 and the keys binding us of money laundering for the venezuelan government. as part of the bill venezuela
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released to several opposition linked prisoners as well as 10 americans. hundreds of thousands of residents remain without pallet in the us state of maine following storing that list. several people date in the north east of the us. the clean up continues, but the straits remain flooded for now. pound company says electricity may not be restored for everyone. before christmas will make us from poland form the government had protested, attempts by the new administration to make media more impartial interests that maybe a management team has been sacked. the asked of law and justice potty was accused of curbing maybe a freedom while in pal should be as announced, plans to hold a partial election. we went off to dice and protest of alleged fraud and revive will be held in 30 locations on december 30th. as an alexander voltage sciences potty secuity combining victory. but international critics denounced the string of regularities including both buying and selling stuff. the
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european union has put forward sweeping reforms to the blocks asylum system has made. the states finally reached consensus on the new rules to could regular migration. governments and officials say the changes will cut the growing numbers of rivals while respecting human rights. but charities and i didn't seize which helped migrants have condemned the changes as restrictive and dangers the past. almost a decade of the bait and division. the european union has reached a deal to reform its migration routes. i know exactly how what it means when we say that we have finally delivered on the migration. and as i look back, it's probably of the most important important legislative dean of this mandates. the planned reform include speedy or vetting or irregular arrivals. new board detention centers for migrants less likely to be granted asylum,
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and sophisticated protection for people whose claims that rejected the block also plans more even distribution of asylum seekers among member states. countries refusing to take people in we'll have to make a financial contribution. instead. catherine gulard, expert and migration policy called this a doc day for europe. the people say king protection in europe will fit face much hall, sure, and restrictive regime. many of them will be in situations that are similar to what we see now on the greek islands, which people in detention or diffract towed detention on, subject to a very poor asylum procedures. so maybe with no access to asylum procedures, a told she thinks the peck significantly undermines the ride to asylum. but brussels insists this is a breakthrough. this isn't a very important officer to,
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to us citizens that have been waiting for this officer. we need to manage migration orderly, and we need to be able to do that. we have to do it together. no member states can do it alone. the u member states in parliament will still have to formally rectify the reforms and they're not going to take effect immediately. now every hundreds of people in north korea tried to escape they or 3rd period homeland, knowing that they faced severe punishment. if course, even if they managed to reach neighboring china, they then have to live in fee of being sent back. human rights watch has documented more than 600 the potations. in recent months, a lot. the deputies investigations team has been given access to the case files and witness accounts. when grief overwhelms, came to leave,
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she finds comfort and cuddling her duck. she had her to assist to survive the hiring escape from north korea to london. but the deeply worried about the youngest sister, total cost deported from china, back to north korea. and october, after having lived in china for 25 years. you my sister didn't commit any crime you her only crime is that she was born in north korea. under that, as soon as she was arrested, i have constantly had nightmares. who may have repressed, brought back my nightmares to every night about our lives in north korea and about people being hanged about how we were chased to tell them in the home. like most north korean refugees bestest to escape to china and lived there without any legal documentation for protect and she was married of to a chinese man. finally, with the support of assist us, we tried to leave china,
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but the police arrested and placed a hand to to over to north korean. oh. so it is at least bought a bridge. nobody has heard anything from her since she thought it was a little girl. if you want to pull to you, it means you're going to hell. so what if i give you? that's how you die always. and then nobody knows if you will survive or not. if you will be beaten to death, what would starve to death will shot to death as if it would see no screen g to accumulate. when it has made it clear that he can see this, anyone who tries to escape the country, a traitor and criminal who must be punished. human rights organizations have called on china to stop the indiscriminate deportations. there's a very high chance of north korean escapees when they're sent back to their home country that they will face torture and other serious or nice violations. so china
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is violating its obligations under the torture convention, as well as the directtv convention is. and protocol china, the nice, the accusations, it's foreign ministry didn't respond to the w's request for comment. but in the recently to, to the u. n. china states that there is, quote, no evidence of torture, also called mess of human rights violations in north korea. but for us human rights organizations like re a few to has been piecing together picture flaw, screw, yes, in some as prison based on satellite images and hundreds of witness testimonies that has been able to create a model of the grim reality. the detainees have to, in your your pride of proper food, and therefore many detainees suffer or die from longer ition and they experience
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position on torture. physical meetings in the abbreviation of food and sleep back in london came to lee is in constant contact with human rights organizations. she even went to new york to share her sister's story. she's no longer afraid of speaking out. on the 2nd hand tied forever in your own. if something's bad, you have to name it. if something's bad, you have to say it's bad. this just as one to to listen. they are hoping for an international outcry against deportations from china to north korea. well aware that it might be too late to save. this is to tell ok, and that is all the news for the south. after a short break, a special program asking if fost fashion can ever be eco friendly. don't forget the website is an option. if you want more news at any time of the day,
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you can find that at the deputy dot com, youtube channel is another great place to get all the light is to with nearly 5000000 subscribers. they now from anthony out and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. and we'll be back with another bolton and 45 minutes to understand the issue. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me how much can we do simultaneously.


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