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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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the. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 immediate in cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest they classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know, on youtube, dw documentary, the hello and the very warm welcome to focus on europe with me live, show people across europe are in a festive mood. decorated trees, bring that special christmas feeling to towns and villages across the continent. people visit markets in droves because they are the perfect place to meet some
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friends. grab a hot drink or even do some last minute shopping. it's also that time of the year where one question gets asked a lot. where does santa claus live? it must be somewhere in the north where it's cold and snowy. will several countries claim to be sent as true home people in finland. i convinced it's several vanya me at the arctic circle. it's quite the tourist magnet. many travel to this small village every year. but the residence of pro vanya me wants to bring balance between tourism and the environment. a santa claus is really, at least in this finishing village on the ok circle. sent as busy reading letters giving up presents, i'm needing children and adults from all over the world. he and his winter wonderland have become one of the biggest tourist attractions in finland.
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when he is not looking santa enjoy spending time in nature. not on my side. what a sense of coughing and summer time he's working in the forest. yeah, sometimes i'd go with my 5 best friends that hold off even though the one with the thing. yeah. yeah. and sometimes we have, we have working with that with the, with the l. nature as part of the magic at santa clauses village a tour under reindeer sledge or riding wood hoskins a very popular with the tourist and both standing right on the arctic circle at the village, which was 1st set up in the 1950s close to the town of little bunny, things are getting more and more crowded around $300000.00 people, visit every year to make their christmas's extra special. never experience, something like that before a certain value is really nice, is a guide. it was
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a beautiful man. it's a little bit of magic everyday life. but flying hill, sting and all those christmas presents having an impact on finish down and on the environment in the travel and tours and of course the, there's no question of course it's produced as lots of carbon dioxide. so many hotels here doing what they can to minimize the impact and make tours in here most sustainable you, honey, it can in brunswick hotel in town that use only due to him and then the which comes from heat in the ground and has close to 0 and missions are those used only materials instead of new. it's also sustainable for an ecological uh, it cannot be and go away to think about the future. if you only want to do this or some winter related business or anything that has to do with the new cherry,
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if you room the nature, it's not going to be for long. but you can do, you have to think about the future hotels here are applying for sustainability, certifications with the finished government, and i thought of a tourism cooperative that works together to reduce emissions. the others go, the extra step to take care of sign does trusted companions to rein. do a triple. nestle is a highlight for many taurus, but the animals are particularly vulnerable to climate change and they cannot be kept in bonds. but i do need to be open all those grazing. this helps them and also the forest a heavy as degrees, the prune plants and hudson, we go healthier for independents of india hood the iep. all in, in the a much more than just looking animals. this one is the kindest randy of diverge up sustainable hotels now popular only with video viewed by indigenous
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people outside the town. it helps the animals, the forest and also native communities. the saw me to keep the traditions we have about to in the reindeer this morning. to be of a morning rain data so far and night. we have the overall name data stuff out also who's working in evening. so he does working in the morning. so then we can keep the, how the of these ranges and take care of that rand desk and resting. also. hello. where are you from? rest is something that's sound does help us don't get right before christmas. especially those in charge of santos, post office house and letters from about 200 tons. please arrive to send that to us every year. posting the letter is compared to traveling suddenly a more logical option and the post office has seemed to cooperate. they tell us
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what you read. santa claus on the letter and post it from anywhere in the world. it would end up here. christmas is a time of joy. and this finish down is working to keep it that way. santa is on board to if you take care of the nature, the nature will take care of you. and then also, if you take care of the other people, the other people will take care of you. and then you know, it is like like having the, the, the christmas ceiling in your heart or making your way to an ideal like spot is not always easy. take these stone steps, for example, they lead to a very special place in the italian olds. people wanting to get to the tiny village of quite a bit. i must do it by foot. the stone adventure is not for everyone and it can be
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exhausting. but residents like and then i was mid rollie don't have a choice. it's her daily life. she's one of the few people that still live in the village and she's not in favor of the construction of the road into quite a data. a high above lake como lies cordero and isolated village up in the alps. only 9 people still live here in a goose middle li and her australia are the backbone of the small community. there are only 2 ways to get to the village. atlanta, it goes middle is preferred route, is a 2 hour hike from the valley on the shores of lake como. up 2600 steps. let's double out of i can get a call on google on the stress that builds up when i'm down in the valley. mountains away as i climb higher the foot, the good company, that's wonderful. when i get to cold air, i just feel so light then there's option to
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helicopter it. costs around $300.00 euro is per flank, though. that's why it is only used when food or other goods need to be transported to the village for herself and the others for. so i bring stuff for alfonso. fortunately, yano give me something for everyone on the produce spread. bessolo, a lot of innocence allow me a bit of everything. hopefully too in just 2 minutes it all lands and seen it could . there are 824 meters above sea level. there are no roads here. the inhabitants of this small village community are the last of their kind to live in the alps, the around and such isolation davis peas, no. these goats are grazing somewhere up in the mountains. at 45. he's the youngest
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person here in cordero and is eager for change. here i went the road so that we can keep the village alive say so treating it like a magical landscape or a postcard. the 2nd time is not helpful. because living in such seclusion as anything but romantic, says peas, no, the only people who don't have to live here all the time, see it that way of utilities, deeper communities towards her as its paradise and thought i'd easily, but i see the village dying replacing morty, what is one supposed to do here? work is 110, and 10. if there was a road you could extract rocks to get how it would with the data size, if with what, how would things get into the valley? boesky was on our shoulders. like now. we met the we post alex because i followed over and yet debbie's plans to stay here with his goats because he loves the mountains. after the helicopter drops its load, atlanta must carry the food to her of the yeah, no road,
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no other means of transportation. just her back and forth because i'll follow up on it is strenuous, but it's worth it to be supposed to because it also gives you so many fulfilling moments as a matter of given take on a go on to her of study. i'll be now in the center of the village and to our phones up in only the village elder has spent almost her entire life in cordero, around 600 people once lived here. the phones has watched the village slowly die out. she's grown old with it. 0, let's see. grand. okay. you know, i'm almost 95. i've never smoked in mine just seemed that although i never eat food that's too greasy, almost all full type home stuff. she hopes to see people return
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it unless it goes through so that it would be nice if they built the road. hostile people fi. there's plenty of space up here by anybody could build more houses and then more people could live here. spivey, i'm ok, let's hope the road is built soon. whatever happens alfonze that wants to stay in her home village here. far above lake como goose metal. it gets to work in the kitchen at post the peanut. thanks to the friends of cordero association for restaurant is open all year round and is very popular. she believes that there was remoteness is what makes it attractive. why it's intent upon us and it's not everyone takes the steep path up here in the mountains. those who come have a connection to the mountains and that's what i was dying. yeah, they liked the fact that it's hard work to get up here. the phone, you have to earn what we need and that's what i like about it. now what can we do it 1st, if we're looking to got you instead of just the villagers decide they want
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a road built in list, i will respect that no boss, but it would no longer be the place for me. they both so similar. that's what i left so far. there are no plans for a road so could narrow will likely remain the village at the end of the world for a long time to come. well now introduce you to get to him most who calls herself biggie. she spends most of her life on the road. the big is one of the very few female truck drivers in europe. hundreds of thousands of jo vacancies are open, possibly because it's a very tough job. but that's never worried. biggie. she's been a driver for 30 years. overcoming every challenge that comes her way. good morning. a big crates, eddie her truck. it belongs to the company, but only she is allowed to drive it. but get a marsh clocks in for the day. is parked in it all goes
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for the next 5 days. biggie will drive, eat and sleep and the modest 5 square meters of the trucks. interior design. i just love it. it's yes, i can't really describe it as a showing for me. i just feel really good because so she's been driving for 30 years now. on today's 1st leg, biggie will drive the 1st 50 kilometers without a trailer on our way to work for us to pick up. she discovers that the access road is blocked. on my dammit, i have to go another way to a package or can i get through? i can get through, can i a it's a tight squeeze, but biggie knows her. eddie problem solved time for the next one.
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is even though they're already unloading so i can't get to my trailer big is trailer is on the left. another on the right there was no getting through. this was that i have to turn around and back in through the warehouse. probably reversing through a warehouse full of obstacles is precision work, maneuvering slowly and precisely to join up with the trailer. today's load specialized industrial paint. yeah. good god, the good sir. it's like going to the gym. you said now it's time for a coffee. while the water boils take you takes care of the formalities,
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your state just even global move on. so 7 o'clock, we were here before 7. so this is when we finish talking up. this any saves everything for her employer on the, on board adoption or at the moment. but this is showing back in headquarters is cut the bottom left, the company's junior manager, the truck's onboard computer. let's her see exactly where big into edi are at any time. not yet, stuff. here you can see there was very heavy traffic. last monday i had one, she could only drive 4 kilometers and 50 minutes. so she was severely delayed for to go on and others kind of it, i'm of seen this. we can then react and figure out what to do next. as i'm so you can model to everything here. yeah. yes. and keeping track of everything is important for the haulage company. after all they have 160 trucks out on the road, but they do have a shortage of drivers. cuts out and it goes through new applications with their parents. the junior manager was hoping to hire more female drivers.
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the adoption as events and by speaking with your conflict to get the relationships are different than how much quite and for example, if there are conflict i've set which will hopefully be rare. i've had women apologize the next day walk home because they weren't in a good mood. it can happen. but i've never had that with men's. um, so it's a different kind of relationship than drop and you didn't, but both can do the job equally well. that still only 3 of their $180.00 drivers are women. the boss thinks that's too few, that they're both on the schedule, but we need more people in general lloyd. so we're glad for every person who joins us. i mean, most who enjoys that. who sees the job as a vocations often still quite who for their gender doesn't matter at all. and then just a specialist when he got 50 kilometers away, biggest coffee break is over. it's time for her in eddie to hit the road once again . it's mostly mit mit. absent taylor device,
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you have to put your heart and soul into it or it doesn't work. no, i don't drive the truck out because i have to because i want to move. i must take eddie, for example, my truck. of course he's a truck, but he's also my teammate and we work together. there's when he's in a bad way, i'm in a bad way just like a partnership. i'm married to my truck and if i had a partner who told me i should stop driving, i'd say no, i'm not quitting. get lost driving is my life is unit, of course really big is level of driving has cost or 2 marriages. that doesn't bother her, but she deeply regret not seeing her 2 daughters more. just lots was never there for them except by phone, but i never held them in my arms and now she's moved closer to her daughters. she doesn't want to miss out on her grandchildren as well. but that doesn't mean she'll pull the brakes on her beloved
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job. for now, begin, daddy will continue traveling down the open road. the to roby and kristof are a couple and the dream of finding true love has become reality, which is not something that people with mental disabilities take for granted. that's because they often face unique challenges. for some, it's difficult to even go on a date without a can't take up. so if i need power tools from belgium wants to change that. so she started a dating up for people with functional needs. her platform called met at least helps users who are looking for a partner and there's quite a lot of demand. i love you. i love you to know that. the reason it took forever to me for stuff and robbie are head over heels in love. both are in their mid thirties. stuff employed in the workshop,
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probably helps out in the daycare center. it may not be immediately apparent how much of a challenge daily life can be for the to kristof and robbie have mental disabilities and live in different assisted living groups. they can take care of some things on their own, but need the presence of the caregiver to get through the day and to make meeting each other possible from the admin. okay. we met at a dance event put on by might at least at all. so let's comp another month lease. this is yvonne may my caregiver told me, she'd found someone suitable for me books and as soon as they met, they both knew they belong together. now they clicked right away. it was how the collect spark happened really fast on both sides. they found each other
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with the help of the model least. a platform initiative works a bit differently from other data insights like 10 to our bundle model lifters for singles with functional needs. looking for partners, it was the brainchild of social workers, stephanie patuto, on both of amazon points off and on basing apps and websites i will. so you have instances of harassment or attend such a use or lock up on hobby that will people make fun of you and make it a and on, but it's especially hard for people with intellectual disabilities to find the partner. oh gosh, goodness. many of them depends on some kind of help to make it to the date box, to like a bubble sort of and vakio a lot of really stephanie and fellow social workers from various care facilities and slanders, collect profiles and organize, get togethers where singles can get to know one another in a relaxed environment. and the effort has been a hit since it was launched in 2022. they've collected over 200 profiles.
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yeah, but the radical mother lived the most legally mother, least of people with intellectual disabilities. consent in the profile is by email or regular mail. it says who can in the middle, i indicate what they're looking for and why they like to have a relationship with them. we kind of had the profiles and try to find someone who is a good match to zucker, calling in reading 32 year old. andrea has invited us to her assisted care facility or coating that i'd like to have a boyfriend to go out and have fun together with a vin and mac, and she values hospitality highly, but doesn't receive many visitors from hopkins. and i can make nonsense hide to some fun. you think there will be champagne. and some funny use the un convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, or just a free government to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to enter into a relationship. even so people like entre are awesome. marginalized model lift is
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there to help breakdown stigmas, and barriers to study conducted by the belgian institution for a quality against discrimination showed that the majority of people with disabilities feel disadvantaged in the expression of their sexuality. their needs in this respect, are rarely acknowledged by society. cynthia and peter have only recently found out about my belief to peter is happy to have the opportunity but isn't quite content with it. that's the same, but mostly just, it's nice to have met a lift up and, and it's doing good work. but and it's disappointing that we're not able to find the partners on the more common website sites. and then 2nd, a vendor. all they gave to me when i looked at my sister and her husband with house garden and dog space, i think i'd like to have that to connect. so i'm, i believe, robbie and krista seem to have found their great love without my the least it would
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hardly have been possible. they can only meet once a month. their caregivers have many other clients just in the meantime, the to talk on the phone every evening and are even planning to marry. how i'd like to drive to the wedding in a classic car. i'm ready for it so they can fly open. yeah. me too cool. but the couple will have to wait 3 years, so their caregivers can be sure this love of truly like a particle of capital city. lisbon is full of tourist attractions. among them are the cities unique kiosks that are typically located in parks or central squares. people have met up there since the 19th century. today they are a popular snapshots for tourists table. elvis, run such a kiosk and knows all about the rich history for him. they are more than just a place to get coffee or a newspaper. they're
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a piece of cultural heritage that needs to be preserved. lisbon, the city of squares, the city at spectacular view. even in heavy fall, locals and tourists, a light gather at the kiosk. but the true lives bowen's will drink their coffee, standing up a city guide, nuno de power, the tells it was not only they don't see the kiosks used to be more points of transit and we didn't sit around and then here they were places where you could buy lottery tickets, tobacco newspapers with tv programs. now, they weren't much fun for children. during the years of the dictatorship, up to the 1970s, people could hardly gather any place without raising suspicions. by gradually the kiosks re established themselves in the city escaped, often and art deco style color full and richly decorated. this one is
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a nuclear arguments, but it's done in the architecture of the way it used to be with the wrought iron and the own lamps. jago all this takes the respect for tradition, even further offering only retro beverages and dishes port crying sandwiches. for example. know, so i'm going to put them in there, not exactly. diet, food don't put but dishes that were often eaten by dock workers for their hard physical work. they need an energy rich food to provide a my easy nowadays keeps culture means that everyone gets together hungry or not. older young people around people can see the movement, others of the city can feel the sounds of to see you. you can smell the city the tradition lives on, even in the fog travelers and locals on like in catch
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a glimpse and a bit of lisbon history and daily life the. and that's it from us this week on focus on your a happy holidays. wherever you are the next time and goodbye the, the, the
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center line tradition, we need to, and this is cultural identity with just the slightest attention hunters and protested
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in 15 minutes on the w and to the conflict with tim sebastian. as with so many african conflicts, the latest fighting into down the road, death, misery, to huge numbers of civilians, whatever happened to africa's long enough promise to silence the guns. mo, abraham 6 ounces. so such a question that at the corner of africa's problems he says, is that government, why is it still so prevalent? code success in 90 minutes on dw the we say they're about never giving up every weekend
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on d w. we want to be the number one for the crypto queen and her entire crime rouge on it now to the sales one calling and they don't currency then she disappears out. so trace financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stunts descend associates on dw vacation as an applicant, do they have the was i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go say colson tissue, today's because when they go to that, we set up the lovely new meal with caldwell. i'm a tenant, although i so not because the
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the this is the, the news life from berlin. the united nations most closer to agreement on gaza. negotiators work till the night seeking common ground as the us signals, aka, find them to be able to agree to it. as in griffin, calling for a pause in the fighting plus us measuring legal defeat for us and fee for the court rules. the football associations broke the, you know, when blocking plans for the new super me, us politics, but we'll explain what this might be in for you or if you're in football.


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