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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news life from berlin, the united nations most closer to agreement on gaza. negotiators work to the night seeking common ground as the us signals a pay find going to be able to agree to a resolution. calling for a pause in the fighting plus a smashing legal defeat for us and fee for the court rules. the football associations broke the you know, when blocking plans for the new super me,
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us politics. but we'll explain what this might be in for your order in football. the, i'm british bandage you welcome, a president joe biden says that us is negotiating a new united nations resolution on gaza. that quote, we may be able to agree to that you want to go to counseling is working to get us approval on a resolution sponsored by at upstate it's to hold the fighting. a vote has been repeatedly delayed. as negotiators hugging over the wedding, the latest version calls for a suspension of hostilities between isabel and i'm us, which many countries classified as a terrorist group. from the u. k and germany have joined global calls for us these file to but even if the security council bosses i cease fire as a new from, it's not clear if it would be heated. how much has issued
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a statement saying there should be codes. no talk about prisoners or exchange deals, except after a full cessation of aggression and speaking as those negotiations were going on of the un is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu also appeared to rule out any truce home to him, but we continue the war until the end. it will continue until how much does it have a nice it until victory? let me those who think we will stop and they'll connect it to reality. we will not stop fighting until we achieve all of the goals. we have set the illumination of homicide release about hostages, and then move at the threat from gaza. and we were talking how much a lot within federal fire and a who everyone including today. we also attacked their assistance from name and file. i don't recall how muscle terrorism on the 1st, the last a deadman go to the company off. they only have 2 options on surrender will die and been a mother. yes,
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i'm lock steps that will lead kinda hold on. what might of it's on shine is a john list. i'm seeing them at least list with the international crisis group i. li, i asked for her reaction to that statement by benjamin netanyahu. all right, well we've heard from them yahoo and from most of these really leadership that this war will take months and months and months and that it will take a very long time because they are dedicated to what they say is the destruction of come us. that military objective is something that almost 3 months into this war. it is hard to see. so i just don't, i don't think that israel is able to really build the victory narrative at this point and it's in yahoo as many on know and understand is interested in political survival. he's already in a re election campaign, as he knows that most israelis are interested in an election or in some kind of removal of him from power once this war for ends. and so the question of if how and when is where will end remains very obscure,
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the victory remains completely elusive and as such, and it to me, i who continues to talk about endless analyst 4 might of. meanwhile, the us also say is go to very serious negotiations that taking place on a new sees 5 guys, he's 5, but the prospect for the dean demand on something where it is right as we just saw, and how mazda both standing firm and the bonds. what do you think is needed now in your view to break these deadlock as well? we certainly need a ceasefire, but what's on the table currently from israel is some kind of pause. the type of pause that we saw in late november in order to release hostages. there is great public pressure from the families of hostages in israel to 1st get the hostages out and then continue on with the war as israel sees fit. you know, so that what's, what's on the table currently, both in the un and in the is really proposal is something that come, us has officially rejected how boss wants to complete stop to the war. something that is rel, rejects. but you know, as far as the crisis group is concerned,
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and certainly many humanitarian agencies because of the disaster in gaza, of the starvation, the disease, the outbreak and the fact that we don't really see an end to hum us rule there. yet . we need to cease fire now there's also a regional escalation to worry about. and these are all reasons to stop the war and then enter into some kind of diplomatic and political process, which is really the only way that will bring security to his release. about the un security council, the draft does that as a new from the us, as a banking over the wedding. that as well. what do you think needs to change for the us to beckett's as well? i think the u. s. is already trip, you know, it's already made it clear that it's not interested in a ceasefire or what, what they've been calling a sustainable. i think the station they want to pause. i'm hoping that that's something that the us can agree to. but you know, the us has made, it stands, she very, very clear. and even though it's trying to limit maybe in some ways, the way israel is waging this war,
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the us is 100 percent behind israel. it is not calling for a cease fire. and so any human resolution that alludes to cease fire is not going to be supported by the us. if it's some kind of pause then, maybe that's something that the us can get behind. we were talking about the name and up now who are the and i'd like to bring him back into the conversation. how much do you think? there is a sense that uh benjamin netanyahu and his government are getting frustrated and even angry. and the way israel is closest allies and now talking about its actions and goes up well, i mean, i think the israel has been able to act with impunity for it, for decades with regarding it's for treatment of the palestinians. and so, you know, i, i don't, i think israel is aware that there's a big problem with the number of people it has killed. and the fact that it's really, instead of destroying somebody seems to just be destroying gaza. so, you know, there's an yahoo is also showing to be a, be confronting biden on his,
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you know, so called pressure because he things, but we'll get him a points with his base here in israel. so, you know, i don't really sense that israel feels pressure from the world. obviously there's major protests in the western capitals. but otherwise, israel continues to operate as it, as it pleases, pretty much where you leave at the thanks so much for joining us today. might i was on trying to now list at the international crisis group in talary. thanks so much. i as he has a quick look now at some of the other headlines making news around the russian foreign minister, sucking number of his gold, german lead. as a bunch of thieves over a german proposal to confiscate frozen russian assets, prosecutors won $720000000.00 to be seized from a russian financial institution in frankfort. love rob, one of come to matches, which is most of the us with program had suspended assistance. and both of saddam, that you and agency says the civil has spilled over into the southern region where
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it has been feeding 8 100000 people. the conflict of securing the 12000 people and displaced millions more and protests of it up to them during his id is up to new argent time. president. javier and the lady announced a major economic deregulation. thousands months' against drastic costs to public spending plans to sell a full state on the company's end of the valuation of the face. so mean a say is shocked. kind of fees needed to give the economy moving again thailand's bottom and has overburden mainly past the 1st reading of full draft builds on same sex marriage. the legislation would mean more equality for thailand, sizeable l, g b, t q plus community. right? selective is subset existing laws do not reflect changing social attitudes and discriminate against minority groups. the change just didn't leave. the final approval of the king is fost thailand would follow nipple and taiwan and legalizing
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same sex marriage to 3. so the define co payments client is getting into the festive spirit and they may soon have something else to celebrate the same sex marriage rights, et cetera, sexual couples. the majority of ty, parliamentarians approved full draft bills on same sex marriage of to the 1st reading was number one day and we will legally be able to support our partners to members many of the our lives that will be easier. how did you do that? my name and what, and i don't mean we won't have to hide anything from anyone. i couldn't do it because the law will be behind us. i thought i name and a lot of what i mean. you don't get thrown up by lovesick pete new off. what do we don't want to be privileges to apply to?
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people misunderstand. that's something i think we're calling for special treatment that may be our community just wants to be treated fairly night and they log in every day. life out in thailand has one of the most open, invisible, gay communities in asia. but activists say this reputation is misleading because the country is known as an institution, still discriminate against l. g p q plus people. they say this allows for human stadia in all parts of society. a previous attempts at posting loza marriage equality were blocked by the full a minute. treat government but hoops, monks, the gay community with re ignited of the prime minister. se touch was in was elected in august this year on the, his government's proposal. that was man and women and husband and wife would be
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replaced with the gender neutral times individual and spouse in marriage laws. allowing for full equality for old. of the bill still has a few hurdles to pause before it becomes low. but many l g p t q plus activists in thailand, bill they're closer than ever before to having that cruise for a quality onset so major football news now the up in union stop cool. what has ruled that you a fund fee for broke, you know, in booking plans for the break of a super league in 2021 involving 12 rebels clubs. the building does not mean the supanik project could be approved, but it does boost hopes the code. so it'd be fine you are if i had no right to make any new inter club football project subjects to their prior approval. chris huntington from the douglas board is with us to help us understand things. chris, welcome. what does this really mean? well, it definitely marks
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a serious legal set back for you way for and fee for because the european union court says that they broke the law in threatening the clubs and the players that were involved in a super league. and that was one of the main reasons that, you know, it got quickly disbanded in 2021 after the announce information of it, 48 hours later, after fans and teams, you know, express their opposition. it disbanded fairly quickly. but this, this particular ruling, it means that football could change in the future in regard to the super league. it could change the way football is run altogether. but it's important to note that the really did not endorse the super league. so the status of the super league whether or not, you know, move forward or not, it's kind of in limbo its, it's in somewhat of a great area right now. so what of the reactions being to this rolling? very interesting manchester united, one of the original 12 of the teams back in 2021. they came out and said they're fully committed to you wafer, which means they're not really jiving with the idea of the super li, the premier league says that any of the clubs that are part of any future plan will,
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will be, will suffer a 30 point deduction 30 points if you're out of any kind of competition in the premier league plus you'll be hit with a $25000000.00 pound fine. the german champions by munich said they support you wafer and the doors closed in regard to them for any super lee. but on the other side of that fits barcelona, one of the proponents for the super league. they are thrilled for the idea. they believe it pays the way for the formation of believe a 20 to the promotion company behind it. supporting the idea says that the monopoly, the way for it, and if it had is over, football is now free. so you know, it's 5050. what will happen moving forward, but it looks graham, you know, in my opinion, considering how many teams say they're not gonna, you know, support it, especially with the premier league putting down the, you know, their 5 and so forth. just just remind us again, press what was all the arguments that were given to create
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a super league in the 1st place. well, just to make a add a little bit of competition. you know, to the ingredient. you know, uh television money has been considered a key ingredient and reason why the european super late would be formed in the 1st place. the people in support of the super league believe that it would give. busy or, you know, their hands on the money to this, to separate and basically allocate the funds and it would have a trickle down effect that would make the game more entertaining to fans and supporters, you know, abroad and so forth, of these clubs. and also they believe that it could strengthen the domestic leaves . but, but this argument has always been an argument for what the champions league is supposed to serve as well. um, i found it very interesting that a 20 to the promotion company behind it and announced that a 64 club tournament there in the plans and making that right. and uh, they'll have be a woman's competition in advance competition. and what are the issues a gives us a believe was the idea that it would be a close tournament. it wouldn't be based on merit. well,
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a 22 this promotional company says that's not the case. it will be based on merit and the figures right now. i'm looking at $400000000.00 euro since and plus, you know, to divvy up, you know, i'm on the clouds participating. so there seems to be, you know, quite the, the cared at the end of the stick, but i'm not sure if anyone's by the name of the cross product and thanks so much for breaking that down for us. thank you. ad coming up off of the break, i did the documentary on why the federal island student allowed wearing something i finished managing, but the vibrant under glistening place of long in the mediterranean sea st. amazon. and just far up to coming to us exploring motor in large styles to amy and admitted to alien jenny this week on


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