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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw dues live in from berlin, denied a mass shooting and the check capital prawn. police say a government killed at least 14 people at the university building. dozens of others were wounded and the government is also dead. government says there's no link to international terrorism and the search for a compromise on garza a 3rd day of talk to the united nations security council on a resolution aimed at halting the find
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the library golf. it's good to have you with us police in the czech republic, say a gunman has killed at least 14 people at the university and central prod, dozens more had been injured. the government also shot dead his father before the rampage. authorities say there is no leak to terrorism. a frantic run for cover as a shooter opens fire in the heart of prox historic center. as police hans the gun man, staff and students at the university are warranted to barricade themselves inside of others, hide on a building ledge. out of desperation, panic, families tried to contact their loved ones. when news of the shooting spread comes, you guess, semester starting in 4 months and we found out what's happening in the philosophy
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department on them. so i tried to reach my daughter at going on. that's the electronic. but she didn't answer the call that communicable a community college, so we communicated by text message out a little bit. and i asked her to stay on the floor. i think not to go near the windows. kelly checked on me and wait for the police. the yucky bull valley and uh, 42 or 40 say they received information about a man from a nearby village heading for proc to commit suicide. police then discovered a body of another man in the village. the suspects father with the nation and shock, the prime minister addresses the check people may prevent me double the festival. let me express my deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of all the victims, bringing it over to study. none of us can fully imagine the depth of grief and pain they are now experiencing near the hospital. most people took so many lives, mostly young people have been needlessly lost and here many of them injured some
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unfortunately very seriously. there is no justification for this horrendous act. and like many of you, i feel deep sadness and discussed in the face of this senseless and brutal violence . police believe the shooter who was a student at the university acted alone. they say there is no link to international terrorism for extremist groups. with journalist in willoughby gave us the latest from proc. the latest news is that at least 15 people have been killed in this trouble shooting. one of the dead is a police officer or several others where a number of others were also shot and an injured today. and there are about 30 people also injured who were inside the, the frequency of arts when this run stage occurred. and they are, people are also getting counseling. people who survived this turbo tech have been
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receiving counseling this evening so far they haven't released the names of any of the judge but to the chair, to public is without us in very deep shock tonight. that was journalist in willoughby reporting from brought the united nations security council is indigo shading for a 3rd day on a new resolution aimed at halting the fighting garza, you as president biden has signal that the us may back this initiative, which was put forward by error of countries, a vote has been repeatedly delayed as diplomats haggle over the wording of the resolution. this latest draft calls for a suspension of hostilities between is real and tomas, which many countries as you may know, pre classified as a terrorist group. and you k, france and germany have joined to global calls for a ceasefire. i ask you to be using as poll, why it is taking so long to reach a consensus?
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the right thing. i think it's fair to me mentioned that the member states, sophia, and always have their own national interest to consider when working on a ceasefire. but in this particular situation, the united states and israel actually has been relatively isolated in the decision to oppose a ceasefire in nevada. the un general assembly some days ago, $153.00 member states out of the $193.00 and total membership effect. this resolution, this is apparently rejecting the current resolution because of the u. n. monitoring mechanisms for age 2 guys because israel does not want less control over monitoring every thing which comes into guys a because apparently afraid of arms and maybe concrete for tunnels being smuggled along side with uh, deliveries. so the base side is brand is where it is not trusting other countries
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to keep them safe. and this has a deep commitment to support israel. you said the us has not been on board with the resolution and gone to in the past, but that seems to be shifting what is behind this change of heart as well. you know, the situation is not only challenging but actually really risk a full president by it and we all facing and the elections, your next tier as we know. and he's not only losing support from arrow error of americans to, to his and reverend commitment to is red. but paul's also show that the majority of 1st time voters might not support by it and in the next presidential election. so he really puts in everything he can to find a compromise to find a word in which he can agree on, and israel to also not lose the support of the millions of americans was strongly support israel and what punish bite. and if he were to vote against israel's take,
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all right, he just spoke with the ladies from washington is as always, thank you. israel has failed to press on with this operation in gaza until homeless is eliminate the is really military as release pictures, which it says show a network of homeless tunnels. israel claims the network is using or is used by the groups commanders, including those accused planning. the october 7th terror attacks is really soldiers inspect buildings said to be in gaza. city. they say they've uncovered entrances to what they allege or secret rooms use by him. us commanders at several locations, a complex with books of the koran. you can see there is this area i see graffiti and there are carpets on the floor,
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but maybe some kind of front area around metal pipe. the military says its soldiers also discovered shafts to a quote, vast network of tunnels. there isn't electricity books here. this opens, it was close. this is actually a door, not the back of a box to reach the space that leads to the tunnel shop below. perhaps the most important discovery this they believe was used by the hamas leader in gaza. himself yes, yes. and who are pictured here in an old video? what was behind a brother? he's alleged to be one of the chief planners of the october 7 terror attacks. and send wise elimination is among israel's top objectives in gaza while israel's ground troops advance and bombardment continues. israel has now issued new evacuation orders for hon. eunice in the service where it claims in war is hiding
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out. the plight of palestinians has led to growing international pressure for a pause in the fighting. but israel is standing firm the whole month. we continue the war until the end of it will continue until how much is eliminated from the until victory. let me, it's a whole those you think we will start so a not connected to reality by them to. and despite holding talks in egypt, how mosse is also refusing to budge? in a statement, it said it will reject any talks about prisoner and hostage swaps until quote is rarely aggression is ended. here's a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . ukraine authorities say russian showing has killed 3 people, including 5 others at mining facilities in the eastern don't ask region. russian forces have recently stepped off their offensive in the surrounding area. question for administrators. a lab rob has called the german leaders,
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a bunch of thieves over a german proposal to confiscate frozen russian assets. prosecutors, 1720000000 euro is to be seized from a russian financial institution in frankfort lab. rob has warrant of counter measures. the world food program has suspended assistance in parts of sudan. the human agency says the civil war is spilled over into the southern region where it has been feeding 800000 people. the conflict has killed $12000.00 people and displaced millions nor donald trump's former lawyer, rudy giuliani has filed for bankruptcy days after being ordered to pay a $148000000.00 in a defamation lawsuit to former election workers in the state of georgia said that giuliani made false statements about them that led to death threats. the unions have called off a strike the disrupted trained services between britain and france. the walk out by
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your total staff left thousands of christmas travelers, stranded in london and paris. workers earlier have rejected a 1000 year a bonus, demanding 3 times as much the re now berlin philharmonic orchestra has staged a star studded benefit performance. calling for the release of hostages and lasting peace in the middle east under the banner, together for humanity is rarely and published. any musicians played together on stage proceeds from the event will go to peace projects and israel and gosh, the concert flo live in motion with an appeal to our common humanity and a call to protect civilians on both sides of the israel high mass war. the chief conductor of the berlin philharmonic curious patricio led the orchestra in front of
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a packed house. many international soloist, including is really musician, t z or alias. also to part the garbage between talking on the we started to organize the concert 10 days ago because it was a small group. and actually all of the artists that we asked wanted to be a part of it. i think because of this awful feeling of helplessness, one has when there is such an awful conflict, and for that reason, all of them really wanted to join us and put forward this message. i'm so steve, these 2 musicians believe that piece is possible. one is jewish, the other palestinian could be the dog they have been performing together for 20 years, despite hostilities on both sides. for sure, there was sacrifice to be made uncomfortable compromise to be made more fees. it's going to be maybe hurts, hurt the compromise,
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but not as much as worse as why. and i think it's also a matter of personal responsibility. every single one of us and that is not only is realism for the students, but also europeans and americans. and everyone who shares things on facebook. dick talks, who um, uh, drinks in fake news and all kinds of things. at this point it's, it can cost you unless you have to do those things, you have to be responsible enough. check your fact. make sure you are sharing viable things, and if you don't know what to say, see peace, peace, and hope. the central message of this event was echoed in a powerful address on behalf of the families of the hostages. bring them home now bring back hope for humanity. peace seeking people on all sides deserve to leave respectful and safe lives. thank you. these
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issues added the concert to they're busy christmas program at short notice a festive call for lasting peace. the city. all right, so major football news now the european union's top court has ruled that you wave mc for broke in you law in blocking plans for the break away super league in 2021 involving 12 rebel clubs. now the ruling does not mean the super lead project will be approved, but it does boost hoops. the court said fee for a new wave. i had no right to make a new inter club football project subject to their prior approved. are you watching the w news? here's a reminder of our top story. check. police say at least 14 people have been killed by a gunman in the shooting of the university building and the capital. probably dozens
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of others have been injured shooters also get government says there's no link to terrorism. after the break, 80 w documentary asked why the pharaoh islands still allows well hunting. you watch a dw dues, i will see you tomorrow. the . we want to be the number one crystal carzillo, the crypto queen, and her entire crime rouge on it now to the sales one cooling and the top currency, then she disappears. oh, so trist. assigned natural thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stance descend associates. oh d w the


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