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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2023 7:15am-7:29am CET

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of the going rate assignment that's all for now after the break documentary mapped out, looks at by 8 on isabel b to any means. don't forget to you can the got to pull the latest news on our website to see the blue task on the old. so go to a youtube channel, put all the latest news, and finish by energy in berlin. thanks so much for watching the confusion the. these places in europe, especially step into a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern globetrotters. describe it as some of us, regular bragging sites on youtube. and also this is not just a pipeline, it connects to is rarely cities. but what's so interesting about it is that it used to be known as the is riley,
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rain and pipeline in the 1970s. because of the 2 states worked on that together to transfer crude all for israel to europe. but that is the thing of the past. in the biggest set of tony, as in government about matter, how did you get the plates quote, there will be no way to swim in 25 years. the october may need the leader of the islamic revolution. belief that it should be exported through out the middle east and the world the he saw israel as part of the so called west in the middle of the majority muslim world as a problem. and ever since the ring and regime it doesn't recognize is wrote as a state and leaders don't even mention it's name. this is one of 2 runs, the oldest squares. in 2017, these clock was unveiled here, counting down to 2040 to the destruction of israel. because that is part of the
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propaganda of the religious regime in iran. square is often the scene of protest like beast transporting the anti semitic and to israel. rhetoric of the ring and authoritarian government. one has been using this rhetoric of destroying israel, but i think we need to be a bit careful distinguishing between rhetoric and reality. that was made that voters saturday. he has written numerous books on a range in society and politics, both and english and far see. so he really knows what he's talking about. the square we mentioned earlier, guess what? it's called palestine square. for a reason. after how must have told her attack on israel, people in iran protested here in support of the palestinians, some even in support of terrorist groups from us. but remember, iran is an author retiree in state. so these protests might not reflect when people actually think because we seen in the past that protests happen, orchestrated by the regime. it's important to understand that ever since the rain
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and revolution, the rain and regime presented itself as a vocal supporter of the palestinians. so why is that we asked of it? can me an expert on error is rarely relations use this issue in order to get mentioned as a origin low ball of in the middle east. and what he's saying is backed up by political scientist, marriage, that was already the way to understand it, really part of the policies that they claim to the quote unquote this either of them was the world. they try to formulate this sort of rhetorical champaign that can resonate with the average citizen industry. so the arab muslim world where they say we are the defender austin, to reach the, or the defendant of the palestinians. we can't go much into detail on the, is rarely posting and conflict if you want to know more check out or video about it
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. ok. so now you know why iran sees israel as its enemy, but its influence literally spills over its borders. this is what around calls, the axis of resistance. you have already heard of the palestinian militant group, how much would you tech israel on october 7, 2023 and a seem to terrorist organizations by the u. s. and the you come off is not the only group in the region that gets funding and arms from iran, the so called proxy armies include islamic, you had in galvan and westbank, his boss in lab and on the syrian armed forces, popular mobilization force and iraq. and cruces in yemen, begging him, i'll give you around the opportunity to position itself as the leading supporter of the public opinion calls in the air up world. just a reminder, most muslims in the world are sunni, including most palestinian muslims, are most muslims, and saudi arabia, a big player in the region,
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and the rain and regimes arch enemy, saudi arabia in the wrong, actually compete for influence in the middle east. the around has a she, a majority, which is a different branch of islam. same goes for most a ring and proxies in the region such as his block. so let's travel a bit further to the north, to the lab and on israel border region. this area in southern lebanon is another control of is what makes militant group has left, which is like come us back by iran. and then there are whose these, which operate mainly in yemen. just take a look at their slogan. it says here in red depth to america depth to israel cruz on the juice basically the same chance that we hear some 3000 kilometers away into ron patriot against israel often goes hand in hand with hatred against the united states. so there is definitely a comment ideology with the ring and regime and political the porch for the hoot
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seats, but around the nice sending the weapons paid. so there are several militias outside of it, runs borders that are backed by the ring and regime. and some of them have played a role in the aftermath of the october 2023 attack on israel. in an escalation of the decades long hostilities between hezbollah and israel, his beloved fired missiles into israel, the day after the masa taxed, and israel retaliated with air strikes and lebanon, and the human bays tutsis have targeted is early link chips in the red sea. this puts it around in proxy confrontation with israel. but does that also mean the rain and regime itself could act against israel directly at one point? let's keep that question in mind for later. so we have taken a closer look at the rang and side, but israel did not just sit back and wait. take these 2 areas and saddam and then
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syria. both were hit by air strikes, one in 292013 israel is believe to be behind the strikes and hundreds more in syria targeting weapons to prevent them from reaching iran's proxy armies from us in gaza and has the law in southern lebanon. and there's another big and potentially deadly topic, nuclear weapons. the rang and regime has repeatedly said its nuclear program is only to produce energy here on the zillow of course, started jumping up over the run the hot. it's just that brought power such as the u, as china, u k. and you don't believe them. and isabel doesn't believe them either. you will never have it. and just so you know is row was one of the biggest critics of the around nuclear deal. but that's a story for another video. so for iran,
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it's nuclear program is a way to put itself in a position of power in the middle east. and the program is ols of the geo political lands and all the way to border cross or on the united states on the west. and israel sees the reign a nuclear program as threatening to its existence. and by the way, israel is believed to possess nuclear weapons as well, but it doesn't acknowledge this. back to iran. here are the countries to nuclear facilities. over the years, there have been many sabotaged attacks. take this nuclear facility in not tons or experts say an explosion in 2020 separate ron's nuclear program. but up to 2 years . iran has blamed isabel for them and is rarely officials have implicitly threatened to attack around nuclear facilities. israel's intelligence agency most thought is also believed to have targeted rain and nationals including
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a series of assassinations of high profile nuclear scientists, such as the father of iran's nuclear program in 2020 israel, however, has never officially admitted to it. remember the oil pipeline, we mentioned at the beginning. well today there's no it raining oil slowing through it. enter as a by john. yes, another country that plays a role in this conflict. since the ninety's israel has had good relations with other by john and muslim majority country with an author retiree, and regime azerbaijan has become one of is ralph key suppliers of crude oil and is a close military partner. one detail is important here. look at as it by themselves, the country shares of more than 700 kilometer long border with iran and dislocation could potentially help israel performed a long range strike on a rock. so now we have a better understanding why there's a conflict between iran and israel. iran is using anti israel rhetoric to gain more
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power in the middle east, and israel is pushing back against iran. proxies and the countries influence. and we already know both countries are regional powers. but how come a country as small as israel is such a big military player? well, that's partly because israel is not alone and seeing iran as it's kind of me. and it has a powerful friend. the us is israel's, and number one allied militarily and financially that support is based on strategic interests in the middle east. and as you know, the common enemy iran. this map shows countries that are recently normalized diplomatic relations with israel, the abram accords, where a us initiatives that were signed in 2020 and the rocco saddam, and more importantly, 2 gulf states, the rhine and the united arab emirates with israel. so supporting this coalition of
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sunni muslim countries with israel was one way the u. s. has been trying to contain iran's influence in the region. remember, iran is officially a she a country. and the us, the return government did already seemed to like israel, improving relations with majority muslim countries in the region. the headed headings in the back that the slow me says it that the holidays look at one big regional player. and sony majority country was missing saudi arabia on israel, and saudi arabia didn't used to have official relations since the beginning of 2023 . the u. s. tried to broker a deal between israel and saudi arabia and they were supposed to be really close to historic agreement. something is wrong, so the rate of arch enemy would not have liked to put it mildly. and we all know what happened next. the october 2023 terrorist attack on israel by how much and how
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israel then declared war on how much the deadly is released strikes on gaza sparked outrage in the arab world. and they have put on hold the relations between israel and its neighbors. as you know, iran's proxy armies are attacking israel. at the same time, the united states has moved more ships to the region. but we still owe you an answer to one question. we haven't answered yet, what the iranian regime actually enter the conflict itself. you know, or will not be involved because you're wrong involved in this war with the guns original and uh, even worse then uh, rigid and regional was my arguments movie. they know that getting involved in the war, the district when you're wrong, really doesn't have any air force to speak. they are no match or sophisticated these fairly tight. so it seems to around wants to avoid getting involved directly
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. but the rain is really conflict. it's very far from sold right now, as are many other conflicts around the world. if you liked or video, tell us which other do you political conflict. you want us to map out next, or the center of the conflict with tim sebastien. as with so many african conflicts, late is fighting into down the road death misery, to huge numbers of civilians, whatever happened to africa's loan of promise to silence the guns. mo, abraham secret ounces to such a question that at the corner of africa's problems he says is by government. and why is it still so prevalent? conflict the next on the demo you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spaces is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2
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2 should. 2 2 humans are closer to a chimpanzee in santa chimpanzee is even to a dog. but duck here, series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube, d. w documentary, the as with so many african come fix. the latest fighting into don has brought death misery to huge numbers of civilians. this time even the un has been shocked by what zip code the unprecedented speed of this integration. whatever happens to africa's low loss promise to silence the guns, but we bring him 6 ounces to such questions. these are suit, denise born bridges, millionaire. with a foundation the researches africa's problems and rewards. those who tried to sofa, fuzzy ever lose faith in africa.


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