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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2023 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw dues live in from berlin, the un security council down to resolution to boost badly need today to take off that the boat was 13 to 0 with the us and russia. epstein resolution does not call for a pause in the fighting between is real and come off. also coming up mandatory in groups a quarter of got this population is starving. that is more than half
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a 1000000 people plus the czech republic in morning after the deadliest mass shooting in the country's history. police say a student went on a rampage at the university of the capital prod, leaving 14 dead before killing himself. the brit golf is good. they have you with this all the boost a deliveries to gone to russia and the united states abstained on the resolution. paving the way for the draft tax to be adopted on the resolution needs at least 9 votes in favor and no vetoes in order to pass. the 13 other members of the council voted in favor. the boat was delayed for several days as us diplomats have ruled over the wording of the text or some more. now let's go to washington to our correspondent janelle dom lounge. he has been following the yeah,
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the haggling that's been going on for days now at the un security council and it was about semantics wasn't it. janelle, yes. so this was an epic battle of semantics and negotiators were very hard to find wording that was acceptable, especially to the u. s. u. s. had taken issue with language and the text along the call for association of hostilities, as well as the language in the text that provided for putting the u. n in charge of inspecting aid deliveries to gaza. now it took issue with that language around the cessation of hostilities because the west won't support language. that sounds like it could be related to a cease fire. its position is always that a cease fire only helps him us and it did not want to support this creation of a u. n. light monitoring mechanism because it didn't want to see israel cut out of
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the process. israel did not want to give up control of inspecting the cargo coming into the got into god's a for a potentially weapon smuggled in with a cargo or perhaps concrete that would help her masa build more tunnels. but clearly the language was adopted in such a way that allows us to accept this version, even though it did end up abstaining and the end again, over language issues. because this resolution did not contain language condemning her moss for its actions on october 7. but because all you need is 9 votes in favor and no veto, that is how we got the resolution of past today. thing is, you know, we know the united states had veto, did the last 2 resolutions. why did we see this change this time with the united states? abstain? you know this time around and we could really see that the west was trying to balance that support for israel with its reluctance to veto yet another resolution
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and stand isolated on the world stage. it was that you was, that kept a pushing for more time and working with a uh, with a negotiators in order to find a compromise. and this is a watered down version of the resolution to be sure, instead of a cessation of hostilities, it calls for the on hand. it calls for he on hindered humanitarian access. as well as for the creation of conditions for the cessation of hostilities that's all pushed for you. and lead to monitoring mechanism has turned into the secretary general. a call for the secretary general to appoint a special co ordinator to monitor and facilitate to the delivery of aids garza in consultation with relevant parties. so meaning israel and egypt, but as for the other security council members, you know, the calculation was clearly that, that this resolution had to get past no matter how deluded this language and the
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end. but really, the bigger picture to be looked at here is that this was a relative resolution, meant a scale of aid to the people of gaza and months. it protects humanitarian workers and delivering that aid and the fact that it was so hard to get to this outcome perhaps does not bode so well for the international process in terms of how it is handling the is real goals are war. and of course it doesn't bode well for the goal is ends themselves to make their dw is janelle, to allow in washington the latest on this un security council resolution finally passing. janelle think well, as we've heard, today's resolution undoubtedly does not call for a break in the finding the un secretary general said the international community needs to do more to reach that goal. as in the circumstances i've just described you many thaddeus a ceasefire is the only way to be given to meet the desperate needs of people in
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gaza and, and that ongoing nightmare. i hope that today is security policy resolution may help the finally to happen, but much more is needed immediately. but the risk of famine and garza is increasing by the day that grim assessment is the subject of a new un bank reports that says on most the entire population of draws is now facing a 100 crisis. the warranty comes with the un security council today. voting on to that resolution that will call for an increase in the amount of aid entering gaza. it is a resolution that the united states abstain department and with starvation. now it catastrophic levels and supplies of food. water in medicine cannot come soon enough for the people of goss signs of starvation and not hard to
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find in gaza. here in russ the crowds, jo sophie want little food is available. the dispute is evident that a little less that this will brought to the preferable level of humiliation we struggle so much the just to provide lunch. life has become so expensive. we do not eat, drink or sleep properly and nothing is available. one of the agent who is you much mold who was a united nations bank reports these move in 90 percent of people in gaza. i facing crisis levels of hunger critical situation and israel's relentless bombardment. in response to the october stevens from us, tara attacks with you in agencies say garzon is like using just team percent of the food deliveries they would usually receive. people struggle to find water medicine
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and fuel. what is happening in gaza is unprecedented. both in terms of its scale, but also how quickly it is happening. you know, in the world right now there are about 130000 people who are in catastrophic levels of hunger, meaning their star was in gaza. more than half a 1000000. that is 4 times more. that is what makes this totally unprecedented. israel did briefly allow aid through its kareem shalom crossing into a gauze of this week. but it is really it strikes that hit the palestinian side, forced you in stuff to stop it's pick ups the you can still award this, but we need to make sure that people have food. people have water,
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they have shelter, they have sanitation. and for all of those things to happen, we need water crossings open. so these commodities can commit to growing desperation for food also means that the limited supplies that do make it into guys that are often seized upon before being handed out in the u. n. c's, it's not just access to a that is vital, but also it's safe distribution across the strip. without it, they won the risk of semen and gaza is increasing every day. its authorities and the czech republic are searching for a motive after the country's worst ever mass. shooting. on thursday, a 24 year old gunman shot dead 14 people at charles university in the capital, prague. police say he then turned the gun on himself. authorities say there is no link to terrorism. the country has declared saturday a day of national morning police in prague. sure. body cam footage,
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piecing together scenes from the countries, dudley shooting and decades. just 5 minutes in police. say these officers arrive at the university. searching for the gunman on the lose, they climb up. the disadvantage at that point was that there was no sound of gunfire, so the officers had to actively search for the perpetrator. during the information we got about the paper tray, these movements was that he was supposed to be somewhere on the top of floors. as more officers deployed and got closer, they said the shooter committed suicide. bringing the situation under control after some 30 minutes of frantic corps the next day of the site,
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the site of the massacre in progress. historic center. it's day of morning. the check prime minister is among hundreds who visited the make shift memorial to pay tribute. many are still in shock. the gym, so i feel strange bad horrible because i am electra, it's a fee as a faculty and we were experiencing very strongly what was going on and the faculty of so so it is hard. i cannot even speak though it is not a pleasant feeling to walk on the street and think about what happened to someone who came to school. absolutely carefree. thinking about christmas coming in 2 days, i'd like to do that about me. so a lot of the incident has left many, overwhelmed with a somber mood just before the holidays. earlier i spoke to journalist in willoughby in prague, and i asked him how the czech republic is coming to terms with this tragedy? well, there's
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a very somber mood here in the czech republic. this evening. flags are a house mast, as we saw on some of those images i kind of in the form of those pertain is memorial to the victims of yesterday's mass using us for an up in pride. people had been stopping by their lives in candles lane, flowers at this bus, just a short distance from the bottom of was a square. it's been a real a for a grease here in the czech republic, including on social media. where during the day, more and more names of the victims of yesterday's masters, things has been coming out yet. what more do we know about the government in and i will ask you, i mean, do we know anything more today than we did yesterday about a possible motive? i know more about emotions, but what was confirmed a couple of hours ago is that a government that was found at this young man's phone had been used
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a week previously. and another tribal crime, a double murder in which a man watching his child in the woodland area near pride was shot dead. and so was the child of a 2 month old baby girl shot dead in her prime. and that cried horrified. people here in the checks of it, it had been dominating news for the whole week until yesterday's trouble events. and now it transfers that evidently these 2 crimes were connected by the same tutor . and, and we know that here in europe can in comparison, the czech republic is very liberal gun laws. do you think that there will be any moves to restrict access to fire arms after what has happened? well, there are a lot of guns and the charter public, something like 300000 legally have guns exist in this country in a population with a population of less than 11000000 people. so far though, i haven't seen so much debate about whether access to weapons that should be
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restricted. um, what happened yesterday was very much a one off event. the check leaders have been betraying the savings as a kind of a deranged individual. the debate on the access to guns may hold up, but for now there's more more discussion about security and security i checked schools and universities. that's something that people are focusing on right now. ok. journalist in willoughby reporting from prague tonight. and as always, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. in spain and they are celebrated a centuries old holiday tradition today across the country. people tuned in to follow the annual christmas lottery known as l gordo, or the fat one, considered one of the world's biggest and oldest lotteries this year is lucky winters was share a pot worth 26b euro madrid, schoolchildren senior, the winning numbers live on television,
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you know me 3 and the thing one day for me. oh, that's right. do you need to have looked on your side for that big when you're watching the w two's? i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news hope to see you then the . we want to be the number one for the crypto queen and her entire crime rouge on it now to the sales one cooling and made up currency. then she disappears. so traced aside natural thriller about the world's most wanted


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