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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the, this is dw used live from the in the un security council adults, the resolution to post much needed age. to garza, the vote was fetch into 0 with the west and drunk show up staining the resolution does not call for a pulse in the slicing between israel and thomas. also coming up is reynolds and tom security in the westbound courses bethlehem took counsel christmas. that's the additional hometown of jesus as low speed doc at a time. it is usually full of only davis on japan approves
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a major increase in its defense budgets. becoming one of the world's biggest military spend us. the move pushes to pound away from its pacifist pulse to us, the united states looks to strength from allies against china and north korea. the monica jones. good to have you with us. and we begin in new york, where the un security council has adopted the resolution to boost a deliveries to the gaza strip. russia, i'm the united states decided to abstain from fried his vote, rather than use the veto powers of the days of wrangling over the text. the resolution does not call for an immediate cease fire. the after repeated delays and intense negotiations, the un security council passes the resolution to increase a to civilians trapped and gather the water down. resolution does not demand an end
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to fighting, but it does call for the creation of conditionals for a sustainable suspicion that the possibilities of the un chief says a halt and fighting is what's needed. and success should not be measured by the number of trucks allowed in the gaza. please, you many thaddeus the ceasefire is the only way to be given to meet the desperate needs of people, even garza, and in their ongoing nights mass. i hope that today is security policy resolution may help the finally to happen, but much more is needed immediately as benjamin echoed by the palestinian representative to the un residence. this resolution is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate cease fire. i repeat immediate seas via but the
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us says the adoption of the resolution will go a long way to ease suffering. but today this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of imaginable suffering. today, this council called for urgent steps to immediately allows safe and hindered and expanded humanitarian access and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. the vote comes as a new un reports as more than a quarter of those still trapped and gas are facing extreme hunger and the growing risk of famine. thank you, mr. president. of a more i'm headed out on by us to help them on director of the middle east and north africa program at the international crisis group in brussels. good to have you with us. so the final text of the security council resolution avoids calling for immediate ceasefire and state. it's talks about creating conditions, forces,
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say sion or false to latrice. are you satisfied with that? so this is the, uh, the 1st uh, resolution by the us security council after october 7th. so we cannot be disappointed that there is one that we can only be disappointed that it comes to light speed and that it does show week. um, the un general assembly has clearly indicated will of the majority of global nations when it comes to the cause of war. they insist on that on an immediate cease fire. this resolution doesn't do it. it's supposedly days the conditions for long through increased too much during the age of but the to it helps with these things. and that's, that's the only way to show them that their situation can be addressed is through an immediate cease fire. so then you echo uh, the un headquarters as well. why do use think uh it hasn't been so difficult for the un security council to find a common position on the fighting united states. there's no one to code for
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a ceasefire. it's. it's clearly indicated that the support of israel's efforts to defeat him as in the gaza strip. that effort is still under way and as of well depending on your military analysis, but it's not even close to to being finished. certainly that is what the is ready side of saying and, and therefore the americans are giving as well the way that you do this regardless of the tremendous amount of jonah to earn suffering does even to us and void to the united nations point stuff. so it's difficult to find a common position at the same time neither easterwood illness. i'm also prepared to stop fighting anytime soon. you invite solutions. i also often ignored by well written parties. what other options are there? what other options might be out there to help find a way out of this conflict? you know,
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of whether we like it or not. the united states has preponderance influence in this conflict, and it can call an end to the fighting. it is clearly not prepared to do so at this time, but as the pressure most of the united states because of its allies and it's europe and, and other western allies and its own domestic opinions, which clearly is not supporting the president biden's approach to this conflict i think the united states eventually, but hopefully very so we'll have to call a 4 and 8 before a ceasefire. right. you'll still to the director of the middle east and north africa program at the international crisis group in russell's thank you so much. thank you. ongoing fighting between israel and homos and gaza has all that canceled christmas in the is there any occupied, westbound? the palestinian city of bethlehem is taking a particularly hot economic hips,
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the biblical best place of jesus. it's usually bustling with international visitors this time of here. but is there any forces, have lovely, sealed off the area as a knock on consequence or from us as tara attacking israel and october. the 7th. most christmas facilities has been cancelled. the 10s of the greek orthodox clergy. so the total of the integrity invest, let him do the afternoon service at this time of the year, the church should be packed with smoke and foreign visitors, but today dislodged the empty parish priest. the esau was born in bethlehem, says he has never seen anything like it. people are grieving and said for what's happening and goes up. this is the 1st time that they see bethlehem, and especially then the ticket. you chose the place where jesus was born empty like
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this. it's a actually joining care cove and 19 to us not like this. because the look of this can come and visit and stay here for days and celebrate with us the christmas. usually people from own over the world, extended 9 to visit the secret spot and the crowd to read this belief that jesus was born. and just outside the church on main describe the use of decorations, lights, and music. also absent to just do a snap. there's no festive atmosphere, there are no people. no one feels like celebrating because of the war and what's happening to people in gaza, for they always pray for peace me from jesus as perfectly though. many in the city had high hopes for the christmas season. the impact has been hard, as opposed by the businesses that depend on tourism. like here in this shop, sending religious ornaments distorted. we have almost 25 families working with us,
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all the carving, hollywood carvings. they are living there depending on findig, and it was not just me, my brother, my father, back at the church compound cause us army. the roman catholic parish priest prepares for christmas despite the m t. i of, we need the christmas, we need celebrating christmas inside the churches. we need the christmas. we need this continue to us, got to give us peace and to give us his, uh, his, uh, his happiness in now what have. so we can resist this situation and message which is more important than ever. lets not take a look at some other headlines. as far as the us supreme court says it won't make an immediate decision on whether former presidents donald trump has absolute immunity. prosecutors off the quotes to foster directly appeal,
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leapfrogging the lower court. trumpets facing federal charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. the sections of the 1st results from democratic republic of congress presidential elections showing initially to put incumbent felix cheese to k the. these numbers reflect the votes from the desperado, which represent only a small proportion of the total at home during the tragic and logistical problems, delayed voting. in many areas, some opposition candidates are demanding a complete rerun. fresh fees organized by a new to pounds. government has approved a reg, quotes, defense budget of $56000000000.00 for next year. that makes the asian country the world's biggest military spend off to the united states and to china. so you'll also loosened it's on exports restrictions. the change is part of prime minister freedom. you can see the efforts to boost the country's military capabilities to pound has had a small defense if military since world war 2,
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but use north korea and china as increasing threats. the united states considered as japan, unimportant ally in any potential conflict, but you explode. rules will allow japan to sell a defense to the us. corresponded to james chase, told us more about the goals behind the spending as well. i think, you know, the primary goal is just to recognition the defense and security situation and the environments in east asia has simply become too precarious and too too complex for japan to continue this primarily defensive understanding of the role of its military. that's why you're seeing again this 16 percent increase on the defense budget from your last year up to some $56000000000.00 us dollars. much of this concern, of course, federal pond is focused on these 3 transports of to include the toilets, real thread. the japan face is on the $100.00 off. of course,
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china is rapidly expanding. it's me. the tree also in concerning tokyo, adaptive time would be come in some way involved in the potential conflict. so if it's high one, the other hands, of course you have north korea who's been going since continental ballistic missiles of the last few weeks. and then something else, it's actually not discussed as much when it relates to japan, is the threat posed by russia. japan's, that 4 adults often has to dispatch military jets, to intercept russian military planes, which fly out from russia's far east into the sea of japan. so really what we're seeing is this port, understanding and reevaluation of what japan's defense capacity should look like in a very false devolving and more precarious security situation in east asia. and james, you just mentioned to pounds air force. suspending includes a special focus on add defense. what does that tell us as well? one of the key parts of this new to science budget for 2024 is a type of mist solve its being dispatched likely to japan, southwestern island. so these are,
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is actually fairly far away from job junk in japan main islands to ponds, mainland actually much closer to where i am here in taipei. some of these islands are only a few 100 kilometers away from. so i want it said on the closest island to tie one can actually see to buy one's main lands on a clear day, the understanding being that if that was a potential conflict over taiwan with china or of course that japan would use these items to um, that 2 unknowns potentially some kind of operation and assistance, all tie one in concepts with the us. but what they kind of key context here, of course, is that it's not just the defensive capabilities that japan is looking to expand in schools that often serve capabilities. and that's why we're seeing this really key difference in terms of again this understanding of this new minutes away from the pacifist. my constitution in the past, based on the standing of what's depends mid a trees role has been. and james, just briefly, if you, which gives you mention, i mean also japan. so offensive capability here. how is this decision seeing from
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where you are in taiwan? it's absolutely, well, i mean, one of the key things is something that's discussed very often within taiwan security establishment this, i guess, appreciation that the face of taiwan is now much more discussed in jet japan security establishment. something that was a phrase that was developed by the former jumping department decisions operate was that at a time when use contingency is a japanese contingency. and that's something that japan's prime minister stream your case you to has it has extended and is trying to, it appears to integrate into this new understanding of what's japan's, the defense capability should look like. so from the time needs to expensive, obviously there's a lot of kind of the discussions with capt. riley and underground is because of the unofficial nature of relations between taiwan in japan. but it's something that taiwan under us, of course, we'll be looking at it in a positive lights. right. well, thank you so very much. the james chapter as it is of course, the james chapter,
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the dw correspondent for us and type page. thank you. that's all from us for now. coming up next year on dw sports life meets the queen of chains. sewing was broken up, tightened swelled records. i'm going to jones for me and the team. thanks for watching the eclipse someone else to the see the highlights of selected for you. you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me how much can we do simultaneously.


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