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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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of the this is dw news life from berlin. the un security council has adopted a resolution to boost deliveries to the gaza strip. to vote was setting to 0 with the us and russia up staining. the resolution does not call for a pause in the fighting between israel and thomas. also coming up is what else and tons of security in the waste back and forth as bethlehem to cancel christmas. the traditional hometown of jesus is mostly doc at a time. it is usually full of holiday visits and votes counting is on the way in
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the democratic republic of congo. so far, the incumbent president looks favored, at least among voters wonderful groups. they have ballots, has been counted fast. the, i'm going to get you on the welcome to the program and we begin in new york, where the un security council has adopted a resolution to boost 8 deliveries to the gaza strip. russia and the united states decided to abstain from friday's vote, rather than use the veto powers of the days of wrangling over the text, the resolution does not call for an immediate cease file. the after repeated delays and intense negotiations, the un security council passes the resolution to increase a to civilians trapped and gather the water down. resolution does not demand an end to fighting, but it does call for the creation of conditionals for
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a sustainable suspicion that the possibilities of tutoring the un chief says a halt and fighting is what's needed in success should not be measured by the number of trucks allowed in the gaza, please you many thaddeus the ceasefire is the only way to be given to meet the desperate needs of people, even garza, and, and that ongoing night to mass. i hope that today a security policy resolution may help the finally to happen, but much more is needed immediately. as benjamin echoed by the palestinian representative to the un resident. this resolution is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate cease fire. i repeat immediate seized by a but the us says the adoption of the resolution will go
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a long way to ease suffering. but today this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of imaginable suffering. today this council called for urgent steps to immediately allow safe and hindered and expanded humanitarian access and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. instead of outcomes as a new you and reports as more than a quarter of those still trapped and gas are facing extreme hunger and the growing risk of famine. thank you, mr. president. for more on that, i spoke with your stadium on director of the middle east and north africa program of the international crisis group in brussels. i asked him what he made till the security council resolution so this is the 1st resolution by the us security council after october 7th. so we cannot be
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disappointed that there is one that we can only be disappointed that comes so late and that it's a short week of the un general assembly has clearly indicated to will of the, the majority of global nations when it comes to the cause of war, they insist on the, on an immediate cease fire. this resolution doesn't do it. it's supposed to be nice to conditions for long through increase to mr and age. but the to, it helps with these things. and that's, that's the only way to show them that their situation can be addressed is through an immediate cease fire. so then you echo the un headquarters as well. why do use think it hasn't been so difficult for the un security council to find a common position on the fighting united states as no volunteer to co for a ceasefire? it's. it's clearly indicated that the support of israel's efforts to defeat him as in the gaza strip. that effort is still under way and as of well,
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depending on your military analyses, but it's not even close to to being finished. certainly that is what the is ready side of saying and, and therefore the americans are giving as well the way that you do that regardless of the tremendous amount of jonah to earn suffering does even to us and void to the united nations point stuff. so it's difficult to find a common position at the same time neither easterwood illness. i'm also prepared to stop fighting any time soon. you and resolutions are also often ignored by well written parties. what other options are there? what other options might be out there to help find a way out of this conflict? you know, of whether we liked it or not. the united states has preponderance influence in this conflict, and it can call an end to the fighting. it is clearly not prepared to do so at this time, but as the pressure most of the united states because of its are allies and is your
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opinion and other western allies and its own domestic opinions, which clearly is not supporting the president biden's approach to this conflict, i think united states eventually, but hopefully very so we'll have to go for any bill for a ceasefire. right? you'll still to me on director of the middle east and most advocate program at the international crisis group in russell's thank you so much. thank you. or ongoing fighting between israel and thomas and gas o has old dot com so christmas and easter any occupied westbank. the palestinian city of bethlehem has taken a particularly hot economic aid. the biblical bus place of jesus is usually bustling with international visitors. this time of year is, randy forces have largely sealed off the area. so knock on consequence of how mazda is tara attacking israel and october the 7th. most christmas festivities i've been
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canceled the chance of the greek orthodox clergy, so the total of the integrity investment him doing the afternoon service. at this time of the year, the church should be packed with smoke and foreign visitors. but today, it is largely empty. the parish priest on the east side was born in bethlehem, says he has never seen anything like it. people are grieving and said ford. what's happening does uh, this is the 1st time that i see bethlehem and especially then the ticket. you chose the place where jesus was born empty like this. it's a actually joining kick off in 1912 month like this because the locals can come and visit and stay here for days and celebrate with us the christmas. usually people from own over the world stand to 9 to visit the secret spot and the
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crowd to wear this belief that jesus was born. and just outside the church on main describe the use of decorations, lights, and music. also absent to just do a snap. there's no festive atmosphere, there are no people. no one feels like celebrating because of the war and what's happening to people in gossip mode. uh huh. for they always pray for peace from jesus as perfectly though many in the city had high hopes for the christmas season . the impact has been hard, as opposed by the businesses that depend on tourism. like here in this shop, sending religious ornaments. the story, we have almost 25 families working with us, all the carving wood carvings. they are living there depending on feeling and it was not just me. my brother, my father, back at the church compound size army, the roman catholic parish priest prepares for christmas despite the m t. i of we
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need a christmas. we need said a bit taken christmas inside the churches, we need the christmas. we need to continue to us, got to give us peace and to give us his, uh, uh his uh, his happiness. and now what have so we can resist this situation and message, which is more important than ever lets not take a look at some of the headlines or to pounds military spending will increase 16 percent next year. the record bunch it or $56000000000.00 aims to count to the increased military capabilities of china and north korea. the government has also east restrictions on arms exports. prime minister form. you can see the us and says japan remains a pacifist nation. across the czech republic,
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flags on public buildings. a ton from aust. i'm sound today as a country marks a day of national morning. the central european country is grieving off to a 24 year old student killed 14 people at the university in the capital prox, on thursday. he then killed himself. mexico is promising to step up efforts to tackle irregular migration. the pledge comes ahead of a high level us visit next week. the by the administration is under pressure to make major changes to immigration policy. and it's a search and migrant, the traffic of the mexican border. you as a forward to you so currently reporting around 10000 unlawful crossings every day. g u. s. supreme court says it won't make an immediate decision on whether former presidents donuts trump has absolute immunity. prosecute, just ask the court to fast track the appeal leapfrogging and the court. trump is facing federal charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. the
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initial results has been a tricky thing in the for the presidential election in the democratic republic of congo election officials announced to them, but the numbers for voters living abroad which appeared to give an early lead to the incumbent. felix tisa katy. the countess underway after the election was modified delays and irregularities, the process in africa, 4th largest country by population, as also come at the civil war and its eastern region. dw correspondent, you'll know scouting, gave us the latest on the vote. yeah, so the elect to observe is there has been like some 1st preliminary information and some 1st resides and they said that there are irregularities. this, the constitutional question also about the fact that the vote didn't take place on
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a single day. but it actually took place on one more day and even the, even some voting going on on, on friday. but from the observers we don't have the final results. yes. mm. so the fact that the election is taking place over several days is, is that the major issue in this election or are there others? so yeah, so this is something which has caused costs of confusion. and this is something which of these depths to be clear, but this was a torch of the go. but the question was much more about the kinetic k or take circumstances during the voting day. and the fact that many people didn't have the opportunity to you to hold because of this. and also because of the conflicts that we talked and the supposed to come to you, many people weren't able to register at all for the road. and for this reason, this is a situation which is causing problems. so for instance, if it's me,
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i'm how concerned to all people there about a political instability. if the results, if once there is one, is colton. the question yeah, so the major opposition proxies they have already said that they don't accept these . um, that the vote at all, we still need to see what did we say when the find the results come out? the question is, how would they find that the react? so what's for sure that they will go for the they will try like the new grade? probably they will go to the constitutional court and try to do to check the way the elections were leaving it all. they might also try and mobilize their supporters and organize, read these in, in contrast to and then the other major problems is, but it's a little bit difficult to say almost this bill you holes and is, this will depend on the find the resides. and also what the observers might be
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observing mission of the church, for example of what they would say about potentially richard them, right? dw, so you'll know scanning reporting for us from kim shaw, so you don't us. thank you so much. sure. sufficient to didn't spain, people have celebrated a centuries old holiday tradition, the annual christmas lottery known as a gordon adult, or the fact 1000000 students in across the country to follow what's considered as one of the world's biggest and oldest lotteries. this is lucky windows will share a clock with 2600000000 euros. my great school children, a sign of the winning numbers live on television, in the big ones that you know, and i didn't mention my name. they're watching, did all be in use. here's a reminder of our top story. the un security council has voted to adopt
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a resolution calling for big increase in age deliveries to goss out. the vote was $13.00 to 0 in favor with us and russia up staining it comes after days of diplomatic talks to prevent us details coming up. next shift, looking at cyber grooming. if you want to know more states you. thanks so much the vacation as an applicant. do they have the weather? i went, i told me that they don't have violence. do this, can we go sailing colson tissue, today's because when they go to that we set up for us. love a new meal. car bama tenants all the way so not because the.


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