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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2023 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from bill in israel. price is a head with it's offensive and does it. i'm us reports heavy shelling in several cities. that's as global power as a pos, the security council resolution that fails to coal for seems flat but does appeal to me all humanitarian a christmas. and bethlehem is of this year, the war in guns and israel is cracked down in the west bank of made facilities almost impossible at border shortages and making life difficult in afghanistan. authorities possibly blame rates of it as opposed to use. we see how families of
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businesses thing, capital, the color, the games as well and woke up the homeless, one health ministry in kansas. as more than 400 people have been killed in is by the attacks in the last 48 hours. that figure include civilians and finances as well as abi says it's destroyed another homeless tunnel complex in kansas city where the 2 sides have engaged in street to street combat. israel has been pounding the entire gaza strip with maurice strikes. how must officials say over a 1000 people died when is well he the house in the news. i read refugee camping central. got so many other areas as being intensifying to the latest violence came just now is off to a resolution past the united nations security council. it full sort of cooling cuz
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for a ceasefire, demanding of a, a boost in a deliveries. the vote was 13 to 0, russia and the united states of state, or after repeated delays and intense negotiations, the un security council passes the resolution to increase a to civilians trapped and gather the water down. resolution does not demand an end to fighting, but it does call for the creation of conditionals for a sustainable suspicion that the possibilities of tutoring the un chief says a halt and fighting is what's needed. and success should not be measured by the number of trucks allowed in the gaza. please you many 30 and a ceasefire is the only way to begin to meet the desperate needs of people in gaza . and in that ongoing night to mass. i hope that today a security policy resolution may help the finally to happen, but much more is needed immediately. as benjamin echoed by the palestinian
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representative to the un residence. this resolution is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate cease fire. i repeat immediate cease via but the us says the adoption of the resolution will go a long way to ease suffering. but today this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of imaginable suffering. today, this council called for urgent steps to immediately allows safe and hindered and expanded humanitarian access and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. the vote comes as a new un reports as more than a quarter of those still trapped and gas are facing extreme hunger and a growing risk of famine. thank you. mister president. bowden punch joins us from
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the u. n's well food program and by then martin, how do you get access to these people in gaza? how do you give them aid when the funding does continue? grass and yeah, i mean it's very difficult people in the living through how as we speak they have nothing to eat and nothing to drink, no home anymore. and the problem to diseases, no way to say it's not for them, but also not for a few minutes. harry is on the ground. i mean, a trickles in, we still reach people, especially in the south, but more or less on an ad hoc basis. so age is not flowing inside cause as it needs to be and we don't reach people across the street, although it needs all massive and actually a is needed everywhere. what do you make of the un security council resolution? it is definitely a welcome step. as the secretary general outline,
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it's not enough. we need to seize fire. now that it costs only when guns falls far, then we can rebuild the humanitarian system. that is basically on the brink of collapse inside with god. you cannot as us, we cannot do our job when phones are following and fighting is continuing. that's why we need these guns to fall. so i don't actually help those people wherever they are. and especially fond road people like you know, primarily women children because they need to meet the most. so how does this all fit together with the counselors call on organizations like yours to get significantly more a into gaza while uh, there is no chance of as these fine, or even a temporary truce as well. i mean, our call is we need all crossings open, we much more
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a because of all the trickling and, and that's the secretary general side. i mean we can, we, we, there's no, there's no use in counting trucks because the needs of massive. our latest figures actually show that there is a loop in san garza. and basically everyone is, is going hungry and gaza. families do not have enough to eat and more people in gaza authorizing catastrophic hunger. then in the rest of the world combined. i mean, the best number is staggering. and the you know, says basically says it all, we need much more 8 and actually to distribute that a efficiently effectively inside of kaiser. we need to cease fire because you cannot, you cannot build up a few minutes of your system when bombs are falling. i find it interesting that as well is not on the same page as your organization and other humanitarian groups when it comes to the assessment of
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a lack of 8. so why do those views difference so greatly? that is a difficult question. i mean, we are tearing up the organization, we have people on the ground, we have our witnesses every day. we see what is going on. and now there's this. and for security report, that is basically the young politics is you know, black and white, that the situation is so terrible and not comparable to any other place in the world. and that is a, that is an independent assessment. and again, we need is these are and we need much more and that's the situation we see every day with our own eyes in got it from the welfare programs facebook and not invent info. then thanks for joining us today. thank you man or
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or funding between as well and how most in gaza has all but canceled christmas in the is by the occupied westbank. the palestinian city of bethlehem has taken a particularly odd economic hit. the big coal both place of jesus is usually bustling with international visitors. this time of year is randy forces have largely sealed off the area as a no con consequences. how much terror attacking is well on october 7th, most christmas festivities have been can. busy the chance of the greek orthodox clergy, so the too often and to the t investment him during the afternoon service. at this time of the year, the church should be packed with smoke and foreign visitors. but today, it is largely empty. the parish priest, the isa was born in bethlehem, says he has never seen anything like it. people are grieving and said for what type
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anything does. this is the 1st time that i see bethlehem, and especially then the ticket. you chose the place where jesus was born empty like this. it's a actually joining over 1912 month like this because the locals can come and visit and stay here for days and celebrate with us the christmas. usually people from own over the world, extended 9 to visit the sacred spot and the crowd to read this belief that jesus was born. and just outside the church on maine to square the use of decorations, lights, and music also absent, just do a fish. no, there's no festive atmosphere, there are no people. no one feels like celebrating because of the war and what's happening to people in gaza for they always pray for peace me from jesus is perfectly so many in the city had high hopes for the christmas season. the impact
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has been hard disposed by the businesses that depend on tourism, like here in this shop, sending religious ornaments distorted. we have almost 25 families working with us, all the carving of wood carvings. they are living there depending on building and it was not just me, my brother, my father, back at the church compound contact army, the roman catholic parish priest prepares for christmas. despite the m t. i of, we need the christmas, we need said a breathtaking christmas inside the churches. we need the christmas. we need this continue to us, got to give us peace and to give us his, uh, uh, his uh, his happiness in the house. so we can resist this situation and message, which is more important than ever. lets take a quick look now at some of the other stories making news across the czech republic,
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flags on public buildings or at half mast as the country monks a day of national mourning. the central european country is grieving after a 24 year old student killed 14 people at the university in the capital, prague on thursday. he then killed himself. depends military spending will increase 16 percent next year. the regular, the bunch of have $56000000000.00. ames to count of the increased military capabilities of china and north korea. the government is also east restrictions on arms exports. i mean, it's the full meal to see the insists japan remains a pacifist station. of mexico is promising to stay about favorites to tackle irregular migration. the plague just comes a hit of a high level. you waste space that next week. the binding administration is under pressure to make major changes to immigration policy and made a search and migrant traffic at the mexican border. us so sorry, so currently reporting around $10000.00 on the full crossings every day in the
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us supreme court says they probably make an immediate decision on whether from the president donald trump has absolute immunity. prosecute has us the quote to fast track the appeal leap frogging the lower court from this place and federal charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. those who have got assigned with a capital capital is experiencing severe water shortages, folding ground level. so one reason for the diet situation, but authorities of also put the blame on residents for wasting water. this is how the day stops for many families in the african capital, filling up containers with much needed voltage which they have to pay for the types of time of running dry. i'm see where i think it's one of them. we need 60 leaders per day. i've waited here since half past 7. i take breaks to pray. then i come back here to pew till the evening. fetching water has become my job all the time.
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it's because of the great drought. the problem has to be solved. we need water back and now pipes the cobbles, ground water level has sunk significantly. the south west in areas of the city had hottest even deep wells, hardly produced any volta of thought. as you say, the total amount has dropped by half the from the wasteful use of water by the agricultural sector in other industries is excessive basic, the problems and combo was never meant to have so many residents in the 1st place. afghanistan is among the countries suffering most from the impacts of climate change. case in point, the formerly abundant kind of why lake met cobbled. the most of those low water levels are winning my business about it's far fewer people are coming to rent, boats, or even just go for
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a walk around here. they don't enjoy looking at the lake as it is now. but like a visitor's forced, his colleague to close up shop, nor aga complains that the little precious water there is, is being used to water nearby gardens, m as in the sun. but when this lake has of water cobble has water. but the lake is being used for too many different things here in the area from the bottom about on top of the on many people who can help solve this problem any more. the taliban caesar was power 2 years ago. prompted schools of fulton management experts, typically the country spaniards have been celebrating a st result, holiday tradition, the christmas volunteering notice of go to the fence on millions to didn't across the country to follow what's considered one of the world's biggest, the oldest luxuries. this is lucky with his voice here at point 42600000000 euros. literate school children sing us. the winning numbers live on tv.
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in the big ones that you know me, those 3 in the back. so the w. l tech showed shift looks at cyber grooming i bank result and see you next down the, the c w. this is everything else is available to them and it hasn't made up in some sense to me. and my name is the.


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