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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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of the this is dw use life from by then is well pressed as a head with his offensive and guns that come us reports heavy shelling and several cities that says global powers. passive security council resolution to boost 8 deliveries to gaza. but without cooling for a ceasefire and come go releases some provisional election results, the incumbent president as a comfortable leaders by his challenges. some opposition candidates say the vote was unfair and want to revise the
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been visible and welcome funding between israel and thomas is raging on in 48 hours . the homeless run health ministry and gaza said more than 400 people died in his way. the attacks that include civilians and fine cuz it goes to the city as well as tom e, as in gauged in strict history, come back with homeless, designated a terrorist group by the you. when you, with the violence follows a un security council resolution to boost the delivery of aid, but no mention of us is fine and the other day brings more death and destruction to the guys. this trip is rarely strikes heating, residential areas like here in the southern city of con, denise relatives bearing the victims of the latest attacks on friday. guys, it's come us run the health ministry side more than 20000 people have been killed
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in these really offensive. so far, about one percent of the territories population. how would that as cost? yeah, i mean lots of these people are supposed to be safe in their home as we've been protected by the law. can i know, but as a man of the law, i declare that international law has collapsed. that's the problem. with that we were not allowed to have faith in any international law. then let me say merely represents the law of the week. and i mean don't. if israel were in the palestinians position that the world would not stand still and would and left them at the present time to meet up. the districts on saturday came just hours up to the un security council. approve de what's or down the resolution. it avoids calling for a cease fire instead, the creation of conditions for a sustainable truce. but the u. n. t found the palestinian representative want a hold to the fighting this resolution is a step in that direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by
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massive pressure for an immediate cease fire. i repeat immediate cease via florida produced by cro in international pressure. israel says and he sees fire would only help him us if this council seeks to interest to that. is it should start by supporting israel's mission of returning hostages, and eliminating doing this almost threat at the very least it must prevent from us, is empowerment. just as discounts that he's committed to increasing aid. it should also be committed to blocking the smuggling of arms and transport weapons to the almost terrorists of the un resolution calls for life saving age be rushed to gaza at scale with guys on to full is really bombardment. it's unclear if in, when does dumont can be fulfilled? might seem to find from the unions. well, food program gave us an update on the humanitarian situation. that happened. yeah,
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i mean it's very difficult people in the living through how as we speak they have nothing to eat and nothing to drink now home anymore. and the problem to diseases, no way to say it's not for them, but also not for a few minutes. harry is on the ground. i mean a trickles in, we still reach people, especially in the south, but more or less on an ad hoc basis. so age is not flowing inside because as it needs to be and we don't reach people across the street, although it needs all masses and actually a is needed everywhere. what do you make of the un security council? resolution is definitely a well come step. as the secretary general outline, it's not enough. we need to seize fire. now that is the cause only when guns fall silent, we can rebuild the humanitarian system. that is basically on the brink of collapse . inside of god, you cannot as us,
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we cannot do our job when bones are following and fighting is continuing. that's why we need these guns to fall, sign on to actually help those people wherever they are. and especially fond road people like you know, pregnant women children because they need that the most. so how does this all fit together with the counselors, coal on organizations like yours to get significantly more a into gaza while there is no chat? so at least by not even a temporary truce, a cloud, i mean our call is we need all across things open. we much more a because of all the trickling. and that's the secretary general's side. i mean we can, we, we, there's no, there's no use in counting trucks because the needs of massive. our latest figures actually show that there is a loop in san garza. and basically every one is,
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is going hungry and gaza. families do not have enough to eat, and most people in gaza all sizing, catastrophic hunger. then in the rest of the world combined. i mean, the number is staggering. and the you know, says basically says is all we need much more 8 and actually to distribute that a efficiently effectively inside of gaza. we need to cease fire because you cannot, you cannot build up the military and system wind farms. i'm following. i find it interesting that as well is not on the same page as your organization and other humanitarian groups when it comes to the assessment of a lack of 8. so why do those views differ so greatly that that is a difficult question. i mean, we, are you retiring on the organization? we have people on the ground. we have our witnesses every day. we see what is going
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on. and now there's, there's a phone security report that is basically the young politics is, you know, black and white, that the situation is so terrible and not comparable to any other place in the world. and that is a, that is an independent assessment. and again, we need is the spar and we need much more and that's the situation we see every day with our own eyes in god. you know from the policy prevents most person not in rent info, then thanks for joining us today. thank you man. or talking to some of the other stories making news. rushman politician gets out to eat at the sofa has been bought from standing. and next is presidential pope. you know, they feel commissions cited mistakes in her application to register. a former journalist plan to campaign with a code for pizza and ukraine and the release of political presence,
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flags of flying at half mast across the czech republic as it marks a day of national morning. the 24 year old student killed 14 people at the university and prize on thursday. he then killed himself or dependent of those military spending by 16 percent next year. rankled bunch of names to account for the increased military capabilities of china and north korea. the government is also east restrictions on objects. sports prime is the for me. ok, you see the insists japan remains of pacifist ation. first numbers have been announced, income goes elections. the numbers from kimberly's living abroad to give an early lead to the incumbent, president felix, chief of the votes, as still being counted after a k or a collection that was month by debts, delay and irregularities, because africa's 2nd largest country. and one of the worlds porras, despite its boss reserves of carpet,
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cobalt and gold. in recent months there has been a flare of violence in the east. independent to election observers have criticized the fitness of the vote. ones at least 19 deaths have been linked to leg thrilled, violence including those of 2 candidates. inflammatory rhetoric during the election campaign contributed to hate speech on line and in some places called to center. observers noted, and abuse of state resorts is in favor of candidates running for the incumbent government. so now to afghanistan, way the capital capital is experiencing severe water shortages. folding ground water level is one reason for the design of the dire situation, but also he's have also put the blame on residents for wasting water. this is how the day stops for many families and the african capital filling up containers with much needed voltage which they have to pay for the types of time of running
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dry. i'm see where i think it's one of them. we need 60 leaders per day. i've waited here since half past 7. i take breaks to pray, then it come back here to pew till the evening. fetching water has become my job and all the rest of them it's because of the grades drought. the problem has to be solved. we need water back in now, pipes still funder moving cobbles. ground water level has sun significantly. the south western areas of the city had hottest even deep wells, hardly produced any volta of storage. you say the total amount has dropped by half the from the wasteful use of water by the agricultural sector and other industries is excessive basic. the problem and kaba was never meant to have so many residents . and the 1st place afghanistan is among the countries suffering most from the impacts of climate change. case in point, the formerly abundant car,
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while lake mit cobbled for quite a while. most of those low water levels are winning my business. but as far fewer people are coming to rent boats, or even just go for a walk around here, they don't enjoy looking at the lake as it is now. but like a visitor is forced, his colleague to close up shop. nor aga complains that the little precious water there is, is being used to go to a nearby gardens m as in the sun. but when this lake has, of course, a cobble has water. but the lake is being used for too many different things here in the area from the bottom. but on top of that, on many people who can help solve this problem any more, the taliban caesar was power 2 years ago. prompted schools of fulton management experts to flee the country. finally in sports ivory coast is preparing to host the
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african couple of nations. the confidence biggest men's football tournament $24.00 teams will take part in the competition next month. the responsibility of hosting the event required major investment in infrastructure now organizes a ivory coast is ready to go in. the african cup of nations is coming to ivory coast for the 1st time in 40 years. the country has spent a $1000000000.00 on infrastructure building for new stadiums and renovating to more well also investing in roads and hospitals. lots of money, bonds. it's where the investment, according to the nation's football federation, dispos ignored in general and football in particular as a melting pot, where all young people come together. so the infrastructure that's been built is already helping to create an ecosystem, and an economy that will be built around it may just bolting events have faced scrutiny in recent years, due to a trend of expensive new arena's being forgotten in the off the, just
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a few weeks of use organizers in ivory coast say they want to avoid that issue loans. we hope that after the cup of nations, all the infrastructure, whether sporting or otherwise that we've put in place and built can be used for the development and growth of the country. would be more of a cost also, you'd be and a full, i'm a member of ivory coast national team nickname. the elephants says athletes themselves have to make sure the venue is remaining use for years to come on. i've, you will go up quite a lot. you know, we saw and gone after the final, then 2012. the stadium became almost like a far as important. we need follow up with the state and the president have made efforts. but now the ball, as in the sports men and women's court, we have to take care of it by the gun. this forties who cannot print for the recipe for success is clear victory for the elephants during the tournaments and no white
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elephants afterwards. and before we go, spaniards have been celebrating a centuries old holiday tradition, the christmas law, free known as a go to the fat, one, millions to the and across the country to fully what's considered one of the world's biggest and oldest laveries. this is lucky when i was there at the font, was 2600000000 euros. 100 schoolchildren thing out the winning numbers live on tv. instead of being the ones that you know me go straight down if you're watching the don't you use a reminder of our top story. the most ron helped him is for you and guns. this is a full 100 people died in 48 hours civilians, and find has the latest violence folders that un security council resolution that's demanded a boost in humanitarian health to civilian stock in the was or thought sales short
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of calling for a 65 to help 8, those deliveries up next on dw, well reported me to a family and a homeless shelter in new york, ive been resolved and i'll see you next now and we will, we'll get the so either in st. and see you the same way you expect and more and different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor.


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