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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 2:00am-2:16am CET

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for this kind of fun, it feels like therapy, the best to speed up your news life from balance. fighting great. just in northern. got that. is there any phone 0 is that locked in the street to street? combat with him? us militant by. got them. has the pressure report hundreds cubes increase in shelling. also coming up, special on these ready government from with then housing strategy and kind of leave demanding definition yahoo and administer step down. and then german sako, we look back at the 1st top, the button to kick us, feed them, flesh, strip god,
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and strike us. they do get asked to have some big surprise, the massage, a swab, welcome to the program. the white house, as us president joe biden has pressed his rose benjamin netanyahu to protect civilian lives in garza. the 2 leaders spoke at length on saturday about israel's war against him. us militants, they reported they discussed the object of the military campaign in gaza, but the us stopped short of calling for a cease file or the sun. god's a has ministry says more than 200 people have been killed by study forces over the past 24 hours. the violence follows the un security council resolution to boast, humanitarian, 8, and the other day brings more death and destruction to the guys. this trip is
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really strikes heating, residential areas like here in the southern city of con, denise relatives burying the victims of the latest attacks on friday. guys, it's come us run health ministry said more than $20000.00 people have been killed in these really offensive so far above one percent of the territories population. how would that as cost? yeah, i mean, lots of these people are supposed to be safe in their home as we've been protected by the law to, i know, but as a man of the law, i declare that international law has collapsed back up on who they were. yeah, and we're not allowed to have faith in any international law. then let me say merely represents the law of the week. if israel were in the palestinians position, the world would not stand still and left them at the present time to meet the strikes on saturday came just hours up to the un security council approved a what's her down resolution. it avoids calling for a cease fire instead,
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the creation of conditions for a sustainable truce. but the u. n. t found that palestinian representative want a hold to the fighting this was illusion is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate cease fire. i repeat immediate cease via to load with despite cro in international pressure. israel says, and he sees fire would only help him us if this council 6, the interest of that is it should start by supporting israel's mission of returning hostages and the limited and you can become us threats at the very least must prevent from us, is empowerment just as discounts that he's committed to increasing aid. it should also be committed to blocking the smuggling of arms and transport weapons to the how much terrorists the un resolution calls for live saving aid be rushed to gaza at scale with gaza and the full is really bombardment. it's unclear if and when
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these do mind can be fulfilled. meanwhile, the thousands of people have gathered in delray have to protest against the government. among the more family members of kidnapped hostages, as well as be sacked with the demanding the resignation of the entire fairly government and the district on the 4 remaining hostages, taken by her most militants on october 7th, a mazda of the. no, it's considered it as a stove. migration by the u. n. b u r. corresponding john phillip shows has more than the 4 tests and database despite the bad weather here until at least 2 nights solve these have come to the streets. people here say it's one of the biggest protests since the beginning of the war. they demands the release of the hostages, but they also demands the resignation of these for any government, at least a lot of the protesters do. in recent weeks, they have seen a lot of political setbacks. 3 hostages were accidentally killed by the israeli
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army, the negotiations, and then you, a possible hosted steel have not produced any results. the on use emerging events. maybe more and more hostages have been cubes. so everybody here knows with every day passing sensors are getting smaller and smaller to free the hostages. the johnson of shows that and that will be as no one to some of and he was making headlines around the world. so when police have increased security measures up the loan could teacher limit warnings with a possible attack. police have brought and sniffer dogs and plan to screen worship was attending midnight mos on christmas eve reports and the drum and media, sorry to hydrogen stretch from this number 6 stream s. so with the holiday of alternate, a lot of these are also high security and public spaces as the main opposition candidate and democratic republic of congo is calling for this week's presidential
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election to be in no mercy. got to him the slam, the boy less chaotic and dean to buy mass of fraud or a bureaucratic and logistical problem delayed the voting in many areas. the 1st results were the incumbent, felix to security in the elections of a sham and coal fresh. you've got to do nothing. so what has been bought from running against russian president vladimir fulton and next year as election the fault here to a former television host submitted to candidacy a few days ago, but the electronic commission disqualified her on saturday. i think a legit mistakes she made during the application process. and so i had planned to run as an independent on that for me to end the water in ukraine under this particular christmas needs to be correspond. jennifer fargo has more on the electric mistakes that led to the disqualification of done sofa file. they are technically speaking, 2 different versions. why she was borrowed from registering as an official
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candidate. the 1st is of course, the official version and there is a non official version. let's talk about the official version 1st. and that stated that there were some issues with her paperwork. members of the election commission essential election commission in russia said that it's appeared to them that the application and the paperwork was filled out with hayes and very on carefully. and therefore, it did not adhere to legal standards. so they had to bar here from registering at according to the telegram channel as the mobility that were around 100 type type host typing arrows and also other mistakes that lead to her not registering as a candidate. but of course, there's also the official or the non official version. and experts say that depends on simply did not want to let her register as she could become very popular very quickly, especially with a things not going according to plan for food to use in ukraine. and therefore,
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the risk for the kremlin to lead her to register and gather more support because she is, as we know, a candidate that once piece and released political prisoners was simply a risk of a crime and was not willing to take. so like a football co dash reporting for us. how mexico's president now says he'd help the united states to manage record numbers of my friends trying to cross the us border . and the, you're just a demo officials intercepted over 2 and a half 1000000 people are making the crossing. many of those from central america are escaping violence or trying to find work mean women and children weighed cautiously across the rio grande, a. the river that separates the us and makes the call. it's a dangerous final steep on a long, perilous journey. not many have risk avery thing and the disparate to, to make it a little more. okay. little more set the boards
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are, was closing for christmas. right? so now you, so we decided to rush in the same line that i was hardest with all. it was rough for, for the full was unfairly believably called as the situation on the mexican side all met his soul, catastrophic. the moment we came to this for the following of the people, we had comments that here the entrance is easy. we've suffered a lot honestly. and most of it hasn't been easy at all. it's been very difficult. we've had to work a lot, suffering from hunger, cold, sleeping and the straight guy us border authority say bit over whelmed by the number of people arriving, which is that record high officials have counted team 1000 daily crossings and recent weeks us and mexican officials will meet next week to
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discuss stricter controls, migration is an issue, putting increase domestic pressure on us president joe's bite, and the failure of you we slow make is to agree on immigration reform. how we have a standard loan before he took office. well, any plan remains unclear. many my grants already fear the worst it is. i see a little how big the maybe the new policies will affect to that as well. that because we came from a far leaving our families behind the undergrad. i see the measures of various treatment. when we reach charity, then we won't be able to fulfill the american dream. it's a dream many a willing to suffer through a nightmare to rich gentleman football now and buy a new and exciting england striker harry cain was one of the biggest story lines of 2023. but when it come to the $500.00 by our labor cruising caught in the lead,
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this time things at the mid season rate, the aiming to become the 1st one to speak a sorry to claim the tire for the sins by installments, began more than a decade ago the fire labor goes into the course for a 1st ever, top flight title 100 javi alonzo labor crews in have yet to taste. to feed this easy, their talent pull roads deep with striker victor boat and face leading the way with 10 goals so far. patty patrick 6, gloria via 2 more to the mix. have combined for a serious problem for opponents labor cures and they've got $25.00 games without a loss across all competitions. and currently have a swimming advantage over buyer to lead to bonus league savings. speaking of buyer, english when harry came, has been billed as king kay in munich. the honeymoon is still ongoing since buyer and munich need a 30 year old the most expensive signing in,
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but is the history back in august k. married in the season opener, has it looks bad. he has a legal high, 21 d. c. canes. got some competition in the golden race, though. from the stuttgart, sir, who gear? i see. it was gear. i see. not kate, who lit up the lead to start off the season with 8 goals. it is 1st for lead games . here i see has 17 goals with stuttgart. we continue. it's quite the turn around from last season, which do finished the 16th in the city and had to survive a relegation battle. mean mine ivory coast was preparing to host the african couple of nations, the continents biggest men's but boys tournament 24 teams. the default and the competition in january, holston, we went, acquired some major investment to the infrastructure,
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but now organize those say are very close to strategical of the, the african cup of nations is coming to ivory coast for the 1st time in 40 years. the country has spent a $1000000000.00 on infrastructure building for new stadiums and renovating to more well also investing in roads and hospitals. lots of money, fonts. it's where the investments, according to the nations football federation, dispos ignored in general and football in particular as a melting pot, where all young people come together. so the infrastructure that's been built is already helping to create an ecosystem, and an economy that will be built around it may just bolting events, have faced scrutiny and recent years due to a trend of expensive new arena's being forgotten. and often just a few weeks of use organizes in ivory coast say they want to avoid that issue loans. we hope that after the couple of nations, all the infrastructure,
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whether sporting or otherwise that we've put in place and built can be used for the development and growth of the country with the little more low cost on. so you'd be and a full, i'm a member of ivory coast national team nickname. the elephants says, athletes themselves have to make sure the menus remain in use for years to come or not if you will, gamble, upgrade life, you know, we saw and gone after the final, then 2012 stadium became almost like a forest included. we need follow up for the state and the president have made efforts, but now the ball. as in the sports men and women's court, we have to take care of it to do that by a gun. this 44 corner pin for the recipe for success is clear. victory for the elephant during the tournaments and no white telephones afterwards. and finally, families brave defendants. lapland coal was to bid farewell to santa claus. a few set off on us and we'll join you around the world who lived in gifts for children,
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signed a wish for well, based off to what he said had been stalling me you? and he said the 50 and wellbeing of children should be everyone's going. then like every year he headed off on his dream, dea draw on clear pushing everyone a very merry christmas to bad. we didn't get that. take off on camera. i'm them such as far as appears on the can you hear the we are all set. we are watching close to the to bring you the story behind the new we own about unbiased information for free might do to name
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