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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 7:30am-8:01am CET

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of the young people of the world are we? what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind? me the christmas and that's why we show you what one of the toner is most beautiful cities has to offer christmas paste, find typical dishes from all over europe that are sub joined the festive season, christmas decorations, the shining hand hooked stones from germany. and that history and say some more on your, on the
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today, we stopped in the south west of poland in the city of watts swamp. it's one of the largest cities in the country, another. and he was up, is it a christmas time youtube, a buzz? you back shows you around hometown and has a few inside of tips for you to go. so what else i'm able to do, like, i'm so excited to be here with you today because what else i have is my hometown, and i'm really one of the most underrated cities in all of poland. and you can see behind me, we bought the christmas lock and have it in here right now. and i promise we will come back here later on in the desert that fast. i wanna show you what do you think that i'm to what else was? yeah, around within poland for those that is known for hosting various cultural festivals and events and a ton to several unesco world heritage site. if you don't have
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a drawer but you want to see a beautiful center out of view of the old times square. i know just the place, the aid and now imagine being here on this bridge back in the 15th century when it was originally built. the standing on the bridge is penitence. you'll probably be able to appreciate phillips of strategic location in the region, and thanks to its location. the city has a very long and complex history. the 1st recorded settlements here date back to the 6th century. this market hall is a true melting pots. on the one hand, this is where you can come for a home, a bread locally grown veggies and mushrooms straight from the forest. but there's so much more here. tease from around the world, endless spices and cheese as
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a meat from all across europe. as for me, it's time to have lunch at a restaurant that aims to recreate, but also helps old school traditional dishes. this is julia, she is a local guide, specializing in tours, and today she will share with us some of her knowledge about lots of distinctive squeezing. so when i will, we will try spots bars to estimates from vermont and beats. and it is traditionally served to during christmas eve. mm hm. perfect. it's spicy and sour. sweet. yes. that's just everything follows things. so what do we have here? i mean this, i know these on here are the most traditional 3rd is the loving food. so you know, as long you have a spirited type that little book go here and a lot of us like to have it in all times for co assertion to spirits of
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the ancestors during all same days. so yes, so we have a lot, a lot of traditions come to the we bought the cost of the arrest notice right. wow. okay, i agree. i'll finally back out of the christmas lock here and here in most of the old towns. and if you're into cross odds and local food, this is basically is the it is the perfect place to try to initiate the drink, stuck up on christmas decorations and use or simply soak up the festive atmosphere . the, there's one last place i really want to show you. this is a place that everybody knows about it. what does it get? but you have to go through this dark and creepy gaze,
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but i promise it's worth it in the end of this year is neil inside gallery, a cookie collection of vintage vintage he owns, grab it here by private and through is yes, i may revise it because it also is my hometown, but i really do believe that this city is one of colin's hidden johns. it may not have the glitz and glamour of also, or the fame of crackles, but truly even in some of its darkest creepy of school. and as it can find beautiful places like this, so you should get a chance to visit, come and have a look for yourself the christmas, the festival of does not. and as we all know, the way to the heart is through the stomach. still need some inspiration will show you what to eat. so across europe, over the past due periods,
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have you not yet decided what to cook for christmas dinner this year? or maybe you'd like to try something new. we selected 5 european holiday favorites . we started out with germany's quinta, central christmas dish. roast goose with red cabbage and dumplings to associate nathan island not to be of free range. goes from there in terms of size, i'd recommend between 4 and a half to 5 and a half p low. so infringement i to know for the stuff that we take apples onions, salary stocks, and finally chop ginger. then we read the goose with salt and pepper inside and out, add the stuffing and put it in the oven to bake for at least 3 hours. in the meantime, we chopped the red cabbage called blau code in southern germany and mix it with apples. we great the potatoes for the dumplings. this type of dumpling is typical of northern bavaria. only
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a quarter of the mixture is made of boiled potatoes. the rest of the potatoes are stirred in wrong, then it's rolled into dumplings and boiled and salted water to keep the goods from drying out while in the oven, it has to be repeatedly basted in stock. this dish is in season mainly in december to kansas and been to always give a goose reaches full size in winter. the potatoes are harvested and red cabbage is a winter bed to bulky moose. so these 3 things go together wonderfully during the season. it is one of the boxes of the roast goose is best when served as soon as it comes out of the of the in poland. it's all about bureau keys. there an unofficial symbol of polish cuisine. the serena irena restaurant in warsaw specializes in these stuff. dumpling, to the center here at the restaurant, we serve 15 different kinds of people,
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these goals. we have pedro these and wild garlic in the cottage, stuff and put into the cheese and not that it got the high me if they have a special flavor. my we also have sweet pillowcase with poppy seeds raisins. i'm not asking you to call me if there's a honey just right for the holiday season. our parole gaze with mushrooms and sauerkraut. the dough is made of flour, eggs, oil and water. to achieve a more intense flavor, some of the dried mushrooms are ground to a fine powder to mushrooms, sour, crowed, and mushroom powdered are briefly roasted and mix. well now they produce can be pinched together by hand and boiling water. no more than 3 or 4 minutes, so they don't get soggy. the, you don't get the pillowcase or something. you don't forget. you have a shift on lunch, but they simply make people happy. it's to me or you freshman?
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yeah, my 1st available that we move on to sweden is where a juicy christmas time is an essential part of the christmas buffet called the us board. the christmas table is the most important thing for the swedish christmas. we herring's we solomon, and of course we the unifying, kept the christmas included in the ross with the pickles him. are funny and studied with close bailey and white pepper. depending on the size, it can take about an hour and a half to bake to a temperature inside the home of $72.00 degrees celsius. the bank, tim has to cool for an hour or 2 before it can be coated with a mixture of eggs. sweet and sour, mustard and sugar. but 1st, the outermost layers of fat has to be cut away from them. i always do some bread crumbs before the cold because otherwise it wants the. traditionally,
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the you wink carved in thin slices is the main event of every swedish christmas buffet. a gloss of piping had good heated spiced wine, goes best with it. the cold out the swiss, warm up with a cheese fondue. traditionally, it served in a candle a pot, usually a ceramic one that's kept heated. the diners spear ryan wheat, bread and lawn phone, 2 forks and done some in the melted cheese. you'll need choose from the lifeline, cornstarch lemon, garlic, cherry, brandy and pepper for a classic cheese phone. 2. first, it's a good idea to great the cheese. this recipe calls for various kinds ionize into this as the main one is from the in gardena valleys and all the cheese is on test drive to alpine chains from cal milk. the blend makes for the right fund 200. the pod is coated with garlic, to give it some extra flavor. next,
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the corn starch wipe, wine and lemon juice, or mix together and poured onto the grated cheese. excuse me to pay to the shots, and now we add a little black pepper. and the final ingredient is to send 2 liters of cherry brandy. the family i started the cheese fondue over medium heat. it is not too hot too high. this consistencies mutable window. save while a swiss cheese on the we top it off with a dessert from britain christmas pudding. no holiday dinner is complete without it . you'll need flour and so it shows up x and then people in wave of fruits you kind of want. and then alcohol traditionally, just quitting brandy, both ineligible brandy,
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some spouts. and pedro jimenez, which is the chevy. many families with up the christmas pudding, weeks in advance. so it will be well state give us the spice of june. so we know each press in the family would give one sty would space clockwise. the christmas pudding is steve and then some day in brandy. so what kinds of dishes will you have for your holiday dinner? the christmas cake kind of tony has a long tradition in italy. it comes in different shapes and sizes font. did you know that some of the best part of tony in a country is made in a prison? behind these bars in the city of patio in northern italy,
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prisoners craft exquisite big treats. the bakers are hardened criminals with long prison sentences. we aren't allowed to share their names or crimes because i've been in this prison for 14 years. god said that i'm paying for what i did back in 20082010 though i used to have some real issues. so for support, i mean those, i definitely made a big mistake, but i've changed and i just keep learning your story. for now, they're mostly begging penny tony. a traditional italian christmas kate, the pony tony. from his teacher, he had jumped to in the prison or some of the best in italy. even pope francis has ordered some said, which is not his real name is proud of his success. he's worked here for 3 and a half years. we make great products. and i'm honored to be able to do this work. it does me good to put myself into my work here,
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murders my fios, he and others who have committed serious crimes are imprisoned here. only those with good conduct, but still facing long sentences can work as baker's, otherwise, it's not worth it to train them. the head, pastry chef counts the knives at the end of each day, just to be on the safe side. here they also learn to follow defined rules and schedules and to respect their superiors. you need to be humble, patient and ready to learn, or you won't make it far in here. and penny, tony does require patience. it takes 72 hours to make the sto, traditionally candied orange peels and raisins are added, but also chocolate ginger, fix, and lavender. my favorite type is with, i'm
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a rayna and new get. everyone has their favorite kind of tony, depending on their tastes. and i think we make 1400 a day their shift begins at 4 in the morning. it takes 3 days before the pony tony is done and it's typical paper wrapping. once they're out of the oven, said and his fellow bakers hang the cakes upside down. we turn them over fresh out of the oven. that helps them teeth around shape while cooling as well for them of the inmates send their finished pony, tony all over the world. $100000.00 a year, starting at 30 euro is a piece plus the chevy. a giotto has even been hosting a cafe for a year now in the center of pod while the company is making a profit. almost everything here is from the prisons. pastry shop. many customers have no idea these fine trees were baked by criminals. really nice.
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are they really, are they good faith for this? so i know the cakes were made in prison. that makes them all the better and hopefully helps the people. and besides their excellent quality, the inmate bakers do actually have regular employment contracts and they receive a proper salary my way just don't just help me, but also my family. they need the money. many of the prisoners send a honey tony home for christmas on days when i get out i can work as a pastry baker in the past. the jetting. yeah. yeah. and i'm studying at a hotel management school so i can enter that profession later. and it's not just a dream force. i need very few of the former prison bakers end up returning to a life of crime. one has even opened his own pastry shop,
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straight from the streets at bowie to u. d. w. fill in fresh discover one of the most vibrant cities in your experience was hot in bowie and scrubbing st. explode the cities hidden gems, and learned to understand some peculiar german habits. pals create is a here for you to join us now at the w underscore building pressure on tick tock. certainly seen in germany a christmas time hand, which styles a note that the wells that come from a small town called handbooks in eastern germany. but they have a long history. we went there to find out more info. so i just loved driving through the towns before christmas and seeing all the stars hanging like this down there. so i can give you this job. i put up the big paper star every year and then place the little ones in the window around christmas
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time. is that stuff and just learn how to make these kinds of stars in school. and i think it's a really big part of our identity sized di pets, the stars named after the small town and who in the very east of germany, saxony region are shipped all over the world as christmas decorations. around $700000.00 are created every year. all by hand, it takes you on a bond around one and a half hours to make one of her limited edition small stars. the this yearly this is, will be just the most difficult part. the folding festival gets the folding that really counts. getting that perfect cone with a beautiful tip, the kind of thing you know and making edges fit together exactly so that the star hasn't even shakes done, flash maces. the stars originated in the moravian church of the brethren,
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one of the oldest protestant denominations and christianity the front office and the oldest record of the stars being made in hand. hood schools, dates back to 1810 out think about was seemingly as a part of teaching geometry to children. come up on this. and when i myself was a student that handled school in clinic said we also learned this in our math class . now. this downs and bodies, the extra warranty use of the star symbolizes jesus christ to i can. the 50 says it's actually our most important symbol seems like not just a hand. and so really a sign of god's light shining into the darkness. i and jesus christ coming to us. this happened to him sounds that big guy worked on this star myself. i would, we made it in our congregation with a large group of 40 people and cut out the individual points and glued them together. there are a lot of wonderful memories associated with it. you know,
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when we have a 1925 business man, peter hensley could be filed, a happens for the 25 pointed star and its current shape nearly a century later. the hand who had factory greets more than $60000.00 star lovers each year for behind the scenes look at how the stars come together or to craft their own doesn't need to complete. it's not that hard once you get the hang of it and get it. yeah, they're just wonderful to look at the houses and you get a warm welcome when you come home, so to speak. spanish. i think that's the beauty of the stars, from the professionals. also custom make stars in different sizes for churches, christmas, markets, or shopping malls. these are made from plastic for longer durability, like this one, measuring almost 2 meters across the wall. it's leaky all in this number slips. and
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while i used to work in the streets and mocked and dressed and for many years, and i could see the tower of the file and kills the church from our sales booth brick and at the top of the church, there was of course, a large yellow a 19 type star hanging there, which i helped to make. boy, that always may be proud. now this does help. one off this one change starts off with are large or small. for many people around the world, the christmas spirit arrives with a glow of a hand hoot star. sled dogs at the very resent you into animals, bacon, we stand sub 0 temperatures and to live at the top performance in the middle of ice and snow. on the defense to compete in the don't sled race nicole or the se in the west of france. in the french out the region of civil house, the dog sled race like holland or dc. the assistance
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of mine, man is one of $66.00 musters taking part. she and her team of dogs are competing in the open category. the race spans nearly 400 kilometers, split up into 10 stages. the . this is kevin, he is 4 years old. he goes as a leader, he's not the fastest leader, but he's a very safe leader. and there is a very difficult route that we're going. so it's nice to have a, a safe one that gets born always in my living room. the good news is this'll a ride from the a little in norway, with 12 european sled dogs. she loves her dogs, and that even one her a special award as the musher who took the best care of her team during one of the stages. before racing off, the dogs always get a little something to eat,
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mostly protein. the real feast comes after the race, the flood dog race is may still often be considered a male domain. but women one, several of the top places in the 1st stages of this year's edition. it's generally dominated by man and especially that uh, in the big clauses on top level, there is still mormon, but there's more women coming. i just have to trust your team and the team. so you have to trust me and then it doesn't matter which gender you are really, as the critics often deem sled dog races to be harmful to the animals health. but at lego hondo d. c, a 12 person veterinary team takes care of the dogs. the staff examines them before each stage and if there's the slightest health concern, the dogs are not allowed to race full way. yeah. oh, don't seem to,
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i don't see any signs of animal cruelty in this discipline. some pretty one. the one simple reason on this. did you just look at the dogs? they get all excited and play around together until they run really fast at the beginning and give it there all categories. they just want to run, you know, easy getting here in the winter sport resort. he's a mom to the stage 6 is about to get started. the looped route spends 30 kilometers with the starting and finish line in the same place. cisco and her assistants are harnessing the excited dogs, the and all they go. there is no holding back. these dogs not gone dirty. se is considered an extremely tough race covering a difference in altitude of 12000 meters.
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the sport is also physically demanding for the measures. they have to stick to the defined route and late into the curves with their dogs. when they go up hill, the measures for the dogs on going down hill, they break it takes this will about 2 hours to finish this stage coming in 6, i very happy they were running good and i have a problem that they're going a little bit slow in the field, but they just need training that because i have a very young team, so they need to learn to push a little bit harder in the appeals. they will go in very strong down hills and i had to really work to keep the slides where it's supposed to be. right. but yes, no problem. so nothing. so it's nice to have a clean teen run, no problem. after the race, the dogs are fed and enjoy a good dose of pen,
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civilized man ended up coming in forest overall. and if all goes to plan, she and her hands will compete again next year, the united states. so now from your max, they're all even more exciting stories from europe on our social media channels. we wish you very happy holidays by and see you next time the, the
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in 15 minutes. on the double you close your eyes. listen, the sensitive to iceland steals its way into each of these interpretations. the exceptional piano talon, pickett, and van in fuzzy minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating inventory and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers.
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2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest they classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what you know, on youtube dw documentary the we did the agents fly saving foxes week if i ever seem to reach doug. so you need us to of every vault stating that the boxes are out of life savings. we fearlessly tentative, not just the next day that every day, thousands of children are still waiting for the sponsor of books today. so together
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we can deliver features the this is dw, use log from the land, no laptop. and is there any strikes on the gas on come off the controls, health officials report hundreds killed and risk days, while the united states presses as well to do more to protect civilians. also coming up ukraine most it's christmas celebrations to december. the 25th for the 1st time and a shift from russia ukrainians will celebrate christmas earlier than normal this year we get the moved from t if as a country.


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