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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news life from poland. no like top in is what any strikes on gossip. how much control house official support, hundreds killed in recent days, while the united states presses as well to do more to protect civilians. also coming up ukraine, the most is christmas celebrations to december the 25th for the 1st time and a shift from russia ukrainians will celebrate christmas. earlier than normal this year we get the moved from kids of the country hits into a subs via add to add to santa claus heads off to deliver presents to
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children around the world. because it has helped us doing all they can to make sure that visits to is winter. wonderland. eco friendly the . i'm going to jones, thanks for joining us. the white house, the s u. s. president joe biden has pressed israel's benjamin netanyahu to protect civilian lives in gaza. biden's that he spoke at length with notes on yahoo on saturday about is what it was war against some us militants. they reported to discuss the objectives of the military campaign and gaza with us stopped short of calling for a cease file. i'm us is considered a terrorist organization by the you, i'm us, i'm us run gas. a health ministry says more than 200 people have been killed, but it's really forces over the past 24 hours. the violence follows
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a un security council resolution to boost humanitarian aid. another day in gaza. another mass burials causes a mass throughout in house ministry size. the number killed since october 7th to some past 20000. that's roughly one percent of the scripts in time population. as well however, shows no sign of nothing up it's bombardment. this is radio me footage, proportionately shows a strike on how much the official bank transported by car as part of the israel size expanded ground operations in the beleaguered territory. so we can argue that it's part of the war from it's a difficult war against a brutal enemy that some triggers on the field above and especially below it to me i lot as well as amongst the civilian population, the gun. but the we a striking come us on not, but this is
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a protracted difficult operation that will continue a while longer. my ship holds them on these expanded operations come as to if israel is most senior and cabinet members visited troops in northern gaza. the traded government is under mounting pressure internationally as a humanitarian situation. wesson's domestic setting to validate in tennessee. hundreds of people came together, quoting for the government to secure the hostages release. some went further, johnson for 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. wilson and his b. b to step down, baby riveted, but the low to multiply out the we need to make sure the, you mean it's in your own will though way. he made them all home, more homes and good, and he betray the people. this government is failed. it citizens in every possible
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way from the most basic one above the basic, 62, compromising its democrat, does not think of any value either the or or in you guys. while these people are still in power, these really government insists it won't stop until her mass has been completely destroyed. it has not to have a set time division of what that would look like. cool, what comes next? journalist saw me, so cole, in jerusalem, gave us an update on the situation and gossum. well, i will start with the facts of the idea of the spokesperson has announced that the more soldiers that have been killed all and all the announce the beginning of the 13 is really soldiers. and the last, the 12 hours being the different, the locations. they're both in the area of the unit. and in other places,
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we choose the show that is around the forces are facing a task resistance by the police, the in the fight, there's there, and they're using an explosive. the device is the empty tank r p. jeez, etc. and on top of that, of course, a is really, is continuing to show, including residential areas. we're talking about shelling both with artillery air and from the sea. so this is in, on the going a war that has a different aspects. the way we heard, and this report, of course, that you as president joe biden has urged benjamin netanyahu to protect civilian lives in gas. uh, how much weight do buttons, woods carry an off to make notes on you all change is was military strategy or whether it's clear that is bided visited by them as being as successful in and
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pushing is ready to accept the humanitarian aid that will go into the gaza strip, where you get to see how this a that has already entered the yesterday. i will be distributed throughout the, the gaza strip. but when it comes to the way is rarely is the thing. it's a campaign. yeah, i don't think that the americans micromanage a this kind of the way over it is rosa warfare. we've also heard and the american a defense secretary, lloyd austin, when he was here and he was meeting with his riley officials, usa, you know, we're not getting the as early as a deadline. we're not going to tell them how to run the war. he said, we're going to give them advice as to bring about this casualties as well. so far
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we didn't see these aside the casualties among as civilians, as so we're still waiting to see what will be the impact of these the statements. and of course in the meantime uh the, is there any government in particular, benjamin natania who is facing growing dissatisfaction and criticism, of course not just internationally but also at home to tell us more about that. so yes, so 1st of all, in the video is very unpopular and all the phones have been indicating as the see, there are other candidates that would be more popular if there would be any elections now, he would not the, for me, the next, the government. and this is mainly the attribute this to the effects of he's the
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head of the state during the time on the 7th of october to and i was doing this some way. so coal in jerusalem speaking to us and the ukraine, has moved its official christmas celebrations. to december, the 25th for the 1st time. that's the move away from the russian orthodox christmas, which is celebrated on the 7th of january. it's not the only thing that's changed in the lives of ukrainians. since russia's war of aggression began, our correspondent sonya found the ca spoke with the residents of kiff about the tough here they are leaving behind the ukrainian capital, the key is getting into the christmas spirit. a key strength holding a speech therapist is joe with adult to felina, the christmas mode and her daughters skating skills and joining us still not enough
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to distract her from the ongoing war veterans by to like many men only knows husband is fighting. and on the front flight, she feels that ukraine spock knows, of losing faith. what is it, why is it the take this, you know, thinking what worries me most is that we will be abandoned. we need the world to be with us, understand us and sympathize with us. we all understand that ukraine is now a very important country that is holding the line so that the enemy does not roll over other nations. if god forbid, we are abundant, there will be no help for us. we will not be able to do this on our own, but also so we just want to, we're going to win as much as many in the capital shape the sentiment, despite the city's ability to keep christmas. but it's up more than last. you knew your to go, i was reporting a very spot about the mass of blackouts for good,
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but russian, it strikes the launch, the city of keys into complete darkness. look like this. here the light, it's a stain on with what has changed is the gender move is definitely go from glue neo, as the walgreens on to was a co dealer reminders of the ongoing conflict on naples thought a week, but the emmy sirens don't fees, residents anymore. the wall has cruelly ended like this despair, but also defiance 1st. and then through every day you ask yourself what's mixed, which is what to do after graduating from university until the war is over. it's very difficult to answer this question, but not replaced. and that's why the chicken and again, my feelings are of hope. hope that we will not very all our children. and this more for who i am. my own son was killed on march 31st and i hope that someone would
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remain alive so that we have grandchildren was a lease so that there will be someone to restore ukraine later. sure. who can move forward to getting the grading window. but we use the water, we must not give up. let's hope that ukrainians are strong and believe in their victory. after 2 years, many people will say, maybe it's better for us to give up. i know we need to go to the end because we've lost too much on with them. some of the bought the stuff to add, not as they have only one dream for the war to end with 2 is the question of the minds of many and how many more christmas they would still have to mark under the shadow of the families from around the world brave to finland, lapland cold to bid farewell to sunset cloth as he set off on his annual journey around the world to live in gifts to children. santa wished for world peace after
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what he said had been a stormy. yeah. then, like every year he headed off on his rain, dea drawn sleigh wishing everyone a merry christmas of the most import. in the days leading up to christmas. hundreds of thousands of tourists visit lapland every year to get a glimpse of santa and his reigned is to ensure that the christmas trip is not so solid by too much greenhouse gas emissions local businesses doing everything they can to make a visit in winter. wonderland eco friendly santa is real. at least in this finished village on the arctic circle. i'm saying he's busy reading letters, giving up presents and meeting children and adults from all over the world and is winter. wonderland has become one of the biggest tourist attractions in finland. the village was set up in the 1950s right on the edge of the arctic circle. things
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are getting more crowded around $300000.00 people visit every year. but flying staying over and all those christmas presents are having an impact. many hotels are doing what they can, such as this one, using only geothermal energy. it's a low carbon source of power. it's also sustainable for an ecological the economic vehicle of way to think about the future. if you only want to do this or some winter related business or anything that has to do with the nature. if you run that nature, it's not gonna be far long. but you can do it, you have to think about the future. hotels here are applying for sustainability certification with the finish government, and they're part of a tourism cooperative that works to reduce emissions. sanchez for a companion need help to the reindeer are particularly vulnerable climate change.
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ideally they need to room for you and then as far as the uh we have about 10 during the mornings. we have a morning rain data so far and night. we have the overall main desktop are also schools working in evening, so he does everything in the morning so steadily again, keep the l d of these ranges and take care of that and desk and resting. also, no way you rest is hard to come by just before christmas, especially for those in charge of santa is post office. how was i'm letters from about 200 tons. please arrive to tons. of course, every year. it's hard work keeping christmas time of joy for the people who come here and keeping it sustainable. my
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hopes on service, east mileage. and so that's all from us for now. coming up next hour documentary report, looking at the young and homeless people in new york, and there's always one use on our website is of course that's d w dot com from me and the team here in the, in the merry christmas. thanks for watching the the shuttle the currently more people than eva on the world wide and such a hassle. jessica committed absolutely. gosh, find out about rubinez stories, info, migrants, fast fashion as an environmental 9.


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