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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the the, this is the, the, the news line from good then no later i'll finish by the strikes on gossip. i'm off controlled health officials report hundreds killed in recent days. while the united states prices as well to do more to protect civilians. also coming up the normally bustling streets of bethlehem, a launch they've been said this christmas eve as the christmas celebrations of cancelled due to the war and costs the
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american. how'd welcome to the program. the white house is us present and dr. barton this pressed israel is benjamin netanyahu to protect civilian lives in garza, but and said he spoke at length with nathan yahoo on saturday about as well as for against thomas militants. they reportedly discussed the objectives of the military campaign and gaza boss us stopped short of calling for cx. 5 mazda is considered a tara organization by the a u and us them, us run gas. a health ministry says more than 200 people have been killed, buys by the forces of the past 24 hours. the violence follows a un security council resolution to boost humanitarian i another day and god knows have mass burials, causes how mass throughout in house ministry says the number killed since october 7, system past 20000. that's roughly one percent of the state. the entire population
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is around, however, it shows no sign of nothing up its bombardment. this is ray, i'm a footage purportedly shows a strike on how much the official bank transported by car as part of the israel size expanded ground operations in the beleaguered territory. so he's lucky that it's part of the war from it's a difficult war against a brutal enemy that some traders on the field above and especially below it to me i lot as well as amongst the civilian population, the gun. but the hope that we have striking come us on not that this is a protracted difficult operation that will continue a while longer. my shift with them on these expanded operations come as to if israel is most senior cabinet members visited troops in northern cause, the trade government is under mounting pressure internationally as the humanitarian situation. wesson's domestic today to evaluate in tennessee. hundreds of people
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came together, quoting for the government to secure the hostages release. some went further. johnson for prime minister benjamin netanyahu, wilson and his be to step down baby riveted, but the low to multiply all the we need to make sure the to know will go way. he made them all home, more homes and good, and he betray the people. this government has failed it. citizens in every possible way, from the most basic one about the basics they speak to uh, compromising its democrat does not think of any value either here or in guys. while these people are still in power, these really government insists it won't stop until her mass has been completely destroyed. it has not to have
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a set time division of what that would look like. cool, what comes next? a general assembly socco joined us from jerusalem earlier and gave us this update on the bloodshed in the last 24 hours. so yes, and so what you're saying is the, the is really forces are focusing on shelly, this central area of the gaza strip. that's where we have lots of the casualties in the new see it, i'd say refugee camp which is a lot of. busy from the dealers by law, this is an area of the ground forces i've not the entered yet. i'm in this area, there is a showing a goal, so our to read and the air force to send me to boston, it's cold again for each route to do more to protect civilian lives in gaza. is there any sign that these woods have made or will make nothing? yahoo change. israel is military strategy. well,
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it is difficult to to say. we know that the job by them has an influence on the time, you know, he has succeeded in influencing these early government to let the trucks go. ready mean to be goes a stream earlier a, the war is rather said that it will not let the humanitarian a to go into the gaza strip. we also know that joe, by the, has a, a spoke good a to minutes on the out about a time that some ministers and especially the defense minister, wanted to wage and 11 on their own in october. and the he told me, you know, that this is a no go for the americans. and the, so, i mean, this is being reported of being in a different way out. and it's about this. so we know that in the big picture and that it by didn't, has a lot of impact. but the,
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when it comes to the management of the war, it seems like the americans are basically giving a green light phrase with to continue. that's an external pressure internally our report takes out a growing dissatisfaction with these riley government within east. well, how significant is that ground swell now semi against netanyahu's, atomic sweating. this danielle is very on the foot below. and the, we've seen it the from before, the war, but especially with the big the, a failure in the 7 silver october. and, but i think that was temporary too much into it because of this criticism that you have against that some, you know, is not totally new for a ceasefire. necessarily. we know that only 11 percent of this really public has in a recent photo. it has called a for sees fire as there is criticism against the if i'm yeah was
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right. it today we heard the minister of the and need a bunk card for the decor. and he will say that he should that nothing else should not surrender to american pressure to the semi circle interest when thank you so much. oh, is ralph bombardment of gas? it has forced the cancellation of many christmas festivities in nearby best land. the biblical best place of jesus, the city in the is where the occupied west bank would usually be full of tourist and pilgrims, the crowd to add some c. as is the traditional latch christmas tree. many of bethlehem's residents are in morning of the conflict in gauze of which is just 50 kilometers corresponding gone. phillip shelters in bethlehem, down for a little bit. sounds a very different build up to christmas in bethlehem this you as
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yes indeed. it's in the credibly site that must be your here in best land today. as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree, no music, no big celebrations at all. no street vendors selling can do to the children. representative of all the big churches have said that it's impossible to, to celebrate christmas at the moments with so many people suffering here in the region. and also a lot of people here in bethlehem and the local residents. they really don't see like celebrated young philip, that the christmas profession is usually a send a pace to the test. if it is, they will that still happen in some or any form of the see say no, not really. the procession is more or less cancelled that will be a christmas mess at midnight. about the usual marching bands that accompanies the patriarch during the procession just passed by in complete silence,
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which was really a very intense moments. it's such a drastic change that young phillip, how the people in bethlehem reacting to what must be seen a very unfamiliar christmas of course for them. it's a huge economic loss. it's usually the busiest time of the year here. a estimation say it's contributes to a 100000000 euro as every christmas to the local economy. but most people here in beverley, i'm that i've talked to, they understand that the celebrations has been can. so they say that financial loss is nothing compared to with the suffering of so many people here in the region at the moment. yeah, and that's for the people within best buy. what about those who want to get access? the speaking the people outside of best way and they want to come in how much, how to is it to physically get to the hall. they say to the holy city rather in the
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middle of a conflict. very, very, very difficult. so even before the war it was difficult, as you know, there's a, some controversial tech points between jerusalem bethlehem, but it has gotten even difficult. now, during the war we had to experience that a lot of sales this morning and we were told that ip sec, fines would let us pass. but when we arrived the ser, elio thirty's didn't let us pass. so we had to take a huge detour to arrive yet and bethlehem. so definitely a very such christmas this year. the w correspondent, young phillip shelton, bethlehem. thank you now tending to some of the other stories making use of this how the pentagon says a tank of attack of india is coast on saturday, was targeted by a drawn fide from rock. the attack caused file on the base so,
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but they would no casualties, reported indian government says the tank was carrying crude oil inbound from saudi arabia. german police have increased the security measures at cologne cathedral. i made warnings of a possible attack. police report in sniff adults and planned a screen worship is attending midnight mass on christmas eve forts in the gym and media site. item for freight from this one is extreme is of the holidays of families from around the world brave to finland. lapland cold to bid farewell to santa claus as he set off on his annual journey, delivering gift to children across the glove side of wasteful world peace. after one he said have been stormy. and he said, besides the and well being of children should be, everyone's go a thin lock every year. he headed off on his reindeer drawing. sly,
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wishing everyone very, very, fairly b dot o u. k. does that for the now hundreds of thousands of tourist visit lapland every year to get a glimpse of santa and he's rain d as, as he saw there to ensure that when to the winter wonderland rather stays a winter. wonderland local businesses are now doing everything they can to make a visit. eco friendly. santa is real. at least in this finished village on the arctic circle. i'm saying he's busy reading letters, giving up presents and meeting children and adults from all over the world. and his winter wonderland had become one of the biggest tourist attractions in finland. the village was set up in the 1950s right on the edge of the arctic circle. things are getting more crowded around $300000.00 people, visit every year. but flying,
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staying over and all those christmas presents are having an impact. many hotels are doing what they can, such as this one, using only geothermal energy. it's a low carbon source of power. it's also sustainable for an ecological the. it cannot be and go away to think about the future. if you only want to do this or some winter related business or anything that has to do with the nature. if you run the nature, it's not gonna be far long, but you can do it. you have to think about the future hotels here are applying for sustainability certification with the finish government and they're part of a tourism cooperative that works to reduce emissions. santa's for a companion, be helped to the reindeer are particularly vulnerable climate change. ideally they need to room for you and keep them as far as helping the we have about
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10 during the mornings. we have a morning rain data so far and night. we have the overall main desktop are also who's working in evening. so he does everything the things that morning, so that'll be again, keep the and how they of these ranges and take care of that. and there's going, resting, also, no way you rest is hard to come by just before christmas, especially for those in charge of santa is post office house. i'm letters from about 200 tons. please arrive to sounds. of course, every year it's hard work keeping christmas time of joy for the people who come here and keeping it sustainable and on but not that's all for now. coming up next reporter got months. the cost reality is i
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young family living in a homeless shelter in new york city, that stories coming off off to the right. don't forget the youtube channel is a great way to catch all the best of our coverage at any time you loc. otherwise, i'll be back here in 45 minutes time with another bulletin from that and stay with us. if you get the so you don't think and do the same way you expect. and one different thing is from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue what that's my on site or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to the doctor.


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