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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2023 6:00pm-6:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching data, your name is coming to live from berlin. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the size the warren, gaza, is exacting. a very heavy price on israel is, comes after the army announces that $14.00 soldiers have been killed since friday. also coming up on the sho, normally bustling streets of bethlehem, largely deserted on christmas eve with celebrations cancelled with your support and gaza. and the us, as an oil tanker struck me, your india's post on saturday was hit by a drone, fired from iran. this comes after a series of drone attacks by a run back who's
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a rebels against ships in the red sea, the clare richardson, welcome to the show. israel says 14 of its soldiers have been killed in gauze of this weekend, marking some of the heaviest fruit bloss as far as well since its ground operation began. there has been more heavy fighting is rarely strikes, heading, central and southern gaza on sunday. as round says it has achieved almost complete operational control over northern gaza. it's also is that is planning to expand its ground defensive against tomas, considered a terrorist group by the you and the wes is real size. that means shifting its campaigns, a gauze of south, where most displays, palestinians have fled, or this as a homeless run, garza health ministry says more than 160 people have been killed by his really
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forces. in the past day. they are doing what they can to pull and you want to live from onto the debris. every day people across the guys treat wake up to new scenes of devastation. often all they find is dead buddies. but sometimes they'll lock key below the off to take me to the major hospital. they treated me that may god protect them. it's disruption. the children with screaming children's mental health as affected the injured were on the street, me, me and for others will retrieve from on the phone in the southern city of rough uh, and is really air strength, destroyed a house and damage several others in the refugee camp. of the nearby con, you me see a tax also flagged in several buildings the month it almost on the 1st area is
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designated safe and there are thousands of displaced and a few meters away from us as an office for own right. and there are more than $40000.00, displaced to the east of us, and the agencies clinic and schools and the shuttle. we went to school housing, no less than 6 or $7000.00 displacements with yeah, let's do it in general, is designated to say that this is the safety and security that israel claimants of a minute of the whole. i mean, when the day is, what i s calls for a cease fire grow is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the fighting will continue and provide me the war, exact, a very high price from us. but we have no choice but to continue fighting sofa. our forces have eliminated many thousands of terrorists. we are continuing with all the force until the end will until victory hold until we reach me on our goals. these commons coming as easily and last 14 soldiers and guys in 2 days that brings the
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total number of losses and one is randy troops to 152 is the fighting continues from us. run health officials say more than 20000 people have been killed there. let's get across to jerusalem, where journalists, how many softball has more for us. so i mean, thank you for taking the time i. let's take a look 1st. and israel's claim. so take an almost complete operational control of northern gaza and that is now looking to focus efforts on the south. what can we expect from this? what does this tell us? so when we've seen that this control means that the is realized, succeeded in breaking the chain of command. it was in how mos, in the city of gaza and the surrounding area. but the with is only, is facing is a kind of the urban guerrilla warfare launched by small says,
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is sometimes individuals who are big left behind. and they're continuing a to a fight the is run, the forces. and so this means is that there's no end to this war inside. israel is now going to focus more on the area. how do this? this is where the major bathrooms are taking place. the major ground operations after funding is they're still in the camps and they didn't buy la area. but it's a difficult to have as many i know this to are saying it to see how this would actually and me and we've heard that at least 14 is rarely folders, have been killed in gaza. it just this weekend that's bringing the death toll to more than a $150.00 since the start of israel's ground defensive. this is obviously a very sensitive issue within israel. do you think that the rising death full will
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affect support internally for netanyahu's military campaign as well? i think when i was to differentiate between the support to the, to the out and the support to the campaign and the b o is, is not popular. he was not the popular before the 7th of october and his popularity as drop. 4 a lot of but by and large, these really public, it does believe that the campaigns should continue and that the crushing, the from us should not stop. and then it also doesn't look the way the other a, to national communities viewing as the disparate situation of the guys and population and the hunger. and all of these strings in these early public
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is looking at these in a very different way. in fact, it would, we see the public is a, is a shift to the right and who wouldn't be expecting to see is the rise of more hard line positions in this period. thank you so much for that update about some journalist, somebody's alcohol in jerusalem. we very much appreciate your time. israel's bombardment of gaza has forced the cancellation of christmas festivities in nearby bethlehem the biblical birthplace of jesus. the city india is rarely occupied. westbank would usually be full of tourists and pilgrims. but the crowds are absent this year. as is the traditional large christmas tree menu, bethlehem's residents are mourning over the devastation in gaza, which is just 50 kilometers away. wherever correspondent yon phillip schultz
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reporting from bethlehem and he's described for us how different the atmosphere there is this year. it's very different. it's no big celebration this year. it's an incredibly set up. let's see a here in bethlehem, as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree. no street vendors setting tended to the children. no music, uh the official sierra said it's impossible to celebrate christmas this year. i know those circumstances of big churches setup presents. euro said that it's no moments enjoy when so of joy. when so many people are suffering, it's done say, maybe it's also a moment to reflect on what christmas is also about the hope of a more peaceful. it was kind of short shots reporting there. let's turn now to some other news. the pentagon says an oil tanker attacked off india's coast on saturday was targeted by a drone and fired from iran. the strikes caused a fire on the vessel, but there were no casualties,
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reported the indian governments as the tanker was carrying crude oil in bound from saudi arabia. no one has claimed the attack in recent weeks. who's the rebels in yemen? have repeatedly attacked ships in the red sea with a drones and declared all israel affiliated vessels to be legitimate targets. elizabeth kendall is a middle east expert at cambridge university and she explained for us how credible us claims are that are ron was responsible for that latest attack off the coast of india or well, it certainly will address, present stuff, change what we've seen so far. they would no longer be doable deniability from the wrong by using it proxies in the region. but i think there's any doubts to question . there's any reason to question us intel on this it does fits the behavior from the wrong, which since mid october has been pursuing a strategy of gradual escalation and it would make logical sense very wrong in
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talking global shipping is ideas that way of focusing international attention on trying to perhaps rain in israel's actions and gaza as well where these attacks are very laurie and highly aggressive. it is trudging a capital line of the still between the actually these thinking vessels or create and crippling damage, or engendering lots of life states for now, at least this does look still tacitly calibrated to create maximum disruption, but without actually preventing boil. and we have some other world news headlines for you now. a court in el salvador has ordered the arrest of former president alfredo christie. i need for an alleged cover up related to a mastercard, 1981. and the item was all time mastercard, some 1000 people were murdered by us, trained and equipped soldiers for allegedly supporting left us rebels during el salvador, civil war of the german police have increased security measures that cologne
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cathedral. i'm in warnings of a possible attack. police have brought in sniffer dogs and planned to scream people attending midnight mass on christmas. eve reports in german media sites, a heights and threat from is almost extremists over the holidays. hundreds of thousands of tourist visit lapland every years to get a glimpse of santa and his reindeers to ensure that a winter wonderland stays wintry. local businesses are also doing all they can to make sure that visits are eco friendly. santa is real. at least in this finished village on the arctic circle. i'm saying he's busy reading letters, giving out presents and meeting children and adults from all over the world and is winter wonderland have become one of the biggest tourist attractions in finland. the village was set up in the 1950s right on the edge of the arctic circle. things
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are getting more crowded around $300000.00 people, visit every year. but flying staying over and all those christmas presents are having an impact. many hotels are doing what they can, such as this one, using only geothermal energy. it's a low carbon source of power. it's also sustainable for an ecological by it. you cannot be and go away to think about the future. if you only want to do this or some winter related business or anything that has to do with the nature, if you run the nature, it's not gonna be for long. but you can do, you have to think about the future hotels here are applying for sustainability certification with the finish government. and they're part of a tourism cooperative that works to reduce emissions. santa's for a companion being held to the reindeer, are particularly vulnerable as the climate change. ideally they need to room for
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you and keep them as far as helping the we have about 10 during the mornings. we have a morning rain data so far and night. we have the overall main desktop are also schools working in evening. so he does everything in the morning. so that'll be again, keep the have the of these ranges and take care of that and desk and resting. also, no way you rest is hard to come by just before christmas, especially for those in charge of santa is post office house. i'm letters from about 200 tons. please arrive to tons. of course, every year it's hard work keeping christmas time of joy for the people who come here and keeping it sustainable. and you may have seen some
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impressive christmas decorations in that last report from finland, but here is one truly watering sight to behold this as the world's biggest, and possibly only santa claus made out of onions and sand. you can find them reclining on the beach in india's eastern coast, or the us for a. the artist says to tons of onions went into creating this layer to master piece . he's encouraging people to guest each other plants those christmas and is hoping his mega santa will help spread awareness about climate change. you're watching data, the news, a quick reminder of our top story before we go as well. so that least 14 of its soldiers have been killed in combat in gaza. best weekends serve as heavy as troop losses so far against from us as well. since that is now shifting its military campaigns against the south, where most of the place palestinians have flood. just a quick reminder, you can always get decent news. go. just download our app from google play or from
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the app store. it'll give you access to all the latest news around the world, plus push notifications. whenever there's breaking news and that soon as update on this, our sports life is coming up next to don't go away. i'm sorry, richard seconds when. thanks for watching the sometimes the show right. how that you out to the highlight every week? not the, not the you. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me.


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