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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 12:00am-12:15am CET

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but the, this of the job you're new is leih from button is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the warden guys as exacting a very heavy price on it says, is there a lot of trees that's 15 soldiers have been killed since friday. this is got this house ministry says douglas, have been killed in an s 500 refugee camp. was coming up on christmas eve. normally bucklin street felt bad for him. i lost a devoted with celebration scams, thoughts here to the war in good stuff. ukraine moves that's customer celebrations to december 25th for the 4th time, and
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a shift away from rochell ukrainians are celebrating christmas earlier than usual, the sale. we get the move from keith as the country heads him to a 30th at work, the number such as well, thank you for joining us. israel says 15 of the soldiers have been killed in gaza this weekend mocking some of the heaviest troops also since it's gone. operation began this as i'm as a mosse drawn guys. a health industry says at least 60 people were killed in as early as 5 on sunday that hit houses and the refugee camp is red, has also announced that it's planning to shift the scan band because the south, where most the space palestinians have fled, they're doing what they can to full, anyone alive from under the debris. every day people across the gaza strip wake up to new scenes of devastation off and all they find is dead bodies. but sometimes
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they're lucky alone with the job to take me to the matter of hospital. they treated me then may god protect them, its destruction. the children with screaming children's mental health as affected the injured were on the street, me, me and for others will retrieve from on the, the, on the phone in the southern city of rafa. and is rarely airstrike destroyed a house and damage several others, and a refugee camp. in nearby con eunice, the attacks also flattened several buildings. the month that almost the area is designated safe and other thousands of displaced and a few meters away from us as an office full own right. and there were more than $40000.00, displaced to the east of us at the agencies clinic. and schools and the shuttle
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going to school housing, no less than 6 or $7000.00 displacements with yeah, let's do it in general, is designated to say that this is the safety and security that israel claimants of um, and out of the whole, i mean when the day is what i the house calls for a cease fire grove is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there will be no let up in the fighting is the highest man citizens of israel and we are deepening the war and the gaza strip. and i wonder if we will continue to fight until total victory over him us. and that is the only way to return our hostages. eliminate hmos. and then sir, that goes, i will no longer be a threat to israel looked at it with the money for his comments coming after israel last more soldiers and gaza in the past 2 days. as the fighting continues, the house run, guys, a health ministry, and there's more than $20000.00 people have been killed and that they're almost
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something i'll reach and refugee accounts that will be off to him if it's just planned to focus on the south would affect his organizations, her mom and dad, an operation us. yes, of course, they have been for a while now because they have been displaced, 4 or 5 times. remember, the original load is where to move the seller of central casa, and we kept getting these orders on. so, you know, here we are, you just report to them that are off on the southern most area where the majority of a workers are with the majority is a, is to do for that 1st points where the majority of people have been displaced by spc from online it's very, very cold and it's very windy, very rainy. um, it has been uh, a couple of rainy, not people have spent these nights intends that you know, are built on host, you know, now, pools of months. there's no way for people to go. this which we know where to go
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with it is, you know, the corners have closed on the walls have closed on them and they is very tight. so getting closer and closer, that's still not the the way to go about this for us as you maintain and work cuz we need to see a cease fire. we need to see a ceasefire. now, am i better on something isle beach and refugee council? that is the bossman to garza has forced the cancellation of christmas festivities in nearby bethlehem. the book, the biblical birthplace of chief of the city. and these fairly occupied westbank would usually be full of tourists. instead of drums, but the crowds are absent of the sale, as if the traditional laws, christmas tree, menu buttons residents are in mourning over the devastation in gaza, which is just 50 kilometers where we have a correspond on phillip shows. reporting from that to him. he describes how different things be that the sale a very different no big celebration this year. it's an incredibly set up. let's
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see a here in bethlehem, as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree. no street vendors southern fan due to the children. no music, the official sierra said it's impossible to celebrate christmas this year. under those circumstances of big charge, that's the fed up presence. euro said that it's no moments enjoy when soul of joy, when so many people are suffering as tons say, maybe it's also a moment to reflect on what christmas is also about the hope of a more peaceful it was. do you got through with you on the left, shoulders and back to the home that now with the war raging guys, apple frances, is it has a feel for peace in a solemn christmas eve mouse at the bottom of the pontiff made numerous stuff, incest, to wireless. and was killed in his address and same feat as basilica without directing naming has been all gossip. spencer said, hoss as own the world would. and baptism. healy traditional christmas day prez.
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late on monday morning. to pick up. the pentagon says an oil tanker attacked off in the us coast on saturday was targeted by a drawing fired from is on the strike cause the file and the rest food, but no casualties were to force at the end. and government says tobacco was scatting crude oil in balance from saudi arabia. no one has claimed the attack indecent weeks with the tablets and gammon repeatedly attacked trips in the red sea with drones. the cat owners, the $48.00 addresses to be visited with dogs. in diabetes and on resident fellow or the centre of a matter of time strategy to give us his assessment of the attack. this one has been a red c problem, has now become a more globalized problem. i mean, this type is the type is very far afield. from the bottom end up in something risky and certainly from when he controlled the, i mean is closer to india than is anywhere else. and we are looking at potentially a water installation of this, this ongoing prices. we've seen these have
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a very quickly from being a supporting of, of gaza to really uh, i've had people who are some coverage for their own right. they have become focused on the relevant studies as dean for them. and now this would be a wire still over that there certainly transcends only israel and drives it, but the human as well. and so we pull through, this is not a, a warm steel installation, but certainly the g or the geography of this autonomy indicates that we have greater concerns for global commerce which does transport 90 percent of world freight. and so there's already starting to feel the impact of a closer to the red sea rewriting around advocate. and this brings into new questions of what is needed to make sure that probably our ships for our seniors are safe and it will free taking the flow freely that's time out. and some of the, some of the other stories making news of that around for around 6000 microns from
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central america. 5 to buy venezuela and other reasons have left the southern mexican city of tampa, tula, to make its way to the us border. it comes to days before us secretary of state anthony blinking travels to mexico to discuss efforts to control the search of migrants trying to enter the us. thousands of anti government for testers have gathered again outside belgrade city hall to demonstrably as recent elections. to be a node international. so let's say last weekend's election results were mod, bye is a good attitude. government opponents. so let's go to fraud. so be as popular as the parties have denied you're getting the vote. now ukraine is celebrating christmas on december 21st for the 4th time, the sale. it's a movie from the russian orthodox christmas, which is a bill from january 7th, some to us for us and the cap to key with the end of the christmas eve ridgeville at saint michael's modest for the christmas day. it isn't the only thing that's
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changed in the life of your experience instructions, water progressions, again, i'll correspondence with folic a spoke with some key residents about the tough fios they're leaving behind the ukrainian capital, keith is getting into the christmas spirit. trying lena, speech therapist is you with the daughter for the know the christmas mode and her daughters skating skills and drawing us still not enough to distract her from the ongoing war such as back to it. like many men, olivas husband is fighting and on the front flight, she feels that ukraine spock knows, of losing faith. what is it, why is it the take this, you know, thinking what worries me most is that we will be abandoned. we need the world to be with us, understand us and sympathize with us. we all understand that ukraine is now
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a very important country that is holding the line so that the enemy does not roll over other nations. suddenly if god forbid, we are abundant, there will be no help for us. we will not be able to do this on our own little so we just want, we're going to win this more than maybe the capital shade the sentiment. despite the cities ability to keep christmas, but it's up more than last year. nearly a year to go. i was reporting a lady, spots about the mass of blackouts for good, but russian. it strikes the launch, the city of keys, interest, complete darkness, look like this. here the lights are staying on with what has changed, changed is the change and move is definitely go from gloomier as the walgreens on to woods, a co dealer. reminders of the ongoing conflict on naples thought a week, but the emptied sirens don't fees, residents anymore. the wall has cruelly up ended like this despair,
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but also defiance people 1st and then to look at the everyday you ask yourself, what's next? what to do after graduating from university and until the war is over? it's very difficult to answer this question. so it's quite another place to and that's why the chicken and again, my feelings are of hope. hope that we will not very all our children in this war for who i'm sorry, my own son was killed on march 31st. and i hope that someone would remain alive and so that we have grandchildren was a lease so that there will be someone to restore ukraine later. sure. who work on the board? you know, do what do you mean to put we use the water. we must not give up. let's hope that ukrainians are strong and believe in their victory. after 2 years, many people will say, maybe it's better for us to give up. i know we need to go to the end because we've lost too much around,
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but them so much about the bottom 2. i know they have only one dream for the war to end with 2 is the question of the minds of many. and how many more christmas they would still have to mark under the shadow of the as well as the calling it the one in the midland pregnancy of women and united states has given birth to 2 babies from 2 separate phones. it's double the but they've still because we've been going on 2 separate days. kelsey hatches, miracle babies arrive to choose empty is best wait. a healthy girls were born a day, a part of to 20 hours of labor. the unique, this is the result of the ria congenital anomaly that gave hetcher to use horses. both babies had their own when one born on the tuesday, one born on
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a wednesday, so they have different birthdays. baby a is born on the 19th and baby was born on the 20th, so it was a very long day. but we made it over a typical twin pregnancy is defined by 2 babies in one uterus. hatches physician said it was safe to cool the goals, fraternal twins, they've now been named roxy and rebuild and have joined the 3 older siblings at home with kelsey and her husband. caleb. now more than 6000 ramos and festa falls through and south dig into the street from one trades for the an we'll send such an attitude on now and it's 12 feel the 5 kilometer race raises money for the spanish redcross who have families default in the event with the children dressed as i was in greenville, the organizer say a professor of team verse is philosophy stuff. it's kind in the word
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to some exercise in before that big holiday meet us. that's all from us. but up next sort of photo was as a family, as a homeless shelter in new york city. that's off the right corner. it was the top of the next hour. stay with us. i'm such as far as the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube.


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