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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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of the best to seek out the news live from by then doesn't scaled, and then it's rarely misled. strike in central guys though victims i was rushed to hospital off to home to the refugee camp. i had the attack gums as a, as, as dread, expensive ground offensive to focus more on start. the process also coming up ukraine moves sits, crystal celebrations to december 25th for the 1st time, and a shift away from russia ukrainians. us celebrating christmas or new york, and usually the town we get the most from keith of the foundry hudson to us code you as far as santa claus heads often to the level of presence of children around
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the world. because that has help us doing all they can to make sure that the visits to kids winter wonderland are equal. sending the i'm the massage s while back into the program because that's how much john has ministry for. as the 370 people have been killed in the strike that hit her refugee camp, the latest on the strikes came of the was has organization visited guys of the largest hospital. again, finding facilities over band for the number of wounded. meanwhile, is dro, says it's ex, funding if operations and gaza and release new photos of what assess as part of a mazda is extensive underground on a network. and then the weapons munition and imagine surveyed us as well as military says this winding network of tunnels is what have mass over. so the tax on
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the type of 7 soldiers reportedly also found the bodies of 5 is one of the hostages, killed by him, ass bought in captivity, to several consumers. time beef go down to the headquarters, which is located thousands of meters under ground. certainly few men we found weapons, usually infrastructure for the production of whether or not to buy laboratories where weapons were produced. it's got to be an emergency room where the commander of the headquarters are the misconduct said ron doran, who like the fighting on october 7th against the state of israel. maybe not the same as well says it will now move its focus to southern gaza and its war to illuminate, to mass which is recognized as a terrorist group. but he and the us the push comes as a flesh around or hash drug hit residential homes in the mcgraw's even come, killing dozens of people that during a visit to our chief a hospital,
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the largest medical facility in gaza. wells health organization officials issued the most dive assessment to yet, and the humanitarian situation that the lucky now see the largest hospital and goes up to the 3rd time this week where it's still a case of absolute miseries. if people still on the floor it's, it's almost impossible to walk about critical cases, doctors and nurses. absolutely scrambling people, signing out the blood, peter son and daughter were dying. there's almost nothing that this team can do. the w h chase chest. there is still an urgent need of fuel medicine, food and water. at the real risk of famine, you may have a lot you. to mean mileage rose bombardment of garza has forced the consummation of christmas festivities in nearby bethlehem, the good birthplace of jesus,
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the city. and these fairly occupied westbank would usually be full of tourists instead of crumbs. but the crowd. so absent the sale, as is the traditional last christmas street, many of our plans residents are in mourning over the devastation and garza, which is just 15 kilometers. aware of corresponding you on phillip shows was in bethlehem. he describes how different things for you. they had to see a very different snow big celebration this year. it's an incredibly set up. let's see a here in bethlehem, as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree, no street vendors selling pending to the children. no music of the official sierra said it's impossible to celebrate christmas this year. i know those circumstances of big churches setup presents yours. that's uh, that is no moments enjoy when so of joy, when so many people are suffering as son say, maybe it's also a moment to reflect on what christmas is also about the hope of
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a more peaceful it was, dw is gone. phillip shows that reporting from baptism now with was aging in the full process is a beautiful piece in a solemn christmas eve mass up about to can. the pontiff made numerous references to violence and war during his address in st. peter's basilica without direction naming is dread. all got them. process that hosted on the was word and baptism. he lead to discipline christmas paper escalation on monday morning. as to attention to some of the other stories making headlines that on the world. a housing supply and type government to desktops of data that again outside bedroom city hall to the month. so be a recent election fee. another international observer since last weekend's election results for mod bye is a july to do government opponents. let's move to fraud. so a best populace to parties have denied you're getting the vote. some 300 indian
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nationalist who's been stranded at the regional laugh orland fronds for 4 days are expected to be allowed to fly home on monday. the charter plane bound when to cut it, as well, was ordered round to do it, and review fuel installed on posted on suspicion of human trafficking. report say police, detain 2 people, and that's several of those requests to the asylum academy by an officer around $6000.00 microns from central america to bo, venezuela, and other regions has left the southern mexican cecile separately, law to make its way to the us border. it comes to these before us secretary of state and a blinking chavez to mexico to discuss efforts to control the search of migrants trying to enter your of holding onto ukraine, which is celebrating christmas on december 25th for the 1st time, the sale. it's the move of we from the russian orthodox christmas, which is of both on january 7th. some thoughts was in the gap to cube. at the end
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of the christmas eve, virtual a fan micros monastery of correspondence. warner follicle spoke with some que residents about the tough feel they are leaving behind the ukrainian capital, the key is getting into the christmas spirit. a key strength holding a speech therapist is joe with adult to felina, the christmas mode and her daughters skating skills and joining us still not enough to distract her from the ongoing war veterans back towards like many men, only those husband is fighting and on the front side, she feels that ukraine spock knows, of losing faith. what is it, why is it the take this, you know, thinking, what worries me most is that we will be abandoned. we need the world to be with us, understand us and sympathize with us. miss. we all understand that ukraine is now
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a very important country that is holding the line so that the enemy does not roll over other nations. so suddenly, if god forbid we are abundant and us, there will be no help for us. we will not be able to do this on our own, but also so we just want, we're going to get this when there's more than many in the capital shade the sentiment, despite the cities ability to keep christmas. but it's up more than last year. nearly a year to go, i was reporting at this very spot about the mass of blackouts for good, but russian, it strikes the launch, the city of keys into complete darkness. look like this. here the lights are staying on with what has changed is the changing mode. it's definitely go from blue meal, as the walgreens on to was a co dealer reminders of the ongoing conflict on naples thought a week. but the emmys side rooms don't fees,
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residents anymore. the wall has crudely up ended like this despair, but also defiance people 1st. and then they took a day every day. you ask yourself, what's next? what to do after graduating from university until the war is over. it's very difficult to answer this question. so it's quite another place and that's why the chicken and again, my feelings are of hope. hope that we will not very all our children. and this more for who i'm sorry, my own son was killed on march 31st and i hope that someone would remain alive and so that we have grandchildren was how do you so that there will be someone to restore ukraine later? sure. who can move forward, you know, do what do you mean to put when use the box? we must not give up. let's hope that ukrainians are strong and believe in their victory after 2 years, many people will say maybe it's better for us to give up. i know we need to go to the end because we've lost too much, but they make that they can sound at them. so most of at the bottom 2,
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i know they have only one dream for the war to end with 2 is the question of the minds of many. and how many more christmas they would still have to mark under the shadow of the smell off to decades of sections and ward the situation. and the dog is relatively stable. whether to on to non loosely is ox. you have found a new activity that's quickly called the hawks of many. it's called car drifting and it's so big as a vital outlook for the country is young people blow off some steam eats the motor sport craze that's captured the use of the rock called car drifting the
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cloud it in smoke. the sport brings aspects of the fast and furious movie franchise to react. well, i don't how highly i love the sport. we do this for our fans and to create a new generation of racers that will take it after us and do even better at the shop. the founder of this board club in baghdad believes car drifting, could be more than just entertainment. it could also steer you rocks youth away from drugs and alcohol. i thought that the young people don't find a place to release negative energy. they'll go out until the streets, among homes and families. this is dangerous for them and for others. but here with this place being properly equipped, we will attract young people, some of whom we may find to be talented as we help them develop their skills that could be shot at. the mesopotamian engine sport club was created in 2020 and in
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hopes to expand and get recognition beyond the borders of iraq are now hundreds of thousands of taurus was left lined up for you to get a glimpse of santa and his range. is to ensure that the winter wonderland stays rent. as a loki, businesses are doing what they can to make was this eco friendly? santa is real. at least in this finished village on the arctic circle. i'm saying he's busy reading letters, giving up presents and meeting children and adults from all over the world and is winter. wonderland has become one of the biggest tourist attractions in finland. the village was set up in the 1950s right on the edge of the arctic circle. things are getting more crowded around $300000.00 people, visit every year. but flying staying over and all those christmas presents are
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having an impact. many hotels are doing what they can, such as this one, using only geothermal energy. it's a low carbon source of power. it's also sustainable for an ecological by it. you cannot be and go away. do think about the future. if you only want to do this or some winter related business or anything that has to do with the nature, if you run the nature, it's not going to be far long that you can do it. you have to think about the future. hotels here are applying for sustainability certification with the finish government and are part of a tourism cooperative that works to reduce emissions. santa's for a companion, be helped to the reindeer are particularly vulnerable climate change. ideally they need to room for you and keep them as far as healthy.
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we have about 10 during the this morning to me have a morning brain data so far and night. we have the overall main desktop are also who is working in evening. so he does working through the morning so tend to be again, keep the have the of these ranges and take care of that writing desk and resting. also, no way you rest is hard to come by just before christmas, especially for those in charge of santas post office house. i'm letters from about 200 tons. please arrive to santa claus every year. it's hard work keeping christmas time of joy for the people who come here and keeping it sustainable. thank on paying more than 6000 vamos and festive costumes, of taken to the streets of madrid for the annual center chat. a few done now,
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and it's 12 to the 5 dormitory history is money for the spanish stretch, cross whole families to part and the rent with the children dressed as adults in greenville for making some room for a big christmas dinner. hopefully, that's all from us. but do stick around from global us up next to you stories of them and with a unique story, the world in progress, that's tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about the topic that concern us about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress the w talk cost is the most important stuff can be used across different geographies. the real china itself has needs to be an incredibly scarce way.


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