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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 6:00am-6:04am CET

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it is more than the the general 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival, a home or go get the tennis. i was the only one what? usually in nazi germany, watch now on youtube dw documentary. the this update up your new rules and the set top story is reassess 15 or if it's so withdrawals have been killed in combat in gaza this weekend as a trip assessment of 3 campaign to southern got that it's some of the heaviest to gloucester football. the mazda and gaza, head to ministry, said that the 60 people were killed and then as really a strike that hit houses, and the refugee camp is there as well. and bob mental gaza has for the
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cancellation of christmas festivities in bethlehem, the biblical bookcase of jesus the city and is very occupied. westbank would usually be full of taurus and photograms menu of website and started. and so i morning, over the the devastation and got the full prompts. this has a beautiful piece and a solemn christmas eve mass at the attic, and the pontiff made numerous references to violence and war during his address and st. peter's basilica without directly naming his friend or gossip. francis said houses on the was good and bad to him. he lead traditional christmas day pres little on monday morning. you're watching dw news from button, and you can get more news on our website at dw dot com, the,
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the mediterranean was once a major crossroads as a part of the ancient today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share, and what do today's distinct cultures have in common? journalist zena, los rog, and joe far up to korean, travel the coast of the mediterranean in search of answers. you see yourself as a to be in june and responsibilities. how can you go and help you join us to get to know the people and their dreams. a mediterranean, the
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experience of pioneer in i'm is saying is that in southern spain to be precise in under lucy evans. and my luck, i'm going to be visiting the provinces of malika and coronado. i'm where i'm sitting right now. it's simply beautiful. i'm missing. that's because we're on the mediterranean, it's just on the north side of the sea, this time thinking and here this region is stooped in history and cultural richardson's question. so i'm really looking forward to the next few days the, the coastline of under lucio extends almost a 1000 kilometers. most of it along the mediterranean. i'm going to the under lucy and fishing village of luck. i later done a model for a dance state. and i do see is the birthplace of the.


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