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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 7:00am-7:15am CET

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of the, this is the, to do news live from berlin, how much as dozens are killed and, and is really striking in central gas the talk hit homes that a refugee camp coming is, is real. it expands its ground defense, also coming on christmas on the front lines and ukraine. visions and uniform trying to keep spirits up in the festive season. the
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next by sir, welcome to the program. gaz is how most run health ministry says at least 70 people have been killed in an air strike that hit a refugee camp. the attack came as the world health organization visited, dallas has largest hospital again, finding facilities overwhelmed by the number of wounded. meanwhile, israel released new footage of what it says is part of homicide is underground tunnel network of the weapons. ammunition and imagine surveyed us as well as military says, this winding network of tunnels is what have mass over. so their tax on the type of 7 soldiers reportedly also found the bodies of 5 is right. the hostages kills by him ass bothering company inventory into 7 seamless time. but we've got the headquarters, which is located thousands of meters underground. se, let's see what we found. weapons your plate infrastructure for the production of
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whether or not to buy laboratories were weapons, were produced. cuddly and emergency room where the commander of the headquarters misconduct said ron doran, who like, fighting on october 7th against the state of israel, and maybe not the fun as well says it will now move its focus, the southern gaza and its war to eliminate to mass which is recognized as a terrorist group, but he and the us the push comes as a flesh around or had struck, picked residential homes in the magazine. but for the key come killing dozens of people that during a visit to our chief a hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza. world health organization officials issued the most dive assessment to yet, and the humanitarian situation that the fucking of the largest hospital and goes up with a 3rd time this week where it's still a case of absolute miseries. if people still mentors it's almost impossible to walk
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about critical cases, doctors and nurses. absolutely scrambling people find out that the blood, peter, son and daughter were dying. there's almost nothing that this team can do. the w h chase test, there is still an urgent need of fuel medicine, food and water. at the real risk of famine, new me have a logic and israel's bombardment of guys a has forced the cancellation of christmas festivities in nearby bethlehem. the biblical birthplace of jesus in the city and he is rarely occupied. westbank would usually be full of tourists and pilgrims. the crowds are absent this year. as is the traditional large christmas tree. many of bethlehem's residents are in mourning over the devastation in gas uh which is just 50 kilometers away or, or corresponding. yeah. and phillip schultz was in bethlehem. he describes how
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different things feel there this year. very different snow big celebration this year. it's an incredibly set up. let's see a here in bethlehem, as you can see behind me, no big christmas tree, no street vendors selling pending to the children. no music. the official sierra said it's impossible to celebrate christmas this year. i know those circumstances of big charges the fed up presents yours. that's uh, that is no moment to enjoy when so of joy, when so many people are suffering, it's done say, maybe it's also a moment to reflect on what christmas is also about the hope of a more peaceful it was with war raging and does a pope francis has appealed for peace in a solemn christmas eve mass at the vatican. the closer to the pontiff made numerous references to violence and war during his address and st. peter's basilica without directly naming israel for gas on francis said hearts around the world. we're in
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bethlehem. he'll lead traditional christmas day prayers later on monday morning. and she's going to kind of be to the pentagon says an oil tanker attacked off of india is coast on saturday. was targeted by a drone fired from around the strait caused a fire on the vessel, but no casualties were reported. the indian government says the tanker was carrying crude oil from saudi arabia. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack in recent weeks who the rebels in yemen have repeatedly attacked ships in the red sea with drones. they declared, all israel affiliated vessels to be legitimate targets, as in ralph e, as a fellow at the center for maritime strategy, he gave us his assessment of the attack. what has been a red c problem has now become a more globalized problem. i mean, decided the attack is very far afield from the bottom and up and something risky. and certainly from when to control the,
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i mean it is closer to india than is anywhere else. and we are looking at potentially a water installation of this, this ongoing crisis. we've seen these have a very quickly from being a supporting of, of gaza to really unhappy over time, commerce for their own right. um they have become focused on the relevance that is deemed for them. and now this would be a wire still over that there certainly transcends only israel and draws it, but a human as well. and so we do. this is not a, a large scale installation, but certainly the g or the geography of this a time indicates that we have greater concerns for global, not on congress, which does transport, 90 percent of world freight. and so we've already started to feel the impact of a closer to the red sea rerouting around advocate. and this brings into new questions um, what is needed to make sure that probably our ships are seniors are safe and well
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for you to take them to flow freely. that was maritime expert. in reality there, it's turned out of some of the other stories making news around the world of thousands of anti government protesters have gathered again outside belgrade city hall to demand service. recent elections be a known international observers say last weekend's election results were tainted by irregularities. government opponents or ledge voter fraud. service populace authorities have denied regions. devote some 300 indian nationals who have been stranded at a regional airport in france for 4 days. are expected to be allowed to fly home on monday. their charter plane bound for nicaragua was ordered grounded during refueling stop on thursday on suspicion of human trafficking reports the police detained to people, and that several others requested asylum. a caravan of around 6000 migrants
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from central america, cuba, venezuela, and other regions, has left the southern mexican city of cap, a trula to make his way to the us border. it comes just days before the us secretary of state antony blink and travels to mexico. to discuss efforts to control the surge of migrants trying to enter the us hundreds of thousands of ukrainian soldiers are facing their 2nd christmas away from home. with conscription plans falling behind schedule those already fighting off and don't know when they'll see their families next time or how many more years they'll be at war. do you have these? nick connelly has been to the didn't yet screeching an eastern ukraine to meet musicians in uniform. trying to keep spirit stop was
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the biggest concepts can get here in eastern ukraine, within a short to the front lines. and the bigger the crowd of soldiers could easily attract the rest and strike the bill to night and eclectic group of musicians, blanket, aw, focused joints, as well as classical violin. all of them in uniform among tonight is the ninety's pump. so don't underestimate what music can do. have a sing when you're out there. don't worry about looking silly. the music's going to make you feel much better when you're at war, where else can you let it all out? of an hour or 2 distraction for soldiers who have no idea how many used to be off to fight. that at least is the idea behind these concepts. to say all squares left
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about his cool sides shone each full sunroof, joined its sparks conversation about growing up in ukraine, son of a nigerian father and a russian mother. the man, just based on 2 weeks facing off against russian troops as close quarters as it gets as the regiments now they're getting some much needed down time to sleep, recover and listen to some instruments they might not have come across before this was these guys aren't going to open up to a psychologist, especially someone who hasn't been through what they have. soldiers are a tough audience. they're demanding. they're closed off emotionally trying to create a connection with them is really tough. but if they do up into you, then it's for real rush, just so many musicians. microsoft tells us often to have a hard time with these audiences, especially the man give me utah. i'll give you my gum told me that you draft. i'm
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making sure it's fast become a hot button issue here in the crane. cues of volunteers outside recruitment offices. the cost replaced by rates on teams and restaurants to track down recruits, moves forward. so sometimes the soldiers get tired and frustrated, but for the most part they're focused on doing the job. i think most people here have realized that they need to paste themselves. yeah, we've got a marathon ahead of us, not a sprint. one thing the soldiers do next search and they'll be spinning this christmas away from their families, most likely will feel the after decades of sanctions and war, the situation in iraq is now relatively stable with return to normalcy rocks. youth have found
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a new activity that quickly caught the hearts of many. it's called car drifting. it's the motors board craze that's captured the use of the rock called car drifting the cloud it in smoke. the sport brings aspects of the fast and furious movie franchise to react. well, i don't how highly i love the sport. we do this for our fans and to create a new generation of racers that will take it after us and do even better at the shop. the founder of this board club in baghdad believes car drifting, could be more than just entertainment. it could also steer you rocks youth away from drugs and alcohol. i thought that the many young people don't find
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a place to release negative energy. they'll go out until the streets, among homes and families. this is dangerous for them and for others. but here with this place being properly equipped, we will attract young people, some of whom we may find to be talented as we help them develop their skills that could be shot at. the mesopotamian engine sport club was created in 2020, and in hopes to expand and get recognition beyond the borders of iraq. and they're calling it a one of the 1000000 pregnancy women in the united states has given birth to 2 babies from 2 separate rooms. it's double the birthdays to the girls were even born on 2 separate days. chelsea hatch is miracle babies arrive to tea is empty is best. sweet. healthy girls were born
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a day apart after 20 hours of labor. the unique, this is the result of the ria congenital anomaly that gave hatcher to use versus both babies had their own. was one born on the tuesday, one born on a wednesday, so they have different birthdays. baby is born on the 19th and baby was born on the 20th, so it was a very long day. but we made it over a typical twin pregnancy is defined by 2 babies in one uterus. hatches physician said it was safe to cool the goals, fraternal twins, they've now been named roxy and rebuild and have joined the 3 older siblings at home with kelsey and her husband. caleb, for more than $6000.00 runners and festive costumes, have taken to the streets of madrid for the annual santa charity run now and it's 12 years. a 5 kilometer race raises money for the spanish red cross. all families
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took part in the event with the children dressed as elves and green groups. the organizers say the festive fiend, race is the largest of its kind in the world. i've nexstar technology show shifts unexpired. thanks for watching the these places in europe, a smashing step into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin globetrotters discover some of us wrinkled bragging sites on youtube and also into the.


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