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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 11:00am-11:15am CET

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of the, this is the, the news live from berlin. thomas says dozens are killed in and is rarely striking in central gas. you talk head homes that are refugee camp and come to israel expanse. it's ground defensive, also coming up. christmas on the front lines in ukraine. we need musicians, musicians in uniform, try to keep spirits up in the festive season. the
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next by sir, welcome to the program. does have a strong health ministry says that we 70 people have been killed in an air strike that hit a refugee camp. the attack came as the world health organization visited gases, largest hospital, again, finding facilities overwhelmed by the number of wounded. meanwhile, israel released a new footage of what it says is part of how much is the underground tunnel network of this weapons? ammunition and imagine surveyed us as well as military says, this winding network of tunnels is what, how a mass of a soviet tax on the type of 7 soldiers reportedly also found. the bodies of 5 is the way the hostages kills by him ass bothering captivity. $716.00 was time beef go down to the headquarters, which is located thousands of meters underground. in a few men, we found weapons, usually infrastructure for the production of what the ship by laboratories were
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weapons were produced. cuddly and emergency rooms, where the commander of the headquarters here. that'd be good. i said, ron doran, who like the fighting on october 7th against the state of israel, and maybe not the same as well. says it will now move its focus to southern gaza and it's war to eliminate to mass which is recognized as a terrorist group. but he and the us the push comes as a flesh around or had struck picked residential homes in the mcgraw's event for the key come killing dozens of people that during a visit to l. she's the hospital, the largest medical facility in gauze, as well as health organization officials issued the most dive assessment yet, and the humanitarian situation that the executive housekeeper, the largest hospital and goes up to the 3rd time this week where it's still a case of absolute miseries. if people go on the floor it's,
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it's almost impossible to walk the critical cases, doctors and nurses. absolutely scrambling people find out that the legislators, son and daughter were dying. there's almost nothing that this team can do. the w h chase test, there is still an urgent need of fuel medicine, food and water. at the real risk of famine. you may have a lot you so we're going to talk loud now to the w h o session we just saw on that report. it's john casey, who is the emergency medical team coordinator, who is joining us from ross on now. thank you. sean. um, we just watched you there visiting the biggest medical complex and guys of the i'll she for hospital tell us more about what was going on there when you visited. i think so this was my 3rd visit to about a week. and what i've seen is a similar situation in the emergency department with just hundreds of patients
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streaming and pretty constantly patients being rolled in on structures along the streets of patients being carried in by their family members being brought it on the donkey carts and even on charlie's 100, the patients on this journey is on the floor that family members definitely crying out their system and a very, very small team of doctors. and this is only 5 or 6 doctors, 5 or 6 nurses. and some volunteers from that communities and paramedics, medical students, nursing sickness, trying to care for these patients. but it's actually k of an absolute misery. and, and, and what makes it even more challenging is that the hospital itself has been directly struck. and there are 50000, i was told when i was there 2 days ago, 50000 displaced persons living in the hospital bills. so i walked across the surgical board. you can see the dark stairways that we went up and down. there were people everywhere and living in the stairwells,
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the big in the operating theaters and the whole building that's occupied because people knew it as a one of the few safer spaces. there's no safe place in gaza, not anywhere in the moment, but it's, it's considered one of the safest options. so it's extremely crowded. it's a streaming will read, delivered from medical supply and some fuel. we have a team going up again tomorrow to deliver more fuel. and to establish some, some kitchens before i'm central kitchen, hopefully be able to provide food for patients and staff. but what we've also seen is a rising level of desperation. really, people's dignity has been stolen. they are just crying out for food and water. i'm desperate for assistance, so it's very slow to come. so it's a new to, it's a really disheartening and sub situation. well, let me just ask you a question about something we can see in those pictures,
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but that you talked about in your report, which is the risk of infectious disease diseases. uh, how dangerous is it to have all those people gathered in the hospital area in a situation where i guess the drinking water is hard to come by? how concerned are you about a major infectious disease outbreak? we're very concerned about the possibility of an outbreak. i mean, what we see in all of these videos and it's very obvious, there's a lot of trauma raise a lot of gunshot wound, last injuries, people bleeding with broken limbs burning cases and things like that would be fine to see what he may be going to see, is that it is such a shocking way in the account settings and even just behind me in this building. if you look out the window, there's thousands of people living and makes it shelters that are likes of wood with plastic purple and everything in the hospital. there's 50000 people crammed into a building. there isn't enough water. actually the most of the ground water here in
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douglas county as a bunch of the water isn't actually fordable. and so there's no sanitation in many of these funds can use accounts or shelters. and so we have serious concerns about the risk of human what disease infectious disease, and as well, i mean, people who need routine care pregnant women and they need to enter the metal care. people with diabetes, people with chronic conditions. they are not getting access to services and most of the goals are right now about 80 percent of the health system is not functional. kind of what's the area minimal on what you are saying about new mothers who have had, well, i guess the misfortune to be giving birth during a war. we understand there's problems getting well breast feeding there. there's, there's not powdered milk. there's a risk of value. attrition. is that the case? is that a concern? how do you help these people?
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absolutely, absolutely. i mean there's, there, there's nobody that i've met in the hospitals and gone to or in the streets and cancer, who hasn't told me about the need for food and water, that they're hungry that their children are hungry and that they, they can't find food, but they don't have money to buy food if it's available. there are some places actually where food is being sold, but nobody has money to buy it. and people, you know, when there's food trucks that are able to get through, they are off loaded by desperate crowds almost instantly. and so the level of desperation is enormous. and it's for pregnant women and, and young babies. it's even more acute. and real quick, if you don't mind the, as you know, the security council voted to allow in some more humanitarian aid, is it anywhere near enough? so there's 2 sides of this. one is getting more aid into gaza. so across the roof
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are crossing through grams alone. across the crossing in 2000 and it goes and then there's the other challenge which is getting it to the last mile. so getting it to the people who need it the most particularly. you know, now we've got about a 1000000 displaced persons in ross on the southern part of gaza. there's an increase hostilities in the area just north of here and funding us. and then in the middle area there's, there's lots of active fighting. so it's very difficult, the road conditions are awful. every time we do a convoy to the north, we have have functions. we have train them as we have delays. and the people who are getting the aides are the people who are able to rush the trucks. excellent, so people with disabilities and the older people have even more difficulties facing them. it's, it's, it's very difficult to, to get to that last mileage. understood. well, thank you for your time and your good work. sean casey, the w h o emergency team coordinator in rafa. gas, thank you. a,
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let's turn out a set of the other stories making news. some 300 indian nationals who have been stranded at a regional airport in france for 4 days are expected to be allowed to fly home on monday. their charter plane bound for nicaragua was ordered grounded during refueling stop on thursday on suspicion of human trafficking reports. they police detained to people and that several others requested asylum. a caravan of around 6000 migrants from central america, cuba, venezuela, and other regions, has left the southern mexican city of tucker pool to put to left rather to make its way to the us border. it comes just days before us secretary of state anthony blinking travels to mexico to discuss efforts to control the surge of migrants trying to enter the us thousands of anti government protesters have gathered, again outside, downgrade city hall to demand services. recent elections be unknown. international observers say last weekend's election results were painted by irregularities.
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government opponents of large voter fraud. serbia's populous authorities have denied bringing the vote. for the 1st time you create is officially celebrating christmas together with western countries. most of its orthodox believe is traditionally market in january, according to the julian calendar calendar also used in russia. president below them is alaska has published a video message to ukrainians. be asked the soldiers fighting the russians on the front lines to remain steadfast in their mission where weekend with construction plans behind schedule. those soldiers often don't know when they'll see their families again, or how many more years they'll be at war dw knit connelly has been to that have been done yet screeching rather an eastern ukraine to meet musicians and uniform, trying to keep spirits out as the most of
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the biggest concepts can get here in eastern ukraine, within a short to the front lines and a bigger crowd of soldiers could easily attract a rush and strike the bill tonight and eclectic group of musicians, blanket. aw, focus 2 months as well as classical violin. one of them in uniform among tonight is the ninety's pop stuff. the muscle. don't underestimate what music can do. i have a saying when you're out there, don't worry about looking silly. the music's going to make you feel much better when you're at war. where else can you let it all out? this is all about an hour to destruction for soldiers who have no idea how many
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years they'll be off to fight. that at least is the idea behind these concepts. they all squares left about his co sign, showing each post on the joint ukrainian. it sparks conversation about growing up in ukraine, the son of a nigerian father, and a russian mother. the man, just from the base to 2 weeks facing off against russian troops as close quarters as it gets. there's 60 regiments now they getting some much needed down time to sleep, recover under some, some instruments they might not have come across before this was these guys aren't going to open up to a psychologist, especially someone who hasn't been through what they have. soldiers are a tough audience, they're demanding. they're closed off emotionally trying to create a connection with them is really tough physics. but if they do up into you, then it's for real estate group. it's just so many musicians mirrors. i've told us
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off and have a hard time with these audiences, especially the man give me utah. i'll give you my goal. they told me that to draft . i'm making sure it's fat has become a hot button issue here in lagrange to use the volunteers outside recruitment offices. the cost replaced by rates on teams and restaurants to track down recruits moves. so sometimes the soldiers get tired and frustrated, but for the most part they're focused on doing the job. i think most people here have realized that they need to paste themselves. yeah, we've got a marathon ahead of us, not a sprint. one thing the soldiers do not for searching, they'll be spending this christmas away from their families most likely in the field, the before we go, visitors to northeastern china are being treated to
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a spectacular winter installation in the project. province of julian, 500 snowman, of the same size, have been set up on a mountain resort. the 8 here in a row with the figures appear at the location. so you're watching dw news, lots of berlin. i'm next by so for me in the entire team, thanks for watching the shows either and same to the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i was.


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