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tv   Papa  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2023 1:15pm-2:00pm CET

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the you have to die here on dw, coming up next. these don't feel mist ones. title, papa. how becoming a father changes, man. i am territory info. the me. thank you so much for watching mary chris. the . we want to be the number one for the crew to clean and her entire crime rouge on it now to the sales one cooling and they don't currency then she disappears out. so try, as i mentioned willis about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stuffs, december 30th, oh dw,
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the lights on all tie. john's power each all power points, a normal dad's tooth to swap the optics for the necessary and spend time with that children. but what happens demand jr and pregnancy and the 1st year so that babies live in this town. we discover what science nice about that. we know that mile hormones drove off during child the brain changes ask, do you become a father? what's wonderful about the fault child relationship is that gods are different. so to parent, we spend time with young adults and experience. how being a father changes them is even though i still have of wilmington, know that i'm going to be a father and a few. i can't wait to see what it's like to look after 2 children at the same time . i'm getting starting to see when she learns to call when she learned to quench
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assessor 1st words. i mean, that's awesome the, the, the gym, the alexander codes and his wife and you live in the mix of districts soon. that will be 3 of the and they're expecting that 1st child in 6 weeks. it's been off to date. i'm excited to touch. it's thrilling that we don't know what will happen. know how everything is going to develop here to do so there's a lot of anticipation, look and of course, some trepidations and it's a mixture of feeling and it's august. i'm just, i'm causing the problem has the wrong
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everything revolves around the bus. and what is going to happen on the me gets called the ridge, i'm se offer, i'm fine when i for leslie do is to get done, but of course i to worry about thing something to 40. maybe i'll be university getting electra if you do it, and then i have to somehow get through bone and traffic and to get to the 10 and i will never get that meant the audio. will someone be there to help out get to the hospital? i can always come so these are the things that i'm thinking about. give me time and what does not think of you? who did, i wouldn't say i'm good. the most important thing is for the baby to tongue, because he's still in breaching position via with his legs down as an invite in the holding onto a c tons. then i'd be super happy time to be a natural, but that's what i'm hoping for this. and sean for the main thing is that he's healthy. come to this one so that
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what's the, what's about the man who takes care of his well be and what happens to him during pregnancy? bookings here in england. dr. animation lives with family and dogs just outside on stage. the evolutionary anthropologist has been researching fatherhood for years. i talked to the university, she conducted a large study and wrote a book about that's the trigger was the dramatic but of her 1st daughter. my husband witnessed what was basically a call crush happening in front of him when we were given by that he thought he was going to lose both of us and we both came quite place to death off the woods. i was offered lots of counseling today with my tool, but from this stuff i'm actually i didn't really need it because i was unconscious
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. so hadn't seen anything. he had witnessed everything and they offered him nothing . so when i went back to what i thought, i want to find out who a human software is, and i want to talk about the positive story of human fatherhood. as an evolution anthropologist, i understand how read human solve is it, is we need to have the, i, the has it, i didn't want to fox, and i really genuinely do believe fatherhood begins and pregnancy. i think we have this idea that followed as of right and they all physically distance obviously from the presence of having a baby then not having that, that immense physical closeness to mother's house. but we know the fathers do, in fact, start to bones with that baby before the baby is born. professor chi, booting a gynecologist on hamburg also thinks the fatherhood begins during pregnancy. the best buy that i can. it's the fact that something is growing inside your cotton
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and that belongs to both of you is really peculiar. and that you can do an ultrasound and make it visible is perhaps, is even more difficult for minutes. because now they can see that there really is something this fuss when they go through major homo, no changes during pregnancy, surprisingly meant to the instance on the to, i mean, this will act team as it does meet particularly interesting is prolactin with the whole 9. that's responsible for like patients die. it sounds a bit funny to say that this hormone increases in many, but it does a mock prolactin down regulates the mechanism that controls male hormones. and i suspect that this is also the reason why testosterone levels drop in men during pregnancy, and especially off the bus. and this enables men to concentrate on their family men as it yes ma. well, if you're familiar concepcion the
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may have fonts on the south of paris and frauds. it's the beginning of april, the sample know dominguez and his bound. margot would be bad. i've just moved here. so they're expecting the 2nd baby in 2 months. it was funny. i'm not nervous, so i'm looking forward to seeing what it's like to look after 2 children. at the same time. i'm in the. the adults at home is taking a map of the time to organize the clients with a new baby. a new nose knows whether it will be a boy or a go. i don't want to know. i'll find out a thread on a new false that'll pull the main concern is but it's healthy, but i can't wait 9 months without knowing it sex. it's too long,
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it's impossible for them to keep up with, you know, think she heard a cry. it's time to wake up. the one in the hop you wrote anyway. otherwise she won't fall asleep at night. it's a weekend. the only chance been, you know, just spend time with his family during the week. he works long hours and tries to juggle work and family life surcharge is much small. it's changed my life. i have less time for myself,
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and that's leisure, because it takes up a lot of our time to look into that so that we're lucky because we find to easy to deal with a chevy and it because she's quite pleasant to live with. never been asked. it's quite tiring for people as long as the vice principal for the, for the machine to produce a cdc challenges to try and have time to look off to my child. because i work from monday to friday, like everyone else uh during the weekend is not enough, which i would love to spend time from monday to sunday with my child the most of
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the mobile home. mambo 2nd pregnancy is going smoothly. but still it will be too much without a husband. i wouldn't be able to do it without him. so i'm really glad that i have central since it gives me a breakdown that was they don't fit to me as well. but so the weekend was fine to show us the light and the negative. ma'am documents is a professor of family studies at lightning university to focus fathers. in research on parenting, it's too often that we say that we do a study on parents where it's actually the study of mothering and out on the
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farthest row. so that's why i think it's good to bring some balance in the fields and to pay more attention to the fathers, especially in the transition to other to marry him back and then start is the 1st 1000 days of dad's. for example, she conducts ultrasound video feedback sessions between week 21 and 30 of the pregnancy. so you ask spa this to interact with the unborn babies. for example, by reading the book that the 100 fathers to posit the study. and you'll official lots of visual vision, both my 2 of those. okay. if i use for the interim or if it's a show, boy, you have to show feel we use the saw that the opportunity to interact with the infant that's never been done before. and doing so, we provide the father,
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we feel paternity to take the perspective of to see to some of the newborn that this is a human being with a mind or if its own, who needs to focus attention and protection. we know that fathers liked to be more involved. fathers who are more involved during pregnancy are also more involved after the birth of the baby after the session. each father gets a video showing how the baby reacts it. the baby recognizes the forces of its mother and if it's father, as you can see that from the the heart beat increase when, when she or he, he is the father of the mother, talked to them. and they also touched the, the role of the uterus longer when they're stocked from the outside. and that's what you, what you saw here too. when the father did some massage of the subdomains of the mother we saw under the baby raised her hand and sort of made contact with what was
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happening outside the backend. the preparing for the baby puts extra stress on alexander cuts it. because his job, he's quite demanding a series of of those things on the met. see, we don't see that and it's been introduced to listen to all the time an aerospace engineer and that job has to pups to one cultures that i'm the chief engineer of my own company, which i found it together was a friends, 2 and a half years ago and had the other fault and southern working as a university like truck is under who, who to he rarely leaves the office before 7 pm is matt. it's mike, as funny. it's more than a job to to, it's my 1st baby. i invest a lot of time, i have a certain responsibility towards my employees, but towards my company, i am really passionate about my job. but today,
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alexander finishes study because his wife is due for a checkup at the university clinic. kind of now there's no single minute has nothing wrapped around the neck. that's important to us there co, there's the head to the bottom is currently still down at 33 weeks. we can try to turn it from the outside, but we'll talk about that in 3 and a half weeks. sometimes they turn on their own so if it's, if the video turning into externally doesn't, well, then there are 2 options. you can decide to have a vaginal breach, but i think about admittedly many women choose as a zachary and section then because it's deemed safe for the child and kind of it's not for fun. the other hand, we all hesitant about just as that re inspection, is specially if it is not absolutely necessary because a suzanne infection can be
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a burden for subsequent pregnancy is on a lot of the lessons icon. as for me, it was only the 2nd time that i was present to the ultrasound examination time. it was really grinding customer. on the other hand, when i'm gonna have to worry that the child is still in breach position, you can see that's on the video. his grades of team they'll say v as in germany, the average age of 1st time dancer bus is 33 years. alexander cancer is 36 years old to speak them youth, that's always on my mind. will i be too old at some point as my wants to play football with my child to be an act as a father? i hope that i stay healthy and can provide my child with as many opportunities as possible. but at least the found is age. really impulsive instead,
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the child lindsay, it's nothing unique design easy can for this if you look at the genetic risk for the on bone all the new bone. it is indeed the case that older fathers are responsible for some congenital malformation. so a syndrome little moment to find what they send a sent me. so there aren't that many, but this has been proven for us such an skeletal displays. yeah. that just because the bus route size was suddenly it's in your hands and you've been waiting for it for 9 months. it's amazing. but also crazy. you have this little person that knows how to be the 1st thing. it does. the 1st one was actively started, so that took a long time. i think we were at the hospital for 36 hours or so. and i was present during, during birth, giving as much support this i could, which is not a lot as
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a matter of and the 2nd child of us a little faster hamburg germany, professor kind of booting wants to know what happens to men during child as part of the study, the last 5 is what the thing with negatively affected by it stop by comment almost as shown. fuel you turned out that many man had prepared themselves well for the event. i would say that around 80 to 90 percent failed positive about that. and then there was a smaller proportion about 10 percent who were worried about problems off the bus and put also people demons a home in europe, around 85 percent of dads that present during this however, isn't always possible. for example, during an emergency suzanne infection sent out to these teeth. nothing can go wrong . i think it's too stressful for a family member. so that's why we take the fathers out to these emergency situations. these notes at the top 2 on the face of the us. he's a c and
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a half hours by the 20th of april 7th. and i knew the codes as was is broke. the babys didn't breech position and couldn't not be tight. i knew in alexander wanted to have a plan, says every in session next week, but now things have changed. alexander coaster is allowed to be present at beth the faces using all sorts, of course is the huge emotional feeling that comes out of you. because now you know, okay, you're going to be a father and a few minutes to it. and that's something completely different. it's a situation that you've simulated or mentioned before, even that have been confronted with the real thing. the,
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uh, the delivery went wow. but now something seems to be wrong.
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the, the pediatricians get the all clear. the baby is fine. allies and just that 1st screen that moment, that 1st scream. wow, that's crazy. the beautiful is governance and truck moment. i think if i'm, you know, there was
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a step of mine that's of sure when the midwife took it away. when i noticed that he didn't read for a moment, i wasn't feeling so great them. at that point i just wanted to come on you down from when they came back and from then on. everything was great and novelty screenings and then it will be on the will take. fluid is coming out. everything is great. positive. it's crazy. it was pure emotion. was it was crazy. what was going to ag, crazy that you'll now in this? well, 3, it's up to the system. i'm fine. i'm a bit confused. i'm. i'm starting to feel the pain. most of them that i'm super happy. you come to describe this feelings to 6 pounds and 20 inches, a delicate but healthy boy. ignite's constancy is full of may. but his parents just called him a unique moment psychologically physically,
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a new or logically a woman's, but also a man's body changes during the month. is this what the woods would us difficulties window to look too good with an understand this test it what you, what is your own labor men's cortisol levels naturally increase to the book, which is a stressful situation. understandably, to studies show that mile testosterone levels decrease off the bus, which leads to low it testosterone in the blood by the door to test the may not mean you got to cease it, probably end up reducing stress. mutating the ability to build a nest and achieve calmness didn't we got the emptiness or the dropping test. so strains of the cuts in new fall, this folding book is significant. it can be up to a set of that test. so strange like 33 percent of the test will strike will drop. generally the level of the test will start and never return to pri, best level. so pre fob hood levels, as long as the father remains in contact in some way with that child.
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back to france, their phone phone for the 2 and a half weeks ago. no. dominguez monica or the bed became payments for the 2nd side of go. so let's jump, i see stuff to the bath went well and but it was a bit stressful. very different to the 1st time we left late, but the maternity ward and we arrived just in time and the bus lost it just pop in our small i do think 30 minutes and then it was all over a flood last postpone and introduce any sort of a and totally different feeling that the 1st time it took a day to now it went really fast. it was completely different to evaluate the complete model. so it's 2 fiscal thoughtful. i'm super happy. so yes, really totally different than the 1st time actually profit to see,
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i feel better and i feel less tired issue and i'm so happy to finally have my 2nd baby, the button. also 5. this have emotional high mind. you can also suffer from post natal depression overall, the jo pin tensile strength following, but is a good thing because it's really important for priming dad to jump into a social story. also increases the advocacy of the communion orientation on the brain, which means increases those of the building chemicals. the downside is holly test illustrate is preventative against depression. so if we say a tool contest, so strange. unfortunately, it does increase the likelihood the child, the demand will experience depression. there are other factors that come in to share that. so just start your loan generally doesn't cause depression. cambridge english child psychiatrist, professor pull run chum,
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donnie works at the university of cambridge. one of his main areas of research is the mental health of parents, especially fathers, in studies across the world for too much is fairly, can fairly consistent the, somewhere between $1.20, maybe even up to one in 10 dots are affected by high levels of depression. but at this time, there was a range of causes for why people get depressed at any time. and then for thing, he doesn't care about dads, if new baby, so you've got a disruption to family likes, you go to sleep stuff and switch the big challenge. and you go to the new dads trying to chuckle now, how do i do my job with how do i to contribute to the king of this baby? so it's a huge the i for looks error, i think. but most fathers did not get depressed from the country. many enjoyed being at, at the in sweden spies on parental these bodies
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wife lex piece of time with his daughter straight. who is 9 months old? the 3 year old? oh, last is the daycare at the moment. i love it. i mean, i've been home for 3 months now and it's it, it's, it really is a but it's also mean you starting to get the routine of this. so you're doing this, is it the same thing in you see what works and what doesn't work? my ts wants to take 10 months parental leave. astrid will start going into the daycare center when she's one and a half years old.
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so this is what makes it all worth it. i mean for me now i'm, i'm getting to starting to see when she learns to call and when she learned to quench assessor 1st words. i mean that's, that's awesome. and i don't think when you come like i ended up bet than someone else. what would you do differently? it's not i would have spent more days office. that's not what you're saying. so yeah, definitely with the the 3 pm. betsy is picks up a lot from daycare looking after his kids is a full time job. it is a different life, but i also, i mean i used to play a lot of golf. i don't anymore, which is natural and it's okay,
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but it has changed that made me more reflective of who i am. i think i, i think about of how i present things, how i explain things, how i act. and in order to be a to be a good example for them, things like living in the moment. this is actually kind of oppressive with kids because you know that the past no good, good times we pass and bad times with us. so you have to remember that everything goes in in cycles basically. so i think you're more appreciative of, of the good type the, you know, kind of comes home from work in the evening. then she takes over the children.
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don't think like the gender or mother father perspective changed how we divided the press possibilities of so on. it's more perhaps like who, who is in what stage of their career, who has to prioritize work right now. it's different that deal with that role in different ways. now research has of started for the 1st time. what happens to dance brains during this process? kind of age, israel for years. you wrote biologist, professor ruth found that's been researching the behavior of father as a mother in relation to that children cheaper that he says don't more is going on with that. the most of us. thank the fatherhood depends on how much you invest in
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care giving, you know, pick up your sleeve and takes care of the baby. but father, who the biology follows the behavior. so the more you do, the more plus the sit that you won't get in your brain, the more your brain will reorganize around that attachment. but to prove these boots 1000 and conducted several studies. in one experiments, she measured the levels of the bone, the whole 9 oxy types in fathers and mothers, 6 months south of the bat, but the china and we saw that oxy towson in mothers and fathers were similar. and this was very surprising because research has always believed that mothers are biologically prepared to care for infants that really show that it's not exactly so maybe the past way to maternal care. and the pathway to turn on
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care are somewhat different, but fathers have it within them biologically to care. for instance, a small groups feldman went a step further. i've looked at the brains of heterosexual and homosexual fathers. 2 and compare them to the brains of mothers. she went, what we saw in the brain is that the entire attachment network activated to instance the muley in old parents. whether it's men or women, primary caregiver, secondary caregiver, biological parents, and adoptive parents. we had to surprises. one is that a make the activates and mothers, 5 times more then and fathers. so mothers are those who are highly vigilant to infant safety. make their lives a very n shouldn't structure. it's deepened the brain, it's an automatically functioning system that tells us what changes can happen in
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the environment that could be potentially. but there is something interesting happening in father springs. route feldman found that the brain region called salt because temporarily superior sds specials is much more active in fathers and mothers. this is the area that enables parents to understand the non verbal signals of diabetes. we felt that there are 2 pathways to parenting one that is more evolutionary incident. you see it's an old mammals, and that makes mothers very, very vigilant infant safety and one that is more of a lucian early re sent and his court to called and it comes by getting to know your infant and learning his or her sickness. and that's a big surprise with the results of the brain scans of homosexual fathers. gay fathers who are both primary caregivers have the same s, the s,
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the term of father. they also have a very high activation of the i think the last a since the a make the lives activated by the hormones of pregnancy and childbirth with these fall this gets such a high a, make the activation when the father alone takes care of the baby the more he's, the turn of pathway will re quote the maternal pathway and his a make the law will increase in activation. so actually what we see here is that the patrol of pathway depends on active care getting where as mothers get it for free. so fathers should spend as much time as possible with children live my to yes, you can do so thanks to the swedish welfare system. i don't get a 100 percent. there's different levels of setups and sweden. so there's
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a minimum level that you get from, from the states, depending on what you earn. and then a lot of companies have additional financial support for people on, on my turn to potentially. and so i get that additional financial support, the visits to an open day care group. it's free of charge and hugely popular with 5 is on parental leave us the the
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around 80 percent of fathers in sweden tank parental leave. with my part kid, i was in front of me for 6 months with my 2nd several homes, and that was, this is the 3rd finding, so i will take a longer one. so i've been looking into taking my wife to another country work, but then we got pregnant and then after that i didn't want to move them because we missed the best country in the world to be have kids university of cambridge, the professor pay or i'm john donnie analyze is how far this play with a young children. he has conducted several studies on this in their studies, we were able to go to parent times when i had babies at 3 months old and then
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follow them up at one and it 2 years old. and they were few different findings from that. but i guess one of the key ones was that my father's had a gay where he was being more engaged in play. so the higher level of engagement in play with a very young children, 3 months old. those children when they got to one and see, have space or outcomes in terms of that context development and that behavioral development. so it's something again, in those early interaction seems quite important. that sounds like a good he also analyzes, with a 5 as play differently from others. so. so far it's just like a file transfer of each to sucks. the okay? yes, i mean if i want to know, okay, there's a lot of overlap between them and that's, it's not like that's right. even here i'm observing here, there's a huge amount of all that but, but on average, that's the more physical play. and that kind of rough and tumble play that soft wrestling game and other things like that, which yeah, you know,
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one of the things that you see and you see the rough and tumble play i think really quite nicely is that children have to learn quite a lot about regulating their emotions and regulating themselves when they're doing reference symbols. so they learn, oh, if i hit too hard, that can hurt my parent and they get feedback on that in a safe, usually in a safe environment. by the big you use, putting on weight every day. alexander could say it slowly, but surely getting into the routine of things. he's back at work, but tries to help wherever he can should a guess on yesterday i was lucky enough to spend half a day with the my office phone. i mean was of the gynecologist. i'm inches so i took the train home with him alone for the 1st time to find that that was really cool and just walking around with the front door that was fun such as possible. most of the inside
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the night. so short, very short, a fence thing, a funny thing is i see 5 fingers the defeats the highest on the sleep off an hour, then you wake up again since the fall from now then wake up again. that's a super anyone who says, that's great, that's no problem. it's time to leave the notes. i think it's normal that it jungles you'll knives, themes pull yourself together and if you manage it as a team, i much and i think that c minus. so the support mon, alexander, will soon be working full time as a professor, implants to take 3 months of parental data during halftime phone, some of the new no longer enjoy the summer as a family of 4. so that will stay at home for the 1st 6 months and then go to, nursery. these are controlled, it's best in this info. i'm happy to be
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a father for the 2nd time. i was an only child and i didn't enjoy being alone. so i didn't want to have just one child is now we have to and i'm very happy mostly fish . and i don't know if they'll be a 3rd one or twice a year. mm hm. 35 degrees each waving suite a spends the summit with his family in the summer house outside stuff . he's already completed 7 months, a parental last 3 months. so the headphone i'm heading back in early october and it's now let you. and i think that would be that would be great. i think a couple of more months in may. but then i think to the intellectuals challenge of, of working and not just taking care of the logistics in 3 months. but the children
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will go to take a t as and these mindful work full time of. busy busy hello. this is changed in recent decades. older mothers still do most of the child care. fathers becoming more involved. fathers, adults, this my sons, they're actually very valuable. so i think 1st of all, we have to get that message out and start changing that culture about importance and relevance. secondly, obviously always comes back to governments. it goes back to governments taking that on board and understanding the importance of fathers and actually putting in place legislation that is fit for purpose that she allows people to take up that parenting role. scientific studies show men change basically psychologically
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when they become fontas and they have a decisive influence on the developments of that challenge, right? i was looking at a nice puzzle going on. now if you take the role of a father seriously and with commitment to an investment, then your brain will change and your homeowners will change and your behavior will change. but if you don't, and you've spent 20 hours in the office, it's not like mothers that their body changes because of pregnancy and childbirth. it won't happen, parenthood will pass you by more alone that wants to be actively involved. it's 5 this because in the end it's not suddenly the kids who beneficial. but also that, that the
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read, you know, that 77 percent of optic sites are younger than $35.00 me. and me and you know what? it's time all voices. what high on the 77 percent talk about the issues that pops up to you. this is where the 77 percent in 30 minutes, dw,
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and vegetables from is street in terms doesn't sound very tempting. those types of good ideas, say researchers at the university of side sciences in us and they are testing how and foaming can work with such a nice system. sewage eat your house house tomorrow . today in 90 minutes on d. w. the these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure the treasure map for modern flow to discover some of us regular bragging sites on youtube. and also input the,
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you're watching your data we can use live from building to how much this is, dawson is a kill in ninety's riley strike in central gaza. the attack heat hines in a refugee camp and comes as these round expands its ground defensive. also coming out, protest is in this to the and capital trying to stall and build grades, savings hold. they accuse. so it'd be as ruling policy of breaking election held earlier this month. the .


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