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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is due to the news live from portland. israel's prime minister says the war in gaza would be over any times to benjamin netanyahu visits, trips and gaza and says there's really military operations there will only intensify in coming days. also coming up for francis appeals for peace and his christmas or be it or be message she calls for an end to the wars and gaza. i knew crate the and for the 1st time ukraine celebrates christmas on december 25th instead of its traditional date
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in january as part of efforts to distance itself from russian culture. the welcome to the show is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war and gaza is a long way from over. just days after the u. s. x ray of state told israel to lower the intensity of it strikes this and yahoo told troops and gaza that the war against tomas would only intensify. i'm off as viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. that's now who's visit comes after the is really military killed, at least 70 palestinians in an air strike on a refugee camp in central casa. as the christmas day in central garza, this man says he did everything for his son,
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but in the end he couldn't save him. and his desperation, he asked to be buried with the palestinians, or mourning to thousands killed as much as the refugee camp at mass funerals following one of the deadliest nights and the strip. you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will fight with my brothers a gun. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. well, israel has intensified it strikes because the health ministry says the palestinian death toll has surpassed $20000.00 this fees and fighting is also $1.00 of the deadliest for is really troops increasing the pressure under government.
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israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them defensive would continue until victory. he also addressed parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but seeing more time was needed just a day after the military side, it's bound the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside the home us tunnel of the one that's good, we won't be able to release all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure and therefore one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting. somebody not, but pressure is mounting on them. yeah. who families of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting now they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for
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80 days. the journalist tammy sako is following developments for us in jerusalem, and i asked him how nice and yahoo speech went dining parliament after boeing to intensify the fighting and gab. so this was a special session that was held in the can. i said to a part of a bad in which the opposition called the for putting the question over the hostages as the most important issue for the said military campaign in gaza. and the same time that he was speaking, they were members of the families of the hostages that were heck the league, and the shouting now now they should be on release now. and the head over the position will say that this should be top priority, that this is a matter of life, the death of, of those or head hostage. so the us says that it wants israel to move to
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a lower intensity phase of the war. so is this now who are ignoring warnings from his country, strongest ally as well. we haven't heard of any time table from the americans. when the defense secretary lloyd lloyd austin was here in collective e. don't say that he's it has any time paid before. he is ready to go into the next phase is ready. officials have said that may be the, the next phase would be sometime in late, the january, and the 4 miles, or even in a very intensive campaign which is the in the phase is to another thing is that the many views and these really public and this kind of like the fed position a is a considered to be quite the popular. and the many have been criticizing that the
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now for even surrendering to the americans. so this is not something that is trying to say to the public that he's giving up on this kind of campaign journalist time a soco, they're reporting from jerusalem fault. francis has called for an end to the wars and gaza and ukraine. the leader of the roman catholic church used as christmas or b at our b message to appeal for peace. he also slammed the weapons industry, which he said was few in conflict around the world. in his christmas address, put francis lamented on the conflicts of envelope. he called for peace for the people of ukraine, as well as the ceasefire between him us and israel, known. so you're going to email there, be it in to the few link of violence and hatred and made the palestinian question be resolved. that course, certainly by listing a says so probably puddle, ready condemned the failed logic of war. during his christmas eve mass,
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calling it contrary to the message of peace at christmas. in this address, he said the poor desperately needed the money being spent on weapons. then he delivered the old be, it'll be blessing. the good thing is each day, only portent, but its fee is fee per cent. this investment levels is 9. yes. and it was a passion. it's a beautiful piece on christmas day. let's take a look now as in other stories making headlines around the world. hundreds of villages have flat their homes in the bull coast region of central nigeria following a string of attacks by armed groups. at least a 113 people were killed in the violence and more than 300 injured officials. same military games, locally known as bandits launched, well coordinated attacks and at least 20 communities christmas. for some 6000 migrants in southern mexico has been marked by
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a continued slow tragic north. their journey is come days before us x ray of states on to me blinking travels to mexico to discuss efforts to control the increased numbers of migrants trying to enter the country. china is capital. beijing has broken its 1951 record for the number of hours of below freezing temperatures. in december. it follows a cold wave which swept across large spots of the country, bringing blizzards in its wake and sending temperatures towards historic lows. for russian authorities have moved jailed kremlin critic alexi nevada made to a remote piano colony in northern russia. that's according to his books parson. bonnie's team tracked him down after not being seen for more than 2 weeks. his lawyer visited him in the new prison. divani is seen as the most prominent opponent of president vladimir persian and a serving and 19 year sentence for a legit extremism and other charges. he was in prison nearly 3 years ago. this is
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what into bonnie spokesperson. here you are. i'm a shot to say, as well we find, let's see, up to 3 weeks of search in full or region in the north of russia and a several months cold. hop in have been will go a number 3 to battle, calling me or for especially really is it was a, it was thing is different there. i mean i, she will have less phone calls list meetings with relatives list are. so she can receive was the thing is that even before when she was in this light or version of going, if she didn't have already, any phone calls, any meetings in any parcels. so actually the thing is that there is no law in rushes that is applied to alexi z o is creates, she's for human special conditions and they don't have anything to do with the law now. so we don't have any rooms we know for sure that so in this new calling,
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you know, she's conditions would be even worse since they were before they didn't want to try to isolate alexi and to make it's more difficult to assess him there. and also the a just trying to reach his life is unbearable as it possibly can be because this prison will be much worse than the one that was due for dw russia. analysts konstantin accurate has more on the conditions. nobody faces, after he was transferred to the piano, caught up colony in northern russia as well. we do know that she is in the bottom. see most remotes, penal colony is in a rush rate. so the demo and insular of the, the bank. so the optics, see, it's permafrost there, and it is very, very badly connected. essentially, there was only one channel of communication. prison lets us and that means that
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visiting the volume, maintaining called a token, will be extremely difficult. and that was probably the whole idea behind these trusts for. and of course there was an additional insult on suffering as a to the family, into the followers of the valley. because of the tweaks. there was no news about him, but in the sense it's a standard procedure for high profile prisoners when they are being transported from one people, calling it to another. it's sometimes done under this cover of secrecy actually to increase suffering because to remind you, the russian bill system remain well give or take model is the same as it was on the stalling, and it was designed as a john system of torch. the message is very simple, nobody is going to rot in jail for as long as putting is in power. and that's going to take quite a bit of time. but he's also, they also demonstrated by these to last week. so hopefully he incommunicado that
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they can do anything to him, that of nobody's life is completely of the mercy of the kremlin. that was trust again and distress during the beginning of put in so called eviction campaign preparation for the so called election. i think that the message is very simple. there is only one politician. rush for his name is, wasn't able to put him in any one who stands if his way is going to give an extremely harsh treatment. dw russia analysts, konstantin accurate reporting there. well, today was the 1st time that you crane observed christmas as a public holiday on december 25th. traditionally ukrainian, celebrated christmas on january 7th in line with the russian orthodox church. following the julian calendar is part of a cultural shift away from moscow after last year's invasion. believers turned out in force to celebrate the new christmas day and keeps saints, a c,
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a cathedral. amongst those attending there was widespread support for the new date . that's a problem. this is the right thing to do, in my opinion, to look through the civilized world. all of europe does the same. i don't want to be associated with the aggressor country and celebrate the way they do. we're together with europe when these out of the civilized world. and god is with us both . i think changing the official date of christmas is very important. the country should distance itself from russia and its holidays, the o. c. u z. but am ukraine's president held his 2nd christmas eve address since rest is full scale invasion. he offered words of hope and his vision to move away from restaurants and closer to europe. a lead for him. a slot of you are, as i've seen today, or will ukrainians altogether. we
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o celebrates christmas together on the same day as one big family as one nation as one united country. and today i will come and pray. i will be stronger than ever show the people's pray. today. it will you not? millions of voice is more than ever before. and it will resonates, we bounce a time. difference of 2 weeks resonates together with you up envelope 0 point a sweet christmas day in ukraine. so another tradition for as many church services were held in ukrainian instead of russian. so before we go, let us take a look at some hardy german swimmers who celebration christmas day by taking a swim in the chilly waters of the berlin capital. but this used, it was fairly mild compared to previous years with temperatures claiming above 10 degrees celsius. the berlin seals didn't have to have chunks of ice to enter the washer this time. the group has been braving the cold water since it was founded in
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east berlin in 1980 so it looks pretty cold, though. i know that you are all up to date. i'm out of here. well in berlin, thanks so much for watching. take care the . we want to be the number one for the crypto queen and her entire crime in the to the cells one calling. and they don't currency then she disappears. cool. sounds so traced as i mentioned willis about the will. last one said woman crypto queen stance descend associates o d w.


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