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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 4:15am-4:31am CET

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so violent, let's take away. this used, it was fairly mild compared to previous years, with temperatures claiming above 10 degrees celsius. the berlin feels didn't have to remove chunks of ice to enter the water at this time. the group has been braving the cold water since it was funded in east berlin in 1980 still truly enough, and as you all up to date, i'm highly criminal. and berlin, thanks for watching. get ready for an exciting out until you full of surprises. i'm shutting down and i am ready to dive into the house of gentlemen to us. you have you have a one, dodge to delete the port of this card via included in the, on the on the on expensive side supplies, enjoyed 7 dw, on pick. so we, in fact, every day, the world cash i used to work for free
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because we can take the different w all the world and also on your info and all the input u, v. w story. now on to the, my name is the and the mexican conductor, the great musicians, friends from all over the world. the,
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the today were in mexico city, my home town. and we're about to meet with one of my favorite musicians the, he's the person i know who knows the most about mexican song, especially the level the throw by you've got, they've gotten the difference fault music of each area and region of mexico. and tonight he has the show at the depth where let's do that and we're going to sneaking back stage to see what he's doing right before the show and see what he has to share with the lady who am i. so that's why i was concerned. i music, i cannot state that the story he went to do this. you look at the
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front desk, can you hear me o. s one the most because mass compared to speak with moscow is because he thought of a lease that needs to get at least the gums that you present on the school. so what i'm looking saying is if you go to actually going to handle this, have you set it up with us with live c, a manuals then? definitely let us because it's like a thing on the that's what i will double for learning. goal is to death. ok live on the doors, but i'm sorry, it is one which is where it's when i'm ok. if i were to show nadia it was all used almost like what i'm looking to not be then is to is to is to send me those ideas. but as i've done the level, these will come look at maybe then me, some of the look at the schedule, my computer or somebody else get that me then got it. okay. you know in the middle you can
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the, what do i mean for me? let me see, i like goodness and gun. that is a simple letter like i was hoping he can. he's on both of us. can see that's the least i can look on the side of the window you getting bullied with the to start them in those last week when they give us a better service in order will you can if i put them on the
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temporary, i mean i just show you, but it's the main thing that we're done with the most beautiful level and what kind of just the is this just seemed that the winning team ask you one of us on the way that is moving stuff, which one is a new the only by mentioning up one of those, these close knows it and in fact there is a skilled at the yeah. so you know, those, this event that you're trying to, what is going to support amino took several be and i meant the was the other way, assisted by the
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the the, the easily the one the
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this time i get to work with one of my favorite artist and one of my favorite friends, nothing i forgot, and mexican pop singer who is for my, for fun several times. and i always look forward to the moments that i get to spend
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a time with her and share the stage because we connect so easily. so in such a fluid way and when i just look at her eyes, there's disconnection, and beautiful sense of complicity and joy. so let's see how this covers go in many that do that, then the levels of getting them inside your mind doing a lot of money kind of either disassemble the
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. 7 the,
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the, the
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the way the step in the me, seeing the years, but it's good to look at the start, looks like as more that i can remember that you know, so i still better than this, plus everything. and then the goal was to learn to come in and like it will use being though you went on the
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on the environmentally friendly pearl conservation. diamonds found the lime rock crystal mind in that respect, the balance of nature. more and more customers are insisting on sustainability. julie, we makers are rethinking their approach. sustainable, tend jewelry with a conscience. on
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d. w. noise, fun, stein, a fairy tale cast. any believe it's the symbol of german culture? others think it's just grandiose marketing. slides of tourist replicas, souvenirs, what is it that was so many people to the castle noise spot and starting from fairy tale to cash cows? in 45 minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy murder, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2
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2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of adults with edible, all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what's, you know on youtube, dw documentary, the a glittering, diamonds, sparkling gems. and precious pounds essential for any crown and the true gift from nature. so i'm going to most so give that a bit of a wash with water to a beauty. extracting these treasures of names, exportation,
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and environmental damage. but there is another way to make to.


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