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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. israel's prime minister says war and gaza won't be over any time soon. anyway, nothing, you know who visits troops in gaza and says, is really military operations. there will only incent supply in the coming day. meanwhile, israel's government is under increasing pressure to curb violence by settlers against palestinians in the occupied west bank. and christmas comes early in ukraine for the 1st time. busy
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instead of the traditional dates in january, ukrainians celebrate on december 25th of an effort to distance themselves from russian culture. the hello i'm terry martin. good to have you with this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war and gaza is a long way from over. just days after the us secretary of state told israel to lower the intensity of it strikes nothing. yeah. who told troops and gaza that the organism us would only intensify. a mazda is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. this now who's for visits to gaza comes after these really military killed, more than 70 palestinians in an air strike on a refugee camp in the central part of the goal is to strip the christmas
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day in central god. so this man says he did everything for his son, but in the end he can save him. and his desperation, he asked to be buried with the palestinians or mourning to thousands killed at manase refugee camp at mass funerals. following one of the deadliest nights and the strip you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will sides of my brothers are gone. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. while israel has intensified it strikes the cause of health ministry says the palestinian death toll has surpassed $20000.00 speeds and fighting is also one of the deadliest for is really troops increasing
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the pressure under government. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them defensive would continue until victory. he also addressed parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but the thing more time was needed just a day after the military said it found the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside how much tunnel a lot of the skills we won't be able to release of the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure and therefore one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting somebody else. i mean, but the pressure is mounting on then. yeah. who families of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting now,
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they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for 80 days love . israel's government is coming under increased pressure to curve violence by settlers against post indians in the occupied west bank. the united states has issued travel by themselves extremist is really several is responsible for the attacks. european governments are looking to impose similar measures. un figures show a spike and incidence of subtler violence in the west bank since the i'm us october 7th terror attacks on israel the that we use it. abraham reports from the town of carl watt by the house on driving through cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss that it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs everywhere. you look posters of some of the us see with the words
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martyr. before i became a murder to people, here he was a carpenter. hosp to him, besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been east the ground when he said was loved everywhere. his family loved him, his friends loved him. everyone loved him. what has this boy done wrong, but he now has to grow up without a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father to have been by the just to make sure memorial marks the spot where i am at spotty was found. she'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here see about 20 is really settlers descended on colorado. with benny has son from a nearby hill, a local council man who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw. oh, what is the military?
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it was with the settlers from the start. they cleared the area so the settlers could attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approached the secular violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the un says it has serge dramatically since the how must her attacks on october 7th, and nearly half of all recorded incidents. as with the attack on cut, old benny has done is really forces were reportedly seen supporting the attackers. this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. palestinians here tell me they can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on puddle, what benny has done. these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops used life, fire,
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and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out with benny has sent to me. none of this makes them feel safe. that when there's an attack, they're left to spend for themselves. darcy was killed, he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village from the settlers, who is 2 youngest children, however, are too young to understand that sacrifice and that their beloved father is now gone to good lemme just the head of that stuff just whenever there is a knock on the door. she says, that's dad. he's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there. on the other one tells me grandma that's going to what i want to see. my father hope i miss him to take me to my father. the take me to have him well, so i can see my father. jen name is jennifer well and our special correspond to
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abraham who file that report that report joins me now in this. do the it tell us more about the tensions in the west bank and what is like for palestinians living there. so settler violence is not new and the year 2023 was already set to be the most violent on record since you and started taking statistics of subtler violence. but what people there have been telling me is that since the october 7th, a terror attacks, there's a, you know, heightened sense that settlers, especially extreme settlers, are taking the law into their own hands. there's more, there are more vigilant attacks as these really a government even calls this group of people vigilantes. and there's a sense that this has always been an issue, but that the military is more than ever protecting the settlers often standing by as these attacks take place. um they're also it this phenomenon of
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displacement. and this was the subject of a report i reported on this as well that a settler violence. according to write scripts, is driving a fresh wave of displacement of palestinians in the west bank over a 1000 have been forced out of their homes. they say because a settler violence since october 7th. so we're also look at seeing for a whole communities pack up and leave because they feel insecure elsewhere in the west bank. not particularly, you know, to do with settlers. there are almost daily raids by a is really forces on refugee camps to root out what they call, what they say are terror cells that are connected to how much ready to attack is released. and so that you know, that, you know, to also fighting terrorism in the occupied westbank has also claimed the lives of dozens of palestinian. so the security situation is difficult and it's leading to,
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you know, more tensions and a fear that the situation might also explode. why attention is still very much, rightfully so on the situation and gaza. or what response has there been from? is really authorities to the incident highlighted in your report. very say that they say that they're looking it into would they say that it was a confrontation and already you can see in the language that this is a different from what the perception of what, what the palestinians say they say it was an attack on them. and their homes, they say that there was a confrontation, that palestinians also a to fireworks in response. and that is really a was injured, but it is now under investigation by the police. okay, there's that particular instance. but this is there been many more incidents. how or as really officials dealing with these reports of settler violence in general? because this has gotten a lot of international attention. there was just
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a joint letter by european countries condemning the violence. the prime minister has responded. he says this has a tiny handful of extremists that they are, you know, doing great damage to the state of israel, but what they're doing, but they're saying that, but what the, the official should have a government response is that this is a tiny handful of extreme is not really representative of the subtler movement, and this is a government that has supported the settler movement, perhaps more than any other is really a government to date. but it's also important to remember that there are key members of this government that are huge supporters of the settler movement. we're talking about the finance minister, the interior minister as well. and they have down played this completely calling it graffiti. yeah, thank you very much. our special correspondent ibrahim, to take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the commander of ukraine's air force says it has destroyed
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a large russian warship docked unoccupied, crimea. the social media post said the novo check task seen here in the file footage was hit by cruise missiles in the port of phil dozier. russia says the ship was damaged and one person killed. russian authorities have moved jail to kremlin critic alexi nevada need to a penal colony in the far north of the country. as, according to the following spokes person, his team tracked him down there after he had not been seen for more than 2 weeks. divani is serving a 19 year sentence for alleged extremism and other charges. ukraine is to propose lowering the age, which soldiers are selected for combat duty from $25.00 or from $27.00 rather to $25.00. according to a draft law on the website, the parliament. last week president blocker, mr. lansky said the military had proposed moved, mobilizing half
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a 1000000 more soldiers in the face of russia's continued war monday was the 1st time the 2 crane observed christmas as a public holiday on december 25th. traditionally, ukrainians, celebrated christmas on january 7th in line with the russian orthodox church following the julian calendar. it's part of the cultural shift away from moscow after last year's invasion. believers turned out in force to celebrate the new christmas day and keeps saints a c, a cathedral amongst those attending there was widespread support for the new date. that's a problem. this is the right thing to do, in my opinion, to look through the civilized world, the, all of europe does the same. i don't want to be associated with the aggressor country and celebrate the way they do. we're together with europe when these out of the civilized world. and god is with us both. i think
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changing the official date of christmas is very important. the country should distance itself from russia and its holidays. the o. c. u z. ukraine's president held his 2nd christmas eve address since rest is full scale invasion. he offered words of hope and his vision to move away from russia and closer to europe. a lead paper on the slide you are, as i've seen today. well, we're ukrainians altogether. we o celebrates christmas together on the same day. it's not as one big family as one nation as one united country. and today i will come and pray. i will be stronger than ever show the people's pray. today. will you not millions of voices more than ever before? and it will resonates, we bounce a time. difference of 2 weeks resonates together with you up. envelope 0 way street . christmas day in ukraine saw another tradition for as many church services were
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held in ukrainian instead of russian. you're watching dw news coming up after short break. we've got some music for you from the film on a in hamburg from terry morrison. thanks for the we've got some hot tips for your package. the code is parts affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel we go what i mean? i know i.


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