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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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the, the, your watching, the news live from barely ukraine's a false claims of nights of law on russia's naples sleep. the nova to a cask scene here before the attack was reportedly heat by cruise missiles while to obtain crimea will get the lightest in the monument from policies. rouse, prime minister is the ongoing war wine be always at any time. soon. benjamin netanyahu visits troops in concepts and says is riley, military operations. they will only intensify in the coming died the
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jared raid will come through the program. ukraine says it's 5 digits, have destroyed a lodge of russian warship dumped in occupied crimea. a social media paused from the commander of the 4th. so the vessel was heat by cruise missiles in the port of philadelphia. russia as to the shape was damaged, and one person killed moscow. and also, just as a defend systems destroyed ukrainian fighter jets that targeted to ship several buildings in philadelphia suffered damage believe to have been caused by a lost wife from an explosion in the early hours of the morning. from all around this we can talk to dw correspondent, not to your spelling, who standing by and key of my to you as high. what else do you know about the strike in crimea? yeah, the ship,
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the was the landing ship. uh, that's uh, designed to bring troops to the coast within a land on the coast. it's been the soviet to ship, built in the sometime between the 19 seventies and 19 ninety's. and um, uh it's, it's been in the field to see uh at the moment and it was hits there. what we've seen is that that was a very powerful explosion. videos are out in the internet. and that to suggest that the ship might have been severely damaged or destroyed, as the ukrainian say, however, the russian say it had been merely damaged mateus. another day tell is that the shape was allegedly cowering, or rainy, and drawings that are being used by roster against you crying. what is it you heard about the yeah, some of your training and media reporting that to that it had a range in uh,
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whatever i munitions uh on board. but i haven't seen any confirmation for that. the power of the explosion suggest that there was something exclusive at the site on the ship or, or nearby. um, but uh, there is no confirmation about, uh, the freight of this. and that is back in april 2020 to ukraine st. the most by which was the flagship of rushes black safely how beneficial our attacks and victories like these from both the military and the point of view by con. so i think the biggest benefits of these for ukraine is actually an economic human to terry and benefit because the, the black sea fleets of several ships have been hit, know totally the most club, but also others who were in ducks or somewhere else. and that makes it very difficult and dangerous with the black, safely to navigate in the black sea fleet and the black seats. and um,
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that makes it impossible for you crate to use these cartridges that they have unilaterally declared to bring out goods from ukraine. but that's something the, the to create has been doing since russia a left the agreement on the shipment of grain that was in place earlier. and the reason why russia is not really attacking these ships is partly also because they do not have the control of the black sea, as they used to. they have brought the ships back to the russian coast um on their room is that they are planning to open another space in upsize. yeah, that's the part of georgia that split off in the 1990 some that is under russian. yeah, it is basically a russian protector. it um. so it puts them under lots of pressure.
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uh what your trade is doing here dw is about to yes. spelling at the in key mathias, thanks so much for that. or in other news is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu say, is the war in gaza? is a long way from always i just dies off to the us or it is route to lower. the intensity of it strikes netanyahu talked, traipsing, gaza, that the war against him off would only intensify. i'm us is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. netanyahu's visit comes off to these riley, military kills molding 70 palestinians in strike on a refugee camp in central gaza. christmas day and central garza this man says he did everything for his son, but in the end, he couldn't save him. and his desperation, he asked to be buried with them on the
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palestinians or mourning to thousands killed admins as the refugee camp at mass funerals, following one of the deadliest nights and the strip. you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will fight with my brothers a gone. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. while israel has intensified it strikes the cause of health ministry says the palestinian death tool has surpassed $20000.00 speeds in fighting is also one of the deadliest for is really troops increasing the pressure under government. the of the israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them defensive would continue until victory. he also addressed
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parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but seeing more time was needed just a day after the military set, it found the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside. how must tunnel? well, that's good, we won't be able to release all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure, and therefore, one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting. and the pressure is mounting and then yeah, who family use of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting now they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for 80 days. let's bring in military analyst franklin edwards. now he is a former british military intelligence officer and joints us from oxford. hi there
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. nick know who has again said that israel will continue fighting until the end. what military objectives can, is rout, realistically, expect to achieve given housing stag nearly 3 months into this conflict. good morning, jo. it nothing you know how to know who has vowed to end time us, and that that will be achieved. however, what they can expect to achieve and what they have actually, it is the kind of thing that they've done renewals and gaza, which is reduced to a point to temporary and effectiveness date for days of battalions that they all cassandra gays are similar to the weight of how much they will continue to do that nicely. i'll do now in con hughes. and so the south, some of the trouble is, of course that these organizations can regenerates inside is subject to do so. the americans have suggested that the you uh, that it is well reduce the intensities we had there in that report of its tax,
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causing the collateral damage causing killings of civilians and start the process of the computation. otherwise, looking specifically at commodities that won't work either. uh, we see not in the endless insurgencies because of the ability to draw on a wide range of replacement. come on this. so how much will have the hot tub will have it? so will be vista, right? but it will not say, and i think these, these organizations are driven by other factors done. the numbers of fights is i want to pick up on what you said regeneration. uh, how has, how most adapted its own tactics over these past few months. what we've seen over the last few weeks, particularly since the extended seas file is a change of weatherford reaction. and people are wondering particularly intelligence where these weapons came from. so for example, we're starting to say all these babies are starting to say a bees,
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a particular kind devante, alma, a weapon which is far more effective, it to it can, i can think tanks and so forth worth. so say, 1st person view drones of the kind that have been so deadly to both the russians and they, and the ukrainians in ukraine. us with tactics. how much time it takes up a fairly consistent as far as we know, they have developed a really vicious network of a booby traps. of course we know about the tunnels they know the ground and of course our inflicted heavy, big but we would regard as heavy casualties on these wayllace. uh, what is what it is, what god is acceptable of casualties or the frank if we look a little bit further down the track of egypt proposal for a cease fire has received a cool response from by the as well. and how much do you see any kind of in 2
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hostilities in the near future? no, i can see this going on for many months. and in fact, it's a low intensity for years. as i said, how much is all most certainly will most certainly regenerate on it's baton is big data structure to do so. organizations like that will do so. i don't think the high civilian casualties will help the emission of nathan yahoo declared yesterday to de radicalize. how the ride radicalize the, the strip seems to be rather impractical without the kind of initiative the egypt put forward. now that is clearly as he said, unacceptable in its detail. but that is the kind of settlement that somebody is going to have to put forward. and indeed others are going to have to enforce that most. i think come from the are well, it's good to agent. this is, is making efforts to do so. but from a military perspective, this is going to go on as nothing you has not, that's in the other side for the next few months. and i suspect the next few days,
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unless there's a, a political settlement, no sign is not always great to get your expertise. frank lead rates and military analysts. thank you so much, frank. thank you john. so let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. close to 300 passengers have arrived in them by india and off today, a plane was grounded for 4 days in france. france investigate just halted the child to a cross recently bounce in nicaragua, or the concerns it was part of human trafficking scheme. at least 25 passengers stayed behind in france with i've applied for asylum. at least 4 people have been killed and move in 20. i'm missing off to restore them here. a mining region in the east of the democratic republic of congo. officials say the rain treated a landslide near the town of coming to god sweeping away a riverside cabin in which mine is for sheltering. ukraine is to propose lowering the age at which sonya is selected for combat,
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usually from 27 to 25 years. that's according to a dry floor on the problem is website. last week president loaded me zalinski said the military had proposed mobilizing half a 1000000 most soldiers in the fight against russia. well, monday was the 1st time that ukraine observed christmas as a public holiday on december the 26 to 25th. traditionally ukrainians, celebrated christmas on january the 7th in line with the russian orthodox church following the julian calendar. now this is part of a cultural shift away from us. go after last use invasion believers turned out in force to celebrate the new christmas day in keith seems to see a cathedral. amongst those attending there was widespread support for the new date . that's a problem. this is the right thing to do, in my opinion. look through the civilized world that you all of your of does. the same is august. i don't want to be associated with the aggressor country and
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celebrate the way do we're together with europe when these out of the civilized world. and god is with us both. i think changing the official date of christmas is very important. the country should distance itself from russia and its holidays, the o. c. u z. what am ukraine's president held his 2nd christmas eve address? since rest is full scale invasion. he offered words of hope and his vision to move away from russia and closer to europe. a lee, he promised flavio or as i've seen today, or will you create ian's altogether. we o celebrates christmas together on the same day as one big family as one nation as one united country. and today i will come and pray. i will be stronger, but never show the people's pray. today. it will you not millions of voices more than ever before and it will resonates, we bounce
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a time. difference of 2 weeks resonates together with you up envelope 0 way street christmas day and ukraine saw another tradition fall as many church services were held in ukrainian. instead of russian thanks for watching the, the issue, how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me how much can we do simultaneously.


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