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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from the vin, ukraine's a false claims and night employee on russia's naval fleet. then over to a task scene here, before the attack was reportedly hit by christmas, oswald stopped in crimea. also coming up, israel is prime minister stays the ongoing war warranty owns or any time benjamin netanyahu can visit the troops and gaza and say it is rightly military operations today will only intensify. the coming dies costs as well as government is under increasing pressure to cause violence by state,
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lowest against palestinians in the occupied west tank. the direct rate. welcome to the program. ukraine says it's 5 digits, have destroyed a large russian warship. donkey in the portal theatre will see an occupied crimea. footage from the town shows a huge explosion or the nice russia of concerns the ship was damaged and says one person was killed. most i also say is a defend systems destroyed the ukrainian 5 digits that targeted the ship. several buildings in the area itself and damage believes to have been caused by a blast wave from the explosion. and earlier dw my to us building a in keith told me more about the russian april. she of the yeah,
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the ship the was the landing ship. uh that's uh, designed to bring troops to the coast to within a land on the coast. it's been the soviet to ship, built in the us sometime between the 19 seventy's and 19 ninety's. and um it's, it's been in the field to see uh at the moment and it was hits there. what we've seen is that that was a very powerful explosion. videos are out in the internet, and that to suggest that the ship might have been severely damaged or destroyed as the ukrainian say. however, the russian say it had been merely damaged mateus. another day tile is that the shape was allegedly cowering, or rainy and drawn, instead of being used by roster against you cried. what is that you heard about these yeah, some your training and media reporting that the, that it had the rain in uh, whatever, munitions on board,
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but i haven't seen any confirmation for that. the power of the explosion suggest that there was something explosive at this site on the ship or, or nearby. but there's no confirmation about the freight of this. and that is back in april 2022. ukraine sank the most by which was the flagship of russia's black, safely how beneficial our attacks and victories like these from both the military and the point of view by con to i think the biggest benefits of these for ukraine is actually an economic human to terry. and benefit because the, the, the black sea fleets, uh several ships have been hit no, totally the most club, but uh, also others who were in ducks or somewhere else. and um, that makes it very difficult and dangerous with the black, safely to navigate in the black sea fleet and the black seats. and um,
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that makes it impossible for you crate to use these cartridges that they have unilaterally declared to bring out goods from ukraine. but that's something the to create has to be doing since russia a lift, the agreement on the shipment of grain that was in place earlier. and the reason why russia is not really attacking these ships is partly also because they do not have to control of the black sea as they used to. they have brought the ships back to the russian coast um on the room is that they are planning to open another space in upsize. yeah, that's the parts of georgia that split off in the 19 nineties and that is under russian. um yeah, lets is basically a russian protector its um, so it puts them under lots of pressure. uh what you crate is doing here. dw is
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about to your spelling at the in key to your thanks so much for that. so in other news is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu say, as the war in gaza is a long way from being always, i just dies off to the us. so it is route to lower. the intensity of it strikes nothing. yahoo told troops and gods is that the war against him us would only intensify. a mouse is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. netanyahu's visit comes off to the is riley military till move in 70 palestinians in an air strike on a refugee camp in central gaza. christmas day in central garza this man says he did everything for his son, but in the end, he can save him. in his desperation, he asked to be buried with them on the out of the
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palestinians, or mourning to thousands killed as much as the refugee camp at mass funerals following one of the deadliest nights in the strip. you cannot alter, my entire family is gone. will 5 of my brothers are gone. they didn't even leave me one brother, not one brother. well, israel has intensified it strikes because the health ministry says the palestinian death toll has surpassed $20000.00 speeds and fighting is also one of the deadliest for is really troops increasing the pressure under government. the israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu visited soldiers and gaza, assuring them the offensive would continue until victory. he also addressed
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parliament vowing to bring hostages home. but the thing more time was needed just a day after the military set, it found the bodies of 5 as rarely captives inside how mass tunnel let's get we won't be able to release all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, political pressure, and therefore one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop fighting doesn't mean, but the pressure is mounting on then. yeah. who families of hostages interrupted to speech, chanting now they have already been waiting for the return of their loved ones for 80 days. well as well, the government is coming under increasing pressure to cut violence by fiddlers against palestinians in the occupied westbank. the united states has issued
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traveled bands on extremist is riley settlers responsible for the attacks. you are paying governments are looking to implies similar measures. you n v g a show a spike in incidence of set low violence in the west bank since the october seems to how most october steven terror attacks on these riled the double use. abraham reports now driving through cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss, but it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs everywhere. you look posters of some of the us see with the words martyr. and before it became a murder to people. here he was a carpenter, hosp to him, besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been east? the ground said was loved everywhere. his family loved him. his friends loved him, everyone loved him. what has his boy done wrong, but he now has to grow up without
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a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father to have been by the beloved? this makeshift memorial marks the spot where i from its body was found. she'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here say about 20 is really settlers. descended on colorado and benny has son from a nearby hill. a local council, a man who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw. oh, what is the military? it was with the settlers from the start. they cleared the area so the settlers could attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approached other problems. just all those local, subtler violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the un says it has a surge dramatically since the semester attacks on october 7th. in nearly half of all recorded incidents, as with the attack on color with many has done is really forces were reportedly
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seen supporting the attackers. this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. palestinians here told me that can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on cutter, what benny has done. these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops used life, fire, and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out with benny has sent told me none of this makes them feel safe. that when there's an attack, they're left to spend for themselves. the d, i'm a darcy was killed. he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village from the settlers. who is 2 youngest children, however,
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are too young to understand that sacrifice, that their beloved father is now gone for good. lemme just the head to fit after whenever there is a knock on the door, she says, that's dad. he's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there. the other one tells me grandma that's going to what i want to see. my father. hope i miss him to take me to my father. the take me to have him well, so i can see my father. jen name is jennifer. well, because big not to my ross, so i'm signed and is riley american journalist and commentary. so welcome to the w . we've seen the recent search instead of a violence against palestinians in the occupied with bank. of course the u. s. has announced visa bands on some settlers. does this put enough pressure on the is riley government to, to try and could be a tax a hi no, i don't think it does. and there's really
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a lot of secrecy around what this trouble man is what it looks like and who exactly is being banned. i think it's important to understand the set their violence, which is not a new phenomenon. as your reporter mention is something that could only happen with government. uh, you know, tacit and explicit support. it's something that soldiers stand by and sometimes even take part in. they watch the entire state institutions of the police, the lack of investigation, they all take part in this. so i don't think that the travel by specifically are having any effect on his really policy. at this point. you mentioned governance of government support of coal settlements in the occupied westbank are considered illegal on to international law and set low balance has drawn strong come. den condemnation from close is riley allies like the u. s. and germany. so why is the, is riley government still supporting settlement expansion? well, israel believes that the entire territory between the land and sea belongs to it.
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and there we have a jewish the premises government with far right, settler ministers and power. they've built their power over a long period. it doesn't mean that all these really agree with it. but it does mean that all these really are not really doing anything about it. and more importantly, the us and europe are not doing anything about it for decades. now, settler violence of course, exists because we have settlements and settlements expansion. and that's of course, also something that blocks any road to any kind of posted in state. and so, if the us and other international actors were interested in, in pressuring israel, they would 1st start with israel's own policy and settlements. and they're not doing that. i just want to pick up on something you just said not to the international community. sees the 2 state solution as the only viable option to the palestinian is riley conflict. so to what extent us statements and sit lube islands a hindrance to that solution? i mean they are the primary hindrance and they are one of the longest standing
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obstacles, right? a israel from the very, very beginning since 1967 immediately after started building settlements, you legally sending citizens into the occupied westbank and it is continued to do so. and i believe that even 2023 was one of the record breaking years in approve authorization of new settlements. and we have again, a government that is openly committed to continuing, not only to create supplements, but to a next, whether to facto or at some point a year or 2, a next the west bank and make it formally part of his route. this is something that is just open, is really government policy. my rav sometime with the international crisis group and tell the people you really appreciate your insights. thank you very much. thank you. here's a quick remind to now of our top story here on dw is riley prime minister. benjamin netanyahu stays the war and gaza is
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a long way from being always off. just dies off to the us. secretary of state told israel to lower the intensity of it strikes now, who has one troops and gaza that the war against from us will only intensify more on our website, www. dot com and on social media at dw jarren draining building. thank you for the vibrant listening place of loan in the mediterranean sea mazda and just following up to carry him to us touring modem, lodge styles, to amy and admitted to amy and jenny this week on the w.


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