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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from building ukraine's air force claims, a major blow on russia's naval fleets. and also to cause can seen here before the attack was reported. we can't by cruise me styles while junk in crimea, also coming up as well as prime ministers days, the ongoing war warranty, or the any time. soon benjamin netanyahu visits troops in garza and says he's riley military operations. they will only intensifying the coming side posse round threatening disease route with retaliation popped during his riley. estrada killed
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. the senior rang and military advise that the attack comes in which he is of a widening regional conflict. and the children, the bearing, the brunt of rushes for in ukraine. we visit one school on the outskirts of keith, trying to address an education crisis for the next generation of ukrainians. the average rate. welcome to the program. ukraine says it's 5 digits, have destroyed a lodge of russian warship docked in the port of the field to see an occupied crimea. footage from the town shows a huge explosion of an ice rush that confirms the ship was damage and says one person was killed. most guy also say is a defense systems destroyed the ukrainian 5 digits that targeted the ship. several buildings in the area suffered damage. police to have been caused by
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a blast way from the explosion. and earlier able to use my to your spelling a in k, you've told me more about the russian naval ship. that was he's of the yeah, the ship, the was the landing ship. uh, that's uh, designed to bring troops to the coast within a land on the coast. it's been a soviet to ship built in the sometime between the 19 seventy's and 19 ninety's. and um, uh it's, it's been in the field to see uh at the moment and it was hits there. what we've seen is that that was a very powerful explosion. videos are out in the internet. and that to suggest that the ship might have been severely damaged or destroyed, as the ukrainian say, however, the russians say it had been merely damaged mateus. another day tell is that the ship was allegedly cowering, or rainy, and drawings that are being used by roster against ukraine. what is that you heard
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about these yeah, some your training and media reporting that the that it had the rain in whatever munitions on board. but i haven't seen any confirmation for that. the power of the explosion suggest that there was something exclusive at the site on the ship or, or nearby. but there's no confirmation about the freight of this. and that is back in april 2022. ukraine sank. the most by which was the flagship of russia's black, safely how beneficial our attacks and victories like these from both the military and the point of view by con. so i think the biggest benefits of these for ukraine is actually an economic human to terry and benefit because the, the black sea fleets, uh several ships have been hit no,
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totally the most club, but uh, also others who were in ducks or somewhere else. and um, that makes it very difficult and dangerous with the black, safely to navigate in the black sea fleet and the black seats. and um, that makes it impossible for you crate to use these cartridges that they have unilaterally declared to bring out goods from ukraine. but that's something the, the to create has been doing since russia a left the agreement on the shipment of grain that was in place earlier. and the reason why russia is not really attacking these ships is partly also because they do not have the control of the black sea, as they used to. they have brought the ships back to the russian coast um on their room is that they are planning to open another space in upsize. yeah, that's the part of georgia that splits off in the 1990 some that is under
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russian. yeah, electric is basically a russian protector. its um, so it puts them under lots of pressure. uh what you create is doing here, dw, spelling at the in key mathias, thanks so much for that. us to us throughout the news now is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu stays the war in gaza. is a long way from being always. i just dies off to the us, urged israel too low with the intensity of it strikes me all. who told troops in gaza that each route would only intensify its war against time us, which is viewed as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. netanyahu's visit comes off to the is riley miller tree killed more than 17 palestinians. and in a strike on a refugee camp in the central garza and as the number of casualties the amounts, the world health organization says amputations have become common place. the
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ongoing fighting, combined with the lack of medical professionals and supplies, means people can't get proper care. just a quick warning now you may find some of the images, you know, next report. distressing to show you my number. he was taken to hospital after her ankle was partially severed and in his really air strikes. one week later she was facing an impossible decision. lose the limb or risk death. my whole life has changed from being a healthy person who was in control of my life. now i need help from others for everything that was that. the 22 year old university student had her left leg amputated below the knee. she now wants to leave guys altogether to go out to save what is left of me and to get a prosthetic limb and live my life. normally. this woman was also injured and, and is really bombing the 54 year old wife and mother had both legs amputated. she still struggling to come to grips with the loss. 6
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i wish i could walk or stand i can, i wish i could meet the needs of my children, but i can't both women are being treated at the l x a hospital in central gaza. one of only 9 health facilities still partially functional, out of $36.00 in the territory. in some cases, the limbs could have been saved with proper treatment, but the doctor say wait time is a lack of equipment and personnel is increasing. the likelihood of amputations. i'll show up in the dozens of patients in the departments had their legs amputated due to the seriousness of their injury as a problem. then there were those whose conditions worse and, and they had an amputation due to lack of the necessary capabilities. not getting a quick surgery appointment worse and the problem was gonna even before the war causes health system was overwhelmed. but after weeks,
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if israel's blistering air and ground defensive, the remaining facilities can cope with a number of injured leaving the fall. and they're both at even greater risk. li ron has threatened israel with retaliation after high renting uranium general was killed in news. riley, a striking sayed, rosie. most of you was an advisor to syria and was killed in the neighborhood in damascus. as well as declined to comment on the attack, which comes and meet fee is that it's offensive against hamas and gaza could wide and into a regional conflict vision. something you see the rainy in the state television interrupted regular broadcasting to report the strike and the high ranking general's death security insiders say saw you addressing most savvy was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between around in syria. it ran back. so network of proxy militias across the middle east to advance its interests and pressure. it's sworn enemy, israel was savvy, was killed in
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a suburb of the capital damascus in the building, allegedly used by has beloved, and it ran back militia that has been fighting israel for decades. israel neither confirms nor denies having killed me. savvy knew law because i do not comment on actions according to foreign publications, any action in the middle east. obviously the id f has a role to defend as real security. i'm sure that some of the pulled implementing, obviously, via rainy and broadcast ended with the logo of it runs revolutionary guards with a voice threatening retaliation on israel. let's get a run up now. some of the world news headlines. india's navy is planning to stay in war ships to the arabian sea after a space of recent attacks on ships, the defense ministers that the country was committed to keeping regional shipping lines size a drawing. i typed a commercial vessel off in the east coast on saturday. the round has denied us accusations that each was involved. close to 300 passengers have arrived in them by
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india after day, a plane was grounded for 4 days in france. france investigate has halted the charge a croft and you silly balance, and you correct you are the concerns that it was part of a human trafficking scheme. at least 25 passengers stayed behind in france where they've applied for asylum. at least 4 people had been killed and mold in 20. i'm missing after a storm. he's a mining region in the east of the democratic republic of congo. officials say the rain triggered a land slide near the town of coming to gab, sweeping away a riverside cabin in which mine is with sheltering. a new crane is to propose lowering the age of which soldiers are selected to combat to keep from 27 to 25 used device that's according to a draft law on the parliaments website. last week, president loaded means the landscape. the military had proposed mobilizing half
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a 1000000 most soldiers in the fight against russia, standing in ukraine with more than half of the countries children had been displaced at some points during the war. so i'm have returned to the hines, but many cannot flashing and occupation has also a 4th hundreds of schools to close. it's an educational crisis for the next generation of ukrainians. dw correspondent mathias building a report from the outskirts of the capital key on the battle to bring kids back to the classroom. the war is still very much present even in their games during a break. to 7 fields is a special school in the keep suburbs. it only accepts children directly affected by the will, 9 year olds, and as all has lost his father, the fighting to, you know, i'm not a my know, i hope he's fine up there and have him left. the, the,
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i want him to have a good life of their function, the show them so many of them. this is already the 2nd christmas with one parents mistaken just in loss, which isn't always made easier by the passage of time. carillo's father was killed on the 2nd day of the stuff. but yeah, it's good to know that people understand you hear they do. i went to summer, come with children with not the last any, but i told them about my father. most understood, but there was one boy who told me to just leave it with us because all human, you're born in an old school does a b? i said, how can one leave something like this? it's not possible. you cannot forget this. can you use it or this used to be a private school. there are no more than $10.00 to $12.00 children in each class and there's lots of stuff to do. when the war started,
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the surrounding area was temporarily occupied. after the russians left, the schools found oaks on the boys and they turned it into a summer time for children affected by the will. and when the school year started, some of the children stayed socks on. i turned it back into a school with a difference when they get the live only at the most was negative. they are children. we need to keep the roles that they are much more like adults to judge. so their thoughts are not child lives, even the, these are children of the war. the bees who, who bore cust dollar and the care thoughts are deeper but added to it. there's just that priority and values in life are deeper than when this was a private school. and it was all about fun school or a simpler to keep from more than 2000 schools across the country have had to close. so many children online classes are the only option here, the children born at the school during the semester and return to their families on
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holidays. each day is full of activities. a welcome distraction from the way they carry. most of them we mostly talk about positive things. sometimes that night we might turn to these difficult topics, but mostly we don't know the school operates on donations from organizations and private businesses. a small glimmer of hope in the country with millions of children have lost their homes and the schools. so finally, now one of sports most grueling, obviously in advance, the student needs to hold onto your devices underway in australia. 2 of the favorites to win the rice boats cold and do come ons and low connex. we're both in the peak of the action on tuesday as the massive super max. the yachts sound out of sydney into the south pacific. the flip side of the journey, understand these guys bought storms, have hazel strategies, east coast this week,
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and more rock way that is expected in the 1100 kilometers. one of the best of luck to everyone. you up to date here on dw, for more please do go to the dumping dot com, check us out to on social media at dw, these i'm tired rate in building the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube. my name is the.


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