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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 2:15pm-2:30pm CET

2:15 pm
as thought storms have hazel strategies, east coast this week, and more ross the way that is expected in the 1100 kilometers. one of the best of luck to everyone. you up to date here on dw for more, please do go to the dumping dot com. check us out to on social media at dw, these i'm tired rate in building the fast fashion as an environmental nice clothing, graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube. and my name is
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the whole bag said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud as would it be nosy bay? like good everyone to kings for healthy award winning called called the call back, my name is hello. and the mexican conducted the great musicians friends from all over the world, the yeah. so i arrived in bremond about 3 days ago and started refreshed with the orchestra cameras. it's wonderful group that's traveling now.
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the malware traveling we're going to have our 1st concert tonight at the l. even you call that? i've heard so much about i have never been there, but it's i've seen pictures and they say it's great and have a concert tonight. so will arrive, there will have a sound check or sort of general probate, but it's not really because we have not so much time so it has to be very efficient and just touch on whatever we can to make sure everybody feels comfortable. and then the really well i never expected to be so high.
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yeah. and what's on there, what's on the, not, not everybody is going to think that that's what my life is like, and it's not the most beautiful growth and view of the future.
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so you have time you get this out of the the
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. 6 it was a really nice concert because i had heard so much about this and fill out money. so to be able to, to for fun, there was already special on its own. but i think the most special things, i mean, is the orchestra to check. i'm really kind of the,
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the really special people and really gift as musicians, but also really kind and open and playful. they're like, like children and all of them in the best possible way the, the architecture and music have always been related. so, and that, that, that the sign is in itself very musical. it's like wave waveforms. and it's kind of if, if it's the hall was made out of a soft material, you could imagine that the sound waves could create those, those textures and forms and shapes. so it's really inspiring when you're in a beautiful place that says so much and has been done with so much care and
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thoughts, the and the audience felt it. also, the repertoire was ideals for, for them and music i have always loved. so it was definitely a high point for me the
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i'm here with rotener after a concert with the see funny valley invest kissing in this part of the kissing and the music. it was fun. we played, he played, i actually just conducted but he did the variations on the theme. i got rid of him, but i search for and then the reps, the let me get you that you paid. i can read them from the beginning of some of the 8 or 9
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. i was captivated by this style. music from the agents to be something i've always done wrong. how did you transition from being of when they're can send someone super tightening? there's 2 questions. 20 is the one that's competition in positions and kenneth final is that when i was 11 and that was on television and everything. so i got some attention from the concerts
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came in because i was i was 11. so i can point to time these come from full time conflicts. that gets my attention this patient's going to manage. ready the, the, the, you know, the piano is such yeah, it's such a i remember feeling like a slave of the piano when i was a pianist i'm of course, as attendance as you were. so it was even higher, i guess, but you just can stop playing. and because if you play is playing one day 2 days
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you can feel it, you can hear it. yeah. right. how do you feel about. ready you really let go, or you always like and see about, you know, i, i think i'm quite good at letting go when i need to, you know, in the next week, i want to keep trying to think about that as well. and when you did not doing that, what do you like to do online for reading? i enjoy like anyone else catching up with netflix and things right? no, i'm sorry. wow. that's from the
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she had a friend to me into multi is i call to having to i works quite a lot of the kind of a must be so difficult. so i'm thankful that i'm doing this in an age where i can just press a button and speak to people and i just try not to be away from home too long straight from the. 6 the,
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[000:00:00;00] the eco, india, the floods and himself to dish and other regions of india. swift away entire villages. and took many nights environmental active as to now demanding building projects to be more sustainable and designed to protect both human environment. eco,
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india. next on d, w a pulse, the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives, the culture information. this is the, the news w. mine's the the, the, the, it is some of the current key, more people than in such a passion,
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life crisis within pod for somebody that sort of a or find out about the story. info, migraines, reliable news for migrant. wherever they may be. the floods, lamb flies, heat waves, droughts, and much more. these was have become frequent in headlines across the hill. hello, and welcome. i'm sorry because the body annual watching eco in them are equal


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