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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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of this kind of fun, it feels like therapy, the you are watching. dw news live from bullying. ukraine's air force claims a major blow on russia's blacks, the fleet, cruise me, styles, 5, buying ukrainian chariots. he's a war, he don't add a crime in port russia. contend the ship was damaged and the striking both are coming up around threatens is round with retaliation after and his riley is trying to kill the senior. a rang and military advise that the attack comes to meet the fee is of a wide make regional conflicts. meanwhile,
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as well as government is under increasing pressure to cub island by fiddlers again, palestinians in the occupied west bank, the jared rate. thank you for your company. ukraine see its fine digits have destroyed a loud russian warship docked in the portal for you to see in occupied crimea. footage from the town show as a huge explosion of a nice rock that confirms the ship was damaged and says, one person was killed most go also say is a defense systems destroyed the ukrainian 5 digits that targeted to see several buildings in the area suffered damage believe to have been caused by a blast white from the explosion earlier, definitely use my to use spelling at him. keith told me more about the russian naval ship. that was he's so yeah, the ship uh was the landing ship. uh,
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that's uh, designed to bring troops uh to the coast within the land on the coast. it's been a soviet to ship, built in the sometime between the 19 seventy's and 19 ninety's. and um, uh it's, it's been in the field to see uh at the moment and it was hits there. what we've seen is that that was a very powerful explosion. videos are out in the internet. and that to suggest that the ship might have been severely damaged or destroyed, as the ukrainian say, however, the russians say it had been merely damaged mateus. another day tell is that the ship was allegedly cowering, or rainy and drawn, instead of being used by roster against you cried. what is it you heard about the yeah, some of your training and media reporting that the that it had the rain in uh,
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whatever, munitions on board, but i haven't seen any confirmation for that. the power of the explosion suggest that there was something exclusive at the site on the ship or, or nearby. um, but uh there is no confirmation about, uh, the freight of this. and that is back in april 2022 ukraine sang the most by which was the flagship of rushes. black safely how beneficial our attacks and victories like these from both the military and the point of view by con. so i think the biggest benefits of these for ukraine is actually an economic human to terry and benefit because the, the black sea fleets, uh several ships have been hit no, totally the most club, but uh, also others who were in ducks or somewhere else. and um, that makes it very difficult and dangerous with the black, safely to navigate in the black sea fleet and the black seats. and um,
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that makes it impossible for you crate to use these cartridges that they have unilaterally declared to bring out goods from ukraine. but that's something the to create has been doing since russia a left the agreement on the shipment of grain that was in place earlier. and the reason why russia is not really attacking these ships is partly also because they do not have the control of the black sea, as they used to. they have brought the ships back to the russian coast um on their room is that they are planning to open another space in upsize. yeah, that's the part of georgia that splits off in the 1990 some that is under russian. yeah, it is basically a russian protector. its um,
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so it puts them under lots of pressure. uh what your trade is doing here. dw is about to your spelling at the in key mathias. thanks so much for that. in other news. now iran has threatened israel with retaliation after high renting a rainy in general was killed in his riley strike. so you'd arouse the most of the was an advisor to see where young man was killed in a neighborhood in damascus. miss brown has declined to comment on the attack vision . starting to see the rainy, i'm a state television interrupted regular broadcasting to report the strike and the high ranking general's death security insiders say saw you address the most savvy was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between around and syria. it ran back. so network of proxy militias across the middle east to advance its interests and pressure. it's sworn enemy is real. most savvy was killed in a suburb of the capital damascus in the building,
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allegedly used by has beloved and it ran back militia that has been fighting is real for decades, is real. neither confirms nor denies having killed most savvy new law. me to i do not comment on actions according to foreign publications, any action in the middle east off. obviously the id f has a role to defend as real security interests and i'll be pulling into a 1000000. obviously, the rainy and broadcast ended with the logo of it runs revolutionary guards with a voice threatening retaliation on israel. steve nodded. nice and seriously. it's gravely concerned by his rouse, continue. bombardment of the central gauze. the strip you in human rights office, spikes, person uh, size my gun. go. hold on these riley forces to take all available measures to protects the views against the ongoing fighting combined with the lack of medical professionals and supplies means people con, get proper care. a warning now you may find the images in the next report. distressing show you might never hear and was taken to hospital after her ankle was
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partially severed and it is really air strike. one week later she was facing an impossible decision. lose the limb or risk death. my whole life has changed from being a healthy person who was in control of my life. now i need help from others for everything that was that. the 22 year old university student had her left leg amputated below the knee. she now wants to leave guys altogether that's in the book to go out to save what is left of me and to get a prosthetic limb and live my life normally. if, if somebody this woman was also injured and it is really bombing the 54 year old wife and mother had both legs amputated. she's still struggling to come to grips with the loss the. 6 i wish i could walk or stand by cause i wish i could meet the needs of my children. i caught
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both women are being treated at the l x. a hospital in central gaza, one of only 9 health facilities, still partially functional, out of 36 and the territory. in some cases, the limbs could have been saved with proper treatment. the doctor say, wait time is the lack of equipment and personnel is increasing. the likelihood of amputations i'll show up in the dozens of patients in the departments have their lives amputated due to the seriousness of their injury as a problem. then there were those whose conditions were soon, and they had an amputation due to lack of the necessary capabilities. not getting a quick surgery appointment worse and the problem was get up even before the war causes health system was overwhelmed. but after weeks of israel's care and ground defensive, the remaining facilities can cope with a number of injured leaving the fall and they're both at even greater risk. well, he's ralph government is coming under increasing pressure to cut violence by
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sticklers against palestinians in the occupied west. back the united states has issued travel bands or an extremist is riley st. louis responsible for the attacks . european governments are looking to impose similar emissions u. n. c goes, show a spike in incidence of set low violence in the west bank since the how most of type of stevens terror attacks on each route. the double use i. abraham reports now driving through cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss, but it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs everywhere. you look posters of some of the hoss see what the words murder or before it became a martyr to people. here he was, a carpenter, has spent and besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been east the ground when he said was loved everywhere. his
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family loved him, his friends loved him. everyone loved him. what has his boy done wrong? but he now has to grow up without a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father to have been by the court below this makeshift memorial marks the spot where i from its body was found. she'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here say about 20 is really settlers descended on colorado and benny has son from a nearby hill, a local council of men who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw. 0, one of the people, the military, it was with the settler from the start. they cleared the area so the settlers could attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approach the just above the local settler violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the union says it has searched dramatically since the almost her attacks on october 7th, and nearly half of all recorded incidents. as with the attack on public benny has
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sun is really forces were reportedly seen supporting the attackers. this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. palestinians here told me that can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on cutter, what benny has done. these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops use life, fire and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out would benny has sent, told me none of this makes them feel safe. that when there's an attack there left defend for themselves. darcy was killed. he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village
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from the settlers. who is 2 youngest children, however, are too young to understand that sacrifice, that their beloved father is now gone for good. lemme just the kind of i had to set up whenever there is a knock on the door. she says, that's dad. he's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there. on the other one tells me grandma that's going to what i want to see. my father. hope i miss him to take me to my father. the take me to have him well, so i can see my father. jen name is jennifer. well, you are a secretary of state, and to me blinking will head to mexico. this way to discuss the unprecedented numbers of migrants entering the us across the mexican buddha. this comes as a caravan of 6000 people attempt to make the long journey from the glass of mile and border to texas. it's um, 1700 kilometers us board of police have reported
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a spike in the number of attempted border crossings to around 10000 people. per day for the thousands of people making the long trip across mexico. there was nothing particularly festive about christmas this year. this human kind of an made up of people from across the central america and the academy and it's slowly trudging north. so it's under the heat of the mexican sun to some, a live agent with their belongings. others carry small children in the hold of them are tired from the arduous journey. the upon we've walked a lot of people, i'm honestly, i don't know how many kilometers are i mean? yeah, yeah. my daughter can't walk anymore like carrier in my arms because she needs to rush to back on. she's only 3 years old. why she's not healthy. she's a lawyer,
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it's around $6000.00 strong. it's the largest human kind of end to try to make the journey. and every year some left their homes to escape violence. others to get away from economic hardship. but they're all heading to the us to try to forge a better life for themselves and their families. it's a journey thought to a danger. counselor, smart goods, full tray to criminal gangs, or face extortion by police and immigration officials. several have also drowned trying to cost to be a grand a live a separate to mexico in the us. this footage taken by other migrants shows 3 men struggling to stay afloat in the rivers mackey debts. despite the pedals, the number of people making the journey is increasing and with an election near looming on both sides of the border that could have wide ranging political
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implications. and with that you are up to date from on used to check out our website, dw, dot com and youtube channel and other social media platforms as dw news. jared rate in fairly. thank you so much for watching the we want to be the number one for the crypto queen and her entire crime rouge in the to the sales one calling and they don't currency then she disappears out. so try as i mentioned willis about the wolf. last one said woman crypto queen stance descend associates dw.


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