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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the news life from berlin, israel under attack from poteat militia in yemen, and is rarely jets shoots down a hostile aerial target that's asked for the you are on fact who team militia in yemen, claims its fire drones toward israel. meanwhile, israel's right wing government is under increasing pressure to crack down on file. in spite settlers to target palestinians and the occupied westbank and ukraine's air force claims a major blow of rushes. black c c. fleet cruise missiles fired by ukrainian jets
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had a warship docked at a crime in ports. pressure confirms the ship was damaged in the strike. the island blue cross. welcome to the program. israel says it's shot down what it's calling a hostile aerial target. over the red sea, the is really military released this footage, purportedly showing one of its fighter jets intercepting and downing a target. according to media reports this occurred some 100 kilometers south of israel's southern most tip. yeah, earlier you're on the faculty rebels in yemen, said they've launched several drones against military targets in southern israel. the started earlier i spoke to the journalist,
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saw me suckle in jerusalem. he gave us an update on this, a parent attempted drone attack. so this, the drone, the apparently left the young man and was headed towards the israel but is ran the airplane has succeeded in taking it down in the sign it and it actually people were on the beach in the resort town on the hub. they could see the home is spectacular, then of a how is room is taking down. the said drone of course is right. has been seeing these, the strikes coming in from a humans as a threat and especially and because a loss is a new worked in the port city. and we're all the co morris that comes from a asia from china for my japan and comes to
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a lot. and it has been a significant decline of this. and mark time commerce. right, i'm glad you bring up this commerce question because we've been seeing these kinds of rocket and drone attacks on a variety of shipping. not just as rarely, but really from various countries is even involved. united states, military assets confronting these kinds of these kinds of attacks coming out of you . i mean, what exactly does this mean for global commerce to yeah, well, the whole seas for, in fact the dfcs to government in they have announced that they will target any ship that either is in some way, owned by israel, or is ronnie's or that is headed towards it is really port of but there to finish
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it and has been quite wide and the they've been targeting various ships. and this has the cause of both for a similar companies to rewrote. is there a destination and instead of going through the red sea and the through the sway scan going all around the africa. so this could quite, you know, turn up, turn a lot of the ways that global shipping and, and supply chains work up speaking militarily. what kind if there are, how much of a threat does israel perceive these kinds of drones? is this, is this a major threat for the country? so of course it's easier would well do it, could this strike given it early in the, the aerial view in the, in the sixty's. we know that is well,
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was actually involved in the war in yeah, man, in the civil war. but is this guy the very delicate, the situation? when is these attacks that are waged by? yeah, they gave me, these are quite often are in the arab world. is road cannot go and put that send a gain stedman against the whole seas. and will the americans have the great thing? is it kind of in a lions other countries that would come from the cc me and said oh no. all right, journalist saw me. so can we have leave it there for now? i'm sure it'll be many more developments. thanks for being there. israel's defense minister says his country is facing a war on many fronts you'll have got on says is rarely forces are responding to them. a ronnie and back malicious, have stepped up a tax against is one response to israel's efforts and gaza to wipe out
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a moss in organization, also linked to iran and designated a terrorist organization by many countries. the us is also carried out retaliatory attacks on iranian proxies, motors in baghdad. kerry the kaufman of a man killed in the us as striked. he was allegedly a member of an, a run back to melisha that attacked us base in iraq on monday, injuring 3 servicemen. the us said it strike was a necessary and proportion that's response. iraq has condemned it as a hostile act. welcome to see how far so then what the american forces did and are doing these days as a new violation of the sovereignty of the rocky state in the us says it's counted as a 100 attacks against its troops in iraq and syria since mid october. most of those were claimed by iran, back to mutants to oppose us support for each row,
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and it's war against him off from the window. this district of serious capital, damascus was the target of a suspected is rarely stripe. it killed a senior general with the runs revolutionary god, said arise, the most savvy was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between iran and syria. he was cute of to entering a building, allegedly used by his beloved another to run back is with mister melisha that has been flashing israel for decades. israel has neither confirmed nor denied killing massaging, but one, it will respond to all threats against it. the holding saying that it will come off as long as the updates we are in a multi from a more me and are coming under attack from 7 different theaters, cause a 11 on syria. we are today a show. and so maria de la rock human and they were on the way go,
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we have already responded and taken action in 6 of these theaters. and i say here in the most explicit way, anyone who acts against us as a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone in the house. the look, love to talk. baldwin is the similar rhetoric from iran, which has promised a strong response to the suspect. it is riley strike as protest as in tehran quotes for revenge. it's a this cycle of teeth for type violence that many fee could send the region spiraling out of control. as well as government is coming under increasing pressure to curb violence by its settlers that target palestinians in the occupied westbank, united states as issued travel bands against these rarely settlers responsible for these attacks. european governments are looking to impose similar measures. now figures from the united nation show
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a spike and incidence of settler violence in the west bank since a most carried out terror attacks on israel, on october 7th use. abraham has more driving through, cut out with benny hudson. it's difficult to miss, but it's a town in morning. at its entrance, plastered on its buildings, bus stop, even wrote signs. everywhere you look, posters of asked about the us, see what the words murder before it became a murder to people. here he was, a carpenter. has spent and besides a father to 6 children, a brother, and a cherished son to stay and look at him. isn't it a shame that he has now been used to ground when the bed was locked everywhere, his family loved him, his friends loved him. everyone loved him. what has his boy done wrong, but he now has to grow up without a father. what has this girl done wrong that she now has to grow up without a father to have been by the court below. this makeshift memorial marks the spot
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where from its body was found. she'd been shot in the chest. it was hours after palestinians here say about 20 is really settlers. descended on colorado and benny has son from a nearby hill. a local council of men who says he witnessed the attack, walks me through what he saw. oh, what is the military? it was with the settlers from the start. they cleared the area so the settlers could attack as they pleased and shot at anyone who approach tunnel cover just above the local settler violence is not new in the occupied westbank. but the un says it has serge dramatically since the muster attacks on october 7th. and nearly half of all recorded incidents as with the attack on color with many sun is really forces were reportedly seen supporting the attackers. this town is completely surrounded by is really settlements, which are considered illegal under international law. palestinians here told me
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that can barely sleep at night, not knowing where the next attack could come from. just look at the devastation that these attacks usually bring in response to our inquiry about the attack on puddle with benny hudson. these really military said there was a confrontation between residents and settlers. and to break it up, troops used lie, fire and other means. the incident is now under police investigation. the people who've cut out with benny has sent told me none of this makes them feel safe. that when there's an attack, they're left to spend for themselves. the d, i'm a darcy was killed. he had responded to a call that came from the speakers of the local mosque to help protect the village from the settlers. the 2 youngest children, however, are too young to understand that sacrifice, that their beloved father is now gone to good. lemme just the kind of i had to set
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up whenever there is a knock on the door. she says, that's dad. he's come home and brought me sweet and very frustrated with when she opens the door and he's not there. on the other one tells me grandma that's going to what i want to see. my father hope i miss him to take me to my father. the take me to have him well, so i can see my father jen name is jennifer was trying to some other stories making headlines right now. turkey is foreign affairs committee has okayed sweden's bid to join nato. the decision will still have to be approved and turkeys are full parliament and then signed by president rights of type air to one turkey a nato member is a last opposite goal to sweden's membership. parts of northern eastern germany are dealing with flooding after days of heavy rains in eastern germany, the mode it river birth its banks. germany is where the service, however, has listed severe weather warnings and says conditions will improve. in the coming
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days, ukraine says it's fighter jets, have destroyed a large russian worship. docked in a port in occupied crimea. furnish from the nearby town shows a huge explosion overnight. russia has confirmed that the ship was damaged and says one person was killed. moscow also said it's air defense systems destroy the ukranian fighter just the target of the ships. although ukraine denies that several buildings in the area suffered damage apparently from the blast wave caused by the explosion to the test. building a is our corresponding keep. i asked him earlier about the importance of a single attack like this, given ukraine's main military challenges in eastern ukraine. the british defense minister has said that they estimate the 20 percent of russia's black sea fleet has now been destroyed. that is quite significant. it is, for example,
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of significant for export spice ship from ukrainian ports. russia, as we remember, has quit, the great deal that allowed ships to safely sale to the symbol from ukrainian port send off to that ukraine continued operating these cartridges by themselves. and one of the big issues and safety is the black sea sleep that's due to these attacks hot to retreat, much for that most of the ships seem to be at the russian coast now, which is of course, further from the action crime. it is also an important to a supply route for the russians. so these attacks on crime yet, they serve the pope purpose to destabilize the supply route. they still have to put up as also to reiterate to craig's claims on cry. me uh that is a highly simple the code for, for it's, it's the most symbolically may be part of ukraine that's put in us,
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take us and we're going to leave it there for now. but don't go anywhere. well, have much more at the top of the hour. of course you can always get the latest on our website, dw, dot com on our youtube channel and elsewhere in social media. that a pleasure having you with us. that's it for me. great crew coming in. i'm really blue cross in berlin. thanks for watching the vibrant habitat on the glistening place of long in the mediterranean sea. and mazda and jeff are up to coming to us exploring motor in large styles to amy and admitted to a in jenny this week on dw, the.


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