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tv   The Golden Fiber  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 5:15am-6:01am CET

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doing an dining and target media reports that happen nearly a 100 kilometers of the southern coast of israel. and with that, you are all up to date for more news. check out our website at our youtube channel . i'm honda himmel, and berlin. thanks for watching state you and take care of the trast fashion. as an environmental 9. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and flight us textile ways get stranded fashion. watch now on you to
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the bottom, are started cultivating jude at the age of 12 in those days, due to was an important crop here of the, this is what i've done. it was the thing jude cultivation became less important. rice was the priority and the focus shifted from ju, just the plastic devices that could be about to change a size. and are you a cons? cultivate or fibers that could make the world a better place? or you've has believed in this possibility ever since his doctor told him that to
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could be turned into a material that feels and behaves like plastic. but it's environmentally friendly. easy to add to get on the back. it is invented out by on, by love a c scientists. it is a bio d good to buy a good plastic, the r u n. his uncle, a fast farm, the natural fibre, according to centuries old tradition, put this painstaking process provide the fiber of the future, the northern bangladesh book or district 6 o'clock in the morning. an early start to avoid the summer heat. yesterday, temperatures reached 45 degrees celsius a fast,
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so this due to in march. now it's harvest time, the what is heavy at the end of the been galley months of to a true. we so the see that us your 4 months later in the month of chart we harvest that kind of my head. can we then planned other crops on the same soil, such as over genes or potato? what the affordable high. on the one hand, you're going to go to of the $5100.00. is it corey double how to use dried, jude sticks for many purposes. they bring in the most money how much we use them as climbing aids, investable fee. it goes up more for the walls of houses today. however, this is becoming obsolete as bricks are used instead of jute, bangladesh as a small country. but it's farmers count among the world's largest,
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jude producers. a fast lives in the village of his lee. he is one of the wealthier people in the village. his annual income, he says, is the equivalent of 5000 bureaus. the house has 4 sons or at this time teddy guy after one is also a farmer and other one is a driver. one is living in malaysia as a migrant worker,
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and the other is an engineer. i am 75 years old working life will have to hard when i 1st was young, the slogan used to to now plastic handmade and bangladesh was popular in parts of europe. but if i says he's never heard of it, the in the 1980s, the tooth back from bangladesh became a symbol. that's the environmental movement. back then, it was known as a scratch. you resilient natural material. used to to not plastic was a rallying cry. now the fight against plastic is more urgent than ever in the village of his li, scrap metal and plastic are collected for recycling. people are paid and edible, not so they will have to do to eventually replace plastic.
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who are the people who cultivate the plants? now what role does dude play for them? whose ever overall jude cultivation has advantages. we hardly earned anything from rice this year. but we still grow rice for our own consumption, and we see the rice straw to the cadillac. c c the, the price farmers receive for to talk to it's considerably some years proceeds from sales fail to cover production costs. the government is trying to counteract this
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economic issue. a problem. you just take a partnership with the ugly. i'm the one in the market. price is high right now, and i'm farmers are interested again, and we want to support them by interest. quarterly issues are likely in the current season. our department has provided them with seed and fertilize our free of charge . so h was this creates incentive. the farmers have to invest less or more and can make a bigger profit. it gets the number of cds of these taskbar suffice, and a lot of issues hungry. i'm to leave my name is julie. i'm working as an assistant officer at the department of agriculture extension. i've got totally vocal right. isn't that isn't the data. okay. yeah. that definitely the fiber feels thick and strong. it will be
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a good you. the funny part is that well, this is the, the harvest of jude starks are left to lie in the field for 3 days until all the leaves have fallen off. what follows is the unpleasant part. the green stocks must rot, the you must do. walter attracts insects and bacteria that are good for the jute and help the for mentation of the plant. but it's bad for human skin and causes itching says a fight. today,
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it is bearable and says a fast he's used to it anyway. other challenges are more daunting, not move on the box. that's what number one. in fact that all could you repeat it? one of the i like round you, especially the jewel sticks. they sell very well and don't require much work. i know, but when it's too dry, we have a problem running the green due to sticks in the past, it was easier. we used to do it everywhere in water holes and rivers. there is a river nearby, but now it doesn't have enough water. so now we use puns that are normally used for fish farming, and i have a pond close to i. ups, pond. climate change is making every thing harder. extreme weather conditions are
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disrupting ecosystem throughout south asia says truly and jude farmers feel. the effects 1st tend fox, i said i want the i see that the money is a bosh much. this is the my ancestors already knew that we have very little me soil here. just kind of follow a model who made it only needs a little reading to retain moisture, mazda the parking lot of on sandy soil. i'm going to did you plan to not survive more than 10 days without rain world is in for bar at the market. that type of soil is we are here behind the year. it rains fairly reliably, every $15.00 to $30.00 days in summer or would you get to the balloon. uh so our judgment is not damaged. the model is either it will not be unlimited from us. unlike cotton or rice, which need constant water to does not require artificial irrigation,
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i saw says that he'd never heard of a biodegradable plastic like material made from jude until i use doctor told him about it. he uses a conventional plastic see to protect his plans the . this is the one that i did not hold on. i put the plastic sheet on top to prevent the mud from getting in and sticking to the fibers,
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depending on the quality of the fibers that jude has to soak and water for 12 to 15 days, so that it starts to run. if the plant was already very ripe, when it was harvested, i can take it out again after just 8 to 10 days, but i saw not going to have the are in a huge pond right next door. the jude sticks are almost ready. okay, that was the they, they asked, it would have to overtime the fibers can be removed from the stand by applying light pressure. but this one isn't ready yet. i still have to press too hard that really clear. no. it took a positive kind of set function that i think it will take another 4 or 5 days
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in his li are, you is known as the module farmers. he grows everything from oranges to toot and his family makes them proud. his daughter tia hopes to go to university in my country, people things, pardon me, use the a, made a team not to the female to do this. and i want to start a study, how i live in and abroad. come to the, the outside of the country, a t o would not want to become a jude farmer even if she could do so. now the do try me is not, not they have these people, so it'd be far, much those kinds of reduce. because the dial me is by monday, june me is,
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are all so they don't to the day of dante any buyers to buy it sandy, a juice so many people inside of the leave the juice. and it is. the chart is all scan it is they allow us to do, so i'll watch to, well, i separate the fibers. this chart is of plan is people out of the go use. yes. goodness ends to building the building the house. yeah. so construction moves, factories, do used to be very important for bangladesh says that to yeah, pulling out an old bank note. i bring it because the, the symbols, the symbols, the farmer are god is the farmer of separate fiber from the jews and the 5 corey. they have separate the 2 and it is our national groups, you know, so the not has the same symbolize this thing. so i read for you the do
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this type a color who that is the, that these wash from the borrower that, that is gold and color golden should, should not be asked to evaluate college. so natalie asked that is call it in private and it is so it is a, it is all the national across because each so we exports the other countries and we get dollars to the car and see the until the middle of the 20th century. jude was the world's most important tech style fiber after cotton. to this day, most of the worlds do production still comes from this region. the louisville soil.
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ready a climate that is humid and hot. 2 jude has been harvested in process tier for centuries. the british colonial rulers took the jew grown here and sold it all over the world. the highest quality fibers have a golden color. these are set to grow best near rivers. that's why many dude farmers live by rivers or in the middle of rivers, islands called chars. the char bye to allies in the middle of the jump moon river, which originates in the himalayas as the from a put try river. the . i mean notice is a jude farmer here. the
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why? why a brother did you also plant to the season? no, no, not this year. my daughter, i love life on the island. we buy them, but i live on the mainland because of the glovers and goons. every day i come back here in the morning and the lead in the evening. i loved the nature here however, the air is fresh and comic looked. however, there's so much to do on the island so many opportunities on the mainland. i have new land and nothing to work on, but i go to the river pirates. that's what i mean. what caused the people who attacked and seriously injured his brother that got he shows us the scars from the knife bones. he tells
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us that the pirates stole his cows, is it is all over the crime is not the only thing that makes life hard on the chars. legally i chose to level of our struggle. as far as the outside of my c id must be the rainy season that floods over twice i go as i so we move the coast to the mainland on. oops, while very well. but the weather is just in 2 or 3 days. everything here is under water washed, all his umbrella. this was all over. it was then we came up to the tin roof of the house that i'm on. leah wooden planks don't. let's have to. so if you, we just live up there, thing get, we're going to shoot, i think it was all over the booked. i'd be actually, if he seems to be volume or the date to get him to take it back. he says, coordinating them i mean,
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nor shows how high the watch of reached in recent years, how long i was. i'm charged even disappear completely for a time. $200.00 people live on this river island without electricity or solid ground under their feet. their times are resilient to they can with the stand flooding for a good 2 weeks. but even the robust do times have their limits. who are the who do i have the reason why they're hard to believe. i believe i found that you back there. what it is totally ruined you by the way, by the, by the got to that, but couldn't because of the extreme flooding. we couldn't harvest quickly and the funny word and they died up. those in the flood lasted for almost 3 weeks to
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complete the front of me despite the leaves. isn't there positive, but everything was right. but the put that there are new fibers, a little cold by me as if by me i should do the lose of the shop. but when the water comes soon, the plan trimmings under water for too long to clear turns black around. no. as an option is no good for more. i got to think of that. then what is that? what was the problem is that gives you the, the list of only the golden shimmering fibers are really worth. and i think so bottom like i did on the bottom of the even if the plants certainly have some commercial, walter, how structural the fibers that come out of low quality. that'd be hard. but that we get a lower price on the market because they are just colored or even black or not as of technology about the numbers you i to prevent this to farmers on the chars have devised
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a system that i mean who is proud of leaving the island is not an option. they have nothing on the mainland. the river is both a curse and a blessing for the 2 plants. to watch your noise just then with the minerals, but threatens them with much good, by the way i live the river. water is murky. the stream carries on most of the soil and clean the substances stick to the jude fibers degrading quality and causing the jews to block it. however, if the river water is channels into a pond or a canal with the water is clear and fresh, i know that you trimmings and damage plots and retains its golden color. so they have created artificial canals and water holes. the
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if i didn't know the, they got to in the bottle. this is walter that comes from the river by the all the impurities in the month of settled to the bottom of the water with the bundle, by the time. well, actually the water is clear, and that's how you can still get the golden color to the base like the 5 block talked about the otherwise there's no chance of getting good quality fibers are low yet another problem is impacting the by to river island to low pressure the if there's too much plastic around, then harms the crumbs. so we gather it burnett that solves the problems, are plastic, the 2, no people want to use less plastic bag, but others have because they have already in the past batch are made of jute most now we're going back to jude shopping bags, sacks, etc. people are fed up with plastic that
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the, the 200 kilometers down stream. there are people who want to solve the plastic problem with the house of 2 in the capital co, scientist. so working on this show nally back project translating as the golden back. it looks and feels like a plastic bag, but it's made from cellulose, derived from cute if the invention of bangladesh, the scientists, dr. mubarak and con, protective suits and mass have also been produced using this new bio plastic. the
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main raw material is dried dude fibers. then we find the setters because the main ingredient of this one in the back is cetera. ruth, definitely made descent loose from just get this into the or the x from think that 3 x we say we have to set the set up the temperature. pretty sharp and time for the poor direction, and then we own this type. so some of these are the exact formula. it's a secret and says doctor con. additionally, bag has suffered some setbacks. it was just about to go into mass production when the co dependent make it. the sewing bags from this to polymer is also still the problem. the producers don't have
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access to the right machines using to, to per fiber reinforced compass. this has already been proven to work. dr. con has been experimenting with the material for years. his duty reinforced polymer mixture also has a name to 10. you can uh, is your comp legitimate you. so that is a good for the bottom of this now. and the trends in gentleman in as, as early as in susan and also data making some boss with the flex piper. inputs, complicated to the property of flux is better than to condense function. but at flux, the production of flexibility, limited in some countries and the price is $2.00 times so important, higher than that to do sometimes it's i just have a good quality plus the sum of 10 times i have 10 to 2. so in that case, juki is the potential candidate for making the complex or
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the i have to have the center says to mind the destination, what i want to go there, selected the distribution. so lastly, i want to see why i'm using 124, because the truth is really incredible because he wanted 70 per cent scenarios. you cannot find any t or problems in all of them was waste content. 71. there are some plans, but it's not plenty. it's not kind of difficult. anybody like to is this susan of corruption bundle with dish? so it has the 100 visiting time. use 110 days on the other.
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one creek on kentucky person centers on their buddies. but to dick's, going to compete in yes, commit to the this is the last the policy so he can see the federal barney this are a little bit. it's a just like, you know, but are here. this is the can proceed. and me did through a battery cable. this is vanessa product, this,
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this is as it sounds like the perfect fiber. so why hasn't the environmentally friendly juke revolution happens by now? and what does the government which commission this finale bad experiment to make of this? we ask for homage upward come down at the ministry of tech styles and do this absolutely mobile idea and the mobile home account he is working on that. you're willing to do no, any already talked to him, but the, the other somebody should actually uh, the need to be addressed before waiting for the most protection. kind of uh uh the costing things the other cool thing of course the whole list actually cost that is one issue. um, because people know get actually plastic bags or anything big, big, stupid,
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almost a low cost. so that is $11.00 issue actually there is a stick completion with the this plus people for the next door. just somebody good product. but the plastic community is very, very strong. keep on pipe dealers. dollars business every year for the single do us shopping back. so they are not easily allow you to enter the market plastics, an industry that is blocking jude farmers expansion and increasingly jeopardizing their very existence the weekly meeting of the dude farmers of history. 2 of the sizes, brothers are also here, states what they tell us that plastic causes
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a lot of damage to their crops. somebody might have done today. i don't say to go to of this plastic is very harmful though. when it burns lab, sticky dangerous residues remain in the soil due to on the other hand decomposes easily and it fertilizes the soil. plastic takes years to decompose. and when we planned rice, it no longer rose. well, if the soil is boys under a 100, because the high log enough, they would be glad to grow more to and does produce more natural fibers. but conditions have to improve. many people, including all your uncle hide, are, are unhappy at this quote for you. you can give them number yeah, the fact that will it, that's what we want. we also think about it all the time. cute is really profitable, but we simply don't have any more water holes where we can leave the stocks to rock . and i mean, it's a real crisis. i got them kind of a table tight. there are so many things we could do that i knew what i'm next
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hardwood they do mind if i i, when i better i'm going to go as i did, i did it as a whole in love. but i need to do the struggle. we used to have more of them, but then you know, they were leased by the government to people who are farming fish. they kind of funny. so kind of your boxes near and also low to plan. i'll charge you there is still going to be sure to, to run. it must cut out wherever there is walter, upon the dishes canals. it is, it was a lot to know. they are all use for fish farm and ready to go to is i got the, the, our hands are tied on while you're doing that is that have mazda, tasha johnson, how much would it make to go through? that's why they have created their own artificial patterns. these experience farmers make the hard work look easy, having rubbed, mineral oil on his body before getting into the stinking water. to relieve the itching, i loosened institute fibers by hitting the stems,
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the law. and this is how you waiting to talk. clock does what's to go to? lou will got a big deal. in addition, i don't like the whole so it was a cultivation process as tyran shoot has many benefit. when it is young, we can each, once you've extract to the fibers, we make the money from it. they will lose right?
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you sticks us fire, we have done with agility, 0 who has makes up for the hard labor cost through allowance, even though just cultivation is painful when it brings us lots of benefits of black . i'm a bit of cool. what kind of car do when do is still very young, it's leaves are used in cooking and are very healthy. are you ps, wife alo says, so now she would talk so these are green vegetables are full of vitamins healthy. i mean, i just gently, as ensure that we build up our immune system in the, the the
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part that some of them have good. what about the think if i be what the, what am i gonna love? hello for? no, no punch on the do cause a high fat that dips carlos jute has changed our luck since it's currently being sold a good market price i see to the cost less to produce compared with other products for the initiative owned by the economy. we can recover the production expenses by selling the dried stock. so look at one box with the next to to be shut up that gosh. so if i produce in the field too, because i can earn 2 and a half times more than what i would earn with rice is for going to do nama the cool . that's why you cultivation is a profitable crop for us farmers. the on it doing gosh, i got the
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it takes 3 days for the 2 bundles to dry in the sun i you know, fast then sell them to wholesalers who picked them up directly in his late the to sell their to too many farmers travel to the small town show not toilet. it's one of the largest due to markets in the region. the highest price for a killer to today is a t tucker. they say that's about 3 quarters of a dollar. 6677, count slowly. wholesalers buy to then deliver it to the mills or
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a boss. what about the hey we have to make 5 kilo's less. there are 3 categories of june. first, the 2nd and 3rd rate quality that determines the price i pay. i buy a good quality duty at a high price medium level model the. this is medium quality by giving me the good one. and then low, good. bad is low quality. the high quality here 1st class, the best a defense is type. everything is okay. the light of vertically clean, soft, smooth, vertically at other than these vacant. this one is rough, very different. it's from the floods. well no, i don't know if i need to, when i say with them. well know so that the
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wholesalers often store the tooth and warehouse. it's in order to increase demand from the mills and does drive up the price. in recent years, the government has closed down several. jude mills, which were said to be unprofitable. tens of thousands were left unemployed. there are times to modernize the industry according to the ministry, to the privately owned house on ali, to smell and folklore of sources do from all over the country and produces it in 3 ship, 24 hours a day. 7 days a week, the, the conditions are bad. the temperatures colors
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the from the fibers creeps into the body, the exports go to india. the neighboring country is the world's largest producer of 2, but they still need imports to supplement their own harvest. products include 2nd, delicate textiles and sometimes called the
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natural tooth. fabrics may not be very soft, but they are durable and highly freezer for production manager mohammed rama. and tells us what the material was already being used in the 18th century, in germany, in the region of present day has been moved to the money pick a would put the well, no, actually the so called hash and goes back to germany. square soldiers uniforms used to be made of jude out of money to say this was then adopted by the british army, or we will shut the beat issue that there. and they then called the fabric ocean. how can you see that data money hit cnn for that late?
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i've tried to go to the over 800 companies in bangladesh, now manufactured to products. and that number is growing. the more awareness of due to environmental sustainability could be created worldwide. global interests would really help say the history of farmers separately.
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that's our germany is one of the pioneers in the industrial revolution before getting off, if they were to import truth from our country. st. deals with a governmental worth of what we could produce more of the goals and fiber and suppliers. i mean, even though she forgot to come to nice buyers to harvest more. if i know most of farmers would come forward, cultivate much use and try to get us. what does it access to people on the go to the water allowed to park though we do the main challenge, i think is the price fluctuation. there is no certainty if the government put a system in place to guarantee that it would buy the 2 to not as it already does with rice have to do then i think this would mitigate the risk of being charged for the conduct of it. the digital government done conduct the back of its the only issue saelens ticket being asked about will use to to not plastic. make a come back. the history farmers hope so,
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but it's up to others to make it happen. until then, a fast will continue farming as best he can today he finds himself at the market in the evening and i bought one part when i get a good harvest and earn a good amount of money, i buy suites for the children at home. i say to myself, eat more, don't think about money today. we're not pushing away with the harvest. that brings in the most money makes me the happiest, whatever. when i sell my harvest at the market, i forget all the hard work. it motivates me to keep working and then i'm even happy . i don't work or model the. the
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mobile payments are more popular in india, the any other country in the world? thanks to industry liter p t m. no bank accounts. no. just a cell phone and an app. but what about germany? what is preventing mobile payments from progressing made in germany? in 30 minutes, on the w,
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the system. the way it is someplace, power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such of are based on life. but as i suggested in cardboard, that's on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story. info, migraines, vacations, an applicant, do they have the web i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go say colson tissue, today's because then they go to that. who set up for us? love a new meal. people stuff was work hard one the tenant, although i so not because or
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the you're watching dw news live from berlin. israel is under attack from your feet militia and yemen. and is really jack to start the whole style ariel target. that's after the run back to the militia in yemen, claims it fired drones toward israel. meanwhile, israel's right when government is under increasing pressure to crack down on violence by its specialist attack of palestinians in the old tide west by the trip through time and space. mister james, web space, telescope push, are you some of the most stunning images.


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