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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the dr. news life from buttons. it's transformed guys that could last many more months. that's the warning from it shows army chief was fighting against him off, intensifies, and the country friends of joint attacks from across the red sea. also coming off, one of the most influential gentleman, politicians post on sharp load dies at the age of $81.00 retail, while diploma finance minister has such an impact on sherman and sort of in politics.
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the number such as why welcome for the program, is the army chief head c. hi larry has won that the board with him us will last for many more months in adenovirus address. tell a reset. israel is fighting in a complex environment with no short cuts. his remarks, comments these fairly military intensifies operations in the gaza strip, but the most on how to ministry fast. so that store and his boss, 21000 unidentified human corpses wrapped up, lined up and laid to rest in the mass grave. it's become a common sight in gaza. must run health ministry claims that is really forces return to the bodies after 1st taking them for more eggs and graves to check. there were no hostages among them. israel says there is no fighting on multiple fronts. not just inside garza,
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this footage reportedly shows the downing of the cold hostile drone bind, is rarely fighter jet over the red sea eroni and back to the rebels. and yemen claimed responsibility for the drones which attacks me is really port city of a lot as well as cargo vessels in the areas. in the many who the armed forces confirmed the continuation of their operations and the red sea and the arabian sea against israeli ships, or those heading to the ports of occupied palestine. as international pressure mounts on his real prime minister benjamin netanyahu outlined 3 prerequisites for peace. in an article for the wall street journal, the destruction of from us, the demilitarization of gauze and the d. radicalization for palestinian society. his words are the closest he had to attend. tribble vision for an end to the war, but with increased attacks from hezbollah, from the north and the who with these from the south,
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the conflict appears to keep on escalating. now the united nations has repeatedly warned of an increasingly dire humanitarian situation of the war to on gospel strip . the un has appointed. would you mind a debt and quoted in here to, to boost a to the data, to the following secure. she cancelled restitution secret cock her former dodge deputy premier and video tech support will begin her role as senior monitoring and reconstruction coordinator for garza. in january, a task would be to coordinate, monitor, and verifies you might attend relief deliveries. since is road again, it's susan because of it's over 2000000 residents, a 5th of your shoulder shows on water, food, fuel and medicine for more than situation. and because i'm joined now by jason, the, he's the country director for free for children in the occupied 5 to an interest rate. he to asked me, frontier to is to them has come to the w t. s. and you have just returned from guys after the 3 week assignment. what did you witness the as i leave this
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insurance, deteriorating situation, disability especially children when i say i so the massive movement possibility is that have been told to sleep once again to the south because uh yeah, there is no way in wrong that can accommodate them. is the infrastructure that is required to keep them alive rather than the 1000000 people. there are no shelters in place of shelter as a full capacity. when i was there, i saw caps. 10 wouldn't structures with a piece of plastic be put in there would be available space in. com. lots like suicide roads. no, that makes them off next, the schools. and it does not have the structure of down and noticed that the patient's ability, not enough water, not enough food, and no access to medical care. once again, the civilians respects the children are being told to either face the choice of being killed by a stride showings or moved to areas where they will be stop ation, lack of water,
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public health emergency. you're describing an incredibly difficult situation and get a good organizations like yours are trying to distribute food, medical supplies, and what uh, how challenging is that for you? this is incredibly geology because we do not have full control over the supply time change. we're not able to bring the number of trucks here quite, but knowing these are the conditions on the ground. do not allow people to mention, actually we do not have 3 movements. that's why, oh gosh, there is still ongoing complex. well, not able to reach the civilian populations and the more we do not have enough supplies to meet the growing numbers of displaced people in the south. 1.9000000 people, 85 percent of the population displaced. and remember how the causes population of children, and these are children that need immediate protection and access to live savings
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assistance. you're describing once again, the kind of impacts that you're seeing on the ground now. but this is of course, likely to have a long term impact, as well as your focus. so as a see, if the children coordinator is on the young, what do you expect to see that for the future to look at the moment it is critical. we keep civilians alive, especially children's, but the road ahead will be difficult without the definitive c spot without actual protection and quality of rights for all children. there was limited options available for long term mental health psycho social impact. the children cannot be underscore, all of our research shows that this is becoming, is a growing issue. we've got a back depression, please withdrawal support. lots of opportunity. more than 60 percent of educational facilities have been damaged or destroyed. why or the children have retaining
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education again, more of 60 percent of residential buildings have been destroyed, where people stay. this is why it's critical that we have a sci fi that we have fully measuring an access. this is the only way that can we restore any future for young children or young or young people into learning casa jason, the from service of them. thank you so much for helping us understand the situation . the thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. prussia alarm start, most 50 shot headphones that you create overnight and show the train station in the southern city of coast on the attack skills that these 5 people and knocked out follow. and most of the city you're praying for. the 3 facets shut down to the 2 of the drunk ponds. nuclear power regulator has lifted and operational ban on the was largest nuclear power plant,
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disclose the pots for the to restart. the ban on jump on cost, you was actually kind of up. john was in for 2 years of order to 50 for each of the plant has been offline since around the focus your mind is also 2011. to now solve my job and finance minister was gone. so i blow has died at the age of 81. the veteran cpu politician 1st entered the bonus dog and 1972. between 19892017 sharp lift served as an theater and finance minister on the chancellor, helmut kohl and uncle a method. he was known internationally for vacuum of tennessee measures on germany and the rest of the annual jordan to yours on prices. he was left, fostering about a life sort of gun attacked and 1919, and used to read to for the remainder of his life. for mo, i'm joined now by the w. c. for the to the correspondence you're gonna have. i mean, that's good to see you. i wanted to start by asking you about sort of legacy. those
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are 5 decades in german folders. i or yeah, i think it's safe to say that this truly is the end of an era in german politics and reactions. have come pouring in from a lot of the major german voices who took about surplus, lasting impacts on german and international politics. and one of them is the former chancellor ungrammatical who these days keeps around. the low profile fatigues come out and she's praised was gone. so blissful quote, his ability to recognize and hate big political developments that he was of course, michael's interior and then have finance minister for many, many years. and in fact, most times i've is leaving a very big legacy here in germany because he wasn't inferential positions during the very crucial periods and all those decades. so so i blur held all the important jobs you can have within 7 politics with the exception of town slot and president. he was part of group leader of the cd. you the conservative then policy lead interior minister finance minister. he was also the longest standing member of
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parliament after entering from the start for the 1st time within 50 years ago. he's also the president of subordinate starting. that's the 2nd most important role within the 7 states. and almost as 100 was seen as belonging to the more conservative wing of his policy. but he was respected across the board also by political opponents rights until the end for his shop intellects and commitment to duty. but you do have to say he was also not uncontroversial especially abroad and operate on that for us and you know, why was he so contribution abroad? well, i think the 1st thing internationally, people will associated these days with a name boss though seidler is that he was probably the embodiment of a german finance minister. he held a post, but he is so during the difficulties of yours and cries as he stood for a very straight public finance policies and balanced spending. not too much debt to ideally, no new debt the years and prizes in those years from 2010 onwards. so him labeled
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as mr. austerity and he became a hate fit guy in the highly indebted countries in the south of europe because worked on sort of august that they had to impose strict a thursday measures to keep greece and others in the coming currency zone. but the 2nd thing he will be most remembers for abroad is his role in german reunification after the collapse of the service union and his position as interior minutes of the time was going. so either was the main figure for western germany to negotiate the reunification treaty. he got use chief political correspondent anita has of i thank you so much now since it launched we years ago, the james web spaced out of scope has changed the way we understand that, you know, us for scientists, the images offer new possibilities, natural physics for the rest of us system please funding to behold or the james web space telescope doesn't orbit ers on like the international space station. instead,
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it circles the sun to one and a half 1000000 kilometers out from our planet, and what's called the la grange to point. the instruments are sheltered by a multi layered high tech shield that screens out nearly all solar radiation. the telescopes, 25 square meters of mirror made up of hex, a go know segments are able to detect radiation, largely in the end for a red part of the spectrum. that means that the sensors can also provide information on targets that are hidden by dustin gas at vast distances. the james web is much more sensitive and it's 30 year old predecessor, the hubble space telescope ended works differently. hubble defects primarily visible light, which is the light that receipt with our own eyes while way of searching the infrared. so they are really complimentary. then web has, is the largest mirror in space, much larger than then hubble, and that gives it to
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a sensitivity 100 times better than hubble. in 2023, the james web, for instance, revealed galaxies at distance, has never observed before. snapshots of very early periods in the history of the universe. what we call the james space telescope, a type machine, and in the 1st hears it has already uncovered thousands of these very early, luminous objects and 1st galaxies in the universe. and some of the wrecker holders are found to be a 300000000 years after the big bank. so that's really a surprise. but researchers are also mining its images for data on things much closer to home, like this recent picture of the heart of our own milky way other a gorgeous shots taken in 2023. include this one of a spiral galaxy called n $51.00 stunning and its complexity and new takes on a well known celestial phenomenon called the ring. nebula snapped in both the near
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info, red range, and the mid and for red. the telescope also detected a crucial carbon molecule for the 1st time in the dust of a forming planetary system around 1500 light years away. this is cover, it's really exciting because carbon molecules are the foundation of full life and finding the small it goes can really help us understanding how life develop on earth, but also in other places in universe. the james web space telescope also looked with startling clarity and detail it planets in our own solar system, along with their moon's. in 2023, the telescope revealed even more the wonders and mysteries of the universe around us, and should continue to do so. for decades to come you're watching the doctor and you will see a sort of mind off our top story. so is there as ami chief is wanting that the
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water but hum us will last for many more months as far as you can. the guidelines then suffice is that also claims to have shut down until on fire. it's likely to have this and yet that's all from us, but to stick around for adults failing, but the secret of the student, eric, that's off the break. for munoz, you can go to the doctor, dot com and also visit our youtube channel number such as well, thank you for being with us. the we want to be the number one crystal carzillo, the crypto queen and her entire crime rouge on it. not to the cells won cooling and they don't currency then she disappears out. so trace, as i mentioned, thriller about the world's most one said woman crypto queen stunts descend,


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