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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 3:00pm-3:15pm CET

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the the, you're watching, you've got your news lar, from button. it says wharton does that good last many more months. that's the warning from as far as the army chief was fighting against him, aust intensifies and the country spends off throwing attacks from across the sea. and how was the anti china rhetoric of a new argentine president effect trade with beijing? javier miller had even touch into pre dias with china. all one of ours and not the biggest trading boss does not offer to storm, seems to have software. the
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number such as well, thank you for joining us, is the um, is there as ami chief head? see how larry has want that the war with him us, but last for many more months. and it doesn't have to address tele reset, as drill is fighting and a complex environment with no shortcuts. a mazda is regarded as a therapist organization by many countries as the most common stage. really ministry intensifies all provisions and because of strep weather mos on health ministry, stuff that's told has foss, 21000. 0 know, identified human corpses wrapped up lined up and laid to rest in a mass grave. it's become a common sight in gaza. of the most run health ministry claims that is really forces returned to the bodies after 1st taking them for more eggs and graves to check. there were no hostages among them. israel says there is no fighting on multiple fronts. not just inside garza,
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this footage reportedly shows the downing of the quote hostile drone bind is really fighter jet over the red sea eroni and back to the rebels. and yemen claimed responsibility for the drones which attacks me is really port city of a lot as well as cargo vessels in the areas. in the many who the armed forces confirmed the continuation of their operations in the red sea. and the arabian sea against israeli ships, or those heading to the ports of occupied palestine, set it up as international pressure mounts on his real prime minister benjamin netanyahu outlined 3 prerequisites for peace. in an article for the wall street journal. the destruction of from us the demilitarization of gauze and the d. radicalization of palestinian society. his words are the closest yet to attend jubal vision for an end to the war. but with increased attacks from hezbollah, from the north, and the who with these from the south, the conflict appears to keep on escalating. the united nations has repeatedly
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warren buffett increasing the dire humanitarian situation in the war to and cause a strip. now the un as appointed or to monitor and coordinate to to boost is the data to the following. the security council resolution. the good cause of pharma, dutch deputy premier, and mid east export will begin whole a senior, who, monitoring and reconstruction coordinator for garza in general to her task, would be to coordinate, monitor and verify who monitored and released deliveries. now, since it's the beginning it's siege of casa, it's over 2000000 residents, the 5th of your offices, of water, of food, fuel, and medicine. i know a serious and b as the country direct us to surface sojourn in the occupied palace to an entire street. he just withdrawn from 3 weeks in casa, and told us more about what he saw. the issue is deteriorating situation, disability, as best as the children went out. they,
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i so the massive movement possibility and that had been told to sleep once again to the south casa. yeah, there is no way in raw that can accommodate them. is the infrastructure that is required to keep them alive, rather, not as over 1000000 people. there are no shelters in place of shelter as a full capacity. when i was there, i saw caps. 10 wouldn't structures with a piece of it has to be caught in the re available space in han last next to the side of roads. next to mosque. next to schools, and it does not have to just drop that down and noticed that it takes you to deliveries. no, not water, not enough food, and no access to medical care. once again to civilians, respects the children are being told to either face the choice of being shown by this friday showings or move to areas where they will be patient, lack of water and a public health emergency. you're describing an incredibly difficult situation and
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yet a good organizations like yours are trying to distribute food, medical supplies, and water. how challenging is that for you? this is incredibly geology because we do not have full control over the supply time change. we're not able to bring the number of trucks here quite, but knowing these are the conditions on the ground. do not allow people to mention, actually we do not have free movement to, oh god. so there is this tool, ongoing complex. well, not able to reach the civilian population. so no, we do not have enough supplies to meet the growing up of displaced people in the south. 1.9000000 people, 85 percent of the population of displaced. then remember how the causes population of children, and these are children that need immediate protection and access to live savings assistance. you're describing, once again the kind of impacts that you're seeing on the ground now,
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but this is of course likely to have a long term impact as well as your focus. so as a see, if the children coordinator is on the young, what do you expect to see that for the future to look at the moment it is critical. we keep civilians alive, especially control of the road ahead will be difficult without the definitive see spot without actual protection and quality of rights for all children. there was limited options available for long term mental health psycho social impact. the children cannot be underscore, all of our research shows that this is becoming, is a growing issue. we've got a depression, please withdrawal support, lots of opportunity. more than 60 percent of educational facilities have been damaged or destroyed. why or did children have a retaining education? again, more of 60 percent of residential buildings have been destroyed. where do people
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stay? this is why it's critical that we have a sci fi that we have fully measure and access. this is the only way that can we restore any future for young children or young people in short, many cost to have somebody from service of them. thank you so much for helping us understand the situation. the thank you. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. process long story, most 50 or onion, which i had drones that ukraine overnight and show the train station in the southern city of coast on the attack skills, at least 5 people and no thoughts out in most of the city. you create a lot of transfers that shut down totally to drones, but over a 1000 most struck the city you focused on. i know desa, joshua and india for you that makes tangible photographs sometimes to join to produce military equipment. the announcement for adults and most coal between drug charles, 40 minutes to so gala grove and the engine counterparts. the nation passed beside
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future cooperation was in both countries. security interest on to the storm. a gentleman, finance minister was gone. shy of law has died at the age of 81, as finance minister and grandma, because government, he was no one but his hotline austerity measure. as jordan, they go to condense crisis in 292010. the veteran, conservative lawmaker was confined to a lead to off the surviving gun attack in 1990. now when he was sick, i'm painting options. he knows no precedent. javier malaya, threatened to cut ties with basing. proving trade with the us and europe bought off the 23 years of negotiations or your pin free trade. do you still seems to be a known way off that leaves none other than china as an increasingly important trading foss know for us, and do you know something that is softening the hard line, anti abusing stones of the country, new president? uh, not in store. the bridge cars for sale to cattle farms as his home,
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a 100 kilometers from buenos titus. he also extends kind of embryos to spain and portugal. he'd hoped to america so a new trade packed would help him ramp up exports. but the former president, alberto fernandez, put the brakes on it supposedly to protect the beef industry. however, his successor javier malay supports the deal. initially. europe has had his life stuck ceiling and cannot supply any more. and we were historically the main producers and exports of beef to europe and to the united states. they've gotten to ask you a little button to, to put the main export destination for art and time. beef is china potty or malay, branded china and brazil communist threatening to freeze diplomatic relations. and yet as president, he's already initiated talks with both nations most really about sadie. i mean that's usually the case that as they get closer to power,
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they've become more moderate in some expressions. and that has been reflected in foreign policy and res months from very black and white ideological positions to brit matic visions, obviously on the parking lot because well, many foreign companies are wary of investing in argentina in the face of an ongoing economic crisis. china is continuing to expand its involvement there. the country is of great importance for china is raw materials. policy companies such as guns hang and switching mining, pets secure to access the lucrative lithium deposits in argentina. when argentina joined the chinese belt and wrote initiative in february 2022, both countries agreed on joint projects worth $24000000000.00 us dollars. trade between the 2 countries is also growing steadily. in 2022, china became argentina's most important supplier for the 1st time, the head of brazil, with a strong upward trend and imports. with javier malays contradictory statements on china, it's unclear which direction the new origin time president will take. it is really,
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that's got more to go through china. i'm the square foot corner and he joins me now in the studio. gifford, can argentine out of 4 to throw on it's back on it's feeling the most important reading thoughts now. well, i think it's kind of difficult to work at exactly what's going on here because as with many popular as leaders you see, you've seen is on the china stands wire as the back channels have been much more conciliatory towards china. i don't the guardian team to kind of forward to turn this back on on china, but i think what this is more question of is the argentine is turning more focusing more on the u. s. so a lot of the roles of china has taken until now. i think argentine is hoping that the us will step in because he is very anti communist. he made this very clear during the elections he called china and assassin in recent days. yeah, there's been reports on social media and how is the same time people don't be
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communist? which may or may not be satirical, which is quite hard to work out sometimes of these social media of his. but um i think basically it's as much looking towards the us as it is turning away from, from china. so don't be communists from. they often do nandita, but also does it alliance the what's at stake for china? what about the other side? well, a lot of this has to do with john his belt and road project, which is a mass of an infrastructure investment program. and for china, it's positioning itself very much as the champion of the global side on argentina. and many of the american countries are also with in this grouping. china is also a leader in the bricks, organization of with brazil, russia and india look on south africa. and he has said mila, as said the argentine and will no longer join dot. so in many ways it's, it's pulling as of, of this traditional, severe,
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of influence that china is trying to build up at the moment. so it's, it has quite serious ramifications for, for beijing. and what then is the specific reaction to miller and has moved them off to you? look at the big picture where i'll send enough with them. i always get the sense that they think it can be quite easily wrong footed by populace leaders. because because a certain lack of coherence about how about their, their uh, policies, what beijing is doing has been to, um, initially was one. it was angry or if that got rid of a depth swap, a currency swap agreement, which is a way of using a chinese currency to do part, to budge and team is business. but it's not. looks like there's back channels that are happening there. that shows that a lot of this may be blas drum malays. part that like a lot of countries use just eager to, to play both sides, whichever country is going to help argentina's interests. and i think one thing that we've, we've seen from that that, that is his primary concern is that he wants to boost argentine as well, happy to,
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to boost its position with, with the united states. but at the same time, i think he's, he must know somewhere that he has to be careful not to completely alienate china for not meaning what he says. welcome to politics, i guess. thank you so much. you got to go square foot going in. and finally, the columbia video button kia has on road one of its most famous hometown heroes with a giant stature. the scottish or super stuff, english or cute, are frozen in the midst of an icon, a cube shaking don smoke at 6 and a half meters, the bronze was in it almost 4 times taller than the deer. live secure dough, stopping over by the key of speech. shakita, praise god, you know, my case and his team on social media for the example of the normal call to stick talent, also telephone numbers. and for that bit of music videos, you're up to date. but to stay tuned for more and of course visit our website dw,
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dot com and follow us on twitter and on on x and honda, instagram act, state of virginia is a member such as filing button. thank you so much for being with us. the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center the straight screen, the.


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