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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, you watching the, the news coming to you live from berlin. god knows how, how mos run health ministry says a suspected as really air strike has killed at least 18 people. reports from galls us. they have a strike at a residential building or a hospital in con eunice, thousands are reported wounded. and these really armies as it is investigated. also on the show protests and argentina, as the new president bush has a head with radical deregulation, thousands riley, and went to cyrus to demand the course while the plans of yeah, to me they says reforms are needed, secure rampage inflation and chronic economic decline.
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the i'm clear, richardson, thank you very much for joining us. causes how mos run health administration has at least 18 people have been killed and they suspected as really airstrike and the southern city of con eunice administrators folks 1st and said the attack also left dozens of people injured. the palestinian red crescent said the striking a residential building close to the out. i'm all hospital. these really armies as it is investigating because it is controlled by how mosse, which is viewed as a terrorist organization, by many countries. the health ministry there says that the death toll among palestinians in this war has now passed 21000 people to own identity, 5 human corpses wrapped up, lined up and laid to rest in the mass grave. it's become
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a common sight in gaza. the most run health ministry claims that is really forces returned to the bodies after 1st taking them for more eggs and graves to check. there were no hostages among them. israel says there is no fighting on multiple fronts, not just inside gaza. this footage reportedly shows the downing of the quote hostile drone bind is really fighter jet over the red sea. iranian back to the rebels in yemen, claimed responsibility for the drones which attacks me is really port city of a lot as well as cargo vessels in the areas. in the many who the armed forces confirmed the continuation of their operations in the red sea and the arabian sea, against israeli ships, or those heading to the ports of occupied palace time. set it up as international pressure mounts on his real prime minister benjamin netanyahu outlined 3
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prerequisites for peace. in an article for the wall street journal, the destruction of from us, the demilitarization of gauze and the de radicalization of palestinian society. his words are the closest yet to a casual vision for an end to the war. but with increased attacks from hezbollah, from the north and the booth these from the south. the conflict appears to keep on escalating journalists, ami softball, joined us earlier from jerusalem. and i asked him about because really prime minister, so called prerequisites for peace as well. i think good to these. the goals are not realistic at all. if we're talking about the destruction of the us there, we actually assume that the that he might be able to achieve. they pull the minute terry, sorry, the minute 3 destruction of how much in the gaza strip. but when it comes to the popularity of the movement,
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the polls have indicated that this movement is gaining momentum in the west buying is so as the movement is going to stay, even if it's armed, waiting is going to be destroyed. when he talks about the minute the rising is it goes a street. yeah, this is, was these really ministry is not working on this is the campaign that they think it would take them at least a year to go ahead on this kind of a project. and even at the end of the day, there might be staying a guerrilla warfare by some individuals. that gains the, the a, is there any forces, but definitely in the most a stress on and is around and a long term iraq it's, it's a broad as in terms of the, the, where the, the radicalization over the palestinian society. i think the images that are coming out from a guys a are going to a, bring the if i this thing is to be more radicalized. and i am,
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i would say that what is lacking in the document is any kind of hope, hope for the palestinians. he's not saying that the palestinians in gaza or the policy in general would have a policy in the state. he does not say that he envisions east jerusalem as of their capital. i mean, these are the kinds of things the other stage would love to see at the end of the day. me, well, what do we know about these rarely, governments plans for the day after the war ends. so or the issue is that there isn't a very clear plan for the day after the jury is a plan for the next phase of the war. would you basically means a regrouping the forces within the gaza strip of the creating of a perimeter inside the goal? is a strip of about one kilometer inside garza in which there will be military
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a presence. but when it comes to the day after that it's on the o has said that he doesn't with the how much time he is, or also say that he doesn't go and take a foot, stand relating to the foot. the movement that now dominates is the police the look forward in the west bank. and he also a does not want a 2 state solution. we know that there has been suggestions. the solution of the palestinians over it goes straight. we'd be in the fine night. but the objections they have refused this kind of apropos of it. so that is why there is a problem. yeah, well thank you very much that a semi itself or a journalist in jerusalem or very much appreciate your time as always. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. a funeral has
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been held for one of it runs top generals. so yeah, the rest of it was a v to runs as he was killed in an is really or stripe on the syrian capital, damascus on monday. who says he was responsible for the military alliance between syria and iran. israel has not commented on the strike, but iran has vowed revenge to opposition protestors of clash and police and the con, the least capital construct. so they're demanding a rerun of last week's presidential election. votes are still being counted by incumbent president, felix. she said katie is leading by a wide margin. observers have question to fairness and legality of the folks. the new york times is suing artificial intelligence. companies over alleged copyright infringements. the paper filed the lawsuit against open a i and microsoft the times that joining a growing list of writers and publishers trying to stop companies from using copyrighted material to train cat bots. and
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a former german of finance minister of both con schreiber that has died at the age of $81.00 as finance minister and under the miracles government. he was known for his hard line austerity measures during the european debt crisis in 20092010. the veteran conservative lawmaker was confined to a wheelchair, after surviving a gun attack in 1990. which by sales in argentina trade unions and left his parties are protesting against a wrath of controversial reforms decreed by the new far right populace. president heavier malay, thousands of people have rallied and went on side against the plans to deregulate the economy. calling on the courts to declare the plans unlawful relays wide ranging plans include loosening laws, protecting workers and diction rules preventing the privatization of state companies to life as he's pressing ahead. any way with measures he says are necessary to tackle economic decline and rampant inflation. shopping in argentine
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as capital buenos aires, merchants are eager for foreign currency and the rate seems to change by the hour within just days of an emergency decree, d regulating the economy. new presidents have yeah, me leg campaigned on promises to free argentina from decades of mismanagement. these now delivering on those promises to reduce government intervention in the economy. it gets to me, most us it done. so load, since we took office, we have been focused on trying to contain the enormous crisis. we inherited it almost for this. when we design a shock stabilization plan them to show that includes a fiscal adjustment program when, because adjusting the foreign exchange rate to market value and the monetary policy that includes cleaning up the central bank, the inflation is running it over 160 percent for this year and nearly half the country lives in poverty. but many people disagree with malays plans,
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including his telling people that things will get worse before they get better. less than 2 weeks into power. this government has already lied to the people and not only lied but is destroying an entire country. they are not going to be above. i'm here for the people who did not vote for him. and also for those who voted for him, believing that he was going to be beneficial for the country. and then if he's this, what but advice? on the contrary, this new president has given away the country single mulay called a special session of the legislature starting this week. they must sign off on his decrees. if the congress fails to take action, the reforms go into full effect at the end of the month. let's go straight to our correspondent, alejandro blasio. and when was itis? during his campaign malay promised radical changes. one of them appears to be this
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decree to change or eliminate more than $300.00 rules regulating argentina's economy and politics. can you give us a sense of what these measures would do as well if the congress does not reject the decree de just these last notes reject the degree because. busy some trials against the degree from people that says, well, that say that these degrees against the argentines constitution, but this will be a huge, a revelation revolution for argentine, us economy from a close economy to an open economy from a economy where that it becomes a participation of the states to a free market economy almost without regulation, but people in november has voted in the late because of his promises or don't have the station to eliminate the national coverage with the pay so on. he's critics
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against they probably to go cost, but not necessarily for these free market and regulations. and yet it's been a little over a 2 weeks since my light took office. and we have already seen various protests against his reform plans. what specifically, are people protesting as well, protesting because inflation is rising from 160 percent in november to more than 200 percent in december and the wages are not the rising so much. and then you government has also a frozen a social subsidy that receive at one point to meet deeper and, and to south in $24.00 above the patient. if they are protesting against the labor reform by degree. and that's a me needs a or kind of punishment again, against informal employment in depth, what they're seeing that a because, and then you come in is also a, taking
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a away the unions from the sub sector and getting paid to the private sector. and they are protesting also against the air demonstration regulations that a fundies or kind of aids on a do not allow the people to a demo a to do that. and my friendships in this industry, but only on the sidewalk. and then you've hinted at the fact that this a decree is not a done deal. a congress, for example, could still yet simulates plans. and they're gonna be debating about plan to create this week. how likely do you think it is to go through as well? it's difficult because it's because a nice party the freedom advances has only at 38 of the 257 deputies and only 7 from the 72 senators. so he needs a to do alliances with a release of proctors web center right parties. and he can get some uh,
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support from april april republican proposed. so the party from former president marketing. but he need also can use also the center part to use. they probably use a product these and also some product of the or that at least opposition. and this is, would be very difficult. that's why yesterday he said that if the congress rejects the degree, he will organize a risk for and also he says that some of the leaders ask, keep for bribes. but these overseas will either has the nice united, united, these kind of accusations of a 100. thank you very much for reporting. that is alejandro reverse here in glen inside us. thank you very much. you're watching dw news before we go. let's get a reminder of our top story. because as how most are on health ministries, unsuspected, is rarely ever strike has killed at least 18 people. and that's not what we're
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looking at. so we're looking at naomi. oh, soccer. we are gonna bring you that headline though. i, as i've mentioned because i'm offering health ministry saying an error strikes is killed at least 18 people reports from gaza, saying that striking a residential building. thank you so much for watching the bees do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums, but the to the feet and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channels.


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