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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 27, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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the, the incident shocked and all died at the age of $98.00. the french socialist was a key figure in the creation of europe, single currency, the hello i'm claire richardson. thank you very much for joining us. because us most run health ministry size, at least 18 people have been killed and i suspect it is really airstrikes in the southern city of con eunice and ministries. both persons at the attack also left dozens of people injured. the palestinian red crescent said the strike hit a residential building close to the amount of hospital the israeli army says it's investigated because it is controlled by him also viewed as
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a terrorist organization by many countries of the health ministry there says the death toll among palestinians in the war has now passed 21000 people, unidentified human corpses wrapped up, lined up and laid to rest in the mass grave. it's become a common sight in gaza. of the most run health ministry claims that is really forces return to the bodies. after 1st taking them for more eggs and graves to check, there were no hostages among them. israel says it is no fighting on multiple fronts . not just inside garza, this footage reportedly shows the downing of the quote hostile drone by in his really fighter jet over the red sea eroni and back to the rebels and yemen claimed responsibility for the drones which attacks me is really port city of a lot as well as cargo vessels in the areas,
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in the many who the armed forces confirmed the continuation of their operations in the red sea. and the arabian sea against israeli ships, or those heading to the ports of occupied power, started up as international pressure mounts on his real prime minister. benjamin netanyahu outlined 3 prerequisites for peace. in an article for the wall street journal, the destruction of from us, the demilitarization of gauze and the de radicalization of palestinian society. his words are the closest yet to attend jubal vision for an end to the war. but with increased attacks from hezbollah, from the north, and the hoots east from the south. the conflict appears to keep on escalating journalist time. he's also joined us earlier from jerusalem. i asked him about the israeli prime minister, so called prerequisites for peace as well. i think good to these, the goals are not realistic at all. if we're talking about the destruction of the
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us there, we actually assume that the, that he might be able to achieve the full, the admitted terry story, the military destruction of how much in the gaza strip. but when it comes to the popularity of the movement, the polls have indicated that this movement is gaining momentum in the west buying is so as the movement is going to stay, even if it's all i'm doing is going to be destroyed. when he talks about the minute the rising is it goes a street. yeah, this is what these really minute 3 is not working on. this is the campaign that they think it would take them at least a year, to go ahead on this kind of a project. and even at the end of the day, there might be seen a guerrilla warfare by some individuals. that gains the, the a, is there any forces, but definitely the most a stress on and israel and
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a long term iraq it's, it's a broad as in terms of the, the where the, the radicalization over the palestinian society. i think the images that are coming out from a guys are going to a, bring the if i this thing is to be more radicalized. and i am, i would say that what is lacking in the document is any kind of hope, hope for the palestinians. he's not saying that the palestinians in gaza or the policy engine general would have a palestinian state. he does not say that he envisions the east jerusalem as of their capital. i mean, these are the kinds of things the other stage would want to see at the end of the day. well, what do we know about these rarely, governments plans for the day after the war ends. so as the issue is that there isn't a very clear plan for the day after the jury is
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a plan for the next phase of the war. would you basically means a regrouping the forces within the gaza strip of the creating of a perimeter inside the goal? is a strip of about one kilometer inside gaza in which there will be military a, it presents. but when it comes to the day after that it's on the o has said that he doesn't what the, how much time he has or also say that he doesn't go on. take a foot, stand relating to the fact. the movement that now dominates is the police didn't look forward to you in the west bank. and he also a does not want a 2 state solution. we know that there has been the suggestions, the solution of the palestinians over it goes a straight. we'd be in the fine night, but the objections they have refused this kind the propose of it. so that is
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why there is a problem. yeah. well, thank you very much that assembly itself or a journalist in jerusalem, or very much appreciate your time as always to let's bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines at this hour. a funeral has been held for one of it runs tom generals say it was the most of the turnarounds as he was killed in his railey air strike on the syrian capital damascus on monday. so he was responsible for the military alliance between syria and iran. israel has not commented on the strife, but iran has vowed revenge opposition. protesters have clashed with police in the con, the least. capitol can shasta, they're demanding a rerun of last week's presidential election. both are still being counted by the incumbent president felix and she's a k. b is leading by a wide margin. observers have questioned the fairness and legality of the folks
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and the new york times is suing artificial intelligence company. so for alleged copyright infringements, the paper files at the lawsuit against open a i and microsoft. but i am showing is a growing list of writers and publishers trying to stop companies from using copyrighted material to train chatbox. and the us delegation is meeting with mexico's president today as washington price to curb searching migration us secretary of state mc blinking has arrived in mexico city. he's expected to earn a president under esmond, while lopez open that door to limit the number of my friends reaching the us border . the official treasure has said he is willing to help. but once the u. s. to improve relations with other countries in the region, as well as increased age of issue is becoming a big political problem for us president joe biden. as he approaches the next year's election. as many as 10000 people a day are being detained, trying to cross the southern us border,
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a migrant stranded to northern mexico. hoping to get to the us border by train. for them, a wagon is a better option than attempting to reach the board of by boss. they say, mexican immigration officials keep pushing them back to southern mexico. no, i don't know when they get to is of the buses or the if we are about to reach the border where we are returned without any apparent reason. they demand that we get migration documents, but they are not valid because i had them up in our faces. how were we supposed to move forward? and i got another that to so this is all really hard. i've been doing this for 3 months. i fell last night trying to get on a train to go on with my and my children's journey. they've had fever and flu due to the cold weather. we no longer have water and we don't have any idea when we will leave this month. the us briefly shop some international railroads
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between southern states of texas and to mexico because of the rising number of migrants crossing. as many as 10000 migrants today were arrested at the us a south west in boulder in december. this 6000 strong group are walking along a highway, watched by the mexican national guard. many migrants and the families come from central and southern america. they have playing poverty in violence and the hate from the mexican authorities will allow them to continue that track north end of day. we ask them to that is the cost freely to go to the united states. we go there to work and our children to study. so we won't because we are looking to improve ourselves, to have a better quote to you if life. because in our country, the situation is getting worse and worse. and we are looking for an opportunity
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often mom's long and dangerous route. the us for defense is in sight. but with pressure building in the us to block migrants from entering the country. reaching the buddha may not bring these migrants the best to life. they had hoped for let's make the data before us bonnet stuff in simon's joining us from our studio in washington, d. c. i. stuff on the us wants to curb, irregular migration. what exactly does it want from mexico and then what can it offer in return? well, they want more corporation from mexico. and what's this corporation entails is sending people back to the south of mexico, closing maybe, or making it harder for my grand from minnesota, from other ecuador, what them all, and so on. other latin american countries to move in to come into mexico and make it all the way to the mexico or the us mexico border. that also includes we're
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going to get to control the railways again and per and preventing migraines on most to use those trains to get to the north and to the us mexican border. this is why secretary of state entity blinking and the secretary of homeland security. my yorkers are in mexico city today. remember just a year ago about a year ago in january 2023. i'm the president 5 met with president mexican president, open a door to discuss exactly that. and this year. and they decide is actually to really work on those issues, really to club migration and legal and legal migration towards the united states. but this year was not very successful in that efforts. that is 3 sure. there's just, no, of course, the elections coming off in 2024. how important of a topic will this be for biden's campaign? so it's an important topic you had defined immunizations faces fears. csc is criticism, of course, from the republicans and from the border states, texas. uh,
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california, even southern california and nevada areas. and did those states which really have to face the brunt of migration numbers of those high numbers. they 11012000 migrants just a few days ago and they go past the texas now 6000. so this is not sustainable for those communities and they are live, it's live, it's against the, by the administration. the by the ministration has to politically speaking really improved, specifically if they want to get any points on this for 2020 for the presidential election. they're republicans know what they're doing if they put their finger in this was because it is one for the, by the ministrations that have no handle on it. having said that, of course, please keep in mind the immigration law in the united states hasn't been changed in any way or form fundamentally in that case. so there is no way that just an administration or president consult with all with an executive order, or just with
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a flick of a flicker by hand or something. stuff and thank you for that. the chef and simons in washington dc. let's turn to argentina now, where trade unions and left as parties are protesting against a raft of controversial reforms decreed by the new far right populace. president, heavier mulay, of thousands of people have rallied in board outside us against the plans to deregulate the economy. calling on the courts to declare those plans unlawful emulate a wide reaching plans included loosening laws, protecting workers and addiction rules preventing the privatization of state companies. he says he's pressing ahead any way with measures that he says are necessary to tackle economic decline and rampant inflation shopping. and argentine is capital buenos aires merchants are eager for foreign currency and the rate seems to change by the hour within just days of an emergency decree. di regulating the
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economy. new presidents have yeah, mainly campaigned on promises to free argentina from decades of mismanagement. he's now delivering on those promises to reduce government intervention in the economy. if it gets to me, most us it done. so load, since we took office, we have been focused on trying to contain the enormous crisis. we inherited it almost for this. when we designed a shock stabilization plan and the show that includes a physical adjustment program when, because adjusting the foreign exchange rate to market value and the monetary policy that includes cleaning up the central bank, the inflation is running it over 160 percent for this year and nearly half the country lives in poverty. but many people disagree with malays plans, including his telling people that things will get worse before they get better. less than 2 weeks into power. this government has already lied to the people and
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not only lied but is destroying an entire country. if they are going to be above, i'm here for the people who did not vote for him. and also for those who voted for him, believing that he was going to be beneficial for the country. and then if he's this, what but advice? on the contrary, this new president has given away the country, singled me lay called the special session of the legislature starting this week. they must sign off on his decrees. if the congress fails to take action, the reforms go into full effect at the end of the month. let's go live tor correspondent alejandro is or both so in one inside us a 100 during his campaign, mulay had promised radical changes, and one of them now appears to be this decree to change or eliminate more than 300 rules that are regulating argentina's economy and politics, can you tell us, 1st of all, a little bit more about what these measures would do?
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yes is, is the degree gets through congress these emissions as well, and you do a, a revolution in the agency and us economy economy where the height is state intervention and was taught to be a free market economy would be the, almost any a for bit you regulations and they want to regulate sub sector and they want to do. they want to do a labor reform and that's in the last in fiction, in november, the 8th to 5 percent of the people has both to delay. mainly for 3 reasons. they were against federal needs and they were all doing every station. the problem is to eliminate the national currency facial and, and also they support the police a speech against the party because we don't know really if that paper is 100
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percent, is supporting these all these old free market in you regulations. now, there are clearly appear to be some who don't support this revolution in argentina, as economy as, as malay and visions that i've been a little more than 2 weeks since he took office. and we've seen various protests against his reform plans. what specifically are people protesting against as well? it starts a full because they have put this in because the inflation is rising from a 160 percent in november to more than 200 percent in december after the base. so the renovation is sick on is because he has a frozen social subsidy. got it, receive 1200000 people a above the reset, so much inflation and number 3 b because they are against the in the,
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the most recent regulations that a bon, any kind of located or any kind of protest on the street a, on a don't only allow us a and on the, the side walk and a, and the says, and of course these are some part of the, the new measures that take us taking a mr. mean a. so a lot of issues coming to my head here. thank you so much for your reporting there, and when aside us, that is a 100, they're both. you thank you very much. now former you commission at president shock zillow has died at the age of 98. a french socialist zillow served as the countries finance minister in the early 19 eighties and became european commission president in 1985. there was a passionate advocate of european integration. there was a key figure in the creation of europe, single currency, the euro. european council president shanisha paid tribute to general calling him one of the builders of europe. let's get more on this and bringing our
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correspondent and brussels a band to wreak us about as often laura, he's praised as a visionary, politician, and even an architect of the european union. how do you think he will be remembered to? yes, victory age of the single market. you came up to the idea already 1985. and the integration of all the economies in europe to form a market of the 3 movement for people, goods, services, and also kevin to this was a very unique idea, and he actually managed to put this through the overcame the so called utero sclerosis from the late seventies and early eighties of in your present at the 1st session and the member states of the us read national, i think actually the each on economic policies. and he's also the father, one of the father of the single currency of the euro. so he did quite a lot,
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so economic integration and, but he was not. if you said that in an interview, he did not finish his job. he said, you're also needed to economic policy and made out with one voice about is due today. all member states have their own policies in the law of was not satisfied with that until his death and he was a you a commission president from from 1985 to 1995 is a pivotal time really for european integration. what do you think? europe today would, would look like without having had to log in that key role so that it would certainly look different date because then resolve this thing is not good. it would be still a lose community of european countries not integrated, not able to speak with one voice. and it also comes to foreign policy or migration policies. and so is that to be doing stuff actually,
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board would happen. it would be smaller. of course, the law only had to manage 12 and then 15 member states, now we have $27.00 member states and the check and also said in an interview that you need small reforms to be able to withstand the challenges that are coming and lodgement the wars and all these challenges around it. so he was still, yeah, they've come recommending it to do more reforms to make your fit for the future. and just briefly, before i let you go, we've been talking a lot about europe, i but, but what about germany? what was his contribution there? but he came up with a plan for german reunification already in april of 1990. he was the fields advocate for interview and if occasion empower low to european integration and he was a friend of germany. he said the friendship between friends and germany off the vote for 2 was one of the most beautiful things that ever happened to human kind and
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it's from history. and thank you so much for that update. that's it. back to me that for us in brussels, many thanks and volk, i'm not sure. but one of the most influential figures in german and european politics has died at the age of 81 as finance minister and uncle americans government. he was known for his hard line austerity measures during the euro debt crisis, and the veteran, conservative lawmaker was confined to a wheelchair, after surviving a gun attack in 1990. a voice gun shy blow was the conservative politician of the old god internationally known as germany, to finance minister and to financially watched talk during the euro crisis in his last political office as president of the german put in his talk, he was a voice of moderation. as his right not debate has rules, this is me defend it is connected to the willingness the demo to respect the democratic procedures and not denounced majority decisions that have been made and
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then is a legitimate or treacherous team. for the 5 days of age or the sun street. so they don't see of his tenure as finance minister was crucial for germany. he managed to restructure the german budget despite the euro crisis, and accumulated no new debt. german officer, shanita, and tribe. this party colleagues feet russian mats, praise troy of interest more than 50 years in german politics. ones that i'm familiar with having gone no country has lost an exceptional politician. scotsman, the statesman who is deeply in clinic, germany and europe go for over 5 decades. the footprint sharp list rise begin and the 1980s in hand with quotes government as minister of the interior. he played a significant role in drafting the german treaty of reunification in 1990. shortly
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after that fiber was attacked at the companion wiley and severely injured. he survived but was left paralyzed, but this didn't hold him back. after only 3 months, he returned to work. who is very impressed with as a chief means live and even more so after he was seriously injured in the attic. why not people 10? so he was pretty authentic, sadly, had his weaknesses and flaws for me. so i don't think that's a bad assessment for a politician. he certainly had a very sharp tongue and hurt many people's feelings, but he was also very hard himself. that shouldn't be forgotten, was going short of this political fate. what's the next trick? kimberly linked with him with cold. he was extremely loyal to his mentor. yet he eventually broke with him over the conservative parties funding scandal that finished him with quotes korea shortly then allied himself with, i'm good, i'm a i cool. then you force into cd. you 1st became her into we administer, then finance minister in 2009 voice gun shy,
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but it had the last thing influence on german and international politics. despite the below, as to his personal and political life always remains fully committed to his duties . and finally, the colombian city about in cuba has honored one of his most famous hometown heroes with a giant stature. you may have heard of her the sculpture showing superstar singer shakira frozen in the midst of an eye conic hip shaking dance move at 6 and a half meters. the bronze version is almost 4 times taller than the real live shakira tower, in overburden, cases, beach, shakira. price sculptor, you know, marquez and his team on social media for the example of the enormous artistic talent of her fellow colombians. the watching dw news, quick reminder of our top story before we go. because it's a monster on health ministries, as i suspect it is rarely errors. frank has killed at least 18 people,
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reports from gaza, saying the strike at a residential building or a hospital. in con unice, health officials say the death toll and guidance from the war has now passed 21000 people and is your news update us our stay tuned for made in germany coming up next. or if you want more news and analysis, you can always find us online at d, w dot com. i'm glad richardson and berlin for me and the whole team working behind the scenes. thank you very much for watching the
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oh. the mobile payments are more popular in india, then any other country in the world. thanks to industry liter t t m. no bank accounts, no. just a cell phone and an app. but what about germany? what is presenting mobile payments from progressing made in germany next on d, w. noise fund style. a fairy tale can any
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multitasking diesel, modern meds? because if we do too much, and we had it all wrong, we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self. have it touch humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v w documentary. the, how did you pay for your coffee this morning? did you use coins or your phone? the answer it likely depends on the country you're from. and my bakery in berlin, i don't have a choice. they only take cash, that's the norm here. but in india, for example, there's a tool wallets are becoming more popular than physical ones. why did different countries have different.


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