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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 6:00am-6:15am CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news fly from berlin because that's how most one house ministry says the suspect it is really air strike has killed at least 18 people. reports from gaza. say this, try catch a residential building near a hospital and hun, eunice. dozens are reported were dead. these really army says it's investigation plus high level us next can talks on migration with as many as $10000.00 unauthorized crossings of the us. 3 day washington and 6 officers as president job . i didn't, hasn't the election year? 2020 on stiers ins,
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riley and one is i raise against plans by a new president, have your malay for a radical deregulation of the country's struggling economy. the i'm how to handle. thanks for joining us. guys. how most fun house ministries has at least 18 people have been killed. and the suspect just is really air strike in the southern city of hot eunice. and ministry spokesperson said they attack also less. dozens of people injured. the palestinian red crescent said the striped catch a residential building close be all a mile hospital. is really our me says it's investigating israel is intensifying is operations in southern and central gas against him off, which is seen as a terrorist organization by many countries. the desktop, what is rising non stop as israel intensifies it strikes,
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pushing into central and southern gaza. the homeless run, health ministry says over 21000, had been killed. the vast majority of guidance or displaced the gets johnson construction around which is i see the buildings are destroyed. this is not a water and we get to genesis on it. it's more than one. we can't even describe it to the product. the war has left much of gaza in ruins, destroying nearly one in 5 buildings. and there is no end in sight set on illuminating him us israel's much reset. it is expanding its ground, defensive and released footage, showing its elite troops and gaza. let me have some of the fighting is taking place in a complex area. i got to meet there for the war. will continue for many more months
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. okay. i mean, i'll work with different methods or pull. does that or we can hold on to our achievement for a long time show? no, gosh, i said you show me, you know, it was a month on the other side in jerusalem. the former is really settler hope's. the long term plan will also include her return to gaza. she was forced to leave the strip nearly 2 decades ago when israel withdrew all its security forces and settlements. yes, smith. there is a deep emotional tension at the height because deep inside we dream of returning there by to this is our home. but during know what will happen. and that's my the return of as rarely settlers to gaza is not part of israel's plan so far. but some here say it needs to be part of his real strategy to maintain long term rule.
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or is it what you want me? they're not talking about. it's got me is really governmental. but this is something that can happen the last year because there might be no choice. the audio still have to move and gaza. in any case, you can't rule if you don't have settlements, that when it is still not clear who exactly would govern a post for gaza or what israel's plan is for lasting piece. well, earlier i spoke with journalist semi circle in jerusalem and asked him about these really government's plans for the day after the war ends. well, it still is not the very clear yet. we don't the beginning of the war. and what was the government's ministries develop the plan according to which the population of the guys that will be relocated to the sign in egypt with this has been rejected by egypt and other countries as the heads of the most sub shouldn't bid the chief of staff they've been telling and that the, you know, that the cabinets has to meet and discuss us the day after they've been saying that
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the americans are pressuring them and asking, where is the israel going to? but 20 hours so far has refused to have any kind of discussion in that matter. and the we know that in the past the time, you know, say that he will not enable a how much the in the gaza strip or foot this down in the gaza strip. relate thing of course to the fact that move. but that is in control of the palestinian authority. but it seems that a kind of solution in the gaza strip will have to include elements from the palestinian authority. and this could cause in some crisis within his party and a coalition or. okay, saw me, let's talk about the plan to actually get their missing. yahoo has written about history prerequisites for peace. i'm aust must be destroyed. gaza must be the militarize on palestinian society must be the radicalized. but i mean,
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how realistic are these goals? in reality, the realistic i'll say, a talking about how my us, it seems that this movement has just gained popularity within the palestinian society. so even if these really minutes, are you successful in question the minute are you wing of how mosque in gaza is still the will be support for the move that the talking about the radicalization. it seems that the radicalization will actually increase because of the hardships that the palestinians in god are facing the mass, destructions kidding and so forth. this is not a recipe for a more moderate place society when we're talking about dealing with our eyes ation . and this could happen, but today is really a ministry official,
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and i've been saying that this could take more than a year. certainly a long time let's. uh well, definitely be following that to see how all times i. but for now, your thank you so much, sammy suckle interest. one for all of your insight as usual, are moving on to mexico. now it's government says it's reached and portion deals with the us following high level talks between the 2 countries. these talks are possible. moved by washington to curb a surgeon, people crossing the southern border. us x ray state and to me blinking that with mexico as president. andre is manuel lopez over at dorm aiming to limit the number of migrants reaching the us. of our door has said she is willing to help, but once washington to improve relations with other countries in the region, as well as increased aid in return. the issue is becoming a big political problem for us president joe biden, as he approaches next year's election, as many as 10000 people a day are being detained. to cross the southern us border migrant stranded to
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northern mexico, hoping to get to the us border by train for them. a wagon is a better option than attempting to reach the board of by boss. they say, mexican immigration officials keep pushing them back to southern mexico. you know, why or will they get us off the buses? or if we are about to reach the boulder where we are returned without any apparent reason, they demand that we get migration documents. they are not valid because i had them up in our faces. how are we supposed to move forward? that to so this is all really hard. i've been doing this for 3 months. i fell last night trying to get on a train to go on with my and my children's journey. they've had fever and flu due to the cold weather. we no longer have morsa and we don't have any idea when we will leave this month. the us briefly shop some international railroads between its southern states of texas and to mexico because of the rising number of
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migrants crossing. as many as 10000 migrants today were arrested at the us a southwest in boulder and december. 5th, 6000 strong group are walking along the highway flushed by the mexican national guard. many migrants and the families come from central and southern america. they have fleeing poverty and violence, and the whole thing, the mexican authorities will allow them to continue that track north end of day. we ask them to, that is cost freely to go to the united states. we go there to work and our children to study. so we won't because we are looking to improve ourselves to have a better quality of life. because in our country, the situation is getting worse and worse, and we are looking for an opportunity. after a months long and dangerous route,
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the us for defense is in sight. but with pressure building in the us to block migrants from entering the country, reaching the border, may not bring these migrants the best to life they had hoped for. well, earlier i spoke with journalist sandra, vice in pueblo, mexico, and asked to tell us about the situation for my friends and mexico on their way to the us as well as we have seen, the situation is quite critical. as we have record the amount of migrants and asylum seekers in mexico and the mexican government has cut the public spending for migration. so the hostile so i will cry, you will start to solve overblown. and the migrants are even sleeping in possibly parks and the police evicting them from time to time. so really those 10 situation and the u. s. sorry, the mexican president said in a press conference earlier today that the us should support the fight against poverty in those countries of oregon. what more does it expect from the us?
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well, mexico on central america has always been requesting more money from the us, promising that this will create opportunities and stop people from migrating. but this has not worked in the past for a variety of reasons. one is that migration is no longer only economic, but people also fleeing, also retirees and governments, the climate crisis and crime. these are structural problems of governance. and those cannot be sold with money, especially not by giving money to corrupt that often. we tell them often, mutually and governments such as venezuela on the got i want. mm hm. and the u. s. is really looking to curve this kind of a regular migration. but what can, or what is mexico willing to do to support the us in this, in this matter as well? mexico in the us are really into dependent on this question. and lincoln definitely
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. he wants a bigger effort from mexico to hinder the migraines from getting off to the border with the us. so by pushing them back or providing temporarily. and bro permits of these ass all other incentives that keep them like guns, at least temporarily, and solve and mexico. the mexican government has done some measures. and they also start in negotiations with 5 countries, trying to convince them to accept deputation slides from mexico in an attempt to use the situation. but the mexican government has also to pressure from the human rights organizations that are already very critical of mexican tactics to improve migration. house journalist sandra, vice, speaking to us from puebla and mexico. and our large protests of again being held in argentina's capital over sweeping economic reforms and deregulation measures present. javier miller, a has invited to transformed argentina's ailing economy and drastically reduced
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state spending. since he took office, the currency has plunged on food prices have shop define damon springs has filled the streets of wind aside. a 1000 protesting, sweeping resumes from president. how the new government order plans to change all scratch move in 350 economic regulations. unions claim it will road work and consumer protections of those protesting risk. having the government a payments kept. if they block, refuse the workers fundamental rights are being violated in argentina, they're attacking or wages. the people are being denied the right to
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protest. brutal adjustments that will affect for the union's head cold on june. teen is quotes to intervene and block malays decree. their appeal was rejected by a judge who knows that the order ahead get to take effect is should you to do so on friday meal, i signaled his economic plans during his election campaign using a chain store to highlight the cot cmt needed to make that many protesters via the impacts they will have the decree takes away good services and the possibility of growth from society. and it will even end up taking food from people's tables. at the end, speaks of the degree include an end to automatic payments and increases restrictions on the right to strike. and the privatized sanction of some public companies. the nice initiatives have disapprove of origin team,
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is business association. with that you are all up to date for more news. you can of course, head over to our website and our youtube channel. i'm one of whom all in berlin. thanks so much for taking. take care the get ready for an exciting out until you full of surprises. i'm shutting down and i'm ready to dive into the house of human is due to us, the hughes funding. we have you as a one does not delete this or port of this card via included in the us on the vehicle. this proffer and the an expected size of life enjoyed was.


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