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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the spots this proffer and unexpected size of life enjoyed the . this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin is really intensifies. it's war and gaza saying it could go on for months. but as the army pushes ahead, many are asking what happens once the funding is over. some is remedies who formerly lived in gaza, say they hope to return to the strip. plus north korea as a leader, orders the military to ramp up. preparations for war came, john accused as the united states of making unprecedented confrontational moves
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entails his generals to bolster their war. read the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. guns is him. us run health ministry says at least 50 people have been killed in this really airstrikes on thursday in various locations across the territory. one of the latest strikes took place in their l. balop. emergency crews rushed to the scene to extinguish fires in several houses. this comes after suspect it is really our strikes stripped. the city of con eunice on wednesday goes ez health industry says at least 20 people died in those dr. israel is intensifying its operations in southern and central goes against the melting is almost group him us, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by the you and the united states.
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deductible is rising. non stop as israel intensifies, it strikes, pushing into central and southern gaza. the homeless run health ministry says over 21000, had been killed. the vast majority of guidance are displaced gets johnson construction around it. i see that the unlimited buildings are destroyed. this is not a water and we get to genesis on it. it's more than one. we can't even describe it to the product. the war has left much of gaza in ruins, destroying nearly one in 5 buildings. and there's no end in sight set on eliminating him us israel's much reset. it is expanding its ground defensive and released footage, showing its elite troops and gaza. let me have some of the
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findings taking place in a complex area. i got unique, therefore the world will continue for many more months. i mean, i work with different methods, all called us at the we can hold onto our achievement for a long time. don't show, no. gosh, i said, you show me a nose and a month on the other side in jerusalem. the former is rarely subtler hopes. the long term plan will also include her return to gaza. she was forced to leave the strip nearly 2 decades ago when israel withdrew all its security forces and settlements. yes, smith. there is a deep emotional tension at the height because deep inside we dream of returning there by to this is our home. but during know what will happen. and that's my. the return of his rarely settlers to gaza is not part of israel's plan so far. but
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some here say it needs to be part of israel strategy to maintain long term rule is the not talking about it's got me is really governmental. but this is something that can happen because there might be no choices. the audio still have to move and gaza in any case, you can't prove if you don't have settlements, that when it is still not clear who exactly would govern a postwar, gaza for what israel's plan is for lasting peace. journalist semi circle is in jerusalem. i asked him if these really government has a plan for goes after the war ends. well, i can tell you that the chief of staff of the military, the head of the most of the heads of the security services the shooting. but all of them, they wanted the cabinet to sit and to discuss this issue of the day after. but nathaniel has been so far pushing these questions is they've been saying to was into this. i
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me out of the americans. they want to hear the americans. they've been pushing, they want to know what's going to happen today after they, after, after the blue good. the secretary of state will be coming in to the region and visit the israel next week. he will definitely raise this issue from san antonio. we've heard that he doesn't want to see him gaza a how much time he does not look to see a flip dash that is talking about this. the move in the controls, the policy in the far t. and the question is a, when a ruler they say area. 2 apparently, the plan that usually came out from what was the government ministers and was promoted fine if i'm, you know, i do is to push the residential goes into the sign i egypt that is now not on the table external, a semi circle. so moving onto the occupied westbank,
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at least one post indian has been killed there and is really army rage. and that's according to the policy and health industry. in the city of ramallah, most of cocktails and other project jobs were thrown. it is really military vehicles. clashes between is rarely forces and palestinians, also damage buildings and some shops. this comes as opinion polls show palestinian support for from us is growing in the west bank. the same polls indicate that the palestinian authority which governs in the territory, is losing support. a pro how most rally in the occupied westbank for years. few people in the palestinian territory supported the group which is recognized as a terrorist organization or the you and the us. 3 months of war have changed that in september, support from us was just 12 percent in the west bank and 38 percent in gaza. but in
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december that support rose to 44 percent in the west bank and 42 percent engaged. the pulling and gaza was conducted by palestinian political scientist. colleagues, she khaki mainly in person during the ceasefire. earlier this month. reaching people by telephone in the besieged territory is almost impossible. of the poll also shows that much more the boss, the leader of the palestinian authority, which officially governs the west bank, is extremely unpopular, only 11 percent approve of him. meanwhile, the war has also brought an increase intentions and violence between is rarely security forces. settlers and palestinians in the west bank, further radicalize in the population there, many of whom sea gardens as heroes and say how mosque was right to attack israel. the us, i said it and visions of postwar future where the palestinian authority governs guys. as far as how i'm asking is popularity, the idea of a guys run by the pa seems less and less viable. so city in general is housing
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pollution tells us more about the reasons behind the growing support for from us in the west bank. it's not easy to judge a to run play because the despite hold the bowls, of course it's obvious that the picking of the farm us in, in the west bank is increasing and particularly you'll see a is decreasing. but it's important to mention that the loss of nixon was held in the ballistic into these was a 2006. and how much wouldn't that election for the majority of the seats of the apartment? one of the main reason is how much is gaining uh, uh, the, the, the literacy is the vision which is that we are talking about to, to regions of the listing to rivals for, to face believing piece process as the way to establish the student's state. why and how much believing in arms struggled as the way and why there was
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a did it block off of the piece process. so the other side is gaining. talk to us about the palestinian authority. it has suffered a dramatic loss of trust among palestinians in the west bank. any ideas why that is or? well, this is not recent. um, as i just mentioned, that the be a lowe's or fat to close the election in 2006 because of many reasons. and the, the main reason is the politic and when the 2nd is the economy, that the a is not able to pay the salaries because of his or 80 deduction as of the real estate in money or the taxes that deliver to the post damian authority is really dating cajuns last night. there were several, these are weighted incursions across the west bank from my line loaded. and janine paper on bethlehem, dr. him other cities and they are wrists and didn't develop the thing.
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and people in, in the west bank don't see that the be a or fact that he's doing enough to protect him or to feed them. so what, so what does this leave gaza and it's been his people, the is really military vote. let him us retain power there, but dozens with not wealth in the palestinian authority. there either the that's the question. it's not easy to say. and to talk about dell as of right now, if you ask people on the ground from gallagher directly, they would say we would, we would see anybody, but we need some work over. this is the main need they want in gaza. the don't see the e a or fat to an a as a survivor because or the rescuer because the suffered from them. i mean, and how much one the election before. how mice,
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where was they are for 17 years. how much is deep and, and close to them, and they have, it's an ideological movement. the work hard be close to the people wide fact to and to be a band. it does or many people and for public servants, despite that to be a gift of being there, send the ways the ones who used to work before how must a for, for in 2007, but a many of them, but they were fired for their salaries where deducted it over the years, so they, they didn't see that practice is doing enough for them and, and as a wible, so i would summer it up that the, the, the, the game will start work of come us, one of the main factors that the absence of the wible infected didn't fill that gap . doesn't thank you very much. that was posted in journalist husband boucher stu, north korea now where
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a leader conjunction has ordered his country to accelerate war preparations. kim claims the decision which includes the nuclear weapon sector is needed to counter what he calls unprecedented confrontational moves by the united states. he made the comments of his country's end of year party meeting, where he also laid out economic goals for next year. and it's all more on this, let's talk to dw, correspond to james change here, who's following a story for us from type a james, north korea state news agency says kendral own has directed the country's defense sector to quote, further, accelerate more preparations. what does that mean? in practical terms, as well as far as we know so far, it's not exactly say what's north or is explicitly meaning with this new statement . of course we had what you just mentioned that the north korea wants to accelerate the countries, munitions, military and in nuclear weapons capabilities accelerates kind of offense on all of
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these funds. but, you know, we ought to look really to the recent contacts of what know chris been doing with the other ministry capacities and capabilities to really get a sense of what we might be looking at a has in the coming year. of course we recently in the last month or so, the problem is the continental ballistic missile north of cost on $18.00, the so which japanese officials of course, that was able taste anywhere on us territory. and of course used to have any of this month. the launch of the spice satellites, which north create a claim, so if with no bids and his claims was able to take pictures of both depends the going and the white house. so we can really expect north korea to be kind of trying to develop size divided capabilities, sorry. and in that vein. and then also another really important point to make here with this latest readout from kim join, is that he's saying that he wants to develop size and expand collaboration with countries that he describes the n c imperialist. again, not really much specifics on exactly what he means that,
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but from the recent context we can infer that it, he's likely meaning expanding ties with russia and china rusher. of course, this ally they've shown young has been developing ties with over the past couple of months and it's understood according to us intelligence. so i've shown young has been providing most guys with a munition for it's ongoing and vision of your credit. and so that's really why we'd like you to see collaboration going um in the coming months as well. james, thank you very much. that was the w correspondent, james trader. let's take a look at a couple of other headlines making a news around the world today. thousands of mortars have gathered in iran's capital . take her on for the funeral of one of the country's top generals, she said, rosie, most savvy, the run says he was killed in his really air strike on the syrian capital damascus on monday. israel has not commented directly on the strike, but iran has vowed revenge. a driver trapped in his truck for
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6 days after a crash has been found by 2 fishermen. looking for fishing holes, the 2 men spotted the wreckage under a highway bridge in the us state of indiana. the driver, who is now in an intensive care, had been pinned to his seat for almost a week following the crush. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april . hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening to.


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