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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 5:15pm-5:31pm CET

5:15 pm
valuables and absolutes, daniel went to thank you very much for coming in from our business desk. and that brings you up to date on holding use. and business here on dw used fixed up on dw, a performance of the valet romeo and juliet from my home side. of queensland, australia, events is old and collaborative sense will have your book useful, takes down the eastern spring and do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping porters those nonsense. i wonder my son to the doctor. joe in
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the clubs. it's time to, to get your generation with a sleep asked. and then when generations flash dogs, january 14th on dw, is kind of fun. it feels like therapy, the hello, your friends. my name is yolanda alabama. i'm a conductor and i come from mexico. the live stormy, anything extraordinary people all over the world. i'm just simply lots of fun, friends. i am with so for lee making were making thousands dumplings with all my mother's recipe or your mother's recipe. so dumplings with malice left out the
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i want you to tell me, well, we do this 1st, why you love cooking and when you cook, i don't understand how he has time to cook because he's the are just the director of the crease. one violet. i use very the see all the time fund raising, directing, so he does as is what to do and running a huge company very successfully the
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when i was a young boy, my mother cooked all the meal in the family for, for 7 sods, which we were going to such a really peasant life in china. food is one of the most special things in the chinese culture. and the for my mother is really what she cooks, bosses her way of life. and we have to really cut them a small you can do so i can do that. yeah. do that for a spreadsheet shop. lot this product that you have. yeah. so i'll give you that. okay, great. so
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then ultimately we piece meat, which i marinate support with ginger and to top of sole source and green onions. so this being marinated for a safe this morning. the thing was, as long as i give you, cause i'm yours camelia. mila. assemble and assemble as some of them, but when no one was in bed or a 1000. and then like i said,
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the last couple of the 11 ones as goes okay. it says when it goes, it says a couple of couple of the say, yeah, come on that side of me now. most of premier uh like the regular guess, like when the queens and same for nicholas queens on pallets he the don't forget the, this was this the as soon as i'm a one of the sent that and that and i sent over i c n c to me, my pleasure i could do about those is a pretty man that's the length of this movie. see and maybe stuff, isn't they usually elizabeth those levels that again i think when i became a doctor that isn't that there's a lot of that myself. i'm familiar with events and services is going to the assessing simpler for what i would say on the, the 20th, the 20th that i'm saying. when know if so it's young, mcmillan's version a part of me and who not last, but soonest. in my head, most of it, but i mean i'm a heart a who and i would see on could look at i want it all, most people go 5th k, k,
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u e like audio. and i see, yeah, a little said look as to why deal that meant that goes to can be now, but i gave, it sits on the phone and when i said piece jesus, and now we're angry being could i even if i paid the he it that and whom popularity gets a little like letting us way, nickel instead of going via a just us but on the stuff up i'm going to sonya of ok. in setup for my the e. c said who did that for the or not, not. and then with that, i think a, you like even with the, the, the, the process up when the and po's up and that is the lower of them, like what are the most economical want us to be at. school supposes wonder, most of them say some will see him play up and then like audio and the a basic i'm in the process but he made a lot more. he said, i'm gonna see go e. well, now i can also tell him when i go to the f b, i can send a quickbook. yeah, pull him was a the c to a. so then i guess that i came up with,
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so you've got a pasta. welcome. and i sent to a level see got walk. you said i thought i gave a see it. so we have total mass, a called the knowledge that most toyota being when somebody come with the benefit there. let me take a look at the squint. that's the thing when i buy them before i left them the way it works from now, i think that's what's on the bottom piece of data and so long again, nothing, nothing hit on a normal a say not. then you go to the bathroom. lobby's gum. ha, i filled out my left ear not night, then they can look almost level level of i don't obviously, so call me boss. yeah. kind of. so that's like a library. i can contest some content, but i see so you know, when you go from lab and does it look as a bundled and combined, i could have got copies on the interface about bailey copies in a cop pod. i have a sample of hindus, obviously some 3 is pretty young because they are getting income daily for them. and i mostly got the money and i've been on competitive funding heavy so you have
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to, if authentic, i'm pretty go that okay, what kinds of programs do we want to do? they said to us to come on that as the most the think of going low lowest content or some largest, but it always has on my own, they'll say face or his own background or his own like you on the i was just some heat on the a, as in dog though, a dimple. combat the sophia's flower though a might. wow. how did you make that to single with the normal no separated
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flower so and then i use hot water. so, for those of you who don't know the story of lee, he grew up in china. it's $77.00 children, and you started dancing. and then your tests advised miles, uh well ladies, ladies. yeah, yeah. mazda announced by god academy. and then you, you went on the scholarship, just use them as the students. right. yeah. so i was trained for 7 years as a facing task. and it was the training was amazing, was just very disciplined. but it is the famous russian background, which is the best way to put you stop locking or yeah. or you can you call and all that. and then uh, when i graduated i was considered one of the top graduates. i was 18. then i was selected to go to one of the 1st cultural exchange students,
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scholarships to be awarded to go to america. you went to houston, i wasn't used in thousands of issues and by and then in the process of i found out and then i married it though. she was my 1st law and her name was liz elizabeth. and today now part of the time is kaufman and houston a given permits. so he subsequently helped me hostage advertise consummate houston the 21 hours on even most of the joys that terrible deal. it was a big scaffold because was a huge scandal. so a buffer push was on the board of the issues involved at the time. i was with issues in the body. and then uh uh, so her husband was the boss present at the time of the come the actually the home base was houston. yes. all right, so that was the reason really uh,
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the white house was involved and the bushes and even ronald reagan was the president of the time was involved. and so, um and uh, uh, because the media was all the f b. i was all involved as well. so eventually the release gave me the freedom to with us in the west. what are you doing? i'm doing the price right now, and then you make some more round. and then, then i'm going to make them into pancakes. you wrote a book about your life. yes. how did you decide to right? oh, i was encouraged to buy my book. i never really want it to while story. and today not one of the old. the friends said to me that most horrible people hope and the coverage in life. and that was the reason, really, i, you know, also my wife said well, because when we go to the dinner parties, people ask me about my life story. i was say,
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one thing you can ask me questions. i'll be the one getting really hard in the, in the day of or not. and embarrassing the way, if you want to book the people who stop boss of credit to get it and read the book . so you may know the poor for software, some fillings in there. uh huh. and uh put that in the middle like a little tackle. yeah. and then i squeeze that on one side and i squeeze that on the other side. and i squeeze that in the middle. that's a little, don't know much that's. that's good. that's good. yeah. yeah. so let me do that and you can follow me. so you put it back in the middle, middle. yeah, squeeze. and then you form a little semi circle. uh huh. okay. what is the the mexican on the 26th the
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well uh. okay mary. yeah. should we take the best fuck the full well, thank you so much for posting us to learn how to talk to you on the list here. the music. yes. the
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and says the conflict. so with sarah kelly was slow progress in the counter offensive and winter setting, and there's a growing number of voices call me for a re think of what the priorities crane and how to achieve that from the berlin foreign policy. for i'm, i'm joined by ukraine's investors sandra alissa must have explained getting closer to being forced to consider health compromises conflict next on d. w. but we'll tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force. and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. o.
5:30 pm
we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. the slow progress and the counter offensive and winter setting in there is a growing number of voices calling for a re think of what the priorities should be in ukraine and how to achieve them on the special edition of conflicts. soon from the berlin foreign policy for him, i'm joined by ukraine's ambassador to germany or lexi my task. is ukraine getting closer to being forced to consider tough compromises invested or mccain? welcome to conflict. so thank you for me. there's been slow progress on the counter offensive and you're facing a lot of challenges including.


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