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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2023 11:00pm-11:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the new coming to live from berlin. the goal is a health ministry size is really strikes have killed johnson's of people across the strip today. one striking kills at least 20 in the town of darrow by law. as israel widens it's air and ground offensive against all coming up on the show, the u. s. approved spoke could be if last military aid package to ukraine. a deal include some $215000000.00 and military assistance to keep a spot additional funding will dry up unless us lawmakers can break a partisan deadlock. plus the tech,
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a giant apples for the big legal victory and us appeals court pauses and import van on apple watches, allowing the company to present most us sales the employ. richardson, welcome. the is rarely miller trees. again intensifying it's air and ground offensive. and gaza strikes on thursday killed at least 50, polished indians as well presses its military campaign against him. off considered a terror group by many countries. over 21000 people have been killed and gaza. according to the most run health ministry, most of the population has also been displaced of the aftermath of another strikes on the man. as the refugee camp in central garza, much of the site is in ruins. some residents still buried under rubble.
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others have flood, trying to escape the bonding. they told us to go to russia, but we don't want to. why should we to going to live in the streets the, the entire neighborhood here was evacuated. as more people leave their homes in search of shelter, many end up in make shift camps overcrowded and without running water. daily life is a constant struggle page with all the wall, enough of the pain, enough of the hung up of the hosting home with hired of everything in his life. and that does nothing for basic needs. it's difficult to make dogs to wash clothes. we have to bring water to drink and to wash. we're all suffering mad that we need to buy, sign or treat house with girls and women, but we can't find any. we have to waste and loan cubes. so what supplies running
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low food prices are also storing. the un refugee agency has warned that 40 percent of guys as population is at risk of famine. some people can't even buy canned food because at the prices that are not 10 times higher than before. no matter where they go, guys, and say their lives are always at risk as the bombing doesn't kill them. they fear a slow death from hunger or disease. stephen ryan, from the international committee of the red cross is in rafa where nearly half of all gardens have fled. and he told me about what conditions are like there as well . they the same thing you see across rough uh each and every day become more and more uh, concerning uh,
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over the last couple of weeks we have seen tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people arriving rough, had to set up 10 pretence in places that aren't designed to hold large numbers of people who would have seen in the reports. us know that they the conditions in these places are not suitable. there isn't enough water and there isn't enough. uh, shelter material i there isn't enough sanitation. and certainly people also don't have enough access to foods, even if there is food in the market. you would have heard that most people can't afford us. so the conditions here in rafa are extremely dire. and they might of turn, organizations that are here, are struggling to be able to respond because we do not have enough relief supplies to be able to meet these needs. these situations, these places are not set up to receive large numbers of people. and each and every day, more and more people arrive and beyond those very immediate and basic needs. what are the health risks of having a so many people living in such high quarters?
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certainly you can imagine that for families that are looking after children, it's very difficult for them to be able to look after the hygiene needs of their children up and up, their whole family being able to look after their, their food, if they have any food to be able to keep in hygiene the conditions is difficult and also kind of so many people into such a small space during the winter. when people don't have enough blankets, we don't have enough shelter. this is something that because a without those have a serious impact on the health condition of people that i've had no choice but to come here in search of somewhere in the face. one of the areas that the ip york is focusing very strongly in is i'm trying to support the health system of a garza. we have a medical team that's here working in one of the hospitals and we deliver these items to hospitals, medical items including supplies, including essentially medication. but with the scale of displacements, with the number of people that are being squeezed into a very small area here in rafa, the likelihood of a more more people having graceful medical needs beyond the entries caused by the
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ongoing arms complex is something that we're extremely concerned about and indeed we're seeing at 85 percent of gardens displaced in the last 3 months. when the people you, you've been speaking to vera, how do they view their future and what it might hold for each and every day when i made a policy move across guys that they tell me of their fear from the ongoing, facing their uncertainty about what's going to come next because nobody knows what's going to come next. each day i needs people in the hospitals where we work, who are trying to look after a sick family members injured children. trying to think if there's opportunities for them to get specialists, medical treatments abroad. and right now, most people here in gaza or try their best to manage on a day to day basis. they have bigger concerns and the long term future about, you know, basic items like foods and water and where they're going to be able to sleep lice.
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but certainly what is needed here without those is the political response that leads to a rest flights for the people, the civilians who continued to be severely affected by this ongoing fighting. thank you again so much for making the time to speak with us about a steven ryan from the international committee of the red cross and gaza. can you take a look now at some other stories making news around the world's russian court has sentenced a writer to 7 years in prison for reciting a poem against the war. and ukraine arched on come march and was arrested during an anti mobilization, protesting september last year. he is accused police officers of torturing him in detention. the down your river has overflowed its banks and the hungarian capital. buddha passed, reaching its highest level in 10 years. docks and roadways have been flooded. some businesses along the river were shots and street cars cancelled. the danube is expected to return to normal levels by the weekend. ukrainian officials say
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a civilian cargo ship struck a russian line, while sailing through the black sea, 2 crew were injured. the vessel was collecting grain from the southern ukrainian port of a smile to the us government has approve what could be its final package of military aid to ukraine. the deal is worth up to $215000000.00. president joe biden has made supporting ukraine against russia key priority. but republicans in congress have insisted they won't authorize any more funding unless democrats agree to stricter measures to limit migration german government for its part has made clear that it hopes the us won't abandon its backend for ukraine. because in the vital, just as we welcome to the front of going us support for ukraine and looking ahead to we trust that the u. s. will continue to support ukraine. so as president biden has announced, you know, all of i talked with our correspondence on your phone,
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a car, and keith told me more about what could be the last us a package for ukraine when it is pretty significant. this has been welcome to a residence uminski uh to this uh, you know, welcome to us and said it would be uh, ukraine's most pressing military needs. now we've already heard of a shortage of minute munition affecting ukraine's frontline operations with you know, ultimately cruise a saying that no need to ration shows. there's also another component in this package which is all about a defense of munitions which is also very significant. just this week, we saw rochelle launch renewed by roger of june attacks on cities like what they saw and had phone and uh, and, and causing you to kind of a, that's an damage to infrastructure. and so you create and of course, you know, kind of intercepting the, i'm sure things on these drones before they hit the targets means that goes to these, a defense munitions quite false. but of course, there is concern you about the wavering western age ukrainian officials of said they planned to ramp up domestic production of weapons. next deal that would into
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long range splice tones, which the queen has been using to strike far behind enemy lines. for example, your targets russian worships in the black sea, give us a sense of what exactly is at stake here. if the u. s. and does stop sending aid, how much of a blow would that be for ukraine's ability to defend itself? what i think many, unless you're agreed that if you know it was a got my ukraine's because. but if you buy code, that is the us could potentially have a debilitating impact on your queen's ability to defend themselves. and i think the most immediate concerned, of course, is the impact on frontline operations in the east and the salt where you know, both ukraine and russia have struggled to achieve any significant break too much. we will equipped russian troops on the attack in, in many places in terms of width. and i think unless think that if there is no additional ukraine could start running out of long range from besides a defense besides an admission and back remains
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a huge concern to have these correspondence. sonya found a car for us and keith, thank you so much for recording there. and americans good once again by the latest apple watches after the tech company filed an emergency appeal, sales of the series, 9 and altered to smart watches were halted in the us over a patton ro, medical devices from massimo accused awful of poaching. its staff and technology, the white house refused to overturn a ban on sales and imports, and i made an emergency request. the us court of appeals, which succeeded in getting the band lifted. so just talk us through all that and help us understand. we have daniel window from our business desk here with me in the studio. hi, daniel. tell us more. what does this successful emergency appeal mean for apple? of course, is good news to apple isn't. it can now import watches into the us is apple watch, which of course is made abroad and they can sell them. now again to now it has pre
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emptive li, taking them off the shelves and stop selling it and its own online store a few days ago. so that was a period where absolutely was not selling watches in the us. and jp morgan, the investment banking in the us, estimated the if this continued, then they could have lost up to $5000000000.00. now that sounds a lot, it is a lot, but that's only one percent of apples annual revenue that it makes them selling it's devices. so i'm, yeah, it would have been this thing that's for sure. the, the worst bit that comes out of this though, is that it's a kind of a own goal that usually you expect apple to be able to get ahead of these kinds of things and stop them before they happen. so would have been an unnecessary loss either way. yeah, take us back a step. this isn't quite unusual. how did the dispute get to the point where the apple watch was being taken off of shelves? quote, massimo says that it's paid to to blood ok, submit to technology measures. the oxygen levels in your blood is included in these watches. now costs apple disputes that it says that it hasn't been infringed,
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any kind of patient rights from massimo. but the us itc, which is the international trade commission, disagreed. it says, okay, you, that's a oppose this found essentially. and, you know, you'd expect apple would have seen all of its potential options on the table. it could pay licensing fees to my so it could have settled over this particular dispute. it could even just buy my same oh, entirely. it has enough money. it has well over a $160000000000.00 in cash, just lying around behind the sofa. so there's plenty of options on the table, but it didn't do any of those in that let's this impulse stopped. so why it couldn't come to any of those particular conclusions? we're not so sure. no, i understand this isn't perhaps the last we've heard of best as a big test is still ahead. what can you tell us? yeah, so apple is slow waiting for a ruling in the middle of january from u. s. customs and border protection. it's made some changes to the wants of
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proposals of changes to the watches, which would avoid this alleged patent infringement. and this ruling will come, like i said, of middle of january. and then we'll find out if we can simply give a cell these watches. again, in this renewed form without infringing the page. and so the big question is as to whether apples watches will keep ticking will only time will tell then help from the data to your business. thank you so much for that. and the annual city to hobart yacht race has ended in one of the closest finishes in the history of this in a toria. sweet difficult sailing challenge loc connects across the finish line in tasmania for one day, 19 hours, 3 minutes and 58 seconds defending champions. commentary finished just 51 seconds behind as the race came down to the final 15 meters. the winter of the overall handicap titled probably won't be known for several days. when you're watching the news before we go quick reminder of our top story. demoss run health ministry and
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gaza says at least 50 people think kills and renew gays. really air strikes, israel's, as its force is also carried out. raising the occupied west bank are resting palestinians allegedly involved in financing and that is your use uptake. thank you so much for watching the so either insane and do the same way too big 6 and one different things from life than your parents do i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is those nonsense, i wonder if my son to read i'm a doctor to.


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