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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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says kind of funny, it feels like therapy the . this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin because the health industry says, is really military strikes have killed dozens of people across the strip in the past 24 hours. one strikes kills at least 20 in rough or near the southern border with egypt. as israel widens, is aaron ground defense if against from us, and is real issues a stern warning to 11 on saying it will ramp up up military operations long as northern border. if the militant group has block continues by ring broke into is
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the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us is really forces have intensified their attacks in the gaza strip, killing dozens of civilians. israel's military campaign against a mazda is gradually shifting to the south of the strip, where hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians have fled from us is and is with miss middleton group. considered a terrorist organization by many countries, including the u. s. and e. u. a warning, this report contains graphic adventures. a frame dick search for survivors. in the aftermath of an issue strike on an apartment in process in kansas, sell an engine baby to is among those clues from the
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wreckage to risk. it was races to hospital, the width of the injured children are arriving the we escape from northern gather and a standing at my sister's house. we came here to rosa and then they hit the neighbor's house which collapsed on to us. we came from the north because they said we'd be safe here. i wish we'd be much, they hadn't least hadn't come here. move an easy to seem to have guns estimated to being forced from the homes. now israel strikes are intensifying impact areas with meaning. we're told they'd be sending israel has consumed was responsible for a christmas eve strike on most as the refugee camp. it said it quote,
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regrets at the home close to uninvolved civilians for the bombing which killed death. while many is riley support to worry fits the rod growing pools for an into the blood sheet with hundreds of arabs and israelis rarely. and to give the intel of ease the both people induce people standing together. we live here to get together as i do believe is a peaceful muslims, jews, christians. this is everybody's the only solution is to read nice the titles to life, read of the diesel from the finding them gas has now passed 21000
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people. most of them women and children, according to the home us run helpful far to of the now to northern israel. and israel says time is running out to reach a negotiated solution to the escalating fighting on its border there with 11 on since the beginning of the war and gaza. there had been repeated confrontations between his rarely forces and the lebanese militant group. has paula in this border region with deaths and injuries on both sides. these picture shows rarely strikes on hezbollah targets. on wednesdays, security sources said that his boulder had fired more rockets and weaponized drones than it had in a single in any single day since the classes began. the use of us all cuss charlie the joins as from the lebanese border from the lebanese capital bay route, rather about how dangerous is the situation there at the border between is really
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and level. so good morning, the situation and quite the list of the so, so when is a l or a tuesday night and there are more and more now fires and messiahs talking, i was trying to get things to both sites and on the board the some of the border and lebanese border and there is 2 of these is for this escalation, one over that. the reason is that the attacking i'm killing one over the has belong numbers. and to 2 of his family by a and a or as to i guess i is to, i can talk to the the, the, his home and because you paid the is, looks like um, uh the but it seems not far from the uh, quick cost because of assassination of the uh you, honey and cheated out and the most, cuz uh, some days ago. so i, you need it on the claims or somebody and they are disposable of, uh for this,
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a assessing nation. and meanwhile, unofficial, and they un peacekeeping forces the tests of what i did the cell phone awfully. been on since 1978 and i closed our lives and he's also, i'll sort of cease to investigate the officer. one of the troops was one day, it's sort of in the country. so if things do escalate that, that border between israel and 11 on what sort of implications could that have smoke? there is something they call to tell to live in on code of the orders of engagement . it's and to refer to the, to the complex community conference between principal and the end is right. and the, till now there is a, the both sides try to keep this kind of rules of engagement. in fact, military rules of engagement, but in many and it also shows and to people in the been on
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calling has, will know to escalate father. the situation with is are in because the situation a little bit on is quite complicated to the right to know. so the situation is certainly been on is quite and so i think quite complicated to other people are looking for a more piece at the moment. bus, thank you very much. that was the w. a bus kashodi in beirut. welcome. you, what? let's take a look. now some of the stories making headlines today, the us state of pain has barred former present. donald trump, from taking part in the states upcoming primary elections. lawmakers called for trump to be disqualified over his role in the attack on the us capital in 2021. trump is expected to appeal the ruling. u. s. military is secretive robot space
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plane has launched from cape canaveral in florida on its 7th commission. for the 1st time, the space plane has been launched, the top of space x rocket, which can put it into a higher orbit. dependent go on, has revealed to details about permission site visitors. separation, confirm russian court has set is a writer to 7 years in prison for reciting a poem against the war in ukraine. archie on com, i, dean was arrested during an anti mobilization protest in september last year. he has accused police officers of torturing him in detention now to the war in ukraine, which has led nato to reevaluate security, especially on its eastern plank with russia. germany's recent announcement of a permanent troop deployment in the region is just one such change that we use. terry schultz reports the russians war on ukraine,
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made nato take another look at moscow and in the mirror, resulting in the biggest reconfiguration of the alliance. since the soviet union crumbled more than 30 years ago, the new plans were approved it nato's building a summit in july, we took the major decisions so to adopt reliance for the future. we agreed the naples, most of the details on the bus, the defense band, since the cold war, defense plans that look like those from the cold war, dividing alliance territory and to regional commands. outlining extraordinary operational detail in thousands of highly classified pages. it's kind of how many ships do you need to. ready how many soldiers do you need there? then of course you take it down below that, and then you get into the real nitty gritty of how you would move the ship to right . and how you would move the soldiers around how you would we supply in great detail, all the sorts of things that you would expect to have in place where they have
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a need where they ever need it. just have plans and vision. 300000 troops could move to nato's border with russia. within 30 days. one big change may seem painfully obvious, but wasn't automatic. identifying russia by name as the alliance is main adversary, any opportunity to not consider russia as an enemy is being lost. but what we've seen in ukraine in the very fact that we've written it quite clean, you know, clearly, and it's being, it's being used in our documentation. this political shift is huge for the alliance . finally, allowing open strategizing about how to beat it's most likely. opponent says military analyst alexander muscle are there is a much higher degree of detail that is available for military planners up to, to work with in terms of exercising, in terms of planning and, and thinking through the campaign design. despite the political differences among allied governments that come out in other places here at nato's military
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headquarters in mullins belgium, admiral blount says everyone's on the same page. but will that change now that they've got $4000.00 new pages of plans to implement each l? i will be required to provide specific capabilities, equipments troops, and to keep them in a high degree of readiness. this will be expensive, and some governments aren't yet even close to spending the 2 percent of g d, p on defense. it's now a minimum expectation. still admiral blount and says, do you none of us approval of the plans demonstrates unwavering unity within nato. and we haven't seen anything, but that seemed a few claim as being illegally invited by russia. professor model are says, it's important that the agreement has been formalized and writing on paper. you, you have, that's that consensus there, that, that nato machinery can, can build on. even if in practice he notes, there's still a handful of allies, less than fully committed to their new responsibilities, not who are says rushes,
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actions are a constant reminder of the risk of not doing so. and dw, as terry shall to file. that report told us that nato is actually looking to the past as a re shapes its defenses. for infection me, nato's for we're looking plans, actually look more like the way the alliance positioned itself during the cold war . in the sense that you needed more equipments and more troops, pre positioned along the front line, closer to the russian border. and that's what they're going to do. now. they're really going to put a spotlight on what research sources they have and where and how quickly they could move if needed. if russia actually posed more of a physical threat to nato territory, that means every country is going to have to literally say, how many ships it has, how many tanks it has, how many troops it has, how quickly can they move? and that's going to make nato a lot more practically able to move should it shouldn't have to. and now,
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for course, in hopes that this is a deterrent effect. and then it doesn't actually have to go to work with russia. but as i mentioned in my report, for the 1st time, they're naming russia as the most likely threat to nato territory. and they're also getting ready for just how russia, wages war, parts of northern and central europe are on alert for more flooding. following heavy rains, rivers have burst their banks and many areas. flooding homes and prompting evacuations forecasters warranty worst could be yet to come. water levels in the elbow river are nearly 6 meters above normal and still rising. europe got stuck with a rainy christmas, and the unwanted gifts are piling up. the low lying netherlands have planned for events like this and prepared accordingly. a lot of the sales, really the lots has been invested in recent years to make reading for the river and up. yes, it is that high go uh,
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but it can still be okay. kind of stays good. and what's the, when you flooding, let villages cut off by water. students returning home for christmas reach their homes by boat flooding and central germany costs christmas evacuations. some residents were forced to leave their homes. the worst is still expected near the eastern city of dresden authorities. have declared the 2nd highest alert level on the river elbow. waters are set to peak 6 meters above normal. upstream in the czech republic, high waters on the elbows stuck his boat under a bridge. hello, this is the law, so we secure the boats with the steel cables so that if there was a release, it would cause have it somewhere further down the bad. further south in hungary, the danube river has overflowed its banks and the capital, budapest, reaching its highest level in 10 years. docks and roadways have been flooded as
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conditions normally associated with spring time hit early. well the reason i remember big floods but not in december and december. the danube used to freeze. i remember when i was very young, the ice around the chain bridge from that to be broken off with explosive sol bumped on the kid. i figured out the danube is expected to return to normal levels by the weekend of more rain is forecasts for parts of northern europe, including germany, and the coming days. thanks for watching the vacation as an applicant. do they have the weather? i went, i told me that they don't have violence do this, and we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that we set up here. let me know medical people are stuck with caldwell on the tenants, although i so not because the.


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