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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the way you use my from, but in russia launch is a massive aerial assault on ukraine. rockets had several cities across the country, including the capital case, hold on a dozen and people of dad in the not just air attack, incomes, and the when one's a 150000 people in guns, i have no way to go. israel is intensifying air and ground. defensive has been driving desperate families to the south for this trip. but nowhere in concert we say
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the i've been physical and welcome. at least the 18 people have been killed in many more injured in what you training and officials say is the biggest russian air results. since the standard civil government says both and $150.00 missiles and drones struck cities nationwide heating vinyl infrastructure, industry and military facilities, and inflicting widespread damage. a desperate attempt to find devises tombstone dropped the final question, attacked in property. sure. just one of many in what you clean scrolling, the biggest data source since the beginning of the one bit devastating is it's on it's we're in the southern city of for desa motor homes destroyed production selling and in the eastern 50 of the pro, strikes, skimmed,
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and wounded civilians, shinning, also destroying this mo, done the defaults, berkeley. finally it allowed in the area of drawing may need to evacuate. it was very like, it had never happened before since the beginning of the war. a 1st thing was blown away. windows and doors were smashed, lots of the biggest strikes, hit think the shopping center with emergency choose the. i'm going to find those missing and destruction also in the western city of lives. peace, federal homes and schools have been destroyed while there's a lot of damage in the den residential buildings. practically, all of them are damage in one day. in some old windows blew out doors about our communities who is blown into pieces. these images are from the catholic, a keys,
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a warehouse burned down by russian strikes. in the early hours, many took shelter in the metro station waiting for the end of the shelling. cleaning of the should see the manage to intercept more than 18 marseilles in around 30 jones. but russia sees or targets were hit of domestic attacks has left many in shock. ukraine sees after this bombardment, any doctor for to spit moscow, appears to be impossible. the commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces says this was russia's largest attack from the yeah, since the sound of the war dw, so you found the casual to that's, that's right, been, i mean, this is a really huge, a coordinated attack across the country. i am actually standing here in the for the district in keys and behind me you can probably see this warehouse stuff is still smoldering. the smoke building in the air, which we know is that this warehouse belongs to
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a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical company instance hits earlier this morning. by a messiah that will work as inside. when that happened, people sort of said that it looks like a directive given the extent of the damage bottom, the building has collapse. that people is trapped under the rubble. there's. this is really strong. oh i was, i couldn't smell in the it kind of smells like chemicals on file and the search and rescue operation, as you can probably see, is still going on people of the me, of cuba. so 2 people are now confirmed to have been killed. 4 people have been rescued from the level of the 28 people now conformed injured, many of them are hospitalized. but as i said, the search and rescue operation continues because of the teams. you'll feel that people off to top under the trouble that i'm any emergency teams and the fire services field on stand by. and the lot of people who are really visibly in shock. and so do i mentioned this several cities without good at across the country. that's good,
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i mean reports are still coming in off of the exact number of casualties and, and, and you know, damage to infrastructure and facilities is really from across the country. and authorities here are really kind of bracing those, those expecting that or to rise in some places. we're joining off the eastern city of neutral where the mayor of has said 5 people and i'll confirm did 25 people interested in the rockets of tech. a love, even the west 15 people have been insured in the tax earlier today and i believe was also targeted by a barrage of attack. jones, the shot head drones. where um, the premiums here, you know, debris of its own is that was shut down by the defense is a highlight, residential building and the building was a fire. we saw footage audio, people getting evacuated from there. so really kind of a rim, uh, picture of ben this morning across your clean dw correspondence on you found a guy in key. thank you very much for bringing us up to date let's. let's take a look now at some of the other stories from around the world. the us state of
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maine has bod, former president, donald trump, from taking under the upcoming crime rate. will make us go for trump to be disqualified over his world and the attack on the capital in 2021 is expected to appeal to the link. a problem adaptive is to campaign for independence for hong kong is seeking political asylum in britain. tony chung was among the 1st to be convicted under a sweeping national security though imposed by badging. following pro democracy protests in 2019 the u. n. has was the 150000 people in guns. i have no way to go. as israel widens, it's as c and ground defensive against homeless classified a 10 recruit by many countries, thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children, were killed in a new wave of is running the strength of a nice attacks have driven tens of thousands south to the city of rafa on the egyptian border, the no way in garza is considered safe. a warning this report contains graphic
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images a friend dick search for survivors. and the aftermath of an issue strike on an apartment in russia and gas is sell. an injured baby to is among those clues from the wreckage to risk. it was races to hospital. the width of the injured children are over. i think the we escaped from northern gather and a standing at my sister's house. we came here to rosa and then they hit the neighbor's house which collapsed on to us. we came from the north because they said we'd be safe here. i wish we'd be much, they hadn't least hadn't come here. move an easy to seem to have gas estimated to being forced from the homes. now israel
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strikes are intensifying and impact areas would meaning would told it'd be sending israel has consumed was responsible for a christmas eve strike on because the refugee camp it said it quote, regrets at the home close to uninvolved civilians for the bombing which killed death. while many is riley support to worry fits the rod growing pools for an into the blood sheet with hundreds of arabs. and his rang these rarely and to give the intel of these the both people induce people standing together. we live together as i do believe we can. we really muslims, jews, christians,
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this is everybody's the only solution is to read nice. the titles to light read of the diesel from the finding them gas that has now passed 21000 people. most of them women and children, according to the homeless run, helpful, far too young people are among the most vulnerable in gaza. so 10 year old nadine left kansas city with a family off today who was destroyed. now the make shift accommodation and rafa has come under attack. where am i supposed to go? children, raquel to 26 people were killed here. i'm terrified. i'm scared and the thought of me being killed or my but my other brother being killed just causing my mind it repeatedly. i really lost my older brother. i can't lose why he's younger brother. i have no,
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no one left. no one to look up to. this rail has repeatedly told people in gaza to move south for their own safety. that is the double use john phillip sholtes in jerusalem told me this next to no refuge to be found. yeah, it's definitely not safe anymore. and what we hear from the, from the young or we just saw and from so many of us so horrible that it's difficult to find words for it. it's, it's become a completely desperate situation for civilians in all parts of the gaza strip. of thousands of such a don't have died according to the u. n. and more than 80 percent has been displaced at the same time is really forces once more intensify. veritext, especially in the central and the southern part of the district and especially under tons of the fight. and if i'm eunice and a lot of people that's reflect the from the north cons, go back simply because everything, almost,
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everything is destroyed. also in the north and according to where you and figures a 2 thirds of the in the how the houses have been just destroyed. and we have to keep in mind, it's not only the fighting that is getting a lot of civilians, but also the desperate unitarian situations. a lot of people are facing hunger ends . there are harvest scenes taking place around the few of 8 convoys that are still managing to deliver age into the gaza strip and out report touched on that joint is running the palestinian valley and tele vs that they can do. tell us more or yeah, i mean the majority of the people here still in favor of work and framing the sudden it's on y'all's. popularity has decreased in the past weeks about the humanitarian situation in gaza. it's as less of a topic here in, in local media and many other countries. but there is a growing
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a peace movement. as you mentioned, i was at a protest yesterday, and there were at least a few 100 people present. and they said that they don't want to work or to continue, they would only be more ready colonization if it's continuous, they say, and that can only be a lasting, a real security for the people in the region. if there is peace, at least that's what they said at the protests, but it is among the minority, and most people here still in favor of the war and the objective to destroy on us, whatever it takes. c, w is down to look sholtes in jerusalem. europeans, a becoming increasingly pessimistic about the economic comp. look, a survey of you citizens shows 7 out of 10 think their standard of living will full in the coming year. but the block has been more resilient than many expected. the
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w's christine would find reports from brussels. the lights on the twinkling, but for many life indeed it feels like it's losing its shine. with the inflation everything good, good, higher. like the price of for living in a center. he has like at least 500 bucks. so hard if i want to get some great food, i know that i have to invest more than i did before. so that's something i'm to be concerned about because i still want to have high standards and statements. foods definitely feels like the sound of living is getting was i live in the u. k, but we have a lot of friends across europe, but we have the same thing for pretty much one of them. and most people don't expect things to improve. and opinion poll earlier this month showed 73 percent of kia pins, think their standard of living will go down in the next. yes. and full in 10 people says 8 in the same polls. say if they sometimes most of the time have difficulties paying bills. inflation and high energy price is brought on by the cobit pandemic. and then the war and ukraine has hit household budgets hard,
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but europe's actually doing better than expected. at some point, governments were planning for power outages and energy rationing to get through a wind. so without rushing gas, while the economy isn't surprising, the worst b is have less and then the big picture is less bad, then was initially thoughts. despite the gloominess, there is some reason for optimism, wages of growing and inflation is dropping. europe overall is pretty comfortable. a part of what makes europe crate is also part of what makes your up challenging, which is it's, it's inertia, you know, people are used to having a certain level of health care and public services. they're not used to changes in that. if you look as european union in, in global, there's not too many notes. so many domains where we are not the one of the top
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performers. we are one of the most innovative continents in the world. we are a wealthy continental, the very high purchasing a purchasing power. your position as an economic superpower is being tested in the face of crisis. but so far the consonant has showed more resilience then predicts it. so what you dw use here live from the united bank is the one thanks for watching you again. thanks. now with mobile headline, the, these places in europe smashing stepped into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin club to discuss some of us regular bragging sites. on youtube and also in the mountain west.


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