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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news light from bell in russia launch is a massive aerial assault on ukraine. rocket said several cities across the country, including the capital t, hold on a dozen people, a dead silence continued to ring out. and then you, when one's a 150000 people in guns, i have no way to go as well as intensifying it. red ground. defensive keeps driving desperate families to the south of this trip. but no way in gaza is said to be, say, the
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i've been fooling woke up at least 18 people have been killed in many more in j, march. ukrainian officials say is the biggest russian air results since the start of the pool. the government says more than 150000 drawn strong cities nationwide heating binary infrastructure, industry, and military facilities inflicting widespread damage. a desperate attempt to find some vises tombstone do happen to find a russian attack in property. sure. just one of many in work you clean scrolling the biggest data store since the beginning of the one bit devastating this on this we are in the southern city of for desa motor homes destroyed production selling and in the eastern city of the pro, strikes,
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skimmed and wounded civilians, a shilling also destroying this much under default quickly. finally, it allowed in the area of drawing may need to evacuate. it was very like, it had never happened before since the beginning of the war. everything was blown away. windows and doors were smashed. the biggest strikes, hitting the shopping center with emergency choose grumbling to find those missing and destruction also in the western city of louise, fish federal homes and schools have been destroyed while there's a lot of damage. 10 residential buildings, practically all of them, of damage to the wind in some old windows blew out doors. i walked back with our communities who is blowing into pieces. these images are from the catholic, these keys a warehouse burned down by russian strikes. in the early hours,
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many took shelter in the metro station waiting for the end of the shelling. cleaning of the should see the manage to intercept more than a theme is size and around. 30 jones, but russia sees or targets were hit. the mass of with deck has left many in shock. ukraine sees after disciplined bergman. any doctor for twos with moscow appears to be impossible correspondence on your found. okay, joins us from keith. so here i believe these attacks have continued throughout the day. that's correct, then i mean, i was just sheltering not too long ago in a metro station along with crowds of people because it was get to know the every to the full key of and several of the regions of in ukraine, the print, a full said there was a risk of, you know, cruise and sizing launch from russia. we heard later about a rocket tape in the region of tread coffee, which is not far from cuba. and right now, i am sure in our district,
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in cave of quite close to the city 2nd. so where fragments of rocket that we're down to by you creating a defense this morning, damage several buildings, the regular stations behind me, the facade was damaged. there's another highlight really offices were on the windows are blown out and the overhead houses that were hits in 3 districts in keys . i was in one of, of obviously the decision one of those warehouses, assistance ordering. that was an operation on just the field of building, and they told him in key was also going up. a price between all conform dave ramirez is about to 2 people. enjoyed many of them hospitalized and several cities . uh, as i mentioned being targeted in this, this huge attack that's good. i mean, reports are coming in of really kind of a rising the tools and, and damage from cities across the green. i think one of the worst affected cities is actually the southern city of is up patricia away. now, the victoria has been revised up to 7 people in all day. it is, you know,
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don't get to talk in the residential area. the city of khaki, which is close to the russian border was also came under heavy attack and sustained . it's the same a mass of attack for over 3. i was to be a hospital in a school they were targeted. the eastern city of naperville has also faced heavy rocket fire. i'm attempting to hospital and shopping center there. uh, lots of hits. now these are on the schools front like cities. i'm the not the defense system saying i'm not as strong as they are to. this is something that the equipment part is recent months have been really pressing the risk and partners to provide them with more air defense systems like the patriots to protect, you know, frontline cities like khaki but also regions, legs off for the show and audience, dw correspondence on your phone and get with the latest there from keith. thank you . of the united nations has borne the 150000 people in god's. i have no way to go. as israel widens it's s c
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and ground defensive against thomas classified. a tamara group by many countries, dozens of palestinians, mostly women and children, were killed in a new wave of his way. the strength of an ice attacks have driven tens of thousands south to the city of rafael and the egyptian border. the nowhere and garza is considered sex. a warning, this report contains graphic images, a forensics search full survive of the aftermath of an era strike on an apartment in russia, in gas to sell an injured baby to is among those clues from the ric inch to risk. it was races to hospital as well as the injured children or of revising the we escape from northern gather and a standing at my sister's house. we came here to rosa and then they hit the neighbor's house which collapsed on to us. we came from the north because they said
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we'd be safe here. i wish we'd been much, they hadn't least hadn't come here. more than 80 percent of gas and estimated to being forced from the home. now israel strikes are intensifying and impact areas with meaning. we're told i'd be sending israel has consumed was responsible for christmas eve strike on my kazi refugee camp. it said it quote, regrets at the home close to uninvolved civilians for the bombing which killed death. to well, meaning is really support the worry fits the rad, growing close for an into the blood sheet with hundreds of arabs and israelis rarely able to give the intel of these the both
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people induce people standing together. we live together as i do believe we can. we peacefully, severely muslims, jews, christians. this is everybody's the only solution is to recognize that from titled to life. read of the diesel from the finding them gas that has now passed 21000 people. most of them women and children, according to the come last run helpful far to of the let's take a look now at some of the other stories from around the world. a prominent active as to campaign for independence of a home called me to seeking political asylum in britain. 20 chung was among the 1st to be convicted under a sweeping national security lower in post bind aging. following pro democracy
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protests in 2019 germany is on high look for flooding with heavy rain full battery . many areas. this will say this situation in the northwest is critical as rivers and streams overflowed. in western germany, full cost is born almost a month's worth of rain could full in the day ahead. europeans are becoming increasingly pessimistic about their economic downslope. a survey of the you citizens shows 7 out of 10 think the standard of living will full in the coming year. that the block has been more resilient than many expected, dw, christine world wide reports from brussels. the lights on the twinkling, but for many life indeed, it feels like it's losing its shine. with the inflation, everything goes good, higher like the price of for a living in a center. he is like at least $500.00. so hard, if i want to get some great food, i know that i have to invest more than i did before. so that's something i need to
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be concerned about because i still want to have high standards and statements. foods definitely feels like the sound of the living is getting was i live in the u . k, but we have a lot of friends across europe and we have the same thing for me, pretty much one of them. and most people don't expect things to improve. and opinion poll earlier this month showed 73 percent of kia pins. think their standard of living will go down in the next year. and full in 10 people says 8 in the same polls. say if they sometimes most of the time have difficulties paying bills. inflation and high energy price is brought on by the cobit pandemic. and then the war and ukraine has hit household budgets hard, but you it's actually doing better than expected at some point. definitely. and so a planning for power outages and energy rationing to get through a wind. so without rushing gas, while the economy isn't surprising, the worst b is have less and then the big picture is less bad then was initially thoughts.
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despite the gloominess, there is some reason for optimism, wages of growing and inflation is dropping. europe overall is pretty comfortable. part of what makes europe free is also part of what makes your up challenging, which is it's, it's inertia. you know, people are used to having a certain level of health care and public services. they're not used to changes in that. if you look as european union in, in the, in global. so there's loved too many notes. so many domains where we are not the one of the top performers. we are one of the most innovative continents. and the world we are a lo fi, continental the very high purchasing a purchasing power. your position as an economic see the power is being tested in the face of crisis, but so far the confidence has shown more resilient than predicted. then your window from our business task is here. we're going to take
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a closer look at this one more resilient than predicted. we're talking about europe . that what about your biggest economy, germany thought, well, germany is still doing well in the ranking of countries in the world of cos. i'm to stick with the mood of christine's report across germany has record employment. the deck stuck index of top german firms is doing extraordinarily well. and also you have the potential for increased business investment as interest rates come down, spots and it's a very, very big but the economy is struggling. there's no other way of saying that having grown in only 2 of the last 6 quarters, it's very difficult economically in germany. right. so why is germany struggling so much? i mean, it seems to have everything set up for success. well, let's look at all of the things that make up by this buzz. why do you keep hearing g d p? that's a way of measuring economic growth. well, most of the factors that make that up a struggling best stagnant, i mean start off with high energy prices. it's this is affecting households massively. the drug companies removing subsidies,
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helping household that's going to impact the spending. that also hasn't a knock on affects energy intensive industries. think of, you know, chemicals and steel feed into other core industries like com, making in germany. so the spending is going to be down. and also the, the demand from just the german products from keyma because like china is also struggling. and finally, there's this whole in the budget off the court ruling and germany has basically meant that the government's having to dock it's spending back. all of these factors make up g, d p, and that's why germany is struggling. what is going to have of a stagnant new? yeah. isn't there a lot germany could do to change the situation. i mean, it is reform good to be one of the ones who go to use it. oh, absolutely. how did you know then? um what goals and it is. it is good about sweeping aside bureaucracy. it's about making investments in key industries like energy. let's say that's going to be a big factor for germany going into the future. and also addressing challenges
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which are very, very difficult, like the declining workforce in germany too. and what's happening with the car industry as well. competition popping up all over the globe. but that's why it's very hard to say that germany is set up for a happy new year. it sounds like you're going to have a tricky new year in 2024. they'll be a lot of reports on that stuff, especially daniel with a thank you very much for coming in and reporting on that one for us. still watching dw use a reminder of a top story that they sell it. ukraine says at least 18 people have been killed in the biggest rush an aerial attack since the start of the war. we saw said several cities including the capital key and thousands of civilians have been killed in gaza as well as military campaign against homeless gradually shift to the south of the territory. as well as intensifying its attacks. there were hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians of fled to escape. the finding of to explain
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for the documentary, celebrating african design is combining success on the capital with sustainability . i been presented in berlin. thanks for watching and have more international news for you next hour. you're on think of the, we want to be the number one for the book or is 00. the click the queen and her entire crime. russia in the to the cells one calling and they don't currency, then she disappears. oh, so twice as i mentioned, willis about the will. must one said woman crypto queen stance descend associates on dw.


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