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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 5:15pm-5:29pm CET

5:15 pm
and is nothing is impossible, but i'd be in this for me and just to be here is a, is a victory, and i have the my, i want to have the chance to enjoy on the couch. so you've been watching dw use on painful and thanks for watching. i'll see you again tomorrow, feel. gail will have, you'll do 6 down by the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different things from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my swan fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
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unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to. and then when generations clash, january 14th on d, w. the hello dear friends, welcome to most of them. i asked them, my name is how long the better i'm a conductor for mexico. and i just want to invite you to enjoy this wonderful show where you will meet amazing musicians from all over the world. a see the back stage live and their stories of how they put this beautiful music together. the, the next episode takes me back to my friends in civic that tongue holly or cast as to if that has been a for the past stick orchestra to work with for the past many years. and in this
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case, with one of my best musical friends, fabulous. find the so it's a pleasure for me to introduce him to you for you to join us in our chaps in our reunion after so many years. the carrier as to who has said, who will have the civic on the new york and most of museum because perfect difficult, perfect. the one that they're going to say is balance. and then i have to score music and i was to the end of those as the i did want to be on the exam. we
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establish the . 2 the west houston, the same funny, this is fine and i guess that quest around christmas quest because i am but some project the then they bought the. 6 orchestra of the americans use, i would guess like if and then and, and no, i don't have to come to them and if the sign of it book last with a lot, 3 minute, as soon as you want processing with me, i remember he goes to see me more than 10 years ago i was putting together my very 1st album. me, i remember he can. and i couldn't think of a better soloist than powerless science be yes. we have work together. we went to
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school together. get that going as like on the last of is what i was in the one of my quote, this time i'd like to send the houston a delay. he stay while i see you, then to the back one. does he get bene? you i think most of us to predict the moment he cannot forget, ah said phone for the oil heat. uh you, when it was present, but unfortunately, i know. yeah, yes. the engine a yeah. must be mesa, is it coming up again? and ponce, and you're going to have the volume better because netflix has moved to the heart of a gig on the side of your window. and miss, you say, okay, say say i use that. i believe that one minute, whatever the close here that you put on it as quite the front end bit less magazine . the
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guys can see i'm but i guess that's it. i'm going to give us a medic, s p. i want to see, i'm going to say no m u b a home of sin, and horner's dogs. i mean to present dick what time it was his home a month. and then when does the brand see me? what is the new, what is it for? leslie, almost always suddenly he signed me up. i'm talking to you on portland today. god for me, then see that you're, you're not going to get us. i understand that you, you have, you're gonna have key and, and it's been audio. the main thing you know is going to the, is a, it does come to kind of a review to most, he got a this and then a lot of the most, he got the concept of the s and, and course the mentality good at the same level that's the best, see what is the the,
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the use of the flooding, the the, the like where those alone without was the fees that i was always asking me to play, please record those a lot of them. and it's such a beautiful piece. but of course, very technically difficult, but no matter when where and at what time he would be able to perform this amazing pieces the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, this little chalet in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the us. and he's going to tell me all about spanish dance and his music and folk, or the
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good thing is if we get up on the same, the, so the most off in front of you know, what was assuming effect. okay, so you get like the one that douglas got the a a see my 2nd, i'm gonna yeah. okay. it, it is because i like what i think that's what it says that the buy supplemented to money skitta. i invested this other way. i know missed the ballot. excuse me, hard. okay. but i say that i've been to the most collab did that several demo the while that yeah,
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but if there's any way that they then run the file. yeah. and then somewhere else because it, as if someone is, i am a product that, that, that, that is the, the, the, the, the, the way it's my status or the consumer. the sort as i've been those guys concept for k is, but that meant is fine. you know, the name of that goes into the west e and somebody else us because i'm wondering if i would get, i'm completely done espanol which of them. so these things that's going to hold academics as the cast guess at the dentist plesk on this. that goes into those answers that amount of time to help them set up an envelope for me to electronically. no. i mean go my way to find out some of the video in going down.
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so the speed i see on you obviously got for claudia. got you, fleming, lot federal guy come over and famine. cool. is it underneath the mall in reasonable way to do that? we have a solid. see the nice thing my friend that was done last night alondo to i mean go see him play tough in a law. said little stuff about the arrows, the diesel. i feel be so is it? yeah, that's what i'm at here at the the . 2 the soonest, as those sort of have some new incentives from that it did act as an flemming go. all that they, i, that gets a let me see off, i'm clearly got you in menu interest as
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a ford pass when you're trying to say clearly spot seal. but i like over me like all play, squander underneath mall the season. well then, then then by loud face i sent it and i then bell and we said u e o, who did you live in this house? and i mean, look over the years for some of the more you mean to the like can see that the quiz for guitar is a piece that so many people of that. so many people have heard is extremely popular
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. and it's 2nd movement in particular because it's so poignant and so painful and so beautiful at the same time. and i have done this with several good terrorist to, but never have i felt what i feel when my performance was popular, the with i never have to look at him. i just know where his breath is and where things will fall. and it is this in the visibility, which to me is as close to magic as one can get the, the i combine, you know, the, now what are you, the more you mean and also,
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i mean go deal of the mortgage unit and the yeah, it's a guy that he's happy, i'm not going to be not doing that goes as the space on those, but those things that that, that, that, that, that, that got. well, that's good. given it is a good one. you've been going through again, sweetser and this stuff with the, in charlotte and many other lies and find as the broadcast is good. so she has converted to the email system. uh for me, this is the new phone has been similar. okay. let me in to someone and see the we will need to plan sonya uh the


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