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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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for the does it say the news of life from the russian launch is a massive aerial assault on ukraine rocket tickets across the country, including the capital cave more than 20 people on that. also on the program, u. n. ones at 150000 people in gaza have no ex ago is rails intensifying and ground. defensive is driving desperate families to the sides of the territory, but no income that is sites back is agents of human rights abuses. this bangladesh approaches a crucial election, the prime minister shrugs off and one is that democracy is being
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a relative. she has some powerful international impact. the children who are welcome to the program. at least 26 people have been killed in many more inches and want your training and officials say is the biggest russian at all. so since the war began, government says more than a $150.00 mist 1000 drones for fixes across the country, causing widespread damage to bundle infrastructure, as well as industrial and ministry facilities. schools and the maternity hospital were among the buildings here. we can look at this with uh, marina mid and who's a postdoc, total research, and the worst studies departments at kings college london, john, just from the music. welcome back to the company, marine. what is your assessment of the scale? i think the timing of this assault which your crime is described as the heaviest,
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yet a good afternoon field. well, russia has been collecting muscles and preparing. we haven't seen the scale of an attack on ukraine since the start hopes of war and deep. and specifically, after ukraine has intensified, it strikes on the black sea fleeting from mia and after the destruction of a russian overture across ship on december 29th. and it seemed logical that a rush of would respond was a beverage of missiles and ruins. however, this amount of missiles and drones has more perhaps been seen before. so they seem to have targeted amongst other things according to ukraine, defense industry official. so some production side. so they are trying to destroy ukrainian, the military capability, and it's inception. right. and of course this massive show
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a force at the time when ukrainians have been talking about having to pick that that, that target capital a because they're running out of munition to absolutely, it also has of psychological effect on the population in ukraine. and there seems to be and new law regarding mobilization in making, so that could potentially have an impact to show that the ukraine has no chance against russia. obviously because russia has used literally every muscle in its arsenal, ballistic cruise missiles drains. so it was a show of force in word that we can you crane into we can you brains results and also to send the message to the international community and polish defense courses have said, but i'm going to quote you everything indicates as a russian messiah and to poland, asked space, is this likely to be true to,
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to impact military support for ukraine? so everything is possible and um, according to polish authority, is the time we'd coincide with the time when russia launched is version of missiles . so it's plausible that the russian missile might have entered the polish air space and has violated the there therefore is the error space. it wasn't supposed to be there, but it has exit it so it didn't lead to any damage or destruction. now of course, for this time, but it is worrying, and so i think on the one hand in european countries will try to provide you created was more air defenses. and we've seen the porosity of those air defenses in this attack. and there might be efforts to also bolster, pull its own air defenses and its own capability, not just by deploying it,
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more air defenses to pull in, but also by deploying more troops and reinforcing that border thanks a lot. so marina marina wrong, i'm going to she alice from kings college. linda, thank you for having me. of the united nations is one of 160000 people in gaza has no way to go. was israel widens, it's asked c and ground defensive against a mouse, which has been classified a tenant group by many countries. dozens of people, mostly women and children, were killed in a new wave. and these ran you as strikes overnight. attacks has driven civilians south to the city of rafa on egypt shall folder, even the noah in casa is considered safe. next report contains images that you might find just as a friend click search for survivors. in the aftermath of an issue strike on an apartment in process in kansas, sell an engine baby do is among those clues from the
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wreckage to risk. it was races to hospital. the width of the injured children are over. i think the we escaped from northern gather and a standing at my sister's house. we came here to rosa and then they hit the neighbor's house which collapsed on to us. we came from the north because they said we'd be safe here. i wish we'd be much, they hadn't least hadn't come here. move an easy to seem to have guns at estimated to being forced from the homes. now, israel strikes are intensifying and impact areas would mean a would told it'd be sending. israel has consumed was responsible for a christmas eve strike on my god, the refugee camp. it said it quote regrets at the home close to uninvolved
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civilians for the bombing which killed death while many is riley support to worry fits the rod growing pools for an into the blood sheet with hundreds of arabs and israelis rarely able to give the intel of these or the is about our people induce people standing together. we live together as i do believe it is a peaceful muslims, jews, christians. this is everybody's the only solution is to read nice. the title to life. read of the dates told from the fighting a guy has now passed $21000.00 people, most of them women and children,
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according to the come last run helpful far too. so it's a bangladesh ritual whole parliamentary elections on sunday. opposition rights groups say of the vote can be neither free, no fair, and they accuse the current government of carrying out a brutal track down be trial, the jailing, thousands of opposition policy leaders and activists then longest serving female prime minister in the wood. yes she's, i've seen a, has people like this head of government since 2009 deleted of the building of i'm leak body was further concerned at the top hour after the elections in january 7, to the main opposition bundle of dish nest. this body or b and b is by cutting the contest, causes of b and b lead to members, and supporters have been changed on what the body sees are particularly motivate discharge of the document face of the completion of beauty gushing broad as it
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denies that occasions and blooms the b and b for arson attacks aiming to undermine the government. human rights groups and activists are warning about the illusion of democracy under has the not. but the father foot prime minister is on the 3rd. one reason isn't to mention nibble india, the fastest growing economy in the region, india hordes considered a both political and diplomatic drought over tucker, which liquid solomon. in the last couple of years. our relationship on all important matters has grown stronger. hodge today, long last bangladesh is india is our biggest development partner part all several minutes mark month would be also sees bunker, these assets. this is a lie, an important for that security especially to contain the tape of that ism and it's not eastern states. india sees security due to you did there when the b and b was
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in charge and other fiber food spock no is china. it is heavy investing in infrastructure and defense projects in bangladesh. talk of hunger for development of helping china expand its footprint in the, in the best of pick. a gold dust you're supposed to do. it is investing in energy projects. russian president spoke to them. they know creation of production backed nuclear power plant to bangladesh is our tested ally and partner our relations are built on the basis of mutual respect, equality and benefits. china, russia and india have largely speed silent. and dorothy and us criticism, especially from the american administration over testing of human rights record. the us state department announced visa restrictions in september on anyone
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undermining the toilet process in bangladesh. for 3 to 5 years on its side, she casino, striking off any criticism of how she is handling things at home. let's look at this with michael google man, who is the south asia experts and deputy director of asia program at the wilson center in washington dc. welcome to dw, so how much credibility will sunday's elections have if that being pointed to, by the main opposition policy? to be clear, whenever the top opposition party in an election is not participating in the election, you can say it's a credible election. now a bundle there says the ruling party will say, well look, we didn't prevent the being p from participating. we didn't dana, and that's true. but you know, we need to understand the condition of the contributed to the p. n p. decision not to run it essentially as the or the, the election would not be credible. and then it would be rig,
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and not to mention the last few weeks of the report noted before the b and p had been hit hard, very hard by crackdowns. and i'll say this, the b and p boycott really helps the you want me like, not just because of what most certainly when, but now you can't really accuse the want me legal rigging the election. you know, if the want me, we were to win 95 percent of the vote. you can't accused of stealing pulse if it's essentially running against itself. right, so what does this tell us that about the states of bangladesh as democracy? i would argue that the election is a pivotal test for democracy in bangladesh or the last 2 national elections in 2014. and especially 2018 were viewed by many of the international community is not free and fair. and i think that if this 3rd consecutive election is the 3rd consecutive election, is the judge in that way as well with the allow me lead coming back again for a 4th term. the 3rd term, pardon me, a 4th term. then you know,
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that could mean many outside bangladesh in particular, and also inside the country will view the country as something that's approximating a one party state. i also think that there are key implications for some western countries, especially the u. s. which may well decide to review their future relations with a government and bundle dash that they believe is not held free and fair elections . i'm will type in us example. what does the us have that bottom of ash once? why, why should bangladesh k, what b y says as well, i mean, uh, bangladesh must recognize. it does recognize that the us as a top trade partner at the top destination for bangladesh as government exports, as well as bound to dash, the exports on the whole. so i think that the trade relationship is very important for, for bangladesh and country that's enjoy significant levels of economic growth, of and including under the, the, the shape of senior administration. so i think that the commercial partnership is
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enough to make on the dash recognize how important the relationship was with the us . but not important enough to prompt bangladesh to actually heed the pressure that's come from the us government over the last year. so for a free and fair election, i think that that pressure from the u. s. has, has had very limited success. i'm sorry, how much russia and, or china, i feel any a gap left 5 of us. well i think that we've seen all the key players in the region. the china as well as india and russia for that matter has strengthened relations of bangladesh and a big way. they have a very strong comfort level with the current government. and of course, the us is on the other side of that, but i don't necessarily think that even if the election is regarded is not free and fair. and even if the us decides, perhaps to scale down its relations with bangladesh in a way that doesn't mean that the us for us appear from the scene. the us wants to
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have a good relationship with buying a dash and sees a bangladesh is a key player and it's brought her into a pacific vision. it wants to try to push back against china. you then thank you so much as well. that will leave it there. thank you. so thank you, michael, google and from the the wilson center. thank. next, i'm the w music of maestro features the prominent mexican fingers and composes out the back of the company. the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight people's screens the around the world more than 100 and.


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