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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 2:15am-2:31am CET

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motion over this confidence in the world, we are a wealthy continental, the very high purchasing a purchasing power. your position as an economic see the power is being tested in the face of crisis. but so far the consonant has showed more resilient than predicted. as money is in our website and youtube channel told me the lifeline by land likes watching. the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center, the straight pieces, the around the world more than 150000000 people us we
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of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw may 4 mines my name is how long the father and the mexican conductor, the great musicians, friends from all over the world. the today were in mexico city of my hometown,
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and we're about to meet with one of my favorite musicians. the, he's the person i know who knows the most about the mexican song, especially the level the throw, but you've got, they got and the difference for the music of each area and region of mexico. and tonight he has the show at the depth or let's do that and we're going to sneak him back stage to see what he's doing right before the show and see what he has to share with. the reason why i was concerned, i will think i can most, today's i q the if give us the story the we're not doing this, you look at the front desk, can you hear me well as low as it goes,
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mass compared to stick with my school is composing thought of a lease that needs to get there, at least the gums that you present on these cool little bundle things and use it to your body. actually come to the end of the levels as well as see a manuals then definitely look through the that's gives us the look at the that's what i will double believe going. is this to death. ok. live on the us, but i'm sorry. it is one which is what is what i'm ok if i will show nadia the was all you've done was that what i'm looking to not be then is to is to is to send me those ideas but isn't them then i will. these will come look at maybe then me, some of the look at the schedule, my go see it. oh no. it says how many gigs could that be then? got it. okay. is that, you know, in the process that i use the
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idea on the what do i mean for me? let me see, i like goodness, i got the letter like i was hoping he can. he's on the see if that's the least i can look on the beautiful when you get bullied, i thought we'd just let them in because it actually when they give us a better service. okay. so your minnesota e and or will you can if i put them on the
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photography, i mean i just the police department, the mozy got the little and well, the candle. but you're the scandal, the is this just seemed that the winning team ask you and i listened to the way that it was done, which is a new telling me by mincing up on that rosie's close knows it and think there's a skilled at the. yeah. so, you know, is this something that you're trying to, what is going to support amino took several be and i meant to get the details or was the other way. is this the the
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the the, the easily the one. busy the
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and the this time i get to work with one of my favorite artist and one of my favorite friends. and the got it mexican pop singer who was for my, for fun several times. and i always look forward to the moments that i get to spend time with her and share the stage because we connect so easily. so in such
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a fluid way. and when i just looked at her eyes, there's disconnection and beautiful sense of complicity and joy. so let's see how this covers go in many of that and do that then the in, inside your mind doing a lot of money. gotta tell you where to send the the
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the. 7 the
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the way my was the stupid in the me seeing the years but it's good time. look at the stuff was like as more nevada for enrollment, the, you know, so i still that and this bus everything around the can west and then they come in and like it literally is being though he went on the
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the have you all ready for going to getting is necessary. our brains use discard some things in order to keep the important thing. when does forget to come a disease thread, we're offering you hope in the development of drugs against alzheimer's and dementia. so please, don't forget to watch tomorrow to day. next on d w,
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this is not made of plastic. this doug is made some to pull. some is in bangladesh, it promises an economic boost. and so the load is a tinge of future without plastic, but processing to, to is expensive, complex and time consuming. so what's the low down on the golden natural flight? in 45 minutes on d, w, the under glistening place of the mediterranean its most is convex. people of many of mazda and jeff are up to korea. to us during modern lodge styles submitted to
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a new meeting, ceiling victory. this week dw, the if you will, from the city, you might not know that those looms improve the quality and structure of soil. and they also play a decisive role in el paso with climate change, because they're responsible for storing huge amounts of c o 2 in the ground. but 1st, let's focus on our memory. we still saw show, with the reports about remembering, followed by another about guessing will come to tomorrow today to science program on d. w.


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