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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 6:30am-7:01am CET

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and this shouldn't be this one here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice is explore and untouched into the ice. january dw, the hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. you already know this is the show dedicated to africa is youth who are the majority on the continent. i am your host at e, michael junior. you can already go on your knees and say a prayer because we're going to talk about religion. religion can be a waiting for people to seek solutions. so find in that piece when life hits them with so many challenges. but some preachers can exploit this. let's find out
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and new episode of our series dig into the re investigates the phenomenon of faith . hospice will use god read on the gospel to manipulate and exploit vulnerable people. now show by hands if you've said a prayer today, i'm going to show most of you raise your hands, and that's not surprising because religion, please imagine a rule in many african societies. religion can be simply described as the system of faith and worship, where people communicate with the spiritual power or powers by fig, prophets and beyond. black hole, churches continue to flourish by taking advantage of vulnerable people. in south africa, we expose some of the most heinous, sexual offenders in the countries of recent history, who commits crimes in the name of god. these go to come
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a time. when for us process, we last talk statements. statement is happening now. right in front of the bible seas said you positions and give to the poor. in recent to you as a was a self proclaimed prophets of come to see the follows and cherish wadley positions . will continue to be rich or continue to be. multi millionaires will continue to be multi billionaires and will continue to preach of jesus would died on the cross for us fucking miracles and prophecies post as a lowering costs of believe us into the charges to save from the money and abused them all to leave a life of luxury, the it has it has broken. right? this is what we came up every day. ok, at least the church and i'm not we approach on
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the church mafia is out to destroy you live the only one that was really perfect. oh yeah. not only is what they do, the false prophets are everywhere, but the victims also unite and ton against them. time to say shit is on the does not go into charges anymore. too painful of the memories. for these interview however, she agrees to meet and one close to a whole mean johannes, back of the gifted single, vividly remembered oh, she and the young girls were lowered by gospel music to join the congregation close to the home called the jesus dominion international church.
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i think that's for me. that's what gripped me into the church. i always loved music . god wanted to be a singer for as long as i, you know, could read and, and just hearing them and how the saying they sounded like angel timothy, almost also the touch found setup a single gospel plan god ones of the he met sunday on the left in this for quoting a lead singer, she moved to the touch of drones together. we talked to the young women. they believed these to be this type of this thing, 3 is just to realize what materials really intention, fungible and away from the friends and findings. the process started to sexually abused them when he rips only for the 1st time. she is a mind unconvinced that the past couple months have been to the powers that can destroy the what he said to me was that,
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you know, i was, i was 14. so if, if i told anyone, you know, the man of god could be facing jail time, which is something that cannot happen. he, he told me that this was to be covenants between himself, myself and god. and that if, if i were to tell anyone that would be breaking the covenant and the punishment for breaking a covenant was this. so it was a sudden finishing on the recordings from the time we see each other is only putting off a smile for the cameras in reality because she was caught in a web of fear and intimidation. we'd have to ment, underwood ever more, goes into his scheme zone. do finally, must a distant to speak to her mother, will help part to flee, to touch and go to the police. in 2017 special forces of police arrested but also at the airport before he could escape to his narrative nigeria
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with ms. gave a hearing testimony of her pause to timothy on the toaster, and they just b, 6 in the violated her. at the age of 14. he is elia the biggest lie that he's ever told was that he's a man of god. a. he is an abuse. he is a pretty tough, he does not care about other people's feelings. he is not sophistic and the world revolves around him. it's not talked about and how like a survivor has to do so much work to literally close himself out of this image. this survive or this victim image and all the expectations that come with it of the telling your story. who isn't as much as you supported? yes. you're also someone punished for telling
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a story by society. now of a sudden you countries, so certainly now all of a sudden you can't, you can't be a sexual person because how, how else can you be a sexual person? if you assist with the assaulted a group testimony in cottage, many victims to speak out, an almost also is currently facing $6.00 to $3.00 times as a fripp human trafficking on record tearing. but soon these troubles of, for, from over police intelligence from a higher security, please on informed to that keep them in what offered a bone to on head you know, this is a very sad story that evokes a lot of anger. now, while the case is still pending, the game of hope is that passed on more to so has been behind boss for almost 6 years. he's being charged with rape, record sharing, and human trafficking. we'll get back to that story soon. but 1st,
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we have to say such a big past is not only in south africa, it was processed and prophecies fucking points and gun. um yeah. very privileged, very election where preachers claim to know outcomes gullible for the west. also, consequently, get you with some preachers location, are they prosecute, say, when the victims reports to the police with freedom of worship and train and guidance goes through the same. these are remain a sensitive one. list is same as clumping down our religious, right. the 1st preference no does abuse people's respect for religion. about 20 yards it go. it's called to the convinced is follow us up to us taking them to heaven. on one evening he reported to get them in a church, a bunch of him. about 700 people died. did they come to my 2nd today was to have this sort of court meant of god's claiming supernatural powers from
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predicting footboard on election results to claiming to cure diseases. like cons. there's tell evangelists allegedly paying people to pretend that they've been healed. this past was asking people to send the money at every opportunity and or recent tragedy spots. an outcry as follows, of a pastor at tennis coast stopped himself to death. in the hope of redemption, kenya has in the past taking steps to regulate some of the churches, but nobody really wants to meddle with were that just freedom. but when tragedy strikes, it's a wake up call and most churches don't want this happening and they want clearly it's really happening all across the continent. or have you heard about such fake passed the incidents in your area. so i started with us and we're now in tay talk. the name about channel is dw underscore the 77 percent. so hate feel free and connect with us on that thoughtful fall. let's get back to the issue of faith
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passed as committed crimes occasion. can you sense chills down the spines of many? let's find out more. on the flip side, when you are at the low points in your life, any form of head can be very tight. okay, now for instance, it goes to the featured reports in the to it is pull us to fast onto the meat. jesus is victim stuff today. and that starts to quote for $32.00 pretest. come on cost africa and then lucky claims i live in catastrophic consequences. behind so is it time to stump the welcome to the flip side, because in kenya, it's not an isolated one. this preacher truth is going to be gods around us cuz people to eat grass racks. and this one gives for the show us, the liquid we met, at least is just endless. but what's all it is bridges having
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come on is that the place has an was in the appreciate. some people capitalize one text or screenshot it, they use it to money relate to people and they used to explain to people's emotions into exploits people's needs. some of these creatures shy away from this claim, the extreme was why the condition language in abject poverty. in some cases they would use the elite is in an extreme is in so that the need of a seem to have the right content. good. and therefore whatever the safeguards and therefore whatever they say courthouses and then people just do whatever these toner funded fixed. you need to know the differences between the gospel according to jesus christ and this new so called from there it goes to help people say because of all of your needs, come to jesus, give me all your money and then you'll get health and work. i don't have extreme gets a 2nd hold on because of all the because it was important that kind of be sold.
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well, that's the most of that. so it's clear that 1st started to pigeon is quote, is what the main question is. a soul plus birds pretend to be stopped and the original gospel of christ being for the best initial that the judge party that understands, don't treat another way to prevent this from happening is not clear to speak so back to possibly independent religious bodies. quotes the quotes is in, in range of from the less government. i'm really just buddies. oh, it's the other night in washington to protect them from these posts, berry, to purchase. that has been the website. things blew out for that. one thing is for sure, that should be a way to protect vulnerable people. for sports and features are quite come on across the continent. back in south africa, we'll look at how some past is a finding sneaky ways of an origin themselves.
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the name of that that'd be on a sunday morning in the old coast of pretoria members of jesus mission judge got the to prepare for their weekly songs. many of them praying to one prophet ship that we should be waves of fiction. please refer to as mid to one. what's your claim? see? can q a heads a v and even make people wealthy? however, such miracles come at a cost concrete guns bring them cush, cellphones and other valuables hoping for the profiting provincial deadlines. the that'd be the end of
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the properties. no, we have to be phone except smiling from a pulse. the machine is on the run. wanted full fraud and money laundering. the people give the cause, patients and education funds and lost everything in 2019, the profit was arrested out on pain. however, he money to feed the country. meanwhile, he's touched, remains active in south africa, written by trusted left nuns. as here in pretoria, the the congregation moved inside, well bond is warming up, the believe us. there are also allegations that will she use discharge to groom young women for sexual relationships and fretting those who dare to speak out to
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day pasta, my boot, and one of which is the visual sounds. mix of prophecy for a young woman desperately trying to find a job. the of the profit to be charge of members to call to envelopes with money, which they hand over to the pasta. we are not allowed to feeling that
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despite the allegations of food on sexual assault against their touch, lita, many congregants to fiercely defend him. the people at craig middle court and nobody here the for the for getting my life just in this matter. and as soon as my life, my real human rights, i presume they have the own my life. so whatever the dog, you know, if the word doesn't forgive him, hey, good. the so low on options believes that a comfortability must come before forgiveness the jobs, but best during the list to regularly expose. it's really just comments like will show you on tv on these blog. uncle solomon has become one of the most vocal i'll
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put in. so friendly, just tell have tons, instill topic this is about the church. this is about our trustees that are happening by the church for me to advise a few people called preference dividend, nonprofit stuff for perfect because they keep taking a bunch of people, they abuse women, we take money from people that smart intelligence and very good sales people they can sell anything to you. you just need to package yourself very well put on time a suit to have a way that you can speak with a tal routine. get a place the social media long, some some cars and all that. speak the right deceitful language, but the problem is big. on the problem is not limited to south africa. washrooms or receive calls for help from across the continent. recently received a message from a young woman in levels. what last thousands of euros to a prophet, this named, you must see, you must see. thanks to items encouragement. the young woman went to the police and
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opened the case against you must see was no wanted by the authorities. to day i shall just following up on the case a 3 d c, because i see since he's been arrested one of the police say, you know, because she has a court case and hopefully some sort of just going to come the new place i moved to i was to disclose my address, wasn't there might be some people watching me or something like that. yes. so even though you must see is not in police. custody of victims may still be trees. false prophets like cough often operates as
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a part of a criminal syndicates with henchmen whose job is to intimidate and spread fear. washrooms knows that from a personal experience. some of these people came to my house in the night 3 times and tracking my wife. course nothing to do with it will come in to kill you. what the children and the sad part of it is. no one is doing much body. we have say we kind of nice way to live sites take time to play. nice old it's time for us. oh, just that that's right. we all have a role to play in stopping feet past this for me using and abusing people. people like to come financing from move. well, we had at the end of the report having trying to draw attention to the problem. but there is constant of position. so low in 2017,
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for quite us each of the former comfortable rights and language commission. i investigated all criminal organizations, what operating food touches she interviewed, hundreds of touch leaders and victims under commended ways to establish proper office site. her report was ignored by political leaders and ultimately, course didn't quite nicely show over her job. the deputy president said she is staring up too much trouble. yes. a, it's a, it's a so static problems. it's a sad problem, but it's unfair putting it to kind of problem because you find that when those 10 free elections, for instance, sets in political prices go to this searches looking for, for you kind of step that's a system. it's a nice the question as to forget to folks said so
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which is what it is at some point today i realized, okay, leave them being they see if they will put it to sales can offend. oh is this votes for what? a bucket preferred shift. i wish it is, jesus nation. charging pretoria, putnam a boon. the works through the wrongs to pray for each member individually up to 6 hours of service hungry guns are in a set of trends. the
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when confronted with crimes of these prophets custom of wound as a simple explanation, major was always refer people to the bible because the same. the same challenges that we encounter today is 7, some of the exact same challenges we find in the bible. and because the bible says, track the shipment and the ship will scott to so the enemy orders tries to strike the ship with which he did with the profit is put so much fun on perfect ship would appreciate it so that the people who are not strong in faith, they will fall away from the system. it was some touch leaders like plus talked to young and the mobile and continued to justify the actions of the prophets. others find the strength to move on up to spending you as you know. so if i
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was to escape the hitman chevy is on the has phone a lot for music once again the, even though the child for her to mentor much also has been ongoing for 6 years, is on the has no fear. other started a successful singing. korea as a solo used she is currently working on our 2nd album and has been able to move on with the help of months of counseling to do with the past. and that's all that. and that is, you know, telling this kind of story shouldn't change or alter the course of your life and all the things that you had before. so in the story or before any of this kind of this kind of stuff has happened to you shouldn't change just because, you know, this has happened is still you, you're trying to still valid. and i think, and i think that's really important,
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let us just not using your identity to something that switch from zoned in out us. we know how difficult it is to break freeform uninvited them. and that chase people with the my fiance, the logical tara, an exec social pressure on its members to fully 9. but we also know how important it is to do so for yourself and others that you may find yourself in a similar situation. speak out, but seek assistance is going to be a lot of backlash, even from people that you know, within the judge, france, you're not going to fight the system, but expect the system to fight make. so it's a and by fights we have to speak as difficult as that may be
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the no matter how difficult it may be, we must be encouraged to speak out against any form of injustice. that's the only way to fight it and help make the well, the better place for you. and for me, you know, don't forget to follow us on youtube, facebook and instagram. and of course, check out a new tape, talk channel with a name, dw underscore, that's 77 percent. it's always a pleasure to hear from you. that's where we draw the captain's. thanks for sharing your time with us until next time. bye for now. no good. that's why the patriot tell me,
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did you that we bought the
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the it's time for visionaries for sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobile revolution. in
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is martin, the, the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home. go get the tennis. i was the only one. usually in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary. the crew to clean and her entire crime scene bill gives us dollars in the to the sales one calling because one point and they don't currency. we want to be the number one for the car and then she disappears with house. a trace patriot tech queen has been accused of folding victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is assigned national thriller about the wills most once at home and crypto queen stunts descend associates. i'm
7:00 am
d w. the . this is data, but the news of life from good in the un convince ross's light has the area of attack on hugh tried broken cities across the country, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than a 100. it's the face of a self by moscow since the 1st days of the war, nearly to use. also coming up, a stop warning from the u. n. a 150000 people in gaza have no way to go. as ralph intensifying in ground offensive is driving desperate families to the south of the
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territory at no out of commerce. what.


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